diff options
8 files changed, 1075 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2335fa7205f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+pkgbase = avantfax
+ pkgdesc = a web-based application for managing faxes on HylaFAX fax servers
+ pkgver = 3.3.3
+ pkgrel = 1
+ url =
+ install = avantfax.install
+ arch = any
+ license = GPLv2
+ depends = hylafax
+ depends = sudo
+ depends = ghostscript
+ depends = gsfonts
+ depends = dash
+ depends = php
+ depends = apache
+ depends = php-apache
+ depends = php-pear
+ depends = pear-mail-mime
+ depends = pear-mail-mime-decode
+ depends = pear-net-smtp
+ depends = pear-mdb2>=2.5.0b5-1
+ depends = pear-mdb2-mysql>=1.5.0b4-1
+ depends = html2ps
+ depends = mariadb
+ depends = psutils
+ depends = libtiff
+ depends = libpng
+ depends = imagemagick
+ depends = netpbm
+ depends = giflib
+ optdepends = tesseract: OCR incoming faxes for document keyword searches
+ optdepends = AvantFAX-support: iFax Solutions can help configure your fax system
+ source =
+ source =
+ source = avantfax.cron.service
+ source = avantfax.cron.timer
+ source = avantfax.phb.service
+ source = avantfax.phb.timer
+ sha256sums = b27deff3953af084d3930878e7377d382d434da43a05388a72251f6352e6133d
+ sha256sums = 615fcba915da20c10614c618dfc6a4d55ed526d2b689947c104102e3cc37e18c
+ sha256sums = 2c633cd03dd234cfbcf6d0530be573e9eaa2b1e92876faa946895bf99bfb3ebc
+ sha256sums = 057be12012e2bd10c8400cac9a2612b9d66ea1535476671f28dbf633c8eb6972
+ sha256sums = 51b4bcf2e26418f8392f765c7d0f363fe3c842ddfbefb8c950f484f4ce4a179a
+ sha256sums = 8a0baba7cfeea3b5e20353677335b923c9333a4d1ab6143b41ca4b2d47449bbd
+pkgname = avantfax
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a23061a82b23
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+# Maintainer: Chris Severance aur.severach aATt spamgourmet dott com
+# Category: daemons
+# Note: These TODO may not be things I'm planning to fix. Some of them are just
+# notes to be fixed by someone else who wants that functionality and warnings
+# to those who are expecting that functionality. The HylaFAX+ and AvantFAX
+# PKGBUILD have taken many days to get them functional on a modern OS.
+# I can't spend a lot more time fixing things I don't use without help.
+# TODO: Test receive fax functionality. I only send faxes.
+# TODO: Verify timers work
+# TODO: Check if Tesseract works
+# TODO: Support for HylaFAX in extra (HylaFAX+ on AUR is supported)
+# TODO: Less destructive remove or better cleanup.
+# TODO: Even safer password storage (the current method is pretty safe)
+# TODO: SendEmail or support instead of sendmail
+# See for more todo
+# VERIFIED: Upon remove (and cleanup) 'avantfax' isn't found in /etc /var/spool/hylafax
+# other than in the logs for faxes sent by AvantFAX.
+# VERIFIED: AvantFAX integration for HylaFAX+ upgrades
+# How to install:
+# Setup these parameters
+_opt_AUTO_START_HTTP=1 # 1 to automatically enable avantfax and restart apache, 0=manual
+_opt_DEBUG_PHP=0 # 1 to show php debug messages, 0 for production
+_opt_pagesize='letter' # a4, letter
+# Recommended build command: makepkg -scCfi
+# With a non set up MySQL or a root password the install will fail.
+# sudo vi /usr/bin/
+# Add mysql root password then finish install.
+# install
+# Check settings in /usr/share/webapps/avantfax/includes/local_config.php
+# Cleanup: sudo rm -rf /usr/share/webapps/avantfax /root/avantfaxbackup
+# Note: Removing the avantfax package is very destructive. It destroys all
+# avantfax files and tables.
+set -u
+_pkgnick="${pkgname}" # 'ArchFAX' # Changing this for an upgrade leaves cruft in many files.
+pkgdesc='a web-based application for managing faxes on HylaFAX fax servers'
+arch=('any') #('i686' 'x86_64')
+depends=('hylafax' 'sudo' 'ghostscript' 'gsfonts' 'dash'
+ 'php' 'apache' 'php-apache' 'php-pear'
+ 'pear-mail-mime' 'pear-mail-mime-decode' 'pear-net-smtp'
+ 'pear-mdb2>=2.5.0b5-1' 'pear-mdb2-mysql>=1.5.0b4-1' 'html2ps' # AUR in May 2015
+ 'mariadb' 'psutils' 'libtiff' 'libpng' 'imagemagick' 'netpbm' 'giflib'
+ )
+optdepends=('tesseract: OCR incoming faxes for document keyword searches' # not enabled in local-config, might already work
+ 'AvantFAX-support: iFax Solutions can help configure your fax system'
+# Searching config.php for 'extension_loaded' doesn't show any extensions we need at this time.
+# 'php-mysql' # included in php as ''
+# 'php-mbstring' # included in the Arch Linux PKGBUILD configure --enable-mbstring
+# 'php-fileinfo' # built in as of php 5.3
+# 'libungif' # no longer supported, seems to be replaced with giflib
+# 'vixie-cron' # replaced with systemd timers. I use cronie.
+# 'rsync' # used only in the manual upgrade scripts. rsync is not used in the package.
+#makedepends=('smtp-server') # sendmail isn't required. It can be used on another server.
+ ''
+ 'avantfax.cron.service'
+ 'avantfax.cron.timer'
+ 'avantfax.phb.service'
+ 'avantfax.phb.timer')
+ '615fcba915da20c10614c618dfc6a4d55ed526d2b689947c104102e3cc37e18c'
+ '2c633cd03dd234cfbcf6d0530be573e9eaa2b1e92876faa946895bf99bfb3ebc'
+ '057be12012e2bd10c8400cac9a2612b9d66ea1535476671f28dbf633c8eb6972'
+ '51b4bcf2e26418f8392f765c7d0f363fe3c842ddfbefb8c950f484f4ce4a179a'
+ '8a0baba7cfeea3b5e20353677335b923c9333a4d1ab6143b41ca4b2d47449bbd')
+build () {
+ set -u
+ cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+ # chmod 755 *.sh
+ # All of the .php files marked as executable need to be executable.
