diff options
3 files changed, 912 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..af4f456f6c3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+pkgbase = optimizemyarch
+ pkgdesc = A script to optimize and maintain Arch Linux installations
+ pkgver = 1.0
+ pkgrel = 1
+ url =
+ arch = any
+ license = MIT
+ depends = bash
+ source =
+ sha256sums = 39bfb476971b62800077315077a8a0bf574a4ac3b29ce51c13186ce26caddd82
+pkgname = optimizemyarch
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a095518b5d0e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,450 @@
+# Configuration file path
+# Function to display initialization prompt
+display_init_prompt() {
+ clear
+ echo "==============================="
+ echo "| Welcome to OptimizeMyArch! |"
+ echo "==============================="
+ echo "Let's set up your Arch Linux environment."
+ echo ""
+ # Desktop Environment Options
+ echo "Choose your preferred desktop environment:"
+ echo "1. KDE Plasma [Default]"
+ echo "2. GNOME"
+ echo "3. Xfce"
+ echo "4. Cinnamon"
+ echo "5. MATE"
+ echo "6. LXQt"
+ echo "7. i3 (tiling window manager)"
+ read -p "Enter the number of your preferred desktop environment [1]: " desktop_environment_choice
+ case $desktop_environment_choice in
+ 1) desktop_environment="KDE Plasma" ;;
+ 2) desktop_environment="GNOME" ;;
+ 3) desktop_environment="Xfce" ;;
+ 4) desktop_environment="Cinnamon" ;;
+ 5) desktop_environment="MATE" ;;
+ 6) desktop_environment="LXQt" ;;
+ 7) desktop_environment="i3" ;;
+ *) desktop_environment="KDE Plasma" ;;
+ esac
+ # Disk Type Options
+ echo ""
+ echo "Choose your disk type:"
+ echo "1. SATA (sda) [Default]"
+ echo "2. HDD (sdb, etc.)"
+ echo "3. SSD (sdb, etc.)"
+ echo "4. NVMe"
+ read -p "Enter the number of your disk type [1]: " disk_type_choice
+ case $disk_type_choice in
+ 1) disk_type="SATA" ;;
+ 2) disk_type="HDD" ;;
+ 3) disk_type="SSD" ;;
+ 4) disk_type="NVMe" ;;
+ *) disk_type="SATA" ;;
+ esac
+ # AUR Helper Options
+ echo ""
+ echo "Choose your AUR helper:"
+ echo "1. paru [Default]"
+ echo "2. yay"
+ echo "3. pacman"
+ read -p "Enter the number of your preferred AUR helper [1]: " aur_helper_choice
+ case $aur_helper_choice in
+ 1) aur_helper="paru" ;;
+ 2) aur_helper="yay" ;;
+ 3) aur_helper="pacman" ;;
+ *) aur_helper="paru" ;;
+ esac
+ # Purpose of using Arch Linux Options
+ echo ""
+ echo "Choose the primary purpose of using Arch Linux:"
+ echo "1. Casual/Browsing [Default]"
+ echo "2. Coding/Development"
+ echo "3. Gaming"
+ echo "4. Multimedia/Content Creation"
+ echo "5. Server/Networking"
+ read -p "Enter the number of your primary purpose [1]: " purpose_choice
+ case $purpose_choice in
+ 1) purpose="Casual/Browsing" ;;
+ 2) purpose="Coding/Development" ;;
+ 3) purpose="Gaming" ;;
+ 4) purpose="Multimedia/Content Creation" ;;
+ 5) purpose="Server/Networking" ;;
+ *) purpose="Casual/Browsing" ;;
+ esac
+ read -p "Would you like to optimize for this purpose? (y/N): " optimize_choice
+ case $optimize_choice in
+ [yY]) optimize_purpose="y" ;;
+ *) optimize_purpose="n" ;;
+ esac
+# Function to install dependencies based on user input
+install_dependencies() {
+ case $1 in
+ "paru")
+ if ! command -v paru &> /dev/null; then
+ git clone
+ cd paru || exit
+ makepkg -si --noconfirm
+ cd .. || exit
+ rm -rf paru
+ fi
+ ;;
+ "yay")
+ if ! command -v yay &> /dev/null; then
+ sudo pacman -S --needed --noconfirm yay
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Invalid AUR helper selected. Using pacman as default."
