path: root/
diff options
authorNicolas Iooss2015-05-24 11:14:24 +0800
committerNicolas Iooss2015-05-24 11:14:24 +0800
commit4f1ba6bbd688961f6890d4ad48cf48adafaf3911 (patch)
tree54156bf2c95df8419ee30fcaed680c76c12da31a /
Migrate funguloids 1.06.4-7 to AUR4
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 355 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..5445336b3cc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+ MPAK package handling utility
+ Version 1.4 (Python-implementation)
+ Copyright (c) 2008, Mika Halttunen. <>
+ This command line tool allows creation and extraction of MPAK (.mpk) packages used
+ in several of my games. MPAK is a simple WAD-like file format of mine, that allows storing
+ the game data in one single .mpk file. I originally had a very crude command line program
+ bit like this one (written in C++), and decided to write this Python-implementation as
+ an Python-programming excercise. So, it's my first Python program. :)
+ Version history:
+ v1.4: The first Python version
+ v1.0 -- v1.31: The original C++ implementation
+import getopt, sys
+import os
+import traceback
+import struct
+import binascii
+import fnmatch
+import shutil
+from ctypes import c_uint32
+def usage():
+ """
+ Prints the program usage.
+ """
+ print("MPAK package handling utility")
+ print("Version 1.4 (Python-implementation)")
+ print("Copyright (c) 2008, Mika Halttunen.")
+ print("")
+ print("Usage:", sys.argv[0],"[switch]","-f pakfile.mpk","[file1]","[file2]", "[...]", "[fileN]")
+ print("where [switch] is one of the following:")
+ print(" -f, --file=FILE Use package FILE")
+ print(" -c, --create Create a new package with files 'file1' to 'fileN'")
+ print(" -l, --list List the files from given package")
+ print(" -e, --extract Extract all files (by default) from given package. If you")
+ print(" want to only extract some specific files, you can name")
+ print(" them individually, and/or use wildcards (i.e. *.png).")
+ print(" You can supply path where to extract with -p.")
+ print(" -p, --path=PATH Extract to PATH (created if doesn't exist)")
+ print(" -h, --help Print this usage text")
+ print("")
+def errorMsg(msg):
+ """
+ Prints an error message and exits.
+ """
+ try:
+ pos = traceback.extract_stack(limit=2)
+ if pos:
+ print("ERROR: In %s:%s, line %d:" % (pos[0][0], pos[0][2], pos[0][1]))
+ else:
+ print("ERROR:")
+ print("\t",msg)
+ except:
+ if __debug__:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ pass
+ sys.exit(2)
+def separator():
+ """
+ Prints the separator line.
+ """
+ print("-"*75)
+def computeCRC(file, offset):
+ """
+ Computes the CRC32 for the file, starting at given offset.
+ """
+ f = open(file, "rb")
+ crc = 0
+ # Compute a running CRC32 for the file in 16kb chunks
+ while True:
+ buffer =
+ if not buffer: break # End of file
+ crc = binascii.crc32(buffer, crc)
+ f.close()
+ return crc
+def createPackage(pakFile, files):
+ """
+ Creates a new MPAK package.
+ This copies the given files into the new package file, writes the file table
+ and closes the package. MPAK doesn't support adding new files to an existing
+ package.
+ """
+ print("Creating '%s'.." % pakFile)
+ if len(files) < 1: errorMsg("No input files specified!")
+ separator()
+ # Open the package file for writing
+ out = open(pakFile, "wb")
+ # Write the header and reserve 4+4 bytes for CRC32 and file table offset
+ out.write(b"MPK1")
+ out.write(b"."*8)
+ # Write each file
+ package = { "fileNames": [], "fileOffsets": [] }
+ count = 0
+ for file in files:
+ # Get the basename
+ filename = os.path.basename(file)
+ print(" <%s..." % filename, end=' ')
+ package["fileNames"].append(filename)
+ # Get the file size in bytes
+ stats = os.stat(file)
+ # Store the current offset
+ package["fileOffsets"].append(out.tell())
+ # Open the file and copy its contents
+ f = open(file, "rb")
+ shutil.copyfileobj(f, out, 16384)
+ f.close()
+ print("OK. (%.1f KB)" % (stats.st_size / 1024.0))
+ count = count + 1
+ separator()
+ # Grab the file table offset and write the table
+ ftOffset = out.tell()
+ # Write the number of files
+ out.write(struct.pack("<L", count))
+ # Write the file information
+ for i in range(count):
+ # File name length
+ length = len(package["fileNames"][i]) + 1
+ out.write(struct.pack("B", length))
+ # File name, plus one zero for the C++ implementation
+ out.write(package["fileNames"][i].encode('ascii'))
+ out.write(struct.pack("B", 0))
+ # File offset
+ out.write(struct.pack("<L", package["fileOffsets"][i]))
+ # Update the header to have the correct file table offset
+ out.write(struct.pack("<L", ftOffset))
+ # Compute the CRC32 and write it to the header
+ out.flush()
+ crc32 = c_uint32(0)
+ crc32.value = computeCRC(pakFile, 8)
+ out.write(struct.pack("<L", crc32.value))
+ print("Added %d files to %s" % (count, pakFile))
+ print("Package '%s' created successfully. CRC32 checksum is %s." % (pakFile, hex(crc32.value)))
+ out.close()
+def readPackage(pakFile):
+ """
+ Opens the given MPAK package, reads its information and stores it to a
+ package dictionary. Returns the dictionary.