+ # find avantfax -executable -type f -name "*.php" -exec chmod 644 {} \;
+ # Patch to bring avantfax into compliance with php5
+ #
+ local _file
+ for _file in 'AFUserAccount.php' 'FormRules.php'; do
+ sed -i -e 's:^\(\s\+\)private \(function __unset.\+\)$:\1public \2:g' \
+ -e 's:^\(\s\+\)private \(function __isset.\+\)$:\1public \2:g' \
+ -e 's:^\(\s\+\)private \(function __get.\+\)$:\1public \2:g' \
+ -e 's:^\(\s\+\)private \(function __set.\+\)$:\1public \2:g' \
+ "${pkgname}/includes/${_file}"
+ done
+ #
+ # Strict Standards patch, remove & from =&
+ sed -i -e 's|^\(\s\+$this->db =\)&\( MDB2::singleton\)|\1\2|g' \
+ -e 's|^\(\s\+$res =\)&\( $this->db->query\)|\1\2|g' \
+ -e 's|^\(\s\+$this->result =\)&\( $this->db->query\)|\1\2|g' \
+ -e 's|^\(\s\+$aff =\)&\( $this->db->exec\)|\1\2|g' \
+ "${pkgname}/includes/SQL.php"
+ #exit 1
+ # This PEAR bug will never be fixed but is also unlikely to be deprecated so we'll supress it.
+ #
+ for _file in SQL.php MDBO.php; do
+ sed -i -e 's|(\(PEAR::isError\)|(@\1|g' \
+ "${pkgname}/includes/${_file}"
+ done
+ # I don't see a fast way to fix this one so I'll just supress the warning for now.
+ sed -i -e 's|\(^\s\+$source_content = \)\(preg_replace\)|\1@\2|g' \
+ "${pkgname}/includes/Smarty/Smarty_Compiler.class.php"
+ set +u
+package () {
+ set -u
+ local _httpdir='/usr/share/webapps'
+ cd "${srcdir}"
+ # systemd timer (from the HylaFAX PKGBUILD). No need to install cron.
+ install -d -m755 "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/systemd/system/"
+ for _i in avantfax*.{timer,service}; do
+ install -D -m644 "${_i}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/systemd/system/${_i}"
+ case "${_i}" in
+ # If you're going to do this, it's better to systemctl enable in the install.
+ #*.timer) ln -s "../${_i}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/systemd/system/${_i}";;
+ *.service) sed -i -e "s:/var/www/avantfax:${_httpdir}/${_pkgnick}:g" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/systemd/system/${_i}";;
+ esac
+ done
+ cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+ # Install the main advantfax folder
+ install -d -m755 "${pkgdir}${_httpdir}"
+ cp -pr "avantfax" "${pkgdir}${_httpdir}/${_pkgnick}"
+ install -d -m755 "${pkgdir}${_httpdir}/${_pkgnick}/tmp"
+ # Install the SQL scripts
+ install -d -m755 "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/${_pkgnick}"
+ install -D -m644 *.sql "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/${_pkgnick}"
+ # Branding. Too bad this can't be better.
+ sed -i -e 's/\(:: AvantFAX LOGIN\) \(::\)/\1 for Arch Linux \2/g' \
+ "${pkgdir}${_httpdir}/${_pkgnick}/includes/templates/main_theme/templates/index.tpl"
+ # Create our bin dir so we can adhere to open_basedir restrictions
+ # The installer will place hard links in here.
+ local _bindir="${_httpdir}/${_pkgnick}-bin"
+ install -d -m755 "${pkgdir}${_bindir}"
+ # Enable debug
+ if [ "${_opt_DEBUG_PHP}" -ne 0 ]; then
+ sed -i -e "s:^\(\s\+\)\(//\s\+DATABASE\sSETTINGS\$\):\1ini_set('display_errors', true); \2:g" \
+ "${pkgdir}${_httpdir}/${_pkgnick}/includes/local_config-example.php"
+ sed -i -e "s:^\(\s\+\)\(require_once '\.\./includes/classes\.php';\)\$:\1ini_set('display_errors', true);\n\1\2:g" \
+ "${pkgdir}${_httpdir}/${_pkgnick}/index.php"
+ sed -i -e "s:^\(\s\+\)\(require_once '\.\./includes/classes\.php';\)\$:\1ini_set('display_errors', true);\n\1\2:g" \
+ "${pkgdir}${_httpdir}/${_pkgnick}/admin/index.php"
+ fi
+ # patch php scripts with our bin dir to comply with php open_basedir
+ # Set page size
+ sed -i -e 's:/usr/local/bin/:'"${_bindir}/:g" \
+ -e 's:/usr/bin:'"${_bindir}:g" \
+ -e "s:^\(\s\+\$HYLAFAX_PREFIX\s*=\s*'\)[^']\+\(';\):\1${_bindir}\2:g" \
+ -e "s:^\(\s\+\$PAPERSIZE\s*=\s*'\)[^']\+\(';\):\1${_opt_pagesize}\2:g" \
+ "${pkgdir}${_httpdir}/${_pkgnick}/includes/local_config-example.php"
+ #exit 1
+ # The original technique for HYLA being in bin and sbin is hostile to our bin folder
+ # Besides, sbin must go
+# -e 's:^\(\s\+error_reporting(E_ALL\)\();\)$:\1 \& ~E_DEPRECATED\2:g'
+ sed -i -e "s:'sbin':'bin':g" \
+ "${pkgdir}${_httpdir}/${_pkgnick}/includes/config.php"
+ # Install Apache vhosts file. It's similar to phpMyAdmin and Adminer.
+ install -d -m755 "${pkgdir}/etc/webapps/${_pkgnick}"
+ cat > "${pkgdir}/etc/webapps/${_pkgnick}/apache.example.conf" <<EOF
+# Installed by ${pkgname}-${pkgver} PKGBUILD from Arch Linux AUR
+Alias /${_pkgnick} "${_httpdir}/${_pkgnick}"
+<Directory "${_httpdir}/${_pkgnick}">
+ AllowOverride All
+ Options FollowSymlinks
+ Require all granted
+ php_admin_value open_basedir "/tmp/:/usr/share/pear/:${_httpdir}/${_pkgnick}/:${_httpdir}/${_pkgnick}-bin/"
+# The AvantFAX installer will tack the HylaFAX+ spool folder onto the end
+ install -d -m755 "${pkgdir}/etc/httpd/conf/extra"
+ cp -p "${pkgdir}/etc/webapps/${_pkgnick}/apache.example.conf" "${pkgdir}/etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-${_pkgnick}.conf"
+ # Install, patch, source, and run our setup script
+ local _shellfile="${pkgdir}/usr/bin/"
+ install -d -m755 "${pkgdir}/usr/bin"
+ install -D -m755 "${srcdir}/" "${_shellfile}"
+ # Arch Linux uses bash as sh which allows bashishms through. For strict POSIX shell compliance we use dash.
