path: root/mirrorlist-rank-info
diff options
authorlabaman2022-07-19 09:08:33 +0300
committerlabaman2022-07-19 09:08:33 +0300
commit755cb96eff8f967eae53e33407bdb52ac5622455 (patch)
treef1b1ab9fe2a253ec27b116c981d7adc58dcd920c /mirrorlist-rank-info
parent8a1e127655a292c0e91703c0259a02c54f508f63 (diff)
Update to version 3.1 (upstream EOS 2022.07.08 + icon fix + some dist-agnostic rework
Diffstat (limited to 'mirrorlist-rank-info')
1 files changed, 137 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mirrorlist-rank-info b/mirrorlist-rank-info
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..0afd8a680536
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mirrorlist-rank-info
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+# Show up-to-date ranking information about the mirrors
+# in file /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.
+printf2() { printf "$@" >&2 ; }
+DIE() { echo "==> $progname: error: $1" >&2 ; exit 1 ; }
+WARN() { printf2 "\n==> Warning: $1\n" >&2 ; }
+Us2S() {
+ local us="$1"
+ local sec="$(echo "scale=6; $us / 1000000" | bc -l)"
+ [ "${sec::1}" = "." ] && sec="0$sec"
+ echo "$sec"
+ local mirror="$1" # An Arch mirror URL to folder where
+ # file 'lastupdate' exists.
+ local now="$2" # date +%s
+ local ofile=$HOME/.$file
+ local timestamp
+ local fetchtime
+ local age
+ local output
+ [ -n "$mirror" ] || DIE "parameter 'mirror' missing"
+ [ -n "$now" ] || now=$(date +%s)
+ IFS=' ' output=($(curl -Lsm 10 -w "%{time_total} %{http_code}" "$mirror"/$file -o$ofile))
+ case "$?" in
+ 0)
+ case "${output[1]}" in
+ ""|301|302) echo "fail" ; return 1 ;;
+ *)
+ if [ "${output[1]}" -ge 400 ] ; then
+ echo "fail"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ *) echo "fail" ; return 1 ;;
+ esac
+ #fetchtime="$(Us2S ${output[0]})"
+ fetchtime="${output[0]}"
+ timestamp="$(cat $ofile)"
+ rm -f $ofile
+ if [ -n "$timestamp" ] ; then
+ age=$((now - timestamp))
+ output="$age|$fetchtime"
+ else
+ output="fail"
+ fi
+ echo "$output"
+ShowLines() {
+ # Testing material:
+ # echo "atest1 110 0.50000"
+ # echo "atest2 10000 0.010000"
+ echo "Mirror Age(sec) Rate(sec)"
+ echo "~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~" # for sorting: tilde (~) is after Z in ascii table
+ for line in "${results[@]}" ; do
+ echo "$line"
+ done
+Options() {
+ local arg
+ for arg in "$@" ; do
+ case "$arg" in
+ --age) sort=age ;;
+ --rate) sort=rate ;;
+ --help | -h) Usage ; exit 0 ;;
+ esac
+ done
+Usage() {
+ cat <<EOF
+Usage: $progname [options]
+ --age Sorting precedence: 'age' over 'rate'.
+ --rate Sorting precedence: 'rate' over 'age'.
+ --help | -h This help.
+Main() {
+ export LC_ALL=C
+ local progname="$(basename "$0")"
+ local mlfile=/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
+ local mirrors="$(grep "^Server = " $mlfile | awk '{print $NF}' | sed 's|/$repo/os/$arch$||')"
+ local mirror m
+ local now=$(date +%s)
+ local result age fetchtime
+ local results=()
+ local sort=age
+ local file=lastupdate
+ local line
+ local ix=0
+ local count="$(echo "$mirrors" | wc -l)"
+ printf2 "Show up-to-date ranking information about mirrors in file $mlfile.\n"
+ Options "$@"
+ printf2 "==> Use option --help for more info.\n"
+ for mirror in $mirrors ; do
+ printf2 "\r==> %d/%d ranking..." "$((++ix))" "$count"
+ result="$(Age_Fetchtime "$mirror" "$now")"
+ if [ "$result" != "fail" ] ; then
+ age=$( echo "$result" | cut -d '|' -f1)
+ fetchtime=$(echo "$result" | cut -d '|' -f2)
+ m="$mirror"'/$repo/os/$arch'
+ results+=("$m $age $fetchtime")
+ else
+ WARN "fetching file '$mirror/$file' failed."
+ fi
+ done
+ printf2 "\n==> Sorting by %s.\n\n" "$sort"
+ case "$sort" in
+ age) ShowLines | sort -n -k2,2 -k3,3 | column -t ;;
+ rate) ShowLines | sort -n -k3,3 -k2,2 | column -t ;;
+ esac
+Main "$@"