+ """
+ packageInfo = { "filename": pakFile }
+ f = open(pakFile, 'rb')
+ if != b"MPK1": errorMsg("Unsupported file format!")
+ # Read the CRC32 checksum and the file table header offset
+ buffer =
+ crc32, headerOffset = struct.unpack("<LL", buffer)
+ crc32 = int(crc32)
+ packageInfo["crc"] = crc32
+ # Check that the CRC32 matches
+ checksum = c_uint32(0)
+ checksum.value = computeCRC(pakFile, 8)
+ if checksum.value != crc32:
+ f.close()
+ errorMsg("Checksum doesn't match; perhaps a corrupted package?")
+ # Seek to the file table, and read the number of files
+ numFiles = struct.unpack("<L",[0]
+ packageInfo["numFiles"] = numFiles
+ # Read the file information
+ fileNames = []
+ fileOffsets = []
+ for i in range(numFiles):
+ namelen = struct.unpack("B",[0]
+ file =
+ offset = struct.unpack("<L",[0]
+ fileNames.append(file[:-1].decode('ascii')) # Remove the trailing null character
+ fileOffsets.append(offset)
+ # Compute the file sizes from the offsets
+ fileSizes = []
+ for i in range(numFiles-1):
+ fileSizes.append(fileOffsets[i+1] - fileOffsets[i])
+ fileSizes.append(headerOffset - fileOffsets[numFiles-1])
+ # Store the information
+ packageInfo["fileNames"] = fileNames
+ packageInfo["fileOffsets"] = fileOffsets
+ packageInfo["fileSizes"] = fileSizes
+ f.close()
+ return packageInfo
+def listPackage(pakFile):
+ """
+ Lists the contents of a MPAK package.
+ """
+ print("Listing '%s'.." % pakFile)
+ package = readPackage(pakFile)
+ # Print the listing
+ numFiles = package["numFiles"]
+ print("'%s' (CRC32: %s) contains %d files:" % (pakFile, hex(package["crc"]), numFiles))
+ print("")
+ print(" NUM : FILE : SIZE(KB) : OFFSET")
+ separator()
+ for i in range(numFiles):
+ print(" %3d : %30s : %-10.1f : (at %s)" % (i+1, package["fileNames"][i], package["fileSizes"][i] / 1024.0, hex(package["fileOffsets"][i])))
+ separator()
+ print(" NUM : FILE : SIZE(KB) : OFFSET")
+def extractPackage(pakFile, path, filters):
+ """
+ Extracts files from a package to given path.
+ By default extracts all the files. Can be given list of wildcards (i.e. *.png) to
+ extract only the files that match given wildcards. Wildcards can also be file names
+ from the package.
+ The given path is created if it doesn't exist.
+ If the path is just a single directory name, it's assumed to exist in the current
+ working directory.
+ """
+ print("Extracting files from '%s' to %s.." % (pakFile, path))
+ package = readPackage(pakFile)
+ # Try to create the path if it doesn't exist
+ path = os.path.abspath(path)
+ if not os.path.exists(path):
+ print("Path",path,"doesn't exist, creating it..")
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(path)
+ except:
+ errorMsg("Unable to create directory " + path + "!");
+ separator()
+ # Open the file, and extract all the individual files from it
+ count = 0
+ f = open(pakFile, "rb")
+ for i in range(package["numFiles"]):
+ # Test if the file name matches the given wildcard
+ if len(filters) > 0:
+ for filter in filters:
+ if fnmatch.fnmatch(package["fileNames"][i], filter):
+ break
+ else: continue
+ print(" >%s..." % package["fileNames"][i], end=' ')
+ # Seek to the correct offset
+ # Open a new file for writing, and write the file out in 16kb chunks
+ out = open(os.path.join(path, package["fileNames"][i]), "wb")
+ bytesWritten = 0
+ bytesTotal = package["fileSizes"][i];
+ while True:
+ # We have to watch not to write too much
+ bytesLeft = bytesTotal - bytesWritten
+ if bytesLeft > 16384: bytesLeft = 16384
+ buffer =
+ out.write(buffer)
+ bytesWritten = bytesWritten + bytesLeft
+ if bytesWritten == bytesTotal:
+ break
+ out.close()
+ print("OK.")
+ count = count + 1
+ f.close()
+ separator()
+ print("%d (of %d) files extracted to %s." % (count, package["numFiles"], path))
+def main():
+ """
+ Main method.
+ """
+ try:
+ # Get the optiosn
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "f:clep:h", ["file=", "create", "list", "extract", "path=", "help"])
+ except getopt.GetoptError as err:
+ # Print the program usage and exit
+ print("ERROR: " + str(err))
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ extractPath = os.getcwd()
+ pakFile = None
+ action = None
+ # Handle the options
+ for o, a in opts:
+ if o in ("-f", "--file"):
+ pakFile = a # Grab the pakfile
+ elif o in ("-c", "--create"):
+ action = "create"
+ elif o in ("-l", "--list"):
+ action = "list"
+ elif o in ("-e", "--extract"):
+ action = "extract"
+ elif o in ("-p", "--path"):
+ extractPath = a # Grab the path
+ elif o in ("-h", "--help"):
+ usage()
+ sys.exit()
+ else:
+ assert False, "Unhandled option"
+ # Check that we got a pakfile
+ if pakFile == None:
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ if action == "create": createPackage(pakFile, args)
+ elif action == "list": listPackage(pakFile)
+ elif action == "extract": extractPackage(pakFile, extractPath, args)
+ else: usage()
+ sys.exit()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()