+ ;;
+ esac
+# Function to perform initialization
+perform_init() {
+ display_init_prompt
+ clear
+ echo "==============================="
+ echo "| Initializing OptimizeMyArch |"
+ echo "==============================="
+ echo "Desktop environment: $desktop_environment"
+ echo "Disk type: $disk_type"
+ echo "AUR helper: $aur_helper"
+ echo "Purpose: $purpose"
+ echo ""
+ echo "Checking and installing dependencies..."
+ install_dependencies "$aur_helper"
+ echo "Initialization complete!"
+ # Additional optimizations based on desktop environment and purpose
+ if [[ "$optimize_purpose" == "y" ]]; then
+ case $desktop_environment in
+ "KDE Plasma")
+ # Additional KDE Plasma optimizations
+ echo "Performing KDE Plasma optimizations..."
+ # Adjust font rendering for better clarity
+ echo "Adjusting font rendering..."
+ kwriteconfig --file ~/.config/kdeglobals --group General --key UseFontHinting "true"
+ kwriteconfig --file ~/.config/kdeglobals --group General --key AntiAliasing "true"
+ kwriteconfig --file ~/.config/kdeglobals --group General --key ForceFontDPI "96"
+ kwriteconfig --file ~/.config/kdeglobals --group General --key ForceFontDPIValue "96"
+ # Enable smooth animations
+ echo "Enabling smooth animations..."
+ kwriteconfig --file ~/.config/kwinrc --group Compositing --key AnimationSpeed "3"
+ # Increase titlebar button size
+ echo "Increasing titlebar button size..."
+ kwriteconfig --file ~/.config/kdeglobals --group KDE --key TitleBarButtons "3"
+ # Apply Breeze Dark theme
+ echo "Applying Breeze Dark theme..."
+ kwriteconfig --file ~/.config/kdeglobals --group General --key ColorScheme "BreezeDark"
+ # Enable HiDPI support
+ echo "Enabling HiDPI support..."
+ kwriteconfig --file ~/.config/kcmfonts --group General --key forceFontDPI "144"
+ # Restart Plasma Shell to apply changes
+ kquitapp6 plasmashell && plasmashell
+ ;;
+ "GNOME")
+ # Additional GNOME optimizations
+ echo "Performing GNOME optimizations..."
+ # Adjust font rendering for better clarity
+ echo "Adjusting font rendering..."
+ gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.xsettings antialiasing "rgba"
+ gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.xsettings hinting "slight"
+ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface text-scaling-factor 1.2
+ ;;
+ "Xfce")
+ # Additional Xfce optimizations
+ echo "Performing Xfce optimizations..."
+ # Adjust font rendering for better clarity
+ echo "Adjusting font rendering..."
+ xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Gtk/FontName -s "Sans 11"
+ xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Xft/Antialias -s 1
+ xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Xft/Hinting -s 1
+ ;;
+ "Cinnamon")
+ # Additional Cinnamon optimizations
+ echo "Performing Cinnamon optimizations..."
+ # Adjust font rendering for better clarity
+ echo "Adjusting font rendering..."
+ gsettings set org.cinnamon.desktop.interface font-antialiasing "rgba"
+ gsettings set org.cinnamon.desktop.interface font-hinting "slight"
+ ;;
+ "MATE")
+ # Additional MATE optimizations
+ echo "Performing MATE optimizations..."
+ # Adjust font rendering for better clarity
+ echo "Adjusting font rendering..."
+ gsettings set org.mate.interface font-antialiasing "rgba"
+ gsettings set org.mate.interface font-hinting "slight"
+ ;;
+ "LXQt")
+ # Additional LXQt optimizations
+ echo "Performing LXQt optimizations..."
+ # Adjust font rendering for better clarity
+ echo "Adjusting font rendering..."
+ lxqt-config-file -s /etc/xdg/lxqt/session.conf -g FontRenderingHinting -v slight
+ lxqt-config-file -s /etc/xdg/lxqt/session.conf -g FontRenderingAntialiasing -v rgba
+ ;;
+ "i3")
+ # Additional i3 optimizations
+ echo "Performing i3 optimizations..."
+ # i3 optimizations would typically involve customizing the configuration file
+ echo "Customize your i3 configuration for optimization."
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "No additional optimizations available for $desktop_environment."
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Save configuration to a file
+ mkdir -p "$HOME/.config/oma"
+ echo "desktop_environment=\"$desktop_environment\"" >> "$config_file"
+ echo "disk_type=\"$disk_type\"" >> "$config_file"
+ echo "aur_helper=\"$aur_helper\"" >> "$config_file"
+ echo "purpose=\"$purpose\"" >> "$config_file"
+ echo "optimize_purpose=\"$optimize_purpose\"" >> "$config_file"
+# Function to load configuration from file
+load_config() {
+ source "$config_file"
+# Check if configuration file exists
+if [ ! -f "$config_file" ]; then
+ perform_init
+ exit 0
+# Load configuration
+# Function to display usage information
+display_usage() {
+ echo "Usage: OMA [options]"
+ echo "Options:"
+ echo " -u, --update Update system"
+ echo " -r, --remove-packages Remove unnecessary packages"
+ echo " -c, --clear-cache Clear package cache"
+ echo " -o, --remove-orphaned Remove orphaned packages"
+ echo " -d, --disable-services Disable unnecessary services"
+ echo " -f, --check-filesystem Check for file system errors"
+ echo " -s, --optimize-swap Optimize swap usage"
+ echo " -m, --optimize-mount Optimize file system mount options"
+ echo " -p, --check-duplicates Check for duplicate files"
+ echo " -t, --monitor-resources Monitor resource usage"
+ echo " -k, --optimize-desktop Optimize desktop environment settings"
+ echo " -n, --maintenance Perform regular maintenance tasks"
+ echo " -h, --help Display help message for a specific option"
+# Function to display help message for a specific option
+display_option_help() {
+ case $1 in
+ -u|--update)
+ echo "Update system: OMA --update"
+ echo "This option updates the system using pacman."
+ ;;
+ -r|--remove-packages)
+ echo "Remove unnecessary packages: OMA --remove-packages"
+ echo "This option removes packages that are no longer needed."
+ ;;
+ -c|--clear-cache)
+ echo "Clear package cache: OMA --clear-cache"
+ echo "This option clears the package cache to free up disk space."
+ ;;
+ -o|--remove-orphaned)
+ echo "Remove orphaned packages: OMA --remove-orphaned"
+ echo "This option removes packages that were installed as dependencies but are no longer required."
+ ;;
+ -ds|--disable-services)
+ echo "Disable unnecessary services: OMA --disable-services"
+ echo "This option allows you to disable unnecessary system services."
+ echo "Please enter the name of the service you'd like to disable:"
+ read -p "Service name: " service_name
+ sudo systemctl disable "$service_name"
+ ;;
+ -cf|--check-filesystem)
+ echo "Check file system errors: OMA --check-filesystem"
+ echo "This option checks the file system for errors and repairs them if necessary."
+ echo "Please enter the file system you'd like to check (e.g., /dev/sda1):"
+ read -p "File system: " filesystem
+ sudo fsck "$filesystem"
+ ;;
+ -os|--optimize-swap)
+ echo "Optimize swap usage: OMA --optimize-swap"
+ echo "This option allows you to optimize swap usage by adjusting the swappiness value."