+ sed -i -e 's:^\(_opt_HTTP_DIR\)=.*$'":\1='${_httpdir}':g" \
+ -e 's:^\(_opt_VHOSTS\)=.*$'":\1=0:g" \
+ -e 's:^\(_opt_AUTO_START_HTTP\)=.*$'":\1=${_opt_AUTO_START_HTTP}:g" \
+ -e 's:^\(_opt_AVANTFAX_SERVERNAME\)=.*$'":\1='${_pkgnick}':g" \
+ -e 's:^#!/bin/sh$:#!/usr/bin/dash:g' \
+ "${_shellfile}"
+ # Install php mysql extension
+ _opt_SOURCEONLY=1; . "${_shellfile}"; unset _opt_SOURCEONLY
+ install -d -m755 "${pkgdir}/etc/php/conf.d"
+ cat >> "${pkgdir}/etc/php/conf.d/${_pkgnick}.ini" << EOF
+; Installed by ${pkgname}-${pkgver} PKGBUILD from Arch Linux AUR
+ chmod 755 "${pkgdir}/etc/php/conf.d"
+ # Fix timers to run as user
+ local _i
+ for _i in "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/systemd/system/"*.service; do
+ sed -i -e 's:^#\(User\)=.*$'":\1=${_opt_WWWUSER}:g" \
+ -e 's:^#\(Group\)=.*$'":\1=${_opt_WWWGROUP}:g" \
+ "${_i}"
+ done
+ # Install sudo config
+ install -d -m750 "${pkgdir}/etc/sudoers.d"
+ cat >> "${pkgdir}/etc/sudoers.d/${_pkgnick}.sudo" << EOF
+# Installed by ${pkgname}-${pkgver} PKGBUILD from Arch Linux AUR
+${_opt_SUDO_LINE} -u * -p * * ${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}
+ # We run the *modified* shell script
+ export _opt_DESTDIR="${pkgdir}"
+ "${_shellfile}" 0 package # package ignores the flag
+ set +u
+set +u
diff --git a/avantfax.cron.service b/avantfax.cron.service
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..686dddebf0c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/avantfax.cron.service
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Description=AvantFAX file maintenance
+ExecStart=/var/www/avantfax/includes/avantfaxcron.php -t 2
diff --git a/avantfax.cron.timer b/avantfax.cron.timer
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1d4f106e12ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/avantfax.cron.timer
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Description=AvantFAX file daily maintenance
diff --git a/avantfax.install b/avantfax.install
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5935288e089d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/avantfax.install
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+_reload_http() {
+ set -u
+ if systemctl is-active httpd.service >/dev/null; then
+ systemctl reload httpd.service # graceful
+ fi
+ set +u
+_start_systemd() {
+ systemctl daemon-reload
+ systemctl enable 'avantfax.phb.timer'
+ systemctl start 'avantfax.phb.timer'
+ systemctl enable 'avantfax.cron.timer'
+ systemctl start 'avantfax.cron.timer'
+post_upgrade() {
+ set -u
+ _start_systemd
+ 2 build post # updates are applied here from backup copied below
+ set +u
+pre_upgrade() {
+ set -u
+ 1 preun
+ 2 pre # copy backup info to apply update above
+ set +u
+pre_install() {
+ :
+post_install() {
+ set -u
+ _start_systemd
+ 1 build pre post
+ _opt_SOURCEONLY=1; . ''; unset _opt_SOURCEONLY
+ _httpinclude="Include conf/extra/httpd-${_opt_AVANTFAX_SERVERNAME}.conf"
+ _httpconf='/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf'
+ if ! grep "${_httpinclude}"'$' "${_httpconf}" &>/dev/null; then
+ if [ "${_opt_AUTO_START_HTTP}" -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "${_httpinclude}" >> "${_httpconf}"
+ _reload_http
+ else
+ echo "# ${_httpinclude}" >> "${_httpconf}"
+ echo "Enable Include ... ${_opt_AVANTFAX_SERVERNAME} in httpd.conf"
+ fi
+ fi
+ set +u
+pre_remove() {
+ set -u
+ systemctl stop 'avantfax.phb.timer'
+ systemctl disable 'avantfax.phb.timer'
+ systemctl stop 'avantfax.cron.timer'
+ systemctl disable 'avantfax.cron.timer'
+ _opt_SOURCEONLY=1; . ''; unset _opt_SOURCEONLY
+ _httpinclude="Include conf/extra/httpd-${_opt_AVANTFAX_SERVERNAME}.conf"
+ _httpconf='/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf'
+ _conftemp='/tmp/avantfax.httpd.conf'
+ if grep "${_httpinclude}"'$' "${_httpconf}" &>/dev/null; then
+ rm -f "${_conftemp}"
+ cp -p "${_httpconf}" "${_conftemp}"
+ grep -v "${_httpinclude}"'$' "${_conftemp}" > "${_httpconf}"
+ rm -f "${_conftemp}"
+ _reload_http
+ fi
+ 0 preun
+ cp -p '/usr/bin/'{,.password} /tmp
+ set +u
+post_remove() {
+ set -u
+ systemctl daemon-reload
+ /tmp/ 0 postun
+ _opt_SOURCEONLY=1; . '/tmp/'; unset _opt_SOURCEONLY
+ # This completely removes your config. Not everyone may want this.
+ rm -rf "/usr/share/webapps/${_opt_AVANTFAX_SERVERNAME}" "/root/avantfaxbackup"
+ rm -f '/tmp/'{,.password} '/usr/bin/'
+ set +u
diff --git a/avantfax.phb.service b/avantfax.phb.service
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5cc5d9dde5dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/avantfax.phb.service
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Description=AvantFAX phone book maintenance
diff --git a/avantfax.phb.timer b/avantfax.phb.timer
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..338e43a53cd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/avantfax.phb.timer
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Description=AvantFAX phone book hourly maintenance
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..90c1bf55b768
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,649 @@
+# Packagers can change this to dash
+# TODO: Fix magic. I don't see where magic is used anywhere.
