path: root/
diff options
authorzer0def2020-11-03 07:45:18 +0100
committerzer0def2020-11-03 13:43:37 +0100
commit161ad664a34245d74f4f676cd0ce93c129f670c2 (patch)
tree318e021601c1f7fa157ea8e51ca96b6fa1aea1b4 /
parent6d069ee0a97e157f399852496aa2ee864fec7d8a (diff)
Added initrd and image builds
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 521 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..51d5dc420b8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,521 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Intel Corporation
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+set -e
+[ -n "${DEBUG}" ] && set -x
+readonly script_name="${0##*/}"
+readonly script_dir=$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")
+readonly lib_file="${script_dir}/../scripts/"
+readonly ext4_format="ext4"
+readonly xfs_format="xfs"
+# ext4: percentage of the filesystem which may only be allocated by privileged processes.
+readonly reserved_blocks_percentage=3
+# Where the rootfs starts in MB
+readonly rootfs_start=1
+# Where the rootfs ends in MB
+readonly rootfs_end=-1
+# DAX header size
+# * NVDIMM driver reads the device namespace information from nvdimm namespace (4K offset).
+# The MBR #1 + DAX metadata are saved in the first 2MB of the image.
+readonly dax_header_sz=2
+# DAX aligment
+# * DAX huge pages [2]: 2MB alignment
+# [2] -
+readonly dax_alignment=2
+# The list of systemd units and files that are not needed in Kata Containers
+readonly -a systemd_units=(
+ "systemd-coredump@"
+ "systemd-journald"
+ "systemd-journald-dev-log"
+ "systemd-journal-flush"
+ "systemd-random-seed"
+ "systemd-timesyncd"
+ "systemd-tmpfiles-setup"
+ "systemd-udevd"
+ "systemd-udevd-control"
+ "systemd-udevd-kernel"
+ "systemd-udev-trigger"
+ "systemd-update-utmp"
+readonly -a systemd_files=(
+ "systemd-bless-boot-generator"
+ "systemd-fstab-generator"
+ "systemd-getty-generator"
+ "systemd-gpt-auto-generator"
+ "systemd-tmpfiles-cleanup.timer"
+# Set a default value
+# Align image to (size in MB) according to different architecture.
+case "$(uname -m)" in
+ aarch64) readonly mem_boundary_mb=16 ;;
+ *) readonly mem_boundary_mb=128 ;;
+# shellcheck source=../scripts/
+source "${lib_file}"
+usage() {
+ cat <<EOT
+Usage: ${script_name} [options] <rootfs-dir>
+ This script will create a Kata Containers image file of
+ an adequate size based on the <rootfs-dir> directory.
+ -h Show this help
+ -o path to generate image file ENV: IMAGE
+ -r Free space of the root partition in MB ENV: ROOT_FREE_SPACE
+Extra environment variables:
+ AGENT_BIN: Use it to change the expected agent binary name
+ AGENT_INIT: Use kata agent as init process
+ NSDAX_BIN: Use to specify path to pre-compiled 'nsdax' tool.
+ FS_TYPE: Filesystem type to use. Only xfs and ext4 are supported.
+ USE_DOCKER: If set will build image in a Docker Container (requries docker)
+ DEFAULT: not set
+ USE_PODMAN: If set and USE_DOCKER not set, will build image in a Podman Container (requries podman)
+ DEFAULT: not set
+Following diagram shows how the resulting image will look like
+ .-----------.----------.---------------.-----------.
+ | 0 - 512 B | 4 - 8 Kb | 2M - 2M+512B | 3M |
+ |-----------+----------+---------------+-----------+
+ | MBR #1 | DAX | MBR #2 | Rootfs |
+ '-----------'----------'---------------'-----------+
+ | | ^ | ^
+ | '-data-' '--------'
+ | |
+ '--------rootfs-partition---------'
+MBR: Master boot record.
+DAX: Metadata required by the NVDIMM driver to enable DAX in the guest [1][2] (struct nd_pfn_sb).
+Rootfs: partition that contains the root filesystem (/usr, /bin, ect).
+Kernels and hypervisors that support DAX/NVDIMM read the MBR #2, otherwise MBR #1 is read.