+ echo "Please enter the value for vm.swappiness (0-100):"
+ read -p "Swappiness value: " swappiness_value
+ sudo sysctl vm.swappiness="$swappiness_value"
+ ;;
+ -om|--optimize-mount)
+ echo "Optimize file system mount options: OMA --optimize-mount"
+ echo "This option allows you to optimize file system mount options, such as disabling access time updates."
+ echo "Please manually adjust the file system mount options in /etc/fstab."
+ ;;
+ -p|--check-duplicates)
+ echo "Check for duplicate files: OMA --check-duplicates"
+ echo "This option checks for duplicate files in a specified directory and prompts for removal."
+ echo "Please enter the path to the directory you'd like to check for duplicate files:"
+ read -p "Directory path: " directory_path
+ fdupes -rdN "$directory_path"
+ ;;
+ -t|--monitor-resources)
+ echo "Monitor resource usage: OMA --monitor-resources"
+ echo "This option launches a resource monitoring tool (e.g., htop) to monitor system resources."
+ htop
+ ;;
+ -k|--optimize-desktop)
+ echo "Optimize desktop environment settings: OMA --optimize-desktop"
+ echo "This option allows you to optimize settings specific to your desktop environment."
+ echo "Please manually optimize settings specific to your desktop environment."
+ ;;
+ -m|--maintenance)
+ echo "Perform regular maintenance tasks: OMA --maintenance"
+ echo "This option performs regular maintenance tasks, such as system updates and backups."
+ echo "Would you like to update the system? (y/n)"
+ read -p "Choice: " update_choice
+ if [[ $update_choice == "y" ]]; then
+ $aur_helper -Syu --noconfirm
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Invalid option: $1"
+ ;;
+ esac
+# Process command-line options
+if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then
+ display_usage
+ exit 1
+while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
+ case $1 in
+ -h|--help)
+ shift
+ if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then
+ display_option_help "$1"
+ else
+ display_usage
+ fi
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ -u|--update)
+ echo "Updating system..."
+ $aur_helper -Syu --noconfirm
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -i|--install)
+ echo "Installing app..."
+ read -p "Package: " package_choice
+ $aur_helper -S $package_choice
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -s|--search)
+ echo "Search app..."
+ read -p "Search: " package_choice
+ $aur_helper -Ss $package_choice
+ read -p "Do you want to install a package? (y/n): " answer_choice
+ if [[ $answer_choice == "y" ]]; then
+ OMA -i
+ fi
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -r|--remove-packages)
+ echo "Removing unnecessary packages..."
+ if $aur_helper -Qdtq >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ $aur_helper -Qdtq | $aur_helper -Rs --noconfirm -
+ else
+ echo "No unnecessary packages found."
+ fi
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -c|--clear-cache)
+ echo "Clearing package cache..."
+ $aur_helper -Scc --noconfirm
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -o|--remove-orphaned)
+ echo "Removing orphaned packages..."
+ if $aur_helper -Qdtq >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ $aur_helper -Rns $($aur_helper -Qdtq) --noconfirm
+ else
+ echo "No orphaned packages found."
+ fi
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -ds|--disable-services)
+ echo "Disabling unnecessary services..."
+ display_option_help "$1"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -cf|--check-filesystem)
+ echo "Checking file system errors..."
+ display_option_help "$1"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -os|--optimize-swap)
+ echo "Optimizing swap usage..."
+ display_option_help "$1"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -om|--optimize-mount)
+ echo "Optimizing file system mount options..."
+ display_option_help "$1"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -p|--check-duplicates)
+ echo "Checking for duplicate files..."
+ display_option_help "$1"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -t|--monitor-resources)
+ echo "Monitoring resource usage..."
+ display_option_help "$1"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -k|--optimize-desktop)
+ echo "Optimizing desktop environment settings..."