+# TODO: Fix trusted-users (mail)
+# This was adapted from the RPM .spec. The .spec forced an organization which
+# the * files lacked. RPM used some bashisms that were removed.
+# The Hylafax scripts are very classy work. I'll try to duplicate some of that
+# class here.
+# The Basis Pro/5 scripts were even classier, all as functions so they can be
+# thrown together in any order.
+# This script is designed so you can run the desired parts over and over
+# until all the steps complete properly. This is part of the rigor required
+# to function well in the fast upgrade environment of Arch Linux.
+# All vars and functions start with _ so this can be directly run from
+# Arch Linux PKGBUILD.
+# /etc/avantfaxrpm.conf
+# To make these vars more friendly for sed hacking always use "double" quotes
+# and do not put # comments on the end of lines (like this one). # don't do this! # or this!
+# AUTO_START_HTTP isn't (yet) used in this file but it may be used by files
+# that source this. It will likely be used when this script is adapted
+# for platforms other than Arch Linux.
+# reboot, halt, # I'm not the only one who thinks that this is a bad idea.
+_opt_SUDO_LINE="${_opt_WWWUSER} ALL = NOPASSWD: ${_opt_HYLA_BIN_DIR}/faxdeluser, ${_opt_HYLA_BIN_DIR}/faxadduser"
+if [ ! -z "${_opt_SOURCEONLY}" ]; then
+ return 0
+# We can't set -u before here or we might change the setting for our sourcer
+if [ -z "${_opt_DESTDIR}" ]; then
+ _opt_DESTDIR="${_opt_DESTDIR}"
+set -u
+if [ "`id -u`" -ne 0 ]; then # $EUID is a bashism
+ echo "`basename "$0"`: Must run as root"
+ exit 1
+# These are the database settings AvantFAX will create and use
+# ADFB_NAME used to be called DB. 2 character variables or variables likely
+# to be in the persistent shell environment are unwise!
+# The MariaDB service is still called mysqld
+# friendly name for server
+# "" for autodetect, 0 for SysV, 1 for systemd
+# You can sed this or use export _opt_DESTDIR="..."
+# _opt_BUILD is only an idea not implemented, but would be something like
+# RPM, Debian, ArchLinux, or any other value that can be used to adapt this
+# script to many platforms. Someday we'll get rid of the too many install scripts.
+if [ -z "${_opt_DESTDIR}" ]; then
+ if [ ! -s "$0.password" ]; then
+ cat >> "$0.password" << EOF
+# The MySQL/MariaDB root password must be placed here for AvantFAX. This file
+# can only be read by root and the password isn't stored anywhere else. The
+# password is only used at install and remove to add or remove user avantfax.
+# All normal operations are done with the avantfax user and the password below.
+# The MySQL avantfax user password is placed here to make it persistent
+# between upgrades. This password is transferred to the php config script so
+# would be revealed by any hacker that can get to the php script. The purpose
+# is to ensure that every AvantFAX install has a random password to minimize
+# the possibility of a widespread AvantFAX hack if http, php, or mysql
+# vulnerabilities lead to non root access to MySQL.
+_opt_ADFB_PASS="`dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=32 2>/dev/null | base64 -w 0 | rev | cut -b 2- | rev`"
+# When you are done configuring this run:
+# install
+ chown 'root:root' "$0.password" # just to make sure
+ chmod 600 "$0.password"
+ fi
+ . "$0.password"
+if [ -z "${_opt_SYSTEMD}" ]; then
+ if command -v systemctl >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ _opt_SYSTEMD=1
+ else
+ _opt_SYSTEMD=0
+ fi
+if grep -i 'adv''ant' "$0"; then
+ echo "It's AvantFax, not Adv""antFAX. Please fix the script!"
+ exit 1
+# These parts can be done in the package build, the preferred place for chmod.
+_fn_setup_package() {
+ chmod -R 0770 "${_opt_DESTDIR}${_opt_INST_DIR}/tmp" "${_opt_DESTDIR}${_opt_INST_DIR}/faxes"
+####### SETUP SMARTY #######
+ chmod 0770 \
+ "${_opt_DESTDIR}${_opt_INST_DIR}/includes/templates/admin_theme/templates_c/" \
+ "${_opt_DESTDIR}${_opt_INST_DIR}/includes/templates/admin_theme/cache/" \
+ "${_opt_DESTDIR}${_opt_INST_DIR}/includes/templates/main_theme/templates_c/" \
+ "${_opt_DESTDIR}${_opt_INST_DIR}/includes/templates/main_theme/cache/"
+ chmod 0755 \
+ "${_opt_DESTDIR}${_opt_INST_DIR}/includes/faxcover.php" \
+ "${_opt_DESTDIR}${_opt_INST_DIR}/includes/faxrcvd.php" \
+ "${_opt_DESTDIR}${_opt_INST_DIR}/includes/notify.php" \
+ "${_opt_DESTDIR}${_opt_INST_DIR}/tools/update_contacts.php" \
+ "${_opt_DESTDIR}${_opt_INST_DIR}/tools/faxcover.php" \
+ "${_opt_DESTDIR}${_opt_INST_DIR}/includes/avantfaxcron.php" \
+ "${_opt_DESTDIR}${_opt_INST_DIR}/includes/dynconf.php"
+# This is called build because it is from the %build section of the RPM .spec.
+# I prefer to chown in the installer where we get to use words, not the
+# PKGBUILD where we can't adduser so we can't depend on anything more than numbers.
+_fn_setup_build() {
+ chown -R "${_opt_WWWUSER}:${_opt_WWWGROUP}" "${_opt_INST_DIR}/"
+ chown -R "${_opt_WWWUSER}:${_opt_HYLA_GROUP}" "${_opt_INST_DIR}/tmp" "${_opt_INST_DIR}/faxes"
+####### SETUP SMARTY #######
+ chown "${_opt_WWWUSER}:${_opt_WWWGROUP}" \
+ "${_opt_INST_DIR}/includes/templates/admin_theme/templates_c/" \
+ "${_opt_INST_DIR}/includes/templates/admin_theme/cache/" \
+ "${_opt_INST_DIR}/includes/templates/main_theme/templates_c/" \
+ "${_opt_INST_DIR}/includes/templates/main_theme/cache/"
+ # open_basedir resolves soft links so we'll create hard links. This keeps us out of the /bin folder.
