path: root/fc-presets
diff options
authorPhilip Deljanov2019-03-25 16:20:37 -0400
committerPhilip Deljanov2019-03-25 16:20:37 -0400
commit6979779052c4aa66a39b75be1bf1d2a9c8a17ab0 (patch)
tree2710377b45f9577f150ca11f72c15307d0864b93 /fc-presets
Add fontconfig-infinality-remix to AUR.
Diffstat (limited to 'fc-presets')
1 files changed, 281 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fc-presets b/fc-presets
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..eac87d15c711
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fc-presets
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+### fc-presets v.0.9.3 ###
+### Set default fontconfig presets for your font collection. ###
+### (Thanks cfr for testing and suggestions.) ###
+### ###
+### Copyright (c) 2016 bohoomil ###
+### The MIT License (MIT) ###
+### part of infinality-bundle ###
+presets_list=(combi free ms)
+options=(combi free ms reset quit)
+ echo "Usage: ${0##*/} [check|set|help]"
+ echo ''
+ echo ' Run this script to set a fontconfig preset for your default'
+ echo ' font collection. You can also check which preset you are'
+ echo ' currently using.'
+ echo ''
+ echo 'Options:'
+ echo ' check Check which preset is currently active'
+ echo ' set Set a preset configuration (requires root privileges)'
+ echo ' Available presets are:'
+ echo ' combi -- custom font collection'
+ echo ' free -- free font collection'
+ echo ' ms -- Microsoft font collection'
+ echo ' help Print this help and exit'
+ echo ''
+ echo 'Troubleshooting:'
+ echo '================'
+ echo ' If the [ preset ] has been set correctly, <fc-presets check> should'
+ echo ' return the following information (only one [ preset ] can be set!):'
+ echo ' [ preset1 ] not set'
+ echo ' [ preset3 ] not set'
+ echo ''
+ echo ' The active preset seems to be [ preset2 ].'
+ echo ' Checking symlinks now...'
+ echo ''
+ echo ' 30-metric-aliases-preset2.conf is OK'
+ echo ' 37-repl-global-preset2.conf is OK'
+ echo ' 60-latin-preset2.conf is OK'
+ echo ' 65-non-latin-preset2.conf is OK'
+ echo ' 66-aliases-wine-preset2.conf is OK'
+ echo ''
+ echo ' If checking symlinks has completed successfully but at least one'
+ echo ' of the lines reads:'
+ echo ' 37-repl-global-free.conf is NOT OK'
+ echo ' :: Run <fc-presets help> for more information.'
+ echo ' then the symbolic link must be broken.'
+ echo ' How to fix:'
+ echo ' -----------'
+ echo ' 1. Run <fc-presets set> as root.'
+ echo ' 2. Choose 4) to disable all presets.'
+ echo ' 3. Re-run <fc-presets set> as root and choose a preset 1) - 3).'
+ echo ''
+ echo ' If no preset has been set (which means that at least 1 symbolic link'
+ echo ' from a preset is missing), the relevant message is displayed:'
+ echo ' [ combi ] not set'
+ echo ' [ ms ] not set'
+ echo ' [ free ] not set'
+ echo ' How to fix:'
+ echo ' -----------'
+ echo ' 1. Run <fc-presets set> as root and choose a preset 1) - 3).'
+ echo ' 2. If the error is returned:'
+ echo ' [ preset ] preset is currently in use. Aborting. '
+ echo ' first reset current settings and then set the preset again.'
+ echo ''
+ exit 1
+ echo -e 'Done.'
+ exit 0
+ echo -e 'An error occured. Check the content of'
+ echo -e "$config_dir manually."
+ exit 1
+ pushd $config_dir >/dev/null
+ for preset in ${presets_list[@]}; do
+ check_preset=$(ls *.conf | grep "\-$preset.conf")
+ count_all=$(echo $check_preset | wc -w)
+ if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] || [[ $count_all -ne 5 ]]; then
+ echo -e " [ $preset ] is not set "
+ echo -e " $YEL:: Run <fc-presets help> for more information.$RES"
+ else
+ echo ''
+ echo " $count_all symlinks found."
+ echo " The active preset seems to be [ $preset ]."
+ echo ' Checking symlinks now...'
