path: root/mega.svg
diff options
authorGustavo Alvarez2016-03-12 20:07:51 +0100
committerGustavo Alvarez2016-03-12 20:07:51 +0100
commit4c93dce618b7497cd61004f861619e673261d907 (patch)
treebbb5238645fb8e07751d3e8a9ddf46a36a4c6c8b /mega.svg
parentf5aed788b4f7c7f04bb398ef2953eb98bf1e3896 (diff)
fix icon path and downscaled to 512px
Diffstat (limited to 'mega.svg')
1 files changed, 52 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/mega.svg b/mega.svg
index 86470e7b0fc4..e177a9f162d4 100644
--- a/mega.svg
+++ b/mega.svg
@@ -1,10 +1,53 @@
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