path: root/
diff options
authorRicardo (XenGi) Band2016-03-20 21:07:41 +0100
committerRicardo (XenGi) Band2016-03-20 21:08:54 +0100
commit257590182fdda8817b4dcba0a7d8a9d95d366f58 (patch)
treea449550014f722f461e9926b3531fae3df449cf8 /
reuploaded package
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 974 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..648752afd155
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,974 @@
+use Getopt::Long;
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+# $Header: /home/misaka/code/umodunpack/RCS/,v 1.11 2000/01/02 22:01:24 misaka Exp $
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+=head1 NAME
+ - Unpack an Unreal [Tournament] Umod file.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ -h|--help|-v|--version
+ -l|--list|-i|--info <umod_file>
+ -u|--unpack <umod_file>
+ -e|--extract <filename> <umod_file>
+ -r|--readme <umod_file>
+Extract the packed Unreal [Tournament] mod files from a given umod.
+Please read the BUGS section.
+This script actually contains a 'umod' Perl package in it. Currently,
+it can only read and extract files from a umod, but concievably I
+could add code to pack a umod file.
+=head1 BUGS
+The code to modify the Manifest.ini is currently disabled. It appears
+that there is no Manifest.ini file under Linux, and not having the
+actual specs, I'm not certain if there are any other files that need
+to be updated. As it stands, mods seem to work fine without any
+further changes.
+The umod's requirements are not checked. Maybe sometime soon.
+Some of the code that parses the umod file could be more intelligent,
+and may react in annoying ways if run on a file that isn't a umod, or
+is a corrupt umod, or is just a umod that doesn't follow the rules I
+made up from the umods I looked at.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Initial code written by Mishka Gorodnitzky <>.
+umodINIGroup parseing patch added by Avatar <>.
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+my( $umodFileName, $UTBase, $umodFile );
+my( $defaultUTBase ) = '.';
+my( $rcfile ) = '.umodunpackrc';
+my( $versionText ) = <<EOT; v0.4 beta-quality by Mishka <misaka\>
+ with enhancement by Avatar <avatar\>.
+ No warranty, use at your own risk.
+my( $helpText ) = <<EOT;
+Usage: $0 [--base <base_dir>] --list|--info|--unpack <umod_file>
+ Unpack a Umod file for Unreal our Unreal Tournament.
+ -h|--help : this help
+ -v|--version : display version info
+ -i|--info : info on umod file
+ -l|--list : list files in Umod
+ -b|--base <base_dir> : base directory for Unreal install, default
+ is $defaultUTBase
+ -u|--unpack : extract the files to the UT basedir (default)
+ -e|--extract <file> : extract specific file
+ -r|--readme : view ReadMe file, if any, in umod
+ Use 'perldoc $0' for more info.
+# --------------------------------
+# Process cmdline args and options.
+my( $flagInfo, $flagList, $flagHelp, $flagVersion, $flagUnpack, $argExtract,
+ $flagReadme );
+GetOptions( 'info' => \$flagInfo,
+ 'list!' => \$flagList,
+ 'help!' => \$flagHelp,
+ 'base=s' => \$UTBase,
+ 'unpack!' => \$flagUnpack,
+ 'extract=s' => \$argExtract,
+ 'version!' => \$flagVersion,
+ 'readme!' => \$flagReadme );
+# Check if help was requested.
+if( $flagHelp ) {
+ print( $helpText );
+ exit( 0 );
+# Check if version info was requested.
+if( $flagVersion ) {
+ print( $versionText );
+ exit( 0 );
+# See if the UT basedir was given on the cmdline.
+if( defined( $UTBase ) ) {
+ # UT basedir given.
+ #
+ # Assuming the given dir exists, we'll be saveing it into
+ # ~/.umodunpackrc
+ if( !-d $UTBase ) {
+ die( "Unreal base directory '$UTBase' not found\n" );
+ }
+ if( open( RCFILE, ">$ENV{ HOME }/$rcfile" ) ) {
+ print( RCFILE "$UTBase\n" );
+ close( RCFILE );
+ }
+} else {
+ # UT basedir not given.
+ #
+ # Read it from our rcfile, if it exists.
+ if( -e "$ENV{ HOME }/$rcfile" ) {
+ if( open( RCFILE, "<$ENV{ HOME }/$rcfile" ) ) {
+ $UTBase = <RCFILE>;
+ chomp( $UTBase );
+ close( RCFILE );
+ }
+ } else {
+ # rcfile doesn't exist, set basedir to the default dir.