+ echo ''
+ i=1
+ ls *.conf | grep "\-$preset.conf" | while read line; do
+ array[ $i ]="$line"
+ if [ -e "$line" ]; then
+ echo -e "$line$GRE is OK$RES"
+ else
+ echo -e "$line$RED is NOT OK$RES"
+ echo -e " $YEL:: Run <fc-presets help> for more information.$RES"
+ fi
+ (( i++ ))
+ done
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ done
+ popd >/dev/null
+ pushd $config_dir >/dev/null
+ targets_current=("30-metric-aliases-$option.conf" "37-repl-global-$option.conf" "60-latin-$option.conf" "65-non-latin-$option.conf" "66-aliases-wine-$option.conf")
+ for preset in ${targets_current[@]}; do
+ check_current=$(ls *.conf | grep "\-$option.conf")
+ count_all=$(echo $check_current | wc -w)
+ if [[ -e $preset ]] && [[ $count_all -eq 5 ]]; then
+ echo -e " You are already using [ $option ] preset. Aborting."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ done
+ popd >/dev/null
+ pushd $presets_dir >/dev/null
+ preset_selected=$(ls "$option"/*\-$option.conf | wc -w)
+ if [ $preset_selected -lt 5 ]; then
+ echo -e 'Target not found. Did you set up'
+ echo -e 'fontconfig-infinality-ultimate correctly?'
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ popd >/dev/null
+ pushd $config_dir >/dev/null
+ targets_rm=("30-metric-aliases-*.conf" "37-repl-global-*.conf" "60-latin-*.conf" "65-non-latin-*.conf" "66-aliases-wine-*.conf")
+ for target in "${targets_rm[@]}"; do
+ # remove old
+ if [ $UID -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo -e 'Run the script again as root to commit changes.'
+ exit 1
+ else
+ rm $target >/dev/null 2>&1
+ fi
+ done
+ popd >/dev/null
+ pushd $config_dir >/dev/null
+ check_preset=$(ls | grep "\-$option.conf")
+ count_all=$(echo $check_preset | wc -w)
+ if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] && [[ $count_all -eq 5 ]]; then
+ current=$option
+ echo -e " [ $current ] preset is currently in use. Aborting."
+ else
+ if [ $UID -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo -e 'Run the script again as root to commit changes.'
+ exit 1
+ else
+ preset=$option
+ # create new
+ targets_list=$(ls $presets_dir/$preset/*.conf)
+ for target in ${targets_list[@]}; do
+ ln -sf $target $config_dir
+ done
+ fi
+ fi
+ popd >/dev/null
+ pushd $config_dir >/dev/null
+ targets_current=("30-metric-aliases-$option.conf" "37-repl-global-$option.conf" "60-latin-$option.conf" "65-non-latin-$option.conf" "66-aliases-wine-$option.conf")
+ for preset in ${targets_current[@]}; do
+ check_current=$(ls *.conf | grep "\-$option.conf")
+ if [[ $check_current == *combi* ]] && [[ -f $config_dir/35-repl-custom.conf ]]; then
+ rm -f 35-repl-custom.conf 2>/dev/null
+ elif [[ $check_current == *free* ]] || [[ $check_current == *ms* ]]; then
+ if [ ! -f 35-repl-custom ]; then
+ ln -s $presets_dir/35-repl-custom.conf $config_dir/35-repl-custom.conf 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ popd >/dev/null
+ PS3='Enter your choice... '
+ select preset in "${options[@]}"; do
+ case "$preset" in
+ combi)
+ echo ' [ combi ] preset chosen...'
+ option='combi'
+ check_current_prejob
+ targets_check_prejob
+ fc_reset
+ fc_set
+ custom_postjob
+ [ $? -eq 0 ] && OK || NOTOK
+ ;;
+ free)
+ echo ' [ free ] preset chosen...'
+ option='free'
+ check_current_prejob
+ targets_check_prejob
+ fc_reset
+ fc_set
+ custom_postjob
+ [ $? -eq 0 ] && OK || NOTOK
+ ;;
+ ms)
+ echo ' [ ms ] preset chosen...'
+ option='ms'
+ check_current_prejob
+ targets_check_prejob
+ fc_reset
+ fc_set
+ custom_postjob
+ [ $? -eq 0 ] && OK || NOTOK
+ ;;
+ reset)
+ echo ' Removing current preset...'
+ fc_reset
+ [ $? -eq 0 ] && echo -e 'Done. Now select a new preset...'
+ continue
+ ;;
+ quit)
+ echo ' No preset chosen. Aborting.'
+ break
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo 'Invalid option. Try again:'
+ continue
+ ;;
+ esac
+ break
+ unset $current
+ unset $option
+exit 0
+ echo -e "Run '${0##*/} help' to list available options."
+ echo -e ''
+ echo -e 'Unknown or no option selected, aborting.'
+ exit 1
+case $option in
+ help)
+ usage
+ ;;
+ check)
+ check_current
+ ;;
+ set)
+ set_preset
+ ;;
+ *)
+ howto
+ ;;