path: root/
diff options
authorfelics2018-07-18 15:20:00 +0200
committerfelics2018-07-18 15:20:00 +0200
commit181e4865898d53bae47393c067e8ab023e27f649 (patch)
tree7f7b0dfc6ab78381d2f7a12466c0fada67683e63 /
parentb33d639e5906b5f1723545044940986124f53862 (diff)
Maded it working again ...
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 141 insertions, 129 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index b24c9b002ec0..e97c87e8de01 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
-# Version: 2018-07-18
@@ -47,7 +43,7 @@ idos_pkgs_strings=(
if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then
- echo "$@"
+ cat <<< "$@"
@@ -97,15 +93,16 @@ printusage() {
echo " $0 [arguments ...]"
echo ""
echo "Arguments (all optional):"
- echo " -h | --help Print this message and exit."
+ echo " -h | --help Print this message and exit."
echo " -s | --sloppy | --needed"
- echo " Just install if the version info in the AUR is newer than"
- echo " the locally installed version."
- echo " Default is to re-installed every locally installed idos-"
- echo " packages since version numbers in the AUR may be outdated."
- echo " -d | --debug Print some detailed information as we go on."
- echo " (Does _not_ imply -v.)"
- echo " -v | --verbose Print verbose summary."
+ echo " Just install if the version info in the AUR is newer than"
+ echo " the locally installed version."
+ echo " Default is to re-installed every locally installed idos-"
+ echo " packages since version numbers in the AUR may be outdated."
+ echo " -d | --debug Print some detailed information as we go on."
+ echo " (Does _not_ imply -v.)"
+ echo " -v | --verbose Print verbose summary."
+ echo " -V | --version Print version."
@@ -124,16 +121,24 @@ while [ $# -ge 1 ]; do
+ export _sloppy
+ export _debug
+ export _verbose
+ "-V"|"--version")
+ shift
+ msg "${VERSION}"
+ exit 0
+ ;;
@@ -149,43 +154,13 @@ done
debug "This is a debug message, testing the debug logic."
-get_installed_pkgs_version() {
- # From all the packages given as arguments, returns their version number, line by line. If a package is not installed, return empty string, and:
- # * If it is the only package given at the command line, finish with an exitcode >0.
- # * If it is amongst other packages, silently ignore.
- if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
- debug "Querying version for installed package '$1' ..."
- _raw="$(yaourt -Q "$1")"
- exitcode_query="$?"
- if [ "${exitcode_query}" -eq 0 ]; then
- echo "${_raw}" | awk '{print $2}'
- else
- echo ''
- fi
- else
- while [ $# -ge 1 ]; do
- debug "Querying version for installed package '$1' ..."
- _raw="$(yaourt -Q "$1" 2>/dev/null)"
- _exitcode="$?"
- if [ "${_exitcode}" -eq 0 ]; then
- echo "${_raw}" | awk '{print $2}'
- else
- echo ''
- fi
- shift
- done
- exitcode_query=0
- fi
- return "${exitcode_query}"
get_aur_pkgs_version() {
# From all the packages given as arguments, returns their version number, line by line, as in the AUR. If a package is not available in the repositories, return empty string, and:
# * If it is the only package given at the command line, finish with an exitcode >0.
# * If it is amongst other packages, silently ignore.
+ #
+ # NOTE: For some reasons debug messages herein do not get printed the way we are called ...
if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
debug "Querying version for package 'aur/$1' ..."
_raw="$(yaourt -Si "aur/$1")"
@@ -214,102 +189,139 @@ get_aur_pkgs_version() {
return "${exitcode_query}"
-### Those variables will hold, line by line, the packages available for installation and the ones installed:
-for pkg_string in "${idos_pkgs_strings[@]}"; do
- ### Get packages available for installation. The "echo ''" is there to get a newline added if new content is following.
- debug "Searching for installable packages matching the search string '${pkg_string}' ..."
- avail+="$(echo ''; yaourt -S -q -s "${pkg_string}")"
- ### Get packages which are installed. The "echo ''" is there to get a newline added if new content is following.
- debug "Searching for installed packages matching the search string '${pkg_string}' ..."
- installed+="$(echo ''; yaourt -Q -q -s "${pkg_string}"; echo '')"
-### Set union of available and installed packages:
+compare_versions() {
+ # Compares "$1" against "$2" as if they were version numbers. Uses 'sort -V' to do the actual work.
+ # Output:
+ # ">" if "$1" > "$2",
+ # "=" if "$1" == "$2",
+ # "<" if "$1" < "$2".
