diff options
2 files changed, 176 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
index b4785e09a7dc..6640c38c95ad 100644
--- a/.SRCINFO
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -1,33 +1,66 @@
pkgbase = cntk
pkgdesc = Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK), an open source deep-learning toolkit
- pkgver = 2.6
+ pkgver = 2.7
pkgrel = 1
- url =
+ url =
arch = x86_64
license = CUSTOM
makedepends = cmake
+ makedepends = gcc7
makedepends = git
makedepends = inetutils
+ makedepends = nccl
+ makedepends = openblas-lapack
+ makedepends = python-numpy
makedepends = python-pip
+ makedepends = python-scipy
makedepends = python-setuptools
makedepends = python-wheel
makedepends = swig
depends = boost
- depends = cub
- depends = cuda
- depends = cudnn
depends = libzip
- depends = nccl
- depends = nvidia-utils
- depends = openblas-lapack
- depends = opencv
depends = openmp
depends = openmpi
depends = protobuf-static
- depends = python-numpy
- depends = python-scipy
- optdepends = swig
- source = git+
+ source = cntk::git+
+ source = git+
+ source = git+
+ source = git+
+ source = gsl::git+
+ source = git+
+ source = git+
+ source = git+
+ source = git+
+ source = git+
+ source = git+
+ source = git+
+ source = git+
+ source = git+
+ source = git+
+ source = git+
+ source = git+
+ source = git+
+ source = git+
+ source = dcasgd::git+
+ md5sums = SKIP
+ md5sums = SKIP
+ md5sums = SKIP
+ md5sums = SKIP
+ md5sums = SKIP
+ md5sums = SKIP
+ md5sums = SKIP
+ md5sums = SKIP
+ md5sums = SKIP
+ md5sums = SKIP
+ md5sums = SKIP
+ md5sums = SKIP
+ md5sums = SKIP
+ md5sums = SKIP
+ md5sums = SKIP
+ md5sums = SKIP
+ md5sums = SKIP
+ md5sums = SKIP
+ md5sums = SKIP
md5sums = SKIP
pkgname = cntk
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
index 72d5ce7ae72f..f9e2f530bc0c 100644
@@ -1,51 +1,136 @@
# Maintainer: Jingbei Li <>
pkgdesc="Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK), an open source deep-learning toolkit"
-depends=('boost' 'cub' 'cuda' 'cudnn' 'libzip' 'nccl' 'nvidia-utils' 'openblas-lapack' 'opencv' 'openmp' 'openmpi' 'protobuf-static' 'python-numpy' 'python-scipy')
-makedepends=('cmake' 'git' 'inetutils' 'python-pip' 'python-setuptools' 'python-wheel' 'swig')
+depends=('boost' 'libzip' 'openmp' 'openmpi' 'protobuf-static')
+makedepends=('cmake' 'gcc7' 'git' 'inetutils' 'nccl' 'openblas-lapack' 'python-numpy' 'python-pip' 'python-scipy' 'python-setuptools' 'python-wheel' 'swig')
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'gsl::git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'dcasgd::git+'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP')
- cd $srcdir/$_gitname
+ if (pacman -Q cuda &>/dev/null)
+ then
+ echo "You can't build the CPU version of CNTK with CUDA installed."
+ echo "Build this package in a clean chroot."
+ echo "Or, install cntk-cuda if you want the GPU support."
+ return 1
+ fi
+ cd $srcdir/$pkgname
+ git config submodule.Source/CNTKv2LibraryDll/proto/onnx/onnx_repo.url $srcdir/onnx
+ git config submodule.Source/CNTKv2LibraryDll/proto/onnx/onnxruntime.url $srcdir/onnxruntime
+ git config submodule.Source/Multiverso.url $srcdir/Multiverso
+ git config submodule.external/gsl.url $srcdir/gsl
+ git submodule update --init
+ cd $srcdir/$pkgname/Source/CNTKv2LibraryDll/proto/onnx/onnx_repo
+ git config submodule.third_party/benchmark.url $srcdir/benchmark
+ git config submodule.third_party/pybind11.url $srcdir/pybind11
+ git submodule update --init
+ cd $srcdir/$pkgname/Source/CNTKv2LibraryDll/proto/onnx/onnx_repo/third_party/pybind11
+ git config $srcdir/clang-cindex-python3
+ git submodule update --init
+ cd $srcdir/$pkgname/Source/CNTKv2LibraryDll/proto/onnx/onnxruntime
+ for i in date gemmlowp googletest gsl nsync onnx onnx-tensorrt re2 tvm
+ do
+ git config submodule.cmake/external/$i.url $srcdir/$i
+ done
