diff options
2 files changed, 154 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f2a107161870
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+pkgbase = cura-lulzbot-git
+ pkgdesc = Cura LulzBot Edition for LulzBot 3D Printers by Aleph Objects, Inc.
+ pkgver = v3.6.21.1.g711e5d9
+ pkgrel = 1
+ url =
+ arch = x86_64
+ license = AGPL3
+ makedepends = cmake
+ makedepends = git
+ makedepends = python-sip
+ makedepends = python-netifaces
+ makedepends = python-pyserial
+ makedepends = python-zeroconf
+ makedepends = qt5-tools
+ makedepends = sip
+ depends = cython
+ depends = gcc-fortran
+ depends = libsavitar
+ depends = openblas
+ depends = python
+ depends = python-nose
+ depends = python-numpy
+ depends = python-numpy-stl
+ depends = python-opengl
+ depends = python-parso
+ depends = python-pyqt5
+ depends = python-scipy
+ depends = python-setuptools
+ depends = python-typing_extensions
+ depends = qt5-graphicaleffects
+ depends = qt5-quickcontrols
+ depends = qt5-quickcontrols2
+ optdepends = python-zeroconf: Detecting mDNS printers
+ optdepends = python-pyserial: USB printing
+ source = git+
+ md5sums = SKIP
+pkgname = cura-lulzbot-git
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9b06aed5a4d6
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+# Maintainer: Kevin McCormack <>
+pkgdesc='Cura LulzBot Edition for LulzBot 3D Printers by Aleph Objects, Inc.'
+ 'gcc-fortran'
+ 'libsavitar'
+ 'openblas'
+ 'python'
+ 'python-nose'
+ 'python-numpy'
+ 'python-numpy-stl'
+ 'python-opengl'
+ 'python-parso'
+ 'python-pyqt5'
+ 'python-scipy'
+ 'python-setuptools'
+ 'python-typing_extensions'
+ 'qt5-graphicaleffects'
+ 'qt5-quickcontrols'
+ 'qt5-quickcontrols2')
+ 'git'
+ 'python-sip'
+ 'python-netifaces'
+ 'python-pyserial'
+ 'python-zeroconf'
+ 'qt5-tools'
+ 'sip')
+optdepends=('python-zeroconf: Detecting mDNS printers'
+ 'python-pyserial: USB printing')
+pkgver() {
+ cd curabuild-lulzbot
+ git describe --tags | sed 's/-/./g'
+build() {
+ # Until this is updated, we have to replace the old paths
+ grep -rl '' . | xargs \
+ sed -i 's/\/source\/arcus/\/lulzbot3d\/cura-le\/libarcus/g'
+ grep -rl '' . | xargs \
+ sed -i 's/\/diffusion\/U\/uranium/\/lulzbot3d\/cura-le\/uranium/g'
+ grep -rl '' . | xargs \
+ sed -i 's/\/diffusion\/CBD\/cura-binary-data/\/lulzbot3d\/cura-le\/cura-binary-data/g'
+ grep -rl '' . | xargs \
+ sed -i 's/\/source\/curaengine-lulzbot/\/lulzbot3d\/cura-le\/cura-engine-le/g'
+ grep -rl '' . | xargs \
+ sed -i 's/\/source/\/lulzbot3d\/cura-le/g'
+ mkdir -p curabuild-lulzbot/build
+ cd curabuild-lulzbot/build
+ sed -i '33,34d' ../ #remove missing paths from using system python
+ sed -i '57,58d' ../ #remove missing qt plugins when using system version
+ sed -i 's/get_commit_hash("Savitar", cmake_binary_dir)/"4.1.0"/' ../scripts/ #fake hash when using system libsavitar
+ sed -i 's/6a4ffb2f90ef7bbd3f20f2a1db4948630ad37dc8/v3.11.0/' ../CMakeLists.txt # Protobuf v3.7.0
+ sed -i '1216,1233d' ../CMakeLists.txt # Remove external cx_Freeze build
+ cmake -DTAG_OR_BRANCH=master ../ \
+ PYTHONPATH=`pwd`/inst/lib/python3/dist-packages make
+package() {
+ cd $srcdir/curabuild-lulzbot/build
+ # We have to remove this since it's gone from Python 3.8
+ #
+ echo "pwd: $(pwd)"
+ grep -rl 'linux_distro_name = platform.linux_distribution' . | xargs \
+ sed -i 's/linux_distro_name/#linux_distro_name/g'
+ PYTHONPATH=`pwd`/inst/lib/python3/dist-packages make package
+ cp -r _CPack_Packages/Linux/DEB/cura-lulzbot-*-Linux/usr $pkgdir/
+# Update md5sum
+# updpkgsums
+## Update .SRCINFO
+# makepkg --printsrcinfo | tee .SRCINFO