path: root/cups-programme.sh
diff options
authorfelics2018-05-20 19:08:56 +0200
committerfelics2018-05-20 19:08:56 +0200
commite2b9a6a4f92135c2a64d405f74d2313d0c23787d (patch)
tree8388eae8355a494a6f161115be5a3e39f424f973 /cups-programme.sh
Initial commit.
Diffstat (limited to 'cups-programme.sh')
1 files changed, 422 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cups-programme.sh b/cups-programme.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..185685e9fc25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cups-programme.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+# The purpose of the backend is to print print jobs to a file and then
+# open it with a programme which the user can set in the options.
+# License: GNU GPL Version 3 or later (at your choice), see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html (as of 2018-05-20).
+# This work is based on the 2file example backend from
+# https://community.kde.org/Printing/Developer_Tools#.272file.27_CUPS_backend_script_.28Bash_code.29,
+# retrieved on 2018-05-19, which has been licensed under GNU GPL version
+# 2 or version 3 (user's choice).
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# Abort on error
+set -e
+# The name of this backend. Do not change.
+# The config file
+# Timestamp
+tstamp="$(date '+%Y-%m-%d_%T%z')"
+# Write to stderr:
+stderr() {
+ echo "$@" 1>&2
+### Local logging:
+log_local() {
+ echo "$@" >> "${logfile}"
+### CUPS logging with corresponding loglevels:
+log_cups() {
+ stderr "$@"
+ log_local "$@"
+info() {
+ firstarg="$1"
+ shift
+ log_cups "INFO: ${firstarg}" "$@"
+notice() {
+ firstarg="$1"
+ shift
+ log_cups "NOTICE: ${firstarg}" "$@"
+warn() {
+ firstarg="$1"
+ shift
+ log_cups "WARN: ${firstarg}" "$@"
+error() {
+ firstarg="$1"
+ shift
+ log_cups "ERROR: ${firstarg}" "$@"
+crit() {
+ firstarg="$1"
+ shift
+ log_cups "CRIT: ${firstarg}" "$@"
+alert() {
+ firstarg="$1"
+ shiftlog_
+ log_cups "ALERT: ${firstarg}" "$@"
+emerg() {
+ firstarg="$1"
+ shift
+ log_cups "EMERG: ${firstarg}" "$@"
+### Reading arguments passed from CUPS:
+# Setting, and creating/clearing our logfile:
+echo -n '' > "${logfile}"
+# Make it world read- and writeable, in case we are run under varying user IDs.
+chmod 666 "${logfile}" 2>/dev/null || true
+log_local "$0 started at ${tstamp}. Our log file is: ${logfile}."
+log_local ""
+### The command we want to execute will be fetched from the environment variable 'DEVICE_URI'.
+# $DEVICE_URI format:
+# ${backend_name}:<command>?u=<user>&g=<group>&D=<display>&<argument>&<argument>...
+# All arguments, including the 'u=<user>', 'g=<group>' and 'D=<display>', are optional.
+# Argument delimiter character is '#'.
+# In '<argument>', the following replacements will be carried out:
+# - '%s' -> "${tmpfile}" (Where we save the output from CUPS),
+# - '%.' -> ' '
+# - '%_' -> '-'
+# - '%P' -> '|'
+# - '%B' -> '\'
+# - '%H' -> '#'
+# - '%Q' -> '?'
+# - '%A' -> '&'
+# - '%%' -> '%'
+# The programme will be invoked with the specified arguments, and the
+# file name of the print job appended.
+# The print job will be a PostScript file.
+# Getting the command from $DEVICE_URI:
+cmd="$(echo "${DEVICE_URI}" | sed "s|^${backend_name}":'||g' | sed 's|?.*$||')"
+# Getting the raw options, arguments, ... from $DEVICE_URI:
+argstr="$(echo "${DEVICE_URI}" | sed -n 's|^[^?]*?\(.*\)$|\1|p')"
+# Creating and retrieving the name of the temporary file, for CUPS print output:
+# tmpfile="$(mktemp --tmpdir=/tmp --suffix=.ps "${backend_name}_job-${jobid}_${jobtitle}.XXXXX")"
+# Taking the raw options, arguments, ... apart:
+IFS='&' read -r -a argv <<< "${argstr}"
+# Parsing the options, arguments, ...:
+unset user
+unset group
+unset display
+# Have this as function that we will call, so that we can make use of 'shift'.
+parse_argv() {
+ log_local "Parsing options ${@@Q}."
+ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ case "$1" in
+ u=*)
+ user="${1#u=}"
+ log_local " Parsing 'u='-option. User: '${user}'."