+ display_option_help "$1"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -m|--maintenance)
+ echo "Performing regular maintenance tasks..."
+ display_option_help "$1"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Error: Invalid option: $1"
+ display_usage
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+echo "Optimization complete!"
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a095518b5d0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,450 @@
+# Configuration file path
+# Function to display initialization prompt
+display_init_prompt() {
+ clear
+ echo "==============================="
+ echo "| Welcome to OptimizeMyArch! |"
+ echo "==============================="
+ echo "Let's set up your Arch Linux environment."
+ echo ""
+ # Desktop Environment Options
+ echo "Choose your preferred desktop environment:"
+ echo "1. KDE Plasma [Default]"
+ echo "2. GNOME"
+ echo "3. Xfce"
+ echo "4. Cinnamon"
+ echo "5. MATE"
+ echo "6. LXQt"
+ echo "7. i3 (tiling window manager)"
+ read -p "Enter the number of your preferred desktop environment [1]: " desktop_environment_choice
+ case $desktop_environment_choice in
+ 1) desktop_environment="KDE Plasma" ;;
+ 2) desktop_environment="GNOME" ;;
+ 3) desktop_environment="Xfce" ;;
+ 4) desktop_environment="Cinnamon" ;;
+ 5) desktop_environment="MATE" ;;
+ 6) desktop_environment="LXQt" ;;
+ 7) desktop_environment="i3" ;;
+ *) desktop_environment="KDE Plasma" ;;
+ esac
+ # Disk Type Options
+ echo ""
+ echo "Choose your disk type:"
+ echo "1. SATA (sda) [Default]"
+ echo "2. HDD (sdb, etc.)"
+ echo "3. SSD (sdb, etc.)"
+ echo "4. NVMe"
+ read -p "Enter the number of your disk type [1]: " disk_type_choice
+ case $disk_type_choice in
+ 1) disk_type="SATA" ;;
+ 2) disk_type="HDD" ;;
+ 3) disk_type="SSD" ;;
+ 4) disk_type="NVMe" ;;
+ *) disk_type="SATA" ;;
+ esac
+ # AUR Helper Options
+ echo ""
+ echo "Choose your AUR helper:"
+ echo "1. paru [Default]"
+ echo "2. yay"
+ echo "3. pacman"
+ read -p "Enter the number of your preferred AUR helper [1]: " aur_helper_choice
+ case $aur_helper_choice in
+ 1) aur_helper="paru" ;;
+ 2) aur_helper="yay" ;;
+ 3) aur_helper="pacman" ;;
+ *) aur_helper="paru" ;;
+ esac
+ # Purpose of using Arch Linux Options
+ echo ""
+ echo "Choose the primary purpose of using Arch Linux:"
+ echo "1. Casual/Browsing [Default]"
+ echo "2. Coding/Development"
+ echo "3. Gaming"
+ echo "4. Multimedia/Content Creation"
+ echo "5. Server/Networking"
+ read -p "Enter the number of your primary purpose [1]: " purpose_choice
+ case $purpose_choice in
+ 1) purpose="Casual/Browsing" ;;
+ 2) purpose="Coding/Development" ;;
+ 3) purpose="Gaming" ;;
+ 4) purpose="Multimedia/Content Creation" ;;
+ 5) purpose="Server/Networking" ;;
+ *) purpose="Casual/Browsing" ;;
+ esac
+ read -p "Would you like to optimize for this purpose? (y/N): " optimize_choice
+ case $optimize_choice in
+ [yY]) optimize_purpose="y" ;;
+ *) optimize_purpose="n" ;;
+ esac
+# Function to install dependencies based on user input
+install_dependencies() {
+ case $1 in
+ "paru")
+ if ! command -v paru &> /dev/null; then
+ git clone
+ cd paru || exit
+ makepkg -si --noconfirm
+ cd .. || exit
+ rm -rf paru
+ fi
+ ;;
+ "yay")
+ if ! command -v yay &> /dev/null; then
+ sudo pacman -S --needed --noconfirm yay
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Invalid AUR helper selected. Using pacman as default."