+ $UTBase = $defaultUTBase;
+ }
+# Grab the cmdline arg.
+$umodFileName = shift( @ARGV );
+if( !defined( $umodFileName ) ) {
+ warn( "no umod file specified\n" );
+ print( $helpText );
+ exit( 1 );
+# And make sure at least we're flagged for extraction, if nothing else.
+$flagUnpack = 1
+ if( !$flagInfo
+ and !$flagList
+ and !$flagHelp
+ and !$flagUnpack
+ and !$argExtract );
+# --------------------------------
+# Rev 'em up and get started.
+# Initialize the umod file object.
+# Most of the behind-the-scenes work is done here.
+$umodFile = new umodFile ( -file => "$umodFileName" );
+die( "$0: could not open or parse '$umodFileName': $!\n" )
+ if( !defined( $umodFile ) );
+# Set the base directory for extracted files.
+$umodFile->utbase( $UTBase );
+# Main branches. Check what operation we are doing.
+if( $flagInfo ) {
+ # Print out umod info.
+ #
+ # You know, the one really annoying thing about object refs is that
+ # they can't be used inside of a quoted region of text. Makes for
+ # ugly code, IMO.
+ #
+ # What really makes this code ugly is the need for optional data on
+ # each line ... in each case the URL is optional. Icki.
+ print( "\n",
+ ' Mod Name: ', $umodFile->productname );
+ print( ' (', $umodFile->producturl, ')' )
+ if( defined( $umodFile->producturl ) );
+ print( "\n",
+ ' Version: ', $umodFile->version );
+ print( ' (', $umodFile->versionurl, ')' )
+ if( defined( $umodFile->versionurl ) );
+ print( "\n",
+ 'Developer: ', $umodFile->developer );
+ print( ' (', $umodFile->developerurl, ')' )
+ if( defined( $umodFile->developerurl ) );
+ print( "\n",
+ "\n" );
+} elsif( $flagReadme ) {
+ # Display the umod's readme file.
+ #
+ # The umod's readme file is listed in Setup group. The umod object
+ # grabs that and return that, if it's found.
+ my( $readme ) = $umodFile->readme;
+ if( defined( $readme ) ) {
+ print( $umodFile->readme, "\n\n" );
+ } else {
+ print( "No umod readme found.\n" );
+ }
+} elsif( $flagList ) {
+ # List out the packing list.
+ my( @packingList ) = $umodFile->packingList;
+ my( @iniChanges ) = $umodFile->iniChanges;
+ print( "Requires:\n",
+ map( " $_\n", keys( %{ $umodFile->requires } ) ), "\n" )
+ if( $umodFile->requires );
+ print( "Groups:\n",
+ map( " $_\n", keys( %{ $umodFile->groups } ) ), "\n" )
+ if( $umodFile->groups );
+ print( "Packing List:\n",
+ map( " $_->{ 'src' } ($_->{ 'size' }b)\n",
+ @packingList ), "\n" );
+ print( "INI File Changes:\n",
+ map( " $_->{ 'file' }\n [$_->{ 'section' }]\n $_->{ 'key' }=$_->{ 'value' }\n",
+ @iniChanges ), "\n" );
+} elsif( $argExtract ) {
+ # Extract a single file from the umod package.
+ my( @packingList ) = $umodFile->packingList;
+ my( $packedFile ) = grep( $_->{ 'src' } =~ $argExtract, @packingList );
+ die( "$0: file '$argExtract' not found for extraction: $!\n" )
+ if( !defined( $packedFile ) );
+ print( "extracting file: $packedFile->{ src }\n" );
+ $umodFile->extract( $packedFile )
+ or die( "$0: error extracting file '$argExtract': $!\n" );
+} elsif( $flagUnpack ) {
+ # Simple extraction of packed files.
+ # Added updates ini file functionality by Avatar.
+ my( @packingList ) = $umodFile->packingList;
+ my( @iniChanges ) = $umodFile->iniChanges;
+ my( $packedFile, $file );
+ foreach $packedFile ( @packingList ) {
+ print( "extracting file: $packedFile->{ src }\n" );
+ $umodFile->extract( $packedFile )
+ or die( "$0: error extracting files: $!\n" );
+ }
+ foreach my $change ( @iniChanges ) {
+ my ( $iniName ) = "${UTBase}/$change->{ 'file' }";
+ # Silly DOS backslashes ...