+ ;;
+ g=*)
+ group="${1#g=}"
+ log_local " Parsing 'g='-option. Group: '${group}'."
+ ;;
+ D=*)
+ display="${1#D=}"
+ log_local " Parsing 'D='-option. Display: '${display}'."
+ ;;
+ *)
+ arg=("$(echo "$1" | replace '%%' '%' '%s' "${tmpfile}" '%.' ' ' '%_' '-' '%P' '|' '%B' '\' '%H' '#' '%Q' '?' '%A' '&' )")
+ log_local " Parsing next argument. It will be: '${arg}'."
+ cmd_args+=("${arg}")
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+ log_local ""
+parse_argv "${argv[@]}"
+### Log some debugging information
+log_local "--- Some debugging information. ---"
+log_local "We were called as:"
+log_local " $0 $@"
+log_local ""
+log_local "Number of command line arguments passed to us: $#".
+log_local ""
+log_local "Information passed from CUPS:"
+log_local " - backend=${backend}"
+log_local " - jobid=${jobid}"
+log_local " - cupsuser=${cupsuser}"
+log_local " - jobtitle=${jobtitle}"
+log_local " - jobcopies=${jobcopies}"
+log_local " - joboptions=${joboptions}"
+log_local " - jobfile=${jobfile}"
+log_local " - DEVICE_URI=${DEVICE_URI}"
+log_local ""
+log_local "Information we extracted from \$DEVICE_URI":
+log_local " - command=${cmd}"
+log_local " - argstr=${argstr}"
+log_local " - #argv=${#argv[@]}"
+log_local " - argv=${argv[@]}"
+log_local " - #cmd_args=${#cmd_args[@]}"
+log_local " - cmd_args=${cmd_args[@]}"
+log_local " - tmpfile=${tmpfile}"
+log_local ""
+log_local "Environment:"
+log_local "$(env)"
+log_local ""
+### Determine our operation mode, and handle the modes.
+case ${#} in
+ 0)
+ # This case is for "backend discovery mode."
+ echo "direct ${backend_name} \"Unknown\" \"cups-programme: Print to file and open in programme. DeviceURI example: ${backend_name}:/usr/bin/gimp?u=<user>&D=:0.0&%s\". See documentation!"
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ 5)
+ # Backend needs to read from stdin if number of arguments is 5.
+ log_cups "Writing print job ${jobid} output to ${tmpfile} ..."
+ cat - > "${tmpfile}"
+ # Make it world read- and writeable, to be able to work with it as another user.
+ chmod 666 "${tmpfile}"
+ log_cups "Print job ${jobid} output written to ${tmpfile}."
+ ;;
+ 6)
+ # Backend needs to read from file if number of arguments is 6.
+ log_cups "Writing print job ${jobid} output to ${tmpfile} ..."
+ cat "${6}" > "${tmpfile}"
+ # Make it world read- and writeable, to be able to work with it as another user.
+ chmod 666 "${tmpfile}"
+ log_cups "Print job ${jobid} output written to ${tmpfile}."
+ ;;
+ 1|2|3|4|*)
+ # These cases are unsupported.
+ stderr "$0: Error: Called with incorrect number ($#) of arguments."
+ stderr ""
+ stderr "Usage:"
+ stderr ""
+ stderr " $0 <job-ID> <user> <jobtitle> <copies> <joboptions> [<jobfile>]"
+ stderr ""
+ stderr "OR (for backend discovery mode):"
+ stderr ""
+ stderr " $0"
+ stderr ""
+ stderr ""
+ stderr "(Install this as CUPS backend to '/usr/lib/cups/backend/${backend_name}'.)"
+ stderr "(Read the comment in $0 to see how to set this up.)"
+ error "$0 called with $# arguments. Unsupported mode. Aborting."
+ exit 11
+ ;;
+# Postpone the logging to cups until here, because only when we reached up to here we are correctly be running as a filter.
+info "$0 started at ${tstamp}. Our log file is: ${logfile}."
+# Unset variables to be read from $conffile first, to be safe from cases when they hang around in the environment.
+unset su_variant
+unset askpass_cmd
+if [ -e "${conffile}" ]; then
+ log_local "Reading ${conffile}"
+ . "${conffile}" || {
+ error "$0: Error while reading ${conffile}."
+ }
+ warn "$0: ${conffile} not present."
+su_nogroup_error() {
+ error "$0: Error: Specified to run the command under a specific group, but su_variant '${su_variant}' does not support setting the group. Aborting."
+ exit 51
+check_su_group_root() {
+ if [ ! "$(id -u)" -eq 0 ]; then
+ error "$0: Error: Specified to run the command under a specific group, but that is only possible as root. We are run as user $(id -un)($(id -u)). Aborting."