+ ;;
+ esac
+# Function to perform initialization
+perform_init() {
+ display_init_prompt
+ clear
+ echo "==============================="
+ echo "| Initializing OptimizeMyArch |"
+ echo "==============================="
+ echo "Desktop environment: $desktop_environment"
+ echo "Disk type: $disk_type"
+ echo "AUR helper: $aur_helper"
+ echo "Purpose: $purpose"
+ echo ""
+ echo "Checking and installing dependencies..."
+ install_dependencies "$aur_helper"
+ echo "Initialization complete!"
+ # Additional optimizations based on desktop environment and purpose
+ if [[ "$optimize_purpose" == "y" ]]; then
+ case $desktop_environment in
+ "KDE Plasma")
+ # Additional KDE Plasma optimizations
+ echo "Performing KDE Plasma optimizations..."
+ # Adjust font rendering for better clarity
+ echo "Adjusting font rendering..."
+ kwriteconfig --file ~/.config/kdeglobals --group General --key UseFontHinting "true"
+ kwriteconfig --file ~/.config/kdeglobals --group General --key AntiAliasing "true"
+ kwriteconfig --file ~/.config/kdeglobals --group General --key ForceFontDPI "96"
+ kwriteconfig --file ~/.config/kdeglobals --group General --key ForceFontDPIValue "96"
+ # Enable smooth animations
+ echo "Enabling smooth animations..."
+ kwriteconfig --file ~/.config/kwinrc --group Compositing --key AnimationSpeed "3"
+ # Increase titlebar button size
+ echo "Increasing titlebar button size..."
+ kwriteconfig --file ~/.config/kdeglobals --group KDE --key TitleBarButtons "3"
+ # Apply Breeze Dark theme
+ echo "Applying Breeze Dark theme..."
+ kwriteconfig --file ~/.config/kdeglobals --group General --key ColorScheme "BreezeDark"
+ # Enable HiDPI support
+ echo "Enabling HiDPI support..."
+ kwriteconfig --file ~/.config/kcmfonts --group General --key forceFontDPI "144"
+ # Restart Plasma Shell to apply changes
+ kquitapp6 plasmashell && plasmashell
+ ;;
+ "GNOME")
+ # Additional GNOME optimizations
+ echo "Performing GNOME optimizations..."
+ # Adjust font rendering for better clarity
+ echo "Adjusting font rendering..."
+ gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.xsettings antialiasing "rgba"
+ gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.xsettings hinting "slight"
+ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface text-scaling-factor 1.2
+ ;;
+ "Xfce")
+ # Additional Xfce optimizations
+ echo "Performing Xfce optimizations..."
+ # Adjust font rendering for better clarity
+ echo "Adjusting font rendering..."
+ xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Gtk/FontName -s "Sans 11"
+ xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Xft/Antialias -s 1
+ xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Xft/Hinting -s 1
+ ;;
+ "Cinnamon")
+ # Additional Cinnamon optimizations
+ echo "Performing Cinnamon optimizations..."
+ # Adjust font rendering for better clarity
+ echo "Adjusting font rendering..."
+ gsettings set org.cinnamon.desktop.interface font-antialiasing "rgba"
+ gsettings set org.cinnamon.desktop.interface font-hinting "slight"
+ ;;
+ "MATE")
+ # Additional MATE optimizations
+ echo "Performing MATE optimizations..."
+ # Adjust font rendering for better clarity
+ echo "Adjusting font rendering..."
+ gsettings set org.mate.interface font-antialiasing "rgba"
+ gsettings set org.mate.interface font-hinting "slight"
+ ;;
+ "LXQt")
+ # Additional LXQt optimizations
+ echo "Performing LXQt optimizations..."