+ install -d -m755 "${_opt_BIN_DIR}"
+ # which would need to be tested with -x to eliminate not found executables
+ for _var_i in 'html2ps' 'lpr' 'tesseract' 'fax2ps' 'faxinfo' 'faxstat' 'faxadduser' 'faxdeluser' 'faxgetty' 'sendfax' 'faxrm' 'faxalter'; do
+ _var_file="`command -v ${_var_i}`"
+ if [ ! -z "${_var_file}" ]; then
+ ln -f "${_var_file}" "${_opt_BIN_DIR}/${_var_i}"
+ fi
+ done
+_fn_check_mysql() {
+ for _var_isthere in "${_opt_MYSQL}" "${_opt_MYSQLADMIN}"; do
+ if ! command -v "${_var_isthere}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo "I require ${_var_isthere} but it's not installed."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ done # From graysky's zfs installer
+# This is called pre because it's from the %pre section of the RPM .spec.
+# It cannot be run at %pre. It is run at %post because of a race condition.
+# Running at %pre is fine if mysql is already installed and configured.
+# If AvantFAX and MySQL/MariaDB are installed at the same time (which is likely)
+# this could execute before MySQL's install. Then with all the code trapped
+# in the RPM .spec the user has no way to continue the install. All they
+# can do is to uninstall and reinstall.
+# $1 flag: 1 = install, 2 = upgrade
+_fn_setup_pre() {
+ if [ "$1" -eq 1 ]; then
+ echo "### DB Settings: ${_opt_ADFB_USER} ${_opt_ADFB_PASS} ${_opt_AFDB_NAME} (root password)" # ${_opt_ROOTMYSQLPWD}"
+ fi
+ _fn_check_mysql
+ if [ "${_opt_SYSTEMD}" -ne 0 ]; then
+ systemctl -q is-active "${_opt_MYSQLD}.service"
+ else
+ ${_opt_SERVICE} "${_opt_MYSQLD}" status >/dev/null 2>&1
+ fi
+ _var_WAS_ACTIVE="$?"
+ # If the admin had it stopped, we'll stop it when done.
+ _fn_sql_deactivate() {
+ if [ "${_var_WAS_ACTIVE}" -ne 0 ]; then
+ if [ "${_opt_SYSTEMD}" -ne 0 ]; then
+ systemctl stop "${_opt_MYSQLD}.service"
+ else
+ ${_opt_SERVICE} "${_opt_MYSQLD}" stop
+ fi
+ fi
+ }
+ _fn_sql_boom() { # clever function from Hylafax
+ _fn_sql_deactivate
+ echo "`basename "$0"`: Unable to configure ${_opt_SQL_FR}. Ensure it is configured and run `basename "$0"` again"
+ echo "Problem: $1"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ if [ "${_var_WAS_ACTIVE}" -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "##########################################################################"
+ echo "### Temporairly Starting ${_opt_SQL_FR}"
+ if [ "${_opt_SYSTEMD}" -ne 0 ]; then
+ systemctl start "${_opt_MYSQLD}.service"
+ if ! systemctl -q is-active "${_opt_MYSQLD}.service"; then
+ _fn_sql_boom "Service didn't start"
+ fi
+ else
+ ${_opt_SERVICE} "${_opt_MYSQLD}" start
+ if ! ${_opt_SERVICE} "${_opt_MYSQLD}" status >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ _fn_sql_boom "Service didn't start"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ "$1" -eq 1 ]; then
+ echo "### Testing root access for ${_opt_SQL_FR}"
+ fi
+ _var_isthere="`${_opt_MYSQL} --user=root --password="${_opt_ROOTMYSQLPWD}" 'mysql' -sNe "select count(*) as existe from user where User = '${_opt_ADFB_USER}'"`"
+ #echo "${_var_isthere}"
+ if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "sudo vi '$0.password' # enter your root password here."
+ _fn_sql_boom "Is there a root password set for MySQL set in `basename "$0"`.password?"
+ fi
+ if [ "$1" -eq 1 ]; then
+ _var_isthere="`${_opt_MYSQL} --user=root --password="${_opt_ROOTMYSQLPWD}" -sNe "SHOW DATABASES like '${_opt_AFDB_NAME}'"`"
+ #echo "${_var_isthere}"
+ if [ "$?" -ne 0 -o ! -z "${_var_isthere}" ]; then
+ echo "### AvantFAX database ${_opt_AFDB_NAME} already exists"
+ else
+ echo "### Creating AvantFAX ${_opt_SQL_FR} database"
+ ${_opt_MYSQLADMIN} --default-character-set=utf8 --user='root' --password="${_opt_ROOTMYSQLPWD}" create "${_opt_AFDB_NAME}"
+ if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then
+ _fn_sql_boom "Can't create ${_opt_ADFB_USER} user"
+ fi
+ echo "### Creating ${_opt_ADFB_USER} account with password ${_opt_ADFB_PASS} for DB ${_opt_AFDB_NAME}"
+ ${_opt_MYSQL} --user='root' --password="${_opt_ROOTMYSQLPWD}" 'mysql' -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ${_opt_AFDB_NAME}.* TO '${_opt_ADFB_USER}'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY \"${_opt_ADFB_PASS}\""
+ if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then
+ _fn_sql_boom "Can't grant to ${_opt_ADFB_USER} user"
+ fi
+ echo "`basename "$0"`: SQL configuration complete."
+ fi
+ elif [ "$1" -eq 2 ]; then
+ echo '### Backing up old AvantFAX into /root/avantfaxbackup'
+ mkdir -p '/root/avantfaxbackup'
+ ${_opt_MYSQLDUMP} --user="${_opt_ADFB_USER}" --password="${_opt_ADFB_PASS}" "${_opt_AFDB_NAME}" > '/root/avantfaxbackup/db_backup.sql'
+ cp -pru "${_opt_INST_DIR}/includes/local_config.php" "${_opt_INST_DIR}/includes/config.php" "${_opt_INST_DIR}/faxes/" '/root/avantfaxbackup/'
+ fi
+ _fn_sql_deactivate
+# Reload apache, but only if it's already loaded
+_fn_reload_http() {
+ echo '### Reloading http service'
+ if [ "${_opt_SYSTEMD}" -ne 0 ]; then
+ if systemctl -q is-active 'httpd.service'; then
+ systemctl reload 'httpd.service'
+ fi
+ else
+ if ${_opt_SERVICE} httpd status >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ ${_opt_SERVICE} httpd graceful
+ fi
+ fi
+# $1 flag: 1 = install, 2 = upgrade
+_fn_setup_post() {
+ if [ "$1" -eq 1 ]; then
+ echo "### DB Settings: ${_opt_ADFB_USER} ${_opt_ADFB_PASS} ${_opt_AFDB_NAME} (root password)" # ${_opt_ROOTMYSQLPWD}"
+ fi
+ _fn_check_mysql
+ #echo "### DB Settings: ${_opt_ADFB_USER} ${_opt_ADFB_PASS} ${_opt_AFDB_NAME}" # ${_opt_ROOTMYSQLPWD}"
+ for _var_i in '/etc/hylafax/hyla.conf' '/var/lib/hylafax/hfaxd.conf' '/usr/lib/fax/hfaxd.conf'; do
+ if [ -f "${_var_i}" ]; then
+ _var_HYLACONF="${_var_i}"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ -z "${_var_HYLACONF}" ]; then
+ echo 'Unable to find Hylafax or Hylafax+ configuration.'