+ exit 43
+ fi
+check_log_su_cmd() {
+ # $1: Check for presence of the executable.
+ if ! /usr/bin/which "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ error "$0: Error: The command '$1', specified by su_variant '${su_variant}', could not be found. Aborting."
+ exit 41
+ fi
+check_log_cmd() {
+ # $1: Check for presence of the executable.
+ if ! /usr/bin/which "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ error "$0: Error: The command '$1' could not be found. Aborting."
+ exit 42
+ fi
+if [ -v user ] || [ -v group ]; then
+ if [ ! -v su_variant ]; then
+ error "$0: Error: The command should be run as a specific user or group, but 'su_variant' has not been set. Please check ${conffile}. Aborting."
+ exit 31
+ fi
+ case "${su_variant}" in
+ 'su')
+ su_cmd='su'
+ su_opts="-c \"${cmd@Q} ${cmd_args[@]@Q}\""
+ if [ -v group ]; then
+ check_su_group_root
+ su_opts+=" -g ${group@Q}"
+ fi
+ if [ -v user ]; then
+ su_opts+=" ${user@Q}"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ 'sudo')
+ su_cmd='sudo'
+ su_opts='-H'
+ if [ -v group ]; then
+ check_su_group_root
+ su_opts+=" -g ${group@Q}"
+ fi
+ if [ -v user ]; then
+ su_opts+=" -u ${user@Q}"
+ fi
+ su_opts+=" ${cmd@Q} ${cmd_args[@]@Q}"
+ ;;
+ 'sudo-askpass')
+ if [ ! -v askpass_cmd ]; then
+ error "$0: Error: su_variant '${su_variant}' was specified, which requires the variable 'askpass_cmd' be (correctly) set in '${conffile}'. But it isn't. Aborting."
+ exit 35
+ fi
+ # export SUDO_ASKPASS=${askpass_cmd@Q}
+ su_cmd="SUDO_ASKPASS=${askpass_cmd@Q} sudo"
+ su_opts='-A -H'
+ if [ -v group ]; then
+ check_su_group_root
+ su_opts+=" -g ${group@Q}"
+ fi
+ if [ -v user ]; then
+ su_opts+=" -u ${user@Q}"
+ fi
+ su_opts+=" ${cmd@Q} ${cmd_args[@]@Q}"
+ ;;
+ 'kdesu')
+ su_cmd='kdesu'
+ su_opts='-n -t'
+ if [ -v group ]; then
+ su_nogroup_error
+ fi
+ if [ -v user ]; then
+ su_opts+=" -u ${user@Q}"
+ fi
+ su_opts+=" -c ${cmd@Q} ${cmd_args[@]@Q}"
+ ;;
+ 'kdesudo')
+ su_cmd='kdesudo'
+ su_opts="--nograb -n -t --comment '$0: Enter password.'"
+ if [ -v group ]; then
+ su_nogroup_error
+ fi
+ if [ -v user ]; then
+ su_opts+=" -u ${user@Q}"
+ fi
+ su_opts+=" -c ${cmd@Q} ${cmd_args[@]@Q}"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ error "$0: Error: Unsupported su_variant '${su_variant}' provided. Aborting."
+ exit 33
+ ;;
+ esac
+ su_cmd='sh'
+ su_opts="-c ${cmd@Q} ${cmd_args[@]@Q}"
+if [ -v display ]; then
+ log_local "exporting DISPLAY=${display}"
+ export DISPLAY="${display}"
+notice "$0: Running 'bash -c \"${su_cmd} ${su_opts} >> ${logfile@Q} 2>&1\"'..."
+log_local ""
+log_local "--- Output of the command run (stdout and stderr combined): ---"
+set +e
+bash -c "${su_cmd} ${su_opts} >> ${logfile@Q} 2>&1"
+set -e
+log_local "--- End of the output of the command run. ---"
+log_local ""
+if [ ${cmd_exitcode} -eq 0 ]; then
+ notice "$0: Run of 'bash -c \"${su_cmd} ${su_opts} >> ${logfile@Q} 2>&1\"' finished with exitcode ${cmd_exitcode}."
+ notice "See '${logfile}' for combined stdout and stderr."
+ error "Run of 'bash -c \"${su_cmd} ${su_opts} >> ${logfile@Q} 2>&1\"' FAILED with exitcode ${cmd_exitcode}."
+ error "See '${logfile}' for combined stdout and stderr."
+log_local "Removing ${tmpfile}."
+rm -f "${tmpfile}"
+info "End of $0 run."
+exit "${cmd_exitcode}"