+ $iniName =~s-\\-/-g;
+ print( "modifying ini file: $change->{ 'file' }\n" );
+ open( INI, "<$iniName" )
+ or die( "$0: could not open $iniName for reading: $!" );
+ my( $iniContents ) = <INI>;
+ close( INI );
+ # make a back up just in case
+ open( INI, ">$iniName.bak" )
+ or die( "$0: could not open $iniName.bak for writing: $!" );
+ print( INI $iniContents );
+ close( INI );
+ if( grep( /\[$change->{ 'section' }\]/, $iniContents ) ) {
+ $iniContents =~ s#(\[$change->{ 'section' }\])#$1\r\n$change->{ 'key' }=$change->{ 'value' }#;
+ } else {
+ $iniContents .= "\r\n[$change->{ 'section' }]\r\n$change->{ 'key' }=$change->{ 'value' }\r\n\r\n";
+ }
+ open( INI, ">$iniName" )
+ or die( "$0: could not open $iniName for writing: $!" );
+ print( INI $iniContents );
+ close( INI );
+ }
+# This is the umodFile object package.
+# This code is an implementation of a umod object in Perl. It's not
+# complete, it can't piece together a umod yet, etc, but it works fine
+# for the extraction/unpacking. Have any suggestions, or do you think
+# you would use this more if it could pack together a umod file? Let
+# me know, I'll consider completeing it.
+package umodFile;
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+# If you don't know what this sub is for you're going to have a rough
+# time following. :)
+sub new {
+ my( $type ) = shift;
+ my( %params ) = @_;
+ my( $file ) = shift;
+ my( $self ) = {};
+ bless( $self );
+ if( exists( $params{ -file } ) ) {
+ $self->{ 'file' } = $params{ -file };
+ } elsif( $file !~ m/^-/ ) {
+ $self->{ 'file' } = $file;
+ }
+ if( exists( $self->{ 'file' } ) ) {
+ $self->open or return( undef );
+ }
+ return( $self );
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+# Set/return file variable.
+sub file {
+ my( $self ) = shift;
+ my( $file ) = shift;
+ $self->{ 'file' } = $file
+ if( $file );
+ return( $self->{ 'file' } );
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+# Set/return UT base dir variable.
+sub utbase {
+ my( $self ) = shift;
+ my( $utbase ) = shift;
+ $self->{ 'utbase' } = $utbase
+ if( $utbase );
+ return( $self->{ 'utbase' } );
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+# Set/return product variable.
+sub product {
+ my( $self ) = shift;
+ my( $product ) = shift;
+ $self->{ 'product' } = $product
+ if( $product );
+ return( $self->{ 'product' } );
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+# Set/return version variable.
+sub version {
+ my( $self ) = shift;
+ my( $version ) = shift;
+ $self->{ 'version' } = $version
+ if( $version );
+ return( $self->{ 'version' } );
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+# Set/return archive name variable.
+sub archive {
+ my( $self ) = shift;
+ my( $archive ) = shift;
+ $self->{ 'archive' } = $archive
+ if( $archive );
+ return( $self->{ 'archive' } );
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+# Set/return requires data.
+sub requires {
+ my( $self ) = shift;
+ my( %requires ) = @_;
+ $self->{ 'requires' } = { %requires }
+ if( %requires );
+ return( $self->{ 'requires' } );
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+# Set/return groups data.
+sub groups {
+ my( $self ) = shift;
+ my( %groups ) = @_;
+ $self->{ 'groups' } = { %groups }
+ if( %groups );
+ return( $self->{ 'groups' } );
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+# Set/return product name variable.
+sub productname {
+ my( $self ) = shift;
+ my( $productname ) = shift;
+ $self->{ 'productname' } = $productname
+ if( defined( $productname ) );
+ return( $self->{ 'productname' } );
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+# Set/return product url variable.
+sub producturl {
+ my( $self ) = shift;
+ my( $producturl ) = shift;
+ $self->{ 'producturl' } = $producturl
+ if( defined( $producturl ) );
+ return( $self->{ 'producturl' } );
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+# Set/return version url variable.