+ # Adjust font rendering for better clarity
+ echo "Adjusting font rendering..."
+ lxqt-config-file -s /etc/xdg/lxqt/session.conf -g FontRenderingHinting -v slight
+ lxqt-config-file -s /etc/xdg/lxqt/session.conf -g FontRenderingAntialiasing -v rgba
+ ;;
+ "i3")
+ # Additional i3 optimizations
+ echo "Performing i3 optimizations..."
+ # i3 optimizations would typically involve customizing the configuration file
+ echo "Customize your i3 configuration for optimization."
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "No additional optimizations available for $desktop_environment."
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Save configuration to a file
+ mkdir -p "$HOME/.config/oma"
+ echo "desktop_environment=\"$desktop_environment\"" >> "$config_file"
+ echo "disk_type=\"$disk_type\"" >> "$config_file"
+ echo "aur_helper=\"$aur_helper\"" >> "$config_file"
+ echo "purpose=\"$purpose\"" >> "$config_file"
+ echo "optimize_purpose=\"$optimize_purpose\"" >> "$config_file"
+# Function to load configuration from file
+load_config() {
+ source "$config_file"
+# Check if configuration file exists
+if [ ! -f "$config_file" ]; then
+ perform_init
+ exit 0
+# Load configuration
+# Function to display usage information
+display_usage() {
+ echo "Usage: OMA [options]"
+ echo "Options:"
+ echo " -u, --update Update system"
+ echo " -r, --remove-packages Remove unnecessary packages"
+ echo " -c, --clear-cache Clear package cache"
+ echo " -o, --remove-orphaned Remove orphaned packages"
+ echo " -d, --disable-services Disable unnecessary services"
+ echo " -f, --check-filesystem Check for file system errors"
+ echo " -s, --optimize-swap Optimize swap usage"
+ echo " -m, --optimize-mount Optimize file system mount options"
+ echo " -p, --check-duplicates Check for duplicate files"
+ echo " -t, --monitor-resources Monitor resource usage"
+ echo " -k, --optimize-desktop Optimize desktop environment settings"
+ echo " -n, --maintenance Perform regular maintenance tasks"
+ echo " -h, --help Display help message for a specific option"
+# Function to display help message for a specific option
+display_option_help() {
+ case $1 in
+ -u|--update)
+ echo "Update system: OMA --update"
+ echo "This option updates the system using pacman."
+ ;;
+ -r|--remove-packages)
+ echo "Remove unnecessary packages: OMA --remove-packages"
+ echo "This option removes packages that are no longer needed."
+ ;;
+ -c|--clear-cache)
+ echo "Clear package cache: OMA --clear-cache"
+ echo "This option clears the package cache to free up disk space."
+ ;;
+ -o|--remove-orphaned)
+ echo "Remove orphaned packages: OMA --remove-orphaned"
+ echo "This option removes packages that were installed as dependencies but are no longer required."
+ ;;
+ -ds|--disable-services)
+ echo "Disable unnecessary services: OMA --disable-services"
+ echo "This option allows you to disable unnecessary system services."
+ echo "Please enter the name of the service you'd like to disable:"
+ read -p "Service name: " service_name
+ sudo systemctl disable "$service_name"
+ ;;
+ -cf|--check-filesystem)
+ echo "Check file system errors: OMA --check-filesystem"
+ echo "This option checks the file system for errors and repairs them if necessary."
+ echo "Please enter the file system you'd like to check (e.g., /dev/sda1):"
+ read -p "File system: " filesystem
+ sudo fsck "$filesystem"
+ ;;
+ -os|--optimize-swap)
+ echo "Optimize swap usage: OMA --optimize-swap"
+ echo "This option allows you to optimize swap usage by adjusting the swappiness value."