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ _var_HYLACONF_DIR="`dirname "${_var_HYLACONF}"`"
+ if ! grep -q "${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}"'$' "${_var_HYLACONF}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ cat >> "${_var_HYLACONF}" << EOF
+# ${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}
+## JobFmt for AvantFAX ${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}
+# ${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}
+JOBFMT: "%-3j %3i %1a %15o %40M %-12.12e %5P %5D %7z %.25s" ${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}
+# ${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}
+ fi
+ # install database
+ _var_TABLES="`${_opt_MYSQL} --user="${_opt_ADFB_USER}" --password="${_opt_ADFB_PASS}" "${_opt_AFDB_NAME}" -sNe 'show tables'`"
+ if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "##AvantFAX: Unable to view our database ${_opt_AFDB_NAME}"
+ echo 'Perhaps you need to run pre first'
+ echo 'If a previous uninstall failed you might need to manually:'
+ echo " * DROP DATABASE ${_opt_AFDB_NAME}"
+ echo " * DROP USER '${_opt_ADFB_USER}'@'localhost'"
+ exit 1
+ elif [ -z "${_var_TABLES}" ]; then
+ ${_opt_MYSQL} --user="${_opt_ADFB_USER}" --password="${_opt_ADFB_PASS}" "${_opt_AFDB_NAME}" < "/usr/lib/${_opt_AVANTFAX_SERVERNAME}/create_tables.sql"
+ if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "##AvantFAX: Unable to create our tables in database ${_opt_AFDB_NAME}"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ elif [ "$1" -eq 2 ]; then # upgrade database
+ echo '### Checking for AvantFAX db upgrades'
+ _var_AVANTFAX_VERSION="`grep '^\s\+$AVANTFAX_VERSION\s*=\s*'"'3" /root/avantfaxbackup/config.php | awk -F "'" '1 { print $2 }'`" # Example: 3.3.3. This is locked to version 3 for now.
+ _var_SHORTVERSION="`echo "${_var_AVANTFAX_VERSION}" | sed -e 's/\.//g'`" # Example: 333
+ # echo "### Checking for AvantFAX database upgrades to ${_var_AVANTFAX_VERSION}"
+ for _var_i in `ls "/usr/lib/${_opt_AVANTFAX_SERVERNAME}/db-update-"*.sql -l | awk -F '-' '1 { print $9 }' | awk -F "." '1 { print $1 }'`; do
+ # echo "### Checking db-update-${_var_i}.sql"
+ if [ "${_var_i}" -gt "${_var_SHORTVERSION}" ]; then
+ echo "### Applying db-update-${_var_i}.sql"
+ ${_opt_MYSQL} --user="${_opt_ADFB_USER}" --password="${_opt_ADFB_PASS}" "${_opt_AFDB_NAME}" < "/usr/lib/${_opt_AVANTFAX_SERVERNAME}/db-update-${_var_i}.sql"
+ fi
+ done
+ echo '### Checking for AvantFAX db upgrades complete'
+ fi
+ if [ "$1" -eq 1 ]; then
+ echo '### Disabling SELinux for Apache (permanently)'
+ fi
+ setsebool -P 'httpd_disable_trans' 1 >/dev/null 2>&1
+ # Add Hylafax spool folder into the VirtualHost open_basedir. The PKGBUILD install places this file and adds the Include to httpd.conf
+ _var_file="/etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-${_opt_AVANTFAX_SERVERNAME}.conf"
+ if [ -f "${_var_file}" ] && ! grep -q ":${_opt_HYLASPOOL}/" "${_var_file}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ sed -i -e 's|^\(\s\+php_admin_value open_basedir "[^"]\+\)"$|\1:'"${_opt_HYLASPOOL}"'/"|g' \
+ "${_var_file}"
+ fi
+ # Arch Linux doesn't add virtual hosts this way. It's tested for add and remove but it's not tested for proper functionality.
+ if [ "${_opt_VHOSTS}" -ne 0 ]; then
+ _var_file='/etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf'
+ if ! grep -q "${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}"'$' "${_var_file}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ cat >> "${_var_file}" << EOF
+NameVirtualHost *:80 ${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}
+ ${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}
+<VirtualHost *:80> ${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}
+ DocumentRoot ${_opt_INST_DIR} ${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}
+ ErrorLog logs/${_opt_AVANTFAX_SERVERNAME}-error_log ${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}
+ CustomLog logs/${_opt_AVANTFAX_SERVERNAME}-access_log common ${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}
+</VirtualHost> ${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}
+ _fn_reload_http
+ if [ "$1" -eq 1 ]; then
+ echo '### Reloading your http server to access AvantFAX'
+ fi
+ fi
+ chmod 644 "${_var_file}"
+ fi
+ _var_file="${_var_HYLACONF_DIR}/sendfax.conf"
+ if ! grep -q "^CoverCmd:\s\+${_opt_INST_DIR}/" "${_var_file}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo "CoverCmd: ${_opt_INST_DIR}/includes/faxcover.php ${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}" >> "${_var_file}"
+ fi
+ chmod 644 "${_var_file}"
+ _var_file="${_opt_INST_DIR}/includes/local_config.php"
+ cp -p "${_opt_INST_DIR}/includes/local_config-example.php" "${_var_file}"
+ sed -i -e "s:^\(\s\+define('AFDB_USER',\s*'\)[^']\+\('\):\1${_opt_ADFB_USER}\2:g" \
+ -e "s:^\(\s\+define('AFDB_PASS',\s*'\)[^']\+\('\):\1${_opt_ADFB_PASS}\2:g" \
+ -e "s:^\(\s\+define('AFDB_NAME',\s*'\)[^']\+\('\):\1${_opt_AFDB_NAME}\2:g" \
+ -e 's:^\(\s\+$HYLASPOOL'"\s*=\s*'\)[^']\+\('\):\1${_opt_HYLASPOOL}\2:g" \
+ -e 's:^\(\s\+$WWWUSER'"\s*=\s*'\)[^']\+\('\):\1${_opt_WWWUSER}\2:g" \
+ -e 's:^\(\s\+$AVANTFAX_SERVERNAME'"\s*=\s*'\)[^']\+\('\):\1${_opt_AVANTFAX_SERVERNAME}\2:g" \
+ "${_var_file}"
+ for _var_file in 'faxrcvd.php' 'dynconf.php' 'notify.php'; do
+ if [ ! -e "${_opt_HYLASPOOL}/bin/${_var_file}" ]; then
+ ln -s "${_opt_INST_DIR}/includes/${_var_file}" "${_opt_HYLASPOOL}/bin/${_var_file}"
+ fi
+ done
+ # Arch Linux 'man file' shows /usr/share/file/misc/magic.