+sub versionurl {
+ my( $self ) = shift;
+ my( $versionurl ) = shift;
+ $self->{ 'versionurl' } = $versionurl
+ if( defined( $versionurl ) );
+ return( $self->{ 'versionurl' } );
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+# Set/return developer variable.
+sub developer {
+ my( $self ) = shift;
+ my( $developer ) = shift;
+ $self->{ 'developer' } = $developer
+ if( defined( $developer ) );
+ return( $self->{ 'developer' } );
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+# Set/return developer url variable.
+sub developerurl {
+ my( $self ) = shift;
+ my( $developerurl ) = shift;
+ $self->{ 'developerurl' } = $developerurl
+ if( defined( $developerurl ) );
+ return( $self->{ 'developerurl' } );
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+# Set/return the filename of the ReadMe file.
+sub readmefile {
+ my( $self ) = shift;
+ my( $readme ) = shift;
+ $self->{ 'readmefile' } = $readme
+ if( defined( $readme ) );
+ return( $self->{ 'readmefile' } );
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+# Return the packing list.
+# At this point, this read-only. This could change if I add the
+# ability to pack a umod file.
+# Each element in the returned list is a ref to a hash derived from
+# the Src lines in the packed ini files.
+sub packingList {
+ my( $self ) = shift;
+ return( @{ $self->{ 'packingList' } } );
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+# Return the ini change list.
+# Each element in the returned list is a ref to a hash derived from
+# the Ini lines in the packed ini files.
+sub iniChanges {
+ my( $self ) = shift;
+ return( @{ $self->{ 'iniChanges' } } );
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+# Open the umod file and parse it.
+# Yup, here's the big one, forx.
+sub open {
+ my( $self ) = shift;
+ my( $file ) = shift;
+ my( $fileContents, $line, %sections, $section );
+ my( @requires, @groups, @packingList, @iniChanges, $setupLen );
+ my( $offset ) = 0;
+ # Juggle $file passed to us, if any, with what we've already got.
+ if( $file ) {
+ $self->file( $file );
+ } else {
+ $file = $self->file;
+ }
+ # Open the file or be unhappy.
+ if( !open( UMOD, "<$file" ) ) {
+ warn( "$0: could not open file '$file' for reading: $!\n" );
+ return( 0 );
+ }
+ undef( $/ );
+ # Read in the whole file.
+ $fileContents = <UMOD>;
+ # Skip any non-section header lines at the beginning of the file.
+ #
+ # This is a paranoia check, it should, in theory, never be an
+ # issue.
+ while ( $fileContents !~ m/^\[.+\]\r\n/ ) {
+ $line = nextLine( \$fileContents );
+ }
+ # Grab the first 'section' from the file to parse it.
+ #
+ # Note the 'do ... while', we do this because $line is
+ # already populated from above, and it should be a section
+ # header.
+ do {
+ $line = nextLine( \$fileContents );
+ $line =~ s/\r\n$//;
+ push( @sectionLines, $line );
+ } while ( $fileContents !~ m/^\[.+\]\r\n/ );
+ # The actual parsing is done here.
+ #
+ # The results are returned as a two-item list, perfect to go straight
+ # into our %sections hash.
+ %sections = parseSection( @sectionLines );
+ # Make sure we got a setup section.
+ if( !exists( $sections{ 'setup' } ) ) {
+ warn( "$0: did not find setup section in file '$file'\n" );
+ return( 0 );
+ }
+ # Set values in $self.
+ $self->product( @{ $sections{ 'setup' }->{ 'product' } } );
+ $self->version( @{ $sections{ 'setup' }->{ 'version' } } );
+ $self->archive( @{ $sections{ 'setup' }->{ 'archive' } } );
+ # Populate @requires and @groups.
+ @requires = @{ $sections{ 'setup' }->{ 'requires' } };
+ @groups = @{ $sections{ 'setup' }->{ 'group' } };
+ my( @sectionsToGet ) = ( @requires, @groups );
+ # Parse all the sections specified in the 'setup'.
+ while( @sectionsToGet ) {
+ my( @sectionLines, $sectionName, $section, $line );
+ # Grab the next section, put into @sectionLines.
+ #
+ # You know what's also a pisser? Now that I wrote the
+ # Manifest.ini part, I can't help but wonder if that's a
+ # better way to parse the .ini-type stuff here. Of course,
+ # I'm just sick of it and want to get this out the door ...