+ git config submodule.external/protobuf.url $srcdir/protobuf
+ git submodule update --init
+ cd $srcdir/$pkgname/Source/CNTKv2LibraryDll/proto/onnx/onnxruntime/cmake/external/onnx
+ git config submodule.third_party/benchmark.url $srcdir/benchmark
+ git config submodule.third_party/pybind11.url $srcdir/pybind11
+ git submodule update --init
+ cd $srcdir/$pkgname/Source/CNTKv2LibraryDll/proto/onnx/onnxruntime/cmake/external/onnx/third_party/pybind11
+ git config $srcdir/clang-cindex-python3
+ git submodule update --init
+ cd $srcdir/$pkgname/Source/CNTKv2LibraryDll/proto/onnx/onnxruntime/cmake/external/onnx-tensorrt
+ git config submodule.third_party/onnx.url $srcdir/onnx
+ git submodule update --init
+ cd $srcdir/$pkgname/Source/CNTKv2LibraryDll/proto/onnx/onnxruntime/cmake/external/onnx-tensorrt/third_party/onnx
+ git config submodule.third_party/benchmark.url $srcdir/benchmark
+ git config submodule.third_party/pybind11.url $srcdir/pybind11
+ git submodule update --init
+ cd $srcdir/$pkgname/Source/CNTKv2LibraryDll/proto/onnx/onnxruntime/cmake/external/onnx-tensorrt/third_party/onnx/third_party/pybind11
+ git config $srcdir/clang-cindex-python3
+ git submodule update --init
+ cd $srcdir/$pkgname/Source/CNTKv2LibraryDll/proto/onnx/onnxruntime/cmake/external/protobuf
+ git config submodule.third_party/benchmark.url $srcdir/benchmark
+ git config submodule.third_party/googletest.url $srcdir/googletest
+ git submodule update --init
+ cd $srcdir/$pkgname/Source/CNTKv2LibraryDll/proto/onnx/onnxruntime/cmake/external/tvm
+ git config submodule.HalideIR.url $srcdir/HalideIR
+ git config submodule.dlpack.url $srcdir/dlpack
+ git config submodule.dmlc-core.url $srcdir/dmlc-core
+ git submodule update --init
+ cd $srcdir/$pkgname/Source/Multiverso
+ git config submodule.include/multiverso/updater/dcasgd.url $srcdir/dcasgd
+ git submodule update --init
+ cd $srcdir/$pkgname
git submodule update --init --recursive
sed \
- -e 's|cuda/include/cudnn.h|include/cudnn.h|' \
-e 's/36/37/g' \
-i configure
sed 's|/var/lock/|/tmp/cntk/|g' -i `grep '/var/lock' . -rIl`
- #
- sed '120s/.*/return cub::ShuffleIndex<CUB_PTX_WARP_THREADS>(input, srcLane, mask);/' -i Source/Math/CntkBatchNormalization.cuh
- # CUDA 10
- sed 's|device_functions.h|cuda_runtime_api.h|' -i Source/Math/GPUMatrixCUDAKernels.cuh
mkdir -p build
- export OMPI_MPICXX=g++-7
- ./configure \
- --with-build-top=build \
- --with-openblas \
- --with-opencv \
- --with-py37-path \
- --with-cuda=/opt/cuda \
- --with-cub=/usr/include \
- --with-gdk-include=/opt/cuda/include \
- --with-gdk-nvml-lib=/opt/cuda/lib64/stubs \
- --with-cudnn=/opt/cuda \
- --with-nccl=/usr \
- --with-swig
- #--with-kaldi=/opt/kaldi \
sed \
-e 's|$(CUDNN_PATH)/cuda|$(CUDNN_PATH)|g'\
-e 's/36/37/g'\
@@ -53,22 +138,32 @@ prepare(){
sed \
-e 's|||g' \
-i bindings/python/cntk/train/
+ common_flags="--with-build-top=build --with-py37-path --with-swig"
+ cd $srcdir/$pkgname
+ export OMPI_MPICXX=g++-7
+ ./configure $common_flags \
+ --with-openblas
build() {
- cd $srcdir/$_gitname/build
+ cd $srcdir/$pkgname/build
+ export OMPI_MPICXX=g++-7
make CXXFLAGS='-Wno-sign-compare -fPIC'
package() {
+ cd $srcdir/$pkgname/build
mkdir -p $pkgdir/usr
- cd $srcdir/$_gitname/build
cp -r bin lib $pkgdir/usr
- cd $srcdir/$_gitname/build/python
- PIP_CONFIG_FILE=/dev/null pip install --isolated --root="$pkgdir" --ignore-installed --no-deps ${pkgname}_gpu-$pkgver-cp37-cp37m-linux_x86_64.whl
+ cd $srcdir/$pkgname/build/python
+ PIP_CONFIG_FILE=/dev/null pip install --isolated --root="$pkgdir" --ignore-installed --no-deps ${pkgname}*-$pkgver-cp37-cp37m-linux_x86_64.whl
rm -rf $pkgdir/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/$pkgname/libs
- install -Dm644 $srcdir/$_gitname/ "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE"
+ install -Dm644 $srcdir/$pkgname/ "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE"