diff options
4 files changed, 3297 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6c789f84aeb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+pkgbase = sqlite-replication
+ pkgdesc = A C library that implements an SQL database engine
+ pkgver = 3.24.0
+ pkgrel = 1
+ url =
+ arch = x86_64
+ license = custom:Public Domain
+ makedepends = tcl
+ makedepends = readline
+ makedepends = zlib
+ options = !emptydirs
+ options = !makeflags
+ source =
+ source =
+ source = license.txt
+ source = replication.patch
+ sha1sums = fb558c49ee21a837713c4f1e7e413309aabdd9c7
+ sha1sums = 9684d06b7e6ec1868b1ef075993dc29d952dac97
+ sha1sums = f34f6daa4ab3073d74e774aad21d66878cf26853
+ sha1sums = 52a7eeff64d842cd210cf8572bf2f896cd19f995
+pkgname = sqlite-replication
+ pkgdesc = A C library that implements an SQL database engine
+ depends = readline
+ depends = zlib
+ provides = sqlite=3.24.0
+ provides = sqlite3=3.24.0
+ conflicts = sqlite
+ replaces = sqlite3
+pkgname = sqlite-replication-tcl
+ pkgdesc = sqlite Tcl Extension Architecture (TEA)
+ depends = sqlite
+ provides = sqlite-tcl=3.24.0
+ provides = sqlite3-tcl=3.24.0
+ conflicts = sqlite-tcl
+ replaces = sqlite3-tcl
+pkgname = sqlite-replication-doc
+ pkgdesc = most of the static HTML files that comprise this website, including all of the SQL Syntax and the C/C++ interface specs and other miscellaneous documentation
+ provides = sqlite-doc=3.24.0
+ provides = sqlite3-doc=3.24.0
+ conflicts = sqlite-doc
+ replaces = sqlite3-doc
+pkgname = sqlite-replication-analyzer
+ pkgdesc = An analysis program for sqlite3 database files
+ depends = sqlite
+ depends = tcl
+ provides = sqlite-analyzer=3.24.0
+ conflicts = sqlite-analyzer
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b3865e789009
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Thomas Hipp <thomashipp at gmail dot com>
+# Maintainer: Andreas Radke <>
+# Contributor: Tom Newsom <>
+pkgname=('sqlite-replication' 'sqlite-replication-tcl' 'sqlite-replication-doc' 'sqlite-replication-analyzer')
+pkgdesc="A C library that implements an SQL database engine"
+license=('custom:Public Domain')
+makedepends=('tcl' 'readline' 'zlib')
+ license.txt
+ replication.patch)
+options