+ # maybe I'll sort that out later.
+ do {
+ $line = nextLine( \$fileContents );
+ $line =~ s/\r\n$//;
+ push( @sectionLines, $line );
+ } while ( $fileContents !~ m/^\[.+\]\r\n/ );
+ # Parse the gathered section.
+ ( $sectionName, $section ) = parseSection( @sectionLines );
+ $sections{ $sectionName } = $section;
+ # Remove this section from our @sectionsToGet list.
+ @sectionsToGet = grep( lc( $_ ) ne $sectionName, @sectionsToGet );
+ # Special processing needed if this is the 'setupgroup'.
+ #
+ # Note the lc() here ... we've assuming these silly .ini files
+ # are case insensitive, but I think that's a bad assumption.
+ # Will fix later.
+ if( lc( $sectionName ) eq 'setupgroup' ) {
+ # Basically the setupgroup holds information on how long
+ # the first couple of sections in the umod file are. We
+ # use this info to extract the second part of the setup
+ # info, and to keep track of where the real files start
+ # in the umod file.
+ my( $line );
+ foreach $line ( @{ $section->{ 'copy' } } ) {
+ my( $copy ) = parseSourceLine( $line );
+ if( $copy->{ 'src' } eq 'System\' ) {
+ $setupLen = $copy->{ 'size' };
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif( exists( $section->{ 'file' } ) ) {
+ # If this section has some files listed in it, add them
+ # to the packing list, keeping track of it's offset in
+ # the file and length, etc.
+ my( $line );
+ foreach $line ( @{ $section->{ 'file' } } ) {
+ my( $hash ) = parseSourceLine( $line );
+ $hash->{ 'start' } = $offset;
+ $offset += $hash->{ 'size' };
+ push( @packingList, $hash );
+ }
+ } elsif( lc( $sectionName ) eq 'umodinigroup' ) {
+ # If this section has some ini lines listed in it, add them
+ # to the ini changes list.
+ my( $line );
+ foreach $line ( @{ $section->{ 'ini' } } ) {
+ my( $hash ) = parseIniLine( $line );
+ push( @iniChanges, $hash );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Set variables in $self.
+ $self->requires( map { $_ => $sections{ $_ } } @requires );
+ $self->groups( map { $_ => $sections{ $_ } } @groups );
+ $self->{ 'packingList' } = \@packingList;
+ $self->{ 'iniChanges' } = \@iniChanges;
+ # Store away the contents of the umod that has files in them.
+ $self->{ 'contents' } = substr( $fileContents, $setupLen );
+ # Snip off the second section of the setup part and parse it up.
+ my( %setupini )
+ = parseSection( split( /\r\n/, substr( $fileContents, 0, $setupLen-1 ) ) );
+ # Set variables based on the setup section we just snarfed.
+ $self->productname( @{ $setupini{ 'setup' }->{ 'localproduct' } } );
+ $self->producturl( @{ $setupini{ 'setup' }->{ 'producturl' } } );
+ $self->versionurl( @{ $setupini{ 'setup' }->{ 'versionurl' } } );
+ $self->developer( @{ $setupini{ 'setup' }->{ 'developer' } } );
+ $self->developerurl( @{ $setupini{ 'setup' }->{ 'developerurl' } } );
+ $self->readmefile ( @{ $setupini{ 'setup' }->{ 'readme' } } );
+ return( 1 );
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+# Parse the next line off of the big scalar that are our contents.
+sub nextLine {
+ my( $contents ) = shift;
+ my( $line );
+ if( $ { $contents } =~ m/^.*\r\n/ ) {
+ $ { $contents } = $';
+ return( $& );
+ } else {
+ return( undef );
+ }
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+# Parse a section of ini-like cra^H^H^Hstuff.
+# I knew being familiar with Windows ini files would be good for
+# something one day. Not.