+[1] -
+[2] -
+# build the image using container engine
+build_with_container() {
+ local rootfs="$1"
+ local image="$2"
+ local fs_type="$3"
+ local block_size="$4"
+ local root_free_space="$5"
+ local agent_bin="$6"
+ local agent_init="$7"
+ local container_engine="$8"
+ local nsdax_bin="$9"
+ local container_image_name="image-builder-osbuilder"
+ local shared_files=""
+ image_dir=$(readlink -f "$(dirname "${image}")")
+ image_name=$(basename "${image}")
+ "${container_engine}" build \
+ --build-arg http_proxy="${http_proxy}" \
+ --build-arg https_proxy="${https_proxy}" \
+ -t "${container_image_name}" "${script_dir}"
+ readonly mke2fs_conf="/etc/mke2fs.conf"
+ if [ -f "${mke2fs_conf}" ]; then
+ shared_files+="-v ${mke2fs_conf}:${mke2fs_conf}:ro "
+ fi
+ #Make sure we use a compatible runtime to build rootfs
+ # In case Clear Containers Runtime is installed we dont want to hit issue:
+ #
+ "${container_engine}" run \
+ --rm \
+ --runtime "${DOCKER_RUNTIME}" \
+ --privileged \
+ --env AGENT_BIN="${agent_bin}" \
+ --env AGENT_INIT="${agent_init}" \
+ --env FS_TYPE="${fs_type}" \
+ --env BLOCK_SIZE="${block_size}" \
+ --env ROOT_FREE_SPACE="${root_free_space}" \
+ --env NSDAX_BIN="${nsdax_bin}" \
+ --env DEBUG="${DEBUG}" \
+ -v /dev:/dev \
+ -v "${script_dir}":"/osbuilder" \
+ -v "${script_dir}/../scripts":"/scripts" \
+ -v "${rootfs}":"/rootfs" \
+ -v "${image_dir}":"/image" \
+ ${shared_files} \
+ ${container_image_name} \
+ bash "/osbuilder/${script_name}" -o "/image/${image_name}" /rootfs
+check_rootfs() {
+ local rootfs="${1}"
+ [ -d "${rootfs}" ] || die "${rootfs} is not a directory"
+ # The kata rootfs image expect init and kata-agent to be installed
+ init_path="/sbin/init"
+ init="${rootfs}${init_path}"
+ if [ ! -x "${init}" ] && [ ! -L "${init}" ]; then
+ error "${init_path} is not installed in ${rootfs}"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ OK "init is installed"
+ candidate_systemd_paths="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd /lib/systemd/systemd"
+ # check agent or systemd
+ case "${AGENT_INIT}" in
+ "no")
+ for systemd_path in $candidate_systemd_paths; do
+ systemd="${rootfs}${systemd_path}"
+ if [ -x "${systemd}" ] || [ -L "${systemd}" ]; then
+ found="yes"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ ! $found ]; then
+ error "None of ${candidate_systemd_paths} is installed in ${rootfs}"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ OK "init is systemd"
+ ;;
+ "yes")
+ agent_path="/sbin/init"
+ agent="${rootfs}${agent_path}"
+ if [ ! -x "${agent}" ]; then
+ error "${agent_path} is not installed in ${rootfs}. Use AGENT_BIN env variable to change the expected agent binary name"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # checksum must be different to system
+ for systemd_path in $candidate_systemd_paths; do
+ systemd="${rootfs}${systemd_path}"
+ if [ -f "${systemd}" ] && cmp -s "${systemd}" "${agent}"; then
+ error "The agent is not the init process. ${agent_path} is systemd"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ done
+ OK "Agent installed"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ error "Invalid value for AGENT_INIT: '${AGENT_INIT}'. Use to 'yes' or 'no'"
+ return 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ return 0
+calculate_required_disk_size() {
+ local rootfs="$1"
+ local fs_type="$2"
+ local block_size="$3"
+ readonly rootfs_size_mb=$(du -B 1MB -s "${rootfs}" | awk '{print $1}')
+ readonly image="$(mktemp)"
+ readonly max_tries=20
+ readonly increment=10
+ for i in $(seq 1 $max_tries); do
+ local img_size="$((rootfs_size_mb + (i * increment)))"
+ create_disk "${image}" "${img_size}" "${fs_type}" "${rootfs_start}" > /dev/null 2>&1