-### Sort and unify and remove blank lines:
-avail="$(echo "${avail}" | sort | uniq | grep -E .)"
-installed="$(echo "${installed}" | sort | uniq | grep -E .)"
-installed_or_available="$(echo "${installed_or_available}" | sort | uniq | grep -E .)"
+ if [ "$1x" == "$2x" ]; then
+ echo "="
+ else
-### Get version numbers of installed packages before upgrade:
-old_vers="$(echo "${installed}" | while read pkg; do get_installed_pkgs_version "${pkg}"; done)"
-# old_vers="$(get_installed_pkgs_version ${installed})"
+ _smalleritem="$({
+ echo "$1"
+ echo "$2"
+ } | sort -V | head -n 1)"
+ if [ "${_smalleritem}x" == "$2x" ]; then
+ echo ">"
+ else
+ echo "<"
+ fi
+ fi
-### Get AUR version numbers of installed packages:
-aur_vers="$(echo "${installed}" | while read pkg; do get_aur_pkgs_version "${pkg}" 2>/dev/null || echo ''; done)"
-# aur_vers="$(get_aur_pkgs_version ${installed})"
+### Those variable will hold package information.
+# Syntax:
+# * The key is the package name.
+# * The content of the entry contains the data/ flags, separated by space:
+# - 'i=[true|false]' means the package is locally installed (if not present, not installed is assumed),
+# - 'ov=<version>' is the version number of the installed package prior to upgrade,
+# - 'nv=<version>' is the version number of the installed package after upgrade,
+# - 'av=<version>' is the version number of the package in the repositories/ AUR.
+# Presence of this entry also means the package is available in the repositories/ AUR at all.
+# - 'u=[true|false]' specifies if the package should be included in upgrade (if not specified, no upgrade will be done),
+# - 'v=<string>' is an informational string to present to the user in the pretty-printed output
+# to tell about the status (available in the repositories/ AUR, will be upgraded, ...).
+unset pkgs
+declare -A pkgs
+unset upgrades
+declare -a upgrades
-### Get packages which are installed and available for installation at the same time:
-#installed_and_available="$(comm -1 -2 <(echo "${installed}" | sort) <(echo "${avail}" | sort))" # comm would do the job, on sorted files. grep also works on unsorted files.
-installed_and_available="$(echo "${avail}" | grep -F -x "${installed}" | sort | uniq)"
+for pkg_string in "${idos_pkgs_strings[@]}"; do
+ ### Get packages which are installed.
+ debug "Searching for installed packages matching the search string '${pkg_string}' ..."
+ for _pkg_ver_group in $(pacman -Q -s "${pkg_string}" | sed -n 's|^local/||p' | tr ' \t' ';;'); do
+ _pkg="$(awk -F';' '{print $1}' <<< "${_pkg_ver_group}")"
+ _old_ver="$(awk -F';' '{print $2}' <<< "${_pkg_ver_group}")"
+ _aur_ver="$(get_aur_pkgs_version "${_pkg}" 2>/dev/null || echo '')"
+ pkgs["${_pkg}"]="i=true ov=${_old_ver}"
+ if [ -n "${_aur_ver}" ]; then
+ if "${_sloppy}"; then
+ if [ "$(compare_versions "${_aur_ver}" "${_old_ver}")" == '>' ]; then
+ _upgrade='true'
+ _info='(y)'
+ else
+ _upgrade='false'
+ _info='(n)'
+ fi
+ else
+ _upgrade='true'
+ _info='(y)'
+ fi
+ pkgs["${_pkg}"]+=" av=${_aur_ver} u=${_upgrade} v=${_info}"
+ else
+ _upgrade='false'
+ _info='(-)'
+ pkgs["${_pkg}"]+=" u=${_upgrade} v=${_info}"
+ fi
+ if "${_upgrade}"; then
+ upgrades+=("${_pkg}")
+ fi
+ debug "* ${_pkg}: ${pkgs["${_pkg}"]}"
+ done
-### Reformat to python-lists:
-py_old_vers="$(echo '['; echo "${old_vers}" | while read line; do echo "'${line}',"; done; echo ']')"
-py_aur_vers="$(echo '['; echo "${aur_vers}" | while read line; do echo "'${line}',"; done; echo ']')"
-py_installed="$(echo '['; echo "${installed}" | while read line; do echo "'${line}',"; done; echo ']')"
-### Print some information:
-echo "Installed IDOS-related packages, with version information."
+### Print some information.