+ # I can't find where file or magic is used in the php files so
+ # so I don't know how to fix this.
+ ####### FIX FILEINFO #######
+ #for _var_file in `ls "/usr/share/file/magic*"`; do
+ # if [ ! -e "/usr/share/misc/`basename ${_var_file}`" ]; then
+ # ln -s "${_var_file}" "/usr/share/misc/"
+ # fi
+ #done
+ ####### SETUP SUDO PERMISSIONS #######
+ if [ ! -d '/etc/sudoers.d' ]; then
+ if [ "$1" -eq 1 ]; then
+ echo '### Configuring sudo sans sudoers.d'
+ fi
+ if ! grep -ql "^${_opt_SUDO_LINE}" '/etc/sudoers' >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ sed -i -e 's:^\([^#].*requiretty.*\)$:'"# \1 ${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}:g" /etc/sudoers
+ echo "${_opt_SUDO_LINE} -u * -p * * ${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}" >> /etc/sudoers
+ fi
+ fi
+ ####### Sendmail setting
+ if [ -f '/etc/mail/trusted-users' ]; then
+ grep "^${_opt_WWWUSER}"'$' '/etc/mail/trusted-users' || echo "${_opt_WWWUSER}" >> '/etc/mail/trusted-users'
+ fi
+ # Make backup of HylaFAX configuration
+ # if [ ! -d "${_opt_HYLASPOOL}/etc/abackup" ]; then
+ # mkdir -p "${_opt_HYLASPOOL}/etc/abackup"
+ # cp -f "${_opt_HYLASPOOL}/etc/config"* "${_opt_HYLASPOOL}/etc/hosts.hfaxd" "${_opt_HYLASPOOL}/etc/abackup/" >/dev/null 2>&1
+ # fi
+ for _var_file in `ls "${_opt_HYLASPOOL}/etc/config".*`; do
+ _var_file_base="`basename "${_var_file}"`"
+ if [ "${_var_file}" != "${_opt_HYLASPOOL}/etc/config.sav" \
+ -a "${_var_file}" != "${_opt_HYLASPOOL}/etc/config.devid" \
+ -a ! -L "${_var_file}" \
+ -a "`expr "${_var_file_base}" : '.*~.*'`" -eq 0 ]; then
+ if ! grep -q "${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}" "${_var_file}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ cat >> "${_var_file}" << EOF
+# ${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}
+# ${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}
+## AvantFAX ${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}
+# ${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}
+FaxRcvdCmd: bin/faxrcvd.php ${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}
+DynamicConfig: bin/dynconf.php ${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}
+UseJobTSI: true ${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}
+# ${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}
+ fi
+ _var_modem="`echo ${_var_file} | awk -F'/' '{print $6}' | awk -F'.' '{print $2}'`"
+ #echo ${_opt_MYSQL} --user="${_opt_ADFB_USER}" --password="${_opt_ADFB_PASS}" "${_opt_AFDB_NAME}" -e "select count(*) as existe from Modems where device='${_var_modem}'"
+ _var_exists="`${_opt_MYSQL} --user="${_opt_ADFB_USER}" --password="${_opt_ADFB_PASS}" "${_opt_AFDB_NAME}" -sNe "select count(*) as existe from Modems where device='${_var_modem}'"`"
+ #_var_exists="`expr "${_var_exists}" : '^existe\s\+\([0-9]\+\)\$'`"
+ #echo "${var_exists}"
+ [ -z "${_var_exists}" ] && _var_exists=0
+ if [ "${_var_exists}" -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "Adding modem: ${_var_modem}"
+ ${_opt_MYSQL} --user="${_opt_ADFB_USER}" --password="${_opt_ADFB_PASS}" "${_opt_AFDB_NAME}" -e "INSERT INTO Modems SET device='${_var_modem}', alias ='${_var_modem}'"
+ if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "##AvantFAX: Failed to add modem ${_var_modem}"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ _var_file="${_opt_HYLASPOOL}/etc/config"
+ if ! grep -q "NotifyCmd:\s\+bin/notify.php" "${_var_file}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ cat >> "${_var_file}" << EOF
+# ${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}
+# ${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}
+## AvantFAX ${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}
+# ${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}
+NotifyCmd: bin/notify.php ${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}
+# ${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}
+ chmod 644 "${_var_file}"
+ fi
+ ####### ADD CRONTAB ENTRIES #######
+ if [ -d '/etc/cron.d' -a "${_opt_SYSTEMD}" -eq 0 ]; then
+ _var_file="/etc/cron.d/${_opt_AVANTFAX_SERVERNAME}"
+ if [ ! -f "${_var_file}" ]; then
+ printf "0 0 * * *\t`which su` -s `which sh` '${_opt_WWWUSER}' -c 'cd ${_opt_INST_DIR}; includes/avantfaxcron.php -t 2'\n" > "${_var_file}"
+ fi
+ chmod 644 "${_var_file}"
+ fi
+ chown "${_opt_WWWUSER}:${_opt_HYLA_GROUP}" "${_opt_INST_DIR}/tmp" "${_opt_INST_DIR}/faxes"
+ chown -R "${_opt_WWWUSER}:${_opt_HYLA_GROUP}" "${_opt_INST_DIR}/faxes/recvd" "${_opt_INST_DIR}/faxes/sent"
+# chmod -R 777 "${_opt_INST_DIR}/faxes" "${_opt_INST_DIR}/tmp"
+ ####### CONFIGURE FAXMAIL #######
+ _var_file="${_var_HYLACONF_DIR}/faxmail.conf"
+ if [ ! -f "${_var_file}" ]; then
+ cat > "${_var_file}" << EOF
+# ${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}
+AutoCoverPage: false ${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}
+TextPointSize: 12pt ${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}
+Headers: Message-id Date Subject From ${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}
+MailUser: faxmail ${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}
+# ${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}
+ fi
+ chmod 644 "${_var_file}"
+ if [ "$1" -eq 1 ]; then
+ if [ -z "`command -v ip`" ]; then
+ # _var_i="`/sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet addr' | awk -F' ' '{print \$2}' | awk -F':' '{print \$2}'`"
+ _var_i="`ifconfig | grep '^\s\+inet [0-9\.]\+ ' | awk -F' ' '{print \$2}' | grep -m 1 -xv ''`"
+ else
+ _var_i="`ip addr`"
+ _var_i="`echo "${_var_i}" | grep ' inet ' | awk '{print \$2}' | sed -e 's:/.\+\$::g' | grep -m 1 -xv ''`"
+ fi
+ echo "###############################################################################"
+ echo "Log into the AvantFAX Administrative interface at: http://${_var_i}/${_opt_AVANTFAX_SERVERNAME}/admin/"
+ echo "Username: admin"
+ echo "Password: password"
+ echo "###############################################################################"
+ echo "Done"
+ fi
+# $1 flag: 0 = uninstall, 1 = upgrade
+_fn_setup_preun() {
+ if [ "$1" -eq 0 ]; then
+ rm -rf "${_opt_INST_DIR}/tmp/*"
+ fi
+# For files that don't have a .d folder, clean out our tagged lines, preserving permissions.