+ if ! device="$(setup_loop_device "${image}")"; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ if ! format_loop "${device}" "${block_size}" "${fs_type}" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
+ die "Could not format loop device: ${device}"
+ fi
+ local mount_dir
+ while [ -z "${mount_dir}" ]; do mount_dir="$(udisksctl mount -b ${device}p1)" || sleep 3; done
+ mount_dir="${mount_dir##* }"
+ avail="$(df -BM --output=avail "${mount_dir}" | tail -n1 | sed 's/[M ]//g')"
+ udisksctl unmount -b "${device}p1" &>/dev/null
+ udisksctl loop-delete -b "${device}" &>/dev/null
+ unset mount_dir
+ if [ "${avail}" -gt "${rootfs_size_mb}" ]; then
+ #rmdir "${mount_dir}"
+ rm -f "${image}"
+ echo "${img_size}"
+ return
+ fi
+ done
+ #rmdir "${mount_dir}"
+ rm -f "${image}"
+ error "Could not calculate the required disk size"
+# Calculate image size based on the rootfs and free space
+calculate_img_size() {
+ local rootfs="$1"
+ local root_free_space_mb="$2"
+ local fs_type="$3"
+ local block_size="$4"
+ # rootfs start + DAX header size + rootfs end
+ local reserved_size_mb=$((rootfs_start + dax_header_sz + rootfs_end))
+ disk_size="$(calculate_required_disk_size "${rootfs}" "${fs_type}" "${block_size}")"
+ img_size="$((disk_size + reserved_size_mb))"
+ if [ -n "${root_free_space_mb}" ]; then
+ img_size="$((img_size + root_free_space_mb))"
+ fi
+ remaining="$((img_size % mem_boundary_mb))"
+ if [ "${remaining}" != "0" ]; then
+ img_size=$((img_size + mem_boundary_mb - remaining))
+ fi
+ echo "${img_size}"
+setup_loop_device() {
+ local image="$1"
+ # Get the loop device bound to the image file (requires /dev mounted in the
+ # image build system and root privileges)
+ local device="$(udisksctl loop-setup -f ${image})"
+ device="${device##* }"
+ device="${device%.*}"
+ echo "${device}"
+ return 0
+format_loop() {
+ local device="$1"
+ local block_size="$2"
+ local fs_type="$3"
+ case "${fs_type}" in
+ "${ext4_format}")
+ mkfs.ext4 -q -F -E root_owner -b "${block_size}" "${device}p1"
+ info "Set filesystem reserved blocks percentage to ${reserved_blocks_percentage}%"
+ tune2fs -m "${reserved_blocks_percentage}" "${device}p1"
+ ;;
+ "${xfs_format}")
+ # DAX and reflink cannot be used together!
+ # Explicitly disable reflink, if it fails then reflink
+ # is not supported and '-m reflink=0' is not needed.
+ if mkfs.xfs -m reflink=0 -q -f -b size="${block_size}" "${device}p1" 2>&1 | grep -q "unknown option"; then
+ mkfs.xfs -q -f -b size="${block_size}" "${device}p1"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ error "Unsupported fs type: ${fs_type}"
+ return 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+create_disk() {
+ local image="$1"
+ local img_size="$2"
+ local fs_type="$3"
+ local part_start="$4"
+ info "Creating raw disk with size ${img_size}M"
+ qemu-img create -q -f raw "${image}" "${img_size}M"
+ OK "Image file created"
+ # Kata runtime expect an image with just one partition
+ # The partition is the rootfs content
+ info "Creating partitions"
+ parted -s -a optimal "${image}" -- \
+ mklabel msdos \
+ mkpart primary "${fs_type}" "${part_start}"M "${rootfs_end}"M
+ OK "Partitions created"
+create_rootfs_image() {
+ local rootfs="$1"
+ local image="$2"
+ local img_size="$3"
+ local fs_type="$4"
+ local block_size="$5"
+ create_disk "${image}" "${img_size}" "${fs_type}" "${rootfs_start}"
+ if ! device="$(setup_loop_device "${image}")"; then
+ die "Could not setup loop device"
+ fi
+ if ! format_loop "${device}" "${block_size}" "${fs_type}"; then
+ die "Could not format loop device: ${device}"
+ fi
+ info "Mounting root partition"
+ local mount_dir
+ while [ -z "${mount_dir}" ]; do mount_dir="$(udisksctl mount -b ${device}p1)" || sleep 3; done
+ mount_dir="${mount_dir##* }"
+ OK "root partition mounted"
+ info "Copying content from rootfs to root partition"
+ cp -a "${rootfs}"/* "${mount_dir}"