+sub parseSection {
+ my( @lines ) = @_;
+ my( $line, $sectionName, %settings );
+ my( @sectionData );
+ # Don't be confused by what's going on here. The steps are:
+ # while we have lines left
+ while( $line = shift( @lines ) ) {
+ # skip lines that aren't a section header (paranoia check)
+ next if( $line !~ m/^\[(.+)\]/ );
+ # @sectionData gets returned, $1 is the key to the hash we build
+ push( @sectionData, lc( $1 ) );
+ my( %hash );
+ # while we have lines left, inner loop
+ while( $line = shift( @lines ) ) {
+ # finish inner loop if we reached next section header
+ last if( $line =~ m/^\[.+\]/ );
+ # split the line up on /=/ and stick it into the hash
+ my( $key, $value ) = split( /=/, $line, 2 );
+ $key = lc( $key );
+ # add value to hash, creating a new anon list as necessary
+ if( exists( $hash{ $key } ) ) {
+ push( @{ $hash{ $key } }, $value );
+ } else {
+ $hash{ $key } = [ $value ];
+ }
+ }
+ # put line back if it's a section header
+ unshift( @lines, $line )
+ if( $line =~ m/^\[.+\]/ );
+ # add the hash to the list we'll return
+ push( @sectionData, \%hash );
+ }
+ return( @sectionData );
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+# Parse a given 'Src' line.
+# These lines exist in the ini sections of the umod and contain
+# information on files packed into the umod. We do some simple
+# processing to return a hash ref atomically.
+sub parseSourceLine {
+ my( $line ) = shift;
+ my( %hash );
+ $line =~ s/^\((.+)\)$/$1/;
+ %hash = map {
+ my( $key, $value ) = split( /=/, $_, 2 );
+ ( lc( $key ), $value )
+ } split( /,/, $line );
+# $hash{ 'src' } =~ s/\\/\//g;
+ return( \%hash );
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+# Parse a given 'Ini' line.
+# These lines exist in the umodINIGroup sections of the umod and
+# contain information on changes to the ini files. We do some
+# simple processing to return a hash ref atomically.
+sub parseIniLine {
+ my( $line ) = shift;
+ my( %hash );
+ # section can contain "."
+ $line =~ s/(.*),(.*)\.(.*)=(.*)/
+ $hash{ 'file' } = $1;
+ $hash{ 'section' } = $2;
+ $hash{ 'key' } = $3;
+ $hash{ 'value' } = $4/e;
+ return( \%hash );
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+# Extract the listed files.
+# Files are expected to come in hash refs as returned from
+# parseSourceLine above. These hashes contain filenames, sizes, etc.
+sub extract {
+ my( $self ) = shift;
+ my( @srcFiles ) = @_;
+ my( $srcFile );
+ foreach $srcFile ( @srcFiles ) {
+ my( $file ) = $srcFile->{ 'src' };
+ my( $depth ) = 0;
+ # Silly DOS backslashes ...
+ $file =~s-\\-/-g;
+ # Set our working dir to UT base.
+ my( $workDir ) = $self->utbase . '/';
+ # First take apart $file makeing any directories
+ while( $file =~ m-^(.+)/- ) {
+ my( $dir ) = $1;
+ $file = $';
+ if( ! -d "${workDir}$dir"
+ and ! mkdir( "${workDir}$dir", 0755 ) ) {
+ warn( "$0: error making dir $workDir$dir: $!\n" );
+ return( undef );
+ }
+ # Add this to our 'working dir', as used above and below.
+ $workDir .= "$dir/";
+ }
+ # Don't clobber file if it exists, skip to next.
+ #
+ # Should add a 'force' option to get around this.
+ if( -e "$workDir$file" ) {
+ warn( "$0: file exists, skipping: $file\n" );
+ next;
+ }
+ if( !open( OUTFILE, ">${workDir}$file" ) ) {
+ warn( "$0: error opening file for write '$workDir$file': $!\n" );
+ return( undef );
+ }
+ print( OUTFILE substr( $self->{ 'contents' },
+ $srcFile->{ 'start' },
+ $srcFile->{ 'size' } ) );
+ if( !close( OUTFILE ) ) {
+ warn( "$0: error closeing or writing file '$workDir$file': $!\n" );
+ return( undef );
+ }
+ }
+ return( 1 );
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+# Return the contents of the readme file, if it exists and if found.
+sub readme {
+ my( $self ) = shift;
+ my( $readmeSrc );
+ # Make sure there is a readme file as listed in Setup group.
+ return( undef )
+ if( !defined( $self->readmefile ) );
+ ( $readmeSrc ) = grep( $_->{ 'src' } eq $self->readmefile,
+ $self->packingList );
+ return( $readmeSrc
+ ? substr( $self->{ 'contents' }, $readmeSrc->{ 'start' }, $readmeSrc->{ 'size' } )
+ : undef );
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------