+_fn_cleanfile() {
+ if [ -s "$1" ]; then
+ rm -f '/tmp/avantfax.cleanfile'
+ if grep -q "${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}"'$' "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ cp -p "$1" '/tmp/avantfax.cleanfile'
+ grep -v "${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG}"'$' '/tmp/avantfax.cleanfile' > "$1"
+ rm -f '/tmp/avantfax.cleanfile'
+ if [ ! -s "$1" ]; then
+ rm -f "$1"
+ fi
+ return 0
+ fi
+ fi
+ return 1
+# This script must be copied at %preun by the package installer.
+# When the package %postun runs this has long been deleted.
+# $1 flag: 0 = uninstall, 1 = upgrade
+_fn_setup_postun() {
+ if [ "$1" -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "### Uninstalling (postun)"
+ echo "### Removing HTTP virtual host"
+ rm -rf "${_opt_BIN_DIR}"
+ if _fn_cleanfile '/etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf'; then
+ _fn_reload_http
+ fi
+ echo "### Restoring HylaFAX settings"
+ rm -f "/etc/cron.d/${_opt_AVANTFAX_SERVERNAME}" "${_opt_HYLASPOOL}/bin/notify.php" "${_opt_HYLASPOOL}/bin/faxrcvd.php" "${_opt_HYLASPOOL}/bin/dynconf.php"
+ # Clean up modem files
+ for _var_file in "${_opt_HYLASPOOL}/etc/config"*; do
+ _fn_cleanfile "${_var_file}"
+ done
+ _var_file='/etc/mail/trusted-users'
+ if [ -f "${_var_file}" ] && grep -q "^${_opt_WWWUSER}"'$' "${_var_file}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ _var_tmpfile='/tmp/avantfax.trusted-users'
+ cp -p "${_var_file}" "${_var_tmpfile}"
+ grep -v "^${_opt_WWWUSER}"'$' "${_var_tmpfile}" > "${_var_file}"
+ rm -f "${_var_tmpfile}"
+ fi
+ ${_opt_HYLA_BIN_DIR}/faxdeluser "${_opt_WWWUSER}"
+ echo "### DB Settings: ${_opt_ADFB_USER} ${_opt_ADFB_PASS} ${_opt_AFDB_NAME}" # ${_opt_ROOTMYSQLPWD}"
+ _var_users="`${_opt_MYSQL} --user="${_opt_ADFB_USER}" --password="${_opt_ADFB_PASS}" "${_opt_AFDB_NAME}" -sNe "select username from UserAccount"`"
+ for _var_i in ${_var_users}; do
+ ${_opt_HYLA_BIN_DIR}/faxdeluser "${_var_i}"
+ done
+ _fn_cleanfile '/etc/sudoers'
+ echo "### Removing user ${_opt_ADFB_USER}"
+ ${_opt_MYSQL} --user='root' --password="${_opt_ROOTMYSQLPWD}" 'mysql' -e "DROP USER '${_opt_ADFB_USER}'@'localhost'"
+ echo "### Removing database: ${_opt_AFDB_NAME}"
+ ${_opt_MYSQLADMIN} --user='root' --password="${_opt_ROOTMYSQLPWD}" --force drop "${_opt_AFDB_NAME}"
+ rm -f "$0.password"
+ echo "### Done"
+ #elif [ "$1" -eq 1 ]; then
+ # echo "### Upgrading (postun)"
+ fi
+_fn_usage_boom() {
+ echo "##Setup tool for AvantFAX"
+ echo ''
+ echo "Usage: `basename "$1"` flag rpmfunc [[flag] rpmfunc...]"
+ echo 'flag = {0,1,2} (same as RPM .spec)'
+ echo 'rpmfunc = {package,install,build,pre,post,preun,postun}'
+ echo ''
+ echo "But ignore all that. That's for package build scripts."
+ echo "You're here because part of the install was missed."
+ echo 'What you want is to finish your install with this:'
+ echo ''
+ echo "`basename "$1"` install"
+ echo ''
+ echo 'This should be run anytime you upgrade Hylafax,'
+ echo 'run faxaddmodem, or faxsetup.'
+ echo 'Modems removed from Hylafax can be manually removed in AvantFAX.'
+ exit 0
+# $1 flag: 1 = install, 2 = upgrade
+_fn_setup_install() {
+ _fn_setup_build
+ _fn_setup_pre "$1"
+ _fn_setup_post "$1"
+if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then
+ _fn_usage_boom "$0"
+while [ "$#" -ne 0 ]; do
+ case "$1" in
+ 0|1|2) _var_flag="$1";;
+ package|install|build|pre|post|preun|postun) "_fn_setup_$1" "${_var_flag}";;
+ *) _fn_usage_boom "$0";;
+ esac
+ shift