+echo "IDOS-related packages, before upgrade:"
echo ""
-cat << EOPY | python3
-import texttable
-tbl.header(['AUR ver.','Installed ver.','Package'])
-tbl.add_rows([list(x) for x in zip(*[aur,inst,pkg])],header=False)
+ cat <<< '|||'
+ for _pkg in $(tr ' ' '\n' <<< "${!pkgs[@]}" | sort -n); do
+ _flags="${pkgs["${_pkg}"]}"
+ _info="$(sed -En 's|^.*v=([^ ]*).*$|\1|gp' <<< "${_flags}")"
+ _old_ver="$(sed -En 's|^.*ov=([^ ]*).*$|\1|gp' <<< "${_flags}")"
+ _aur_ver="$(sed -En 's|^.*av=([^ ]*).*$|\1|gp' <<< "${_flags}")"
+ cat <<< "${_info}|${_pkg}|${_old_ver}|${_aur_ver}"
+ done
+} | column -o ' | ' -s '|' -t -R 1,2 -N 'Upgr.?,package,local ver.,AUR ver.'
+msg ''
-# echo " Installed version AUR version package "
-# _pkgnr=0
-# echo "${installed}" | while read pkg; do
-# _pkgnr="$(( ${_pkgnr} + 1 ))"
-# if echo "${avail}" | grep -q -F -x "${pkg}"; then echo -n " (x) "; else echo -n " "; fi
-# echo -n "${pkg} "; echo "${old_vers}" | sed -n "${_pkgnr}"p
-# done
-# echo ""
-exit 11
+### Reinstall the packages to be upgraded:
+verbose "Installing packages ${upgrades[@]} ..."
+yaourt -S --noconfirm "${upgrades[@]}"
-### Reinstall installed and available packages:
-yaourt -S --noconfirm ${installed_and_available}
+### Get version numbers of installed packages after upgrade. Do it at once, since each call pacman -Q call does cost a considerable amount of time:
+for _pkg_ver in $(pacman -Q "${!pkgs[@]}" | tr ' ' ';'); do
+ debug "Getting versions of packages after installation ..."
+ _pkg="$(awk -F';' '{print $1}' <<< "${_pkg_ver}")"
+ _new_ver="$(awk -F';' '{print $2}' <<< "${_pkg_ver}")"
+ pkgs["${_pkg}"]+=" nv=${_new_ver}"
+ debug "* ${_pkg}: ${pkgs["${_pkg}"]}"
-### Get version numbers of installed packages after upgrade:
-new_vers="$(echo "${installed}" | while read pkg; do get_installed_pkgs_version "${pkg}"; done)"
### Print information about changes that were carried out:
-echo "Upgrade results ('(y)': Upgraded, '(n)': Not upgraded, no marker: Not"
-echo "available in repositories) with version information:"
echo ""
-echo "${installed}" | while read pkg; do
- _pkgnr="$(( ${_pkgnr} + 1 ))"
- _old_ver="$(echo "${old_vers}" | sed -n "${_pkgnr}"p)"
- _new_ver="$(echo "${new_vers}" | sed -n "${_pkgnr}"p)"
- if [[ "${_old_ver}" == "${_new_ver}" ]]; then
- if echo "${avail}" | grep -q -F -x "${pkg}"; then echo -n " (n) "; else echo -n " "; fi
- else
- echo -n " (y) "
- fi
- echo -n "${pkg} "
- echo -n "${_old_ver} "
- if [[ "${_old_ver}" == "${_new_ver}" ]]; then
- echo "(not upgraded.)"
- else
- echo "-> ${_new_ver}"
- fi
+echo "IDOS-related packages, after upgrade:"
+echo ""
+ cat <<< '|||'
+ for _pkg in $(tr ' ' '\n' <<< "${!pkgs[@]}" | sort -n); do
+ _flags="${pkgs["${_pkg}"]}"
+ _old_ver="$(sed -En 's|^.*ov=([^ ]*).*$|\1|gp' <<< "${_flags}")"
+ _new_ver="$(sed -En 's|^.*nv=([^ ]*).*$|\1|gp' <<< "${_flags}")"
+ if [ -n "${_aur_ver}" ]; then
+ if [ "$(compare_versions "${_new_ver}" "${_old_ver}")" == ">" ]; then
+ _been_updated_info='(y)'
+ else
+ _been_updated_info='(n)'
+ fi
+ else
+ _been_updated_info='(-)'
+ fi
+ cat <<< "${_been_updated_info}|${_pkg}|${_old_ver}|${_new_ver}"
+ done
+} | column -o ' | ' -s '|' -t -R 1,2 -N 'Newer ver.?,package,old ver.,new ver.'