+ sync
+ OK "rootfs copied"
+ info "Removing unneeded systemd services and sockets"
+ for u in "${systemd_units[@]}"; do
+ find "${mount_dir}" \
+ -path "${mount_dir}/lost+found" -prune -o -type f \( \
+ -name "${u}.service" -o \
+ -name "${u}.socket" \) \
+ -exec rm -f {} \;
+ done
+ info "Removing unneeded systemd files"
+ for u in "${systemd_files[@]}"; do
+ find "${mount_dir}" \
+ -path "${mount_dir}/lost+found" -prune -o \
+ -type f -name "${u}" -exec rm -f {} \;
+ done
+ info "Creating empty machine-id to allow systemd to bind-mount it"
+ touch "${mount_dir}/etc/machine-id"
+ info "Unmounting root partition"
+ udisksctl unmount -b "${device}p1"
+ OK "Root partition unmounted"
+ if [ "${fs_type}" = "${ext4_format}" ]; then
+ fsck.ext4 -D -y "${device}p1"
+ fi
+ udisksctl loop-delete -b "${device}"
+ #rmdir "${mount_dir}"
+set_dax_header() {
+ local image="$1"
+ local img_size="$2"
+ local fs_type="$3"
+ local nsdax_bin="$4"
+ # rootfs start + DAX header size
+ local rootfs_offset=$((rootfs_start + dax_header_sz))
+ local header_image="${image}.header"
+ local dax_image="${image}.dax"
+ rm -f "${dax_image}" "${header_image}"
+ create_disk "${header_image}" "${img_size}" "${fs_type}" "${rootfs_offset}"
+ dax_header_bytes=$((dax_header_sz * 1024 * 1024))
+ dax_alignment_bytes=$((dax_alignment * 1024 * 1024))
+ info "Set DAX metadata"
+ # Set metadata header
+ # Issue:
+ if [ -z "${nsdax_bin}" ] ; then
+ nsdax_bin="${script_dir}/nsdax"
+ gcc -O2 "${script_dir}/nsdax.gpl.c" -o "${nsdax_bin}"
+ trap "rm ${nsdax_bin}" EXIT
+ fi
+ "${nsdax_bin}" "${header_image}" "${dax_header_bytes}" "${dax_alignment_bytes}"
+ sync
+ touch "${dax_image}"
+ # Copy MBR #1 + DAX metadata
+ dd if="${header_image}" of="${dax_image}" bs="${dax_header_sz}M" count=1
+ # Copy MBR #2 + Rootfs
+ dd if="${image}" of="${dax_image}" oflag=append conv=notrunc
+ # final image
+ mv "${dax_image}" "${image}"
+ sync
+ rm -f "${dax_image}" "${header_image}"
+main() {
+ # variables that can be overwritten by environment variables
+ local agent_bin="${AGENT_BIN:-kata-agent}"
+ local agent_init="${AGENT_INIT:-no}"
+ local fs_type="${FS_TYPE:-${ext4_format}}"
+ local image="${IMAGE:-kata-containers.img}"
+ local block_size="${BLOCK_SIZE:-4096}"
+ local root_free_space="${ROOT_FREE_SPACE:-}"
+ local nsdax_bin="${NSDAX_BIN:-}"
+ while getopts "ho:r:f:" opt
+ do
+ case "$opt" in
+ h) usage; return 0;;
+ o) image="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ r) root_free_space="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ f) fs_type="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ *) break ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ shift $(( OPTIND - 1 ))
+ rootfs="$(readlink -f "$1")"
+ if [ -z "${rootfs}" ]; then
+ usage
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ local container_engine
+ if [ -n "${USE_DOCKER}" ]; then
+ container_engine="docker"
+ elif [ -n "${USE_PODMAN}" ]; then
+ container_engine="podman"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$container_engine" ]; then
+ build_with_container "${rootfs}" \
+ "${image}" "${fs_type}" "${block_size}" \
+ "${root_free_space}" "${agent_bin}" \
+ "${agent_init}" "${container_engine}" \
+ "${nsdax_bin}"
+ exit $?
+ fi
+ if ! check_rootfs "${rootfs}" ; then
+ die "Invalid rootfs"
+ fi
+ img_size=$(calculate_img_size "${rootfs}" "${root_free_space}" "${fs_type}" "${block_size}")
+ # the first 2M are for the first MBR + NVDIMM metadata and were already
+ # consider in calculate_img_size
+ rootfs_img_size=$((img_size - dax_header_sz))
+ create_rootfs_image "${rootfs}" "${image}" "${rootfs_img_size}" \
+ "${fs_type}" "${block_size}"
+ # insert at the beginning of the image the MBR + DAX header
+ set_dax_header "${image}" "${img_size}" "${fs_type}" "${nsdax_bin}"
+main "$@"