+ echo "Please enter the value for vm.swappiness (0-100):"
+ read -p "Swappiness value: " swappiness_value
+ sudo sysctl vm.swappiness="$swappiness_value"
+ ;;
+ -om|--optimize-mount)
+ echo "Optimize file system mount options: OMA --optimize-mount"
+ echo "This option allows you to optimize file system mount options, such as disabling access time updates."
+ echo "Please manually adjust the file system mount options in /etc/fstab."
+ ;;
+ -p|--check-duplicates)
+ echo "Check for duplicate files: OMA --check-duplicates"
+ echo "This option checks for duplicate files in a specified directory and prompts for removal."
+ echo "Please enter the path to the directory you'd like to check for duplicate files:"
+ read -p "Directory path: " directory_path
+ fdupes -rdN "$directory_path"
+ ;;
+ -t|--monitor-resources)
+ echo "Monitor resource usage: OMA --monitor-resources"
+ echo "This option launches a resource monitoring tool (e.g., htop) to monitor system resources."
+ htop
+ ;;
+ -k|--optimize-desktop)
+ echo "Optimize desktop environment settings: OMA --optimize-desktop"
+ echo "This option allows you to optimize settings specific to your desktop environment."
+ echo "Please manually optimize settings specific to your desktop environment."
+ ;;
+ -m|--maintenance)
+ echo "Perform regular maintenance tasks: OMA --maintenance"
+ echo "This option performs regular maintenance tasks, such as system updates and backups."
+ echo "Would you like to update the system? (y/n)"
+ read -p "Choice: " update_choice
+ if [[ $update_choice == "y" ]]; then
+ $aur_helper -Syu --noconfirm
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Invalid option: $1"
+ ;;
+ esac
+# Process command-line options
+if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then
+ display_usage
+ exit 1
+while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
+ case $1 in
+ -h|--help)
+ shift
+ if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then
+ display_option_help "$1"
+ else
+ display_usage
+ fi
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ -u|--update)
+ echo "Updating system..."
+ $aur_helper -Syu --noconfirm
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -i|--install)
+ echo "Installing app..."
+ read -p "Package: " package_choice
+ $aur_helper -S $package_choice
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -s|--search)
+ echo "Search app..."
+ read -p "Search: " package_choice
+ $aur_helper -Ss $package_choice
+ read -p "Do you want to install a package? (y/n): " answer_choice
+ if [[ $answer_choice == "y" ]]; then
+ OMA -i
+ fi
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -r|--remove-packages)
+ echo "Removing unnecessary packages..."
+ if $aur_helper -Qdtq >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ $aur_helper -Qdtq | $aur_helper -Rs --noconfirm -
+ else
+ echo "No unnecessary packages found."
+ fi
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -c|--clear-cache)
+ echo "Clearing package cache..."
+ $aur_helper -Scc --noconfirm
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -o|--remove-orphaned)
+ echo "Removing orphaned packages..."
+ if $aur_helper -Qdtq >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ $aur_helper -Rns $($aur_helper -Qdtq) --noconfirm
+ else
+ echo "No orphaned packages found."
+ fi
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -ds|--disable-services)
+ echo "Disabling unnecessary services..."
+ display_option_help "$1"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -cf|--check-filesystem)
+ echo "Checking file system errors..."
+ display_option_help "$1"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -os|--optimize-swap)
+ echo "Optimizing swap usage..."
+ display_option_help "$1"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -om|--optimize-mount)
+ echo "Optimizing file system mount options..."
+ display_option_help "$1"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -p|--check-duplicates)
+ echo "Checking for duplicate files..."
+ display_option_help "$1"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -t|--monitor-resources)
+ echo "Monitoring resource usage..."
+ display_option_help "$1"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -k|--optimize-desktop)
+ echo "Optimizing desktop environment settings..."
+ display_option_help "$1"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -m|--maintenance)
+ echo "Performing regular maintenance tasks..."
+ display_option_help "$1"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Error: Invalid option: $1"
+ display_usage
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+echo "Optimization complete!"