diff options
3 files changed, 114 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/cc.deb.PKGBUILD b/cc.deb.PKGBUILD
index 5e32a3cb1586..8344d23016e2 100644
--- a/cc.deb.PKGBUILD
+++ b/cc.deb.PKGBUILD
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ _package
_msg2 'installing control file and install scripts'
install -Dm755 "${srcdir}/${_pkgarch}.control" "${_pkgdir}/DEBIAN/control"
#install -Dm755 ${srcdir}/${_scripts}/ ${_pkgdir}/DEBIAN/preinst
install -Dm755 "${srcdir}/" "${_pkgdir}/DEBIAN/postinst"
install -Dm755 "${srcdir}/" "${_pkgdir}/DEBIAN/prerm"
@@ -104,3 +105,32 @@ done
#exit so the arch package doesn't get built
+_descripts() {
+ func=$1
+ input_file=$2
+ # Check if the function is defined in the .install file
+ if grep -q "^$func()" "${install}"; then
+ # Create the script
+ case "$func" in
+ pre_install) _script="preinst";;
+ post_install) _script="postinst";;
+ pre_upgrade) _script="preinst";;
+ post_upgrade) _script="postinst";;
+ pre_remove) _script="prerm";;
+ post_remove) _script="postrm";;
+ backup) _script="preinst";;
+ restore) _script="postinst";;
+ clean) _script="postrm";;
+ check) _script="preinst";;
+ fix_install) _script="postinst";;
+ fix_upgrade) _script="postinst";;
+ *) echo "Unknown function: $func"; continue;;
+ esac
+ _debscript="${_script}.sh"
+ echo "#!/bin/sh" > "${_pkgdir}/DEBIAN/${_debscript}"
+ echo "$(grep -A999 "^$func()" "${_pkgdir}/DEBIAN/${_debscript}" | sed '/^}$/Q')" >> "${_pkgdir}/DEBIAN/${_debscript}"
+ chmod +x "${_pkgdir}/DEBIAN/${_debscript}"
+ _msg3 "Created ${_debscript}"
+ fi
diff --git a/monitor.PKGBUILD b/monitor.PKGBUILD
index 82e7ef339bb0..55b52e81d443 100644
--- a/monitor.PKGBUILD
+++ b/monitor.PKGBUILD
@@ -20,9 +20,14 @@ sha256sums=('72c189a1c1994e90cab0ab3e21a3bf2932b229210a0bc9e296d6a4400e2a52a1'
package() {
+ _pkgdir="${pkgdir}"
+ _systemddir="usr/lib/systemd/system"
+#_package function - used in build variants
+_package() {
#declare the _pkgdir and systemd directory
_msg2 'Installing systemd services'
for _i in "${_service[@]}" ; do
_msg3 ${_i}
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..91a457df8ab1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# Maintainer: Moses Narrow <>
+source monitor.PKGBUILD
+pkgdesc="${pkgdesc} debian package"
+_pkgarches=('amd64' 'arm64' 'armhf' 'armel')
+depends=("gnu-netcat" "ansifilter" "expect")
+ 'f26f0d3aa3baeb22fe1f0c94fe86113a638195f0070c5a2cd80e72463de5319a'
+ 'bb44fa8eba36636b4e766030634737cbc85e2203906a0b25e42c23645e0563cd')
+build() {
+_msg2 'creating the DEBIAN/control files'
+for i in ${_pkgarches[@]}; do
+_msg2 "_pkgarch=$i"
+local _pkgarch=$i
+#create control file for the debian package
+echo "Package: ${pkgname}" > ${srcdir}/${_pkgarch}.control
+echo "Version: ${pkgver}-${_pkgrel}" >> ${srcdir}/${_pkgarch}.control
+echo "Priority: optional" >> ${srcdir}/${_pkgarch}.control
+echo "Section: web" >> ${srcdir}/${_pkgarch}.control
+echo "Architecture: ${_pkgarch}" >> ${srcdir}/${_pkgarch}.control
+echo "Depends: ${_debdeps}" >> ${srcdir}/${_pkgarch}.control
+echo "Provides: ${_pkgname}" >> ${srcdir}/${_pkgarch}.control
+echo "Maintainer: Skycoin" >> ${srcdir}/${_pkgarch}.control
+echo "Description: ${pkgdesc}" >> ${srcdir}/${_pkgarch}.control
+package() {
+ for _i in "${_pkgarches[@]}"; do
+ _msg2 "_pkgarch=${_i}"
+ local _pkgarch="${_i}"
+ #set up to create a .deb package
+ _debpkgdir="${pkgname}-${pkgver}-${pkgrel}-${_pkgarch}"
+ _pkgdir="${pkgdir}/${_debpkgdir}"
+ [[ -d "${_pkgdir}" ]] && rm -rf "${_pkgdir}"
+ #declare the _pkgdir and systemd directory${_githuborg}
+ _systemddir="etc/systemd/system"
+ _package
+ _msg2 'installing control file and install scripts'
+ install -Dm755 "${srcdir}/${_pkgarch}.control" "${_pkgdir}/DEBIAN/control"
+ _msg2 'creating debian install scripts'
+ echo -e "#!/bin/sh \n systemctl is-active --quiet skywire && systemctl daemon-reload && systemctl restart skywire && systemctl enable --now skywire-monitor 2> /dev/null" | tee "${_pkgdir}/DEBIAN/"
+ echo -e "#!/bin/sh \n systemctl is-active --quiet skywire && systemctl daemon-reload && systemctl restart skywire" | tee "${_pkgdir}/DEBIAN/"
+ chmod +x ${_pkgdir}/DEBIAN/*
+ _msg2 'creating the debian package'
+ #create the debian package!
+ cd "${pkgdir}"
+ dpkg-deb --build -z9 "${_debpkgdir}"
+ mv *.deb ../../
+ done
+ #exit so the arch package doesn't get built
+ exit
+_msg2() {
+(( QUIET )) && return
+local mesg=$1; shift
+printf "${BLUE} ->${ALL_OFF}${BOLD} ${mesg}${ALL_OFF}\n" "$@"
+_msg3() {
+(( QUIET )) && return
+local mesg=$1; shift
+printf "${BLUE} -->${ALL_OFF} ${mesg}${ALL_OFF}\n" "$@"