path: root/.SRCINFO
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.SRCINFO')
1 files changed, 61 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..53a7a39e3dd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+pkgbase = geant4
+ pkgdesc = A simulation toolkit for particle physics interactions.
+ pkgver = 10.01.01
+ pkgrel = 1
+ url =
+ install = geant4.install
+ arch = x86_64
+ arch = i686
+ license = custom:
+ depends = cmake>=2.8.2
+ depends = xerces-c
+ depends = qt5-base
+ depends = qt5-connectivity
+ depends = qt5-declarative
+ depends = qt5-enginio
+ depends = qt5-graphicaleffects
+ depends = qt5-imageformats
+ depends = qt5-location
+ depends = qt5-multimedia
+ depends = qt5-quick1
+ depends = qt5-quickcontrols
+ depends = qt5-script
+ depends = qt5-sensors
+ depends = qt5-serialport
+ depends = qt5-svg
+ depends = qt5-tools
+ depends = qt5-translations
+ depends = qt5-wayland
+ depends = qt5-webchannel
+ depends = qt5-webengine
+ depends = qt5-webkit
+ depends = qt5-websockets
+ depends = qt5-x11extras
+ depends = qt5-xmlpatterns
+ depends = glu
+ depends = soxt
+ depends = mesa
+ depends = clhep
+ optdepends = java-environment: for histogram visualizations and analysis
+ optdepends = tcsh: for C Shell support
+ optdepends = python: for G4Python support
+ optdepends = geant4-abladata: Data files for nuclear shell effects in INCL/ABLA hadronic mode
+ optdepends = geant4-ledata: Data files for low energy electromagnetic processes
+ optdepends = geant4-levelgammadata: Data files for photon evaporation
+ optdepends = geant4-neutronhpdata: Neutron data files with thermal cross sections
+ optdepends = geant4-neutronxsdata: Data files for evaluated neutron cross sections on natural composition of elements
+ optdepends = geant4-piidata: Data files for shell ionisation cross sections
+ optdepends = geant4-radioactivedata: Data files for radioactive decay hadronic processes
+ optdepends = geant4-realsurfacedata: Data files for measured optical surface reflectance
+ optdepends = geant4-saiddata: Data files from evaluated cross-sections in SAID data-base
+ replaces = geant4-deb
+ options = !emptydirs
+ source =
+ source = Geant4InterfaceOptions.patch
+ source = geant4.install
+ md5sums = 145c91d167a3fda2ad811a468dd8221c
+ md5sums = cc428f31958c6e036cb01c0220b3fd83
+ md5sums = c3652d79011cd3fab2e1081e22f9f513
+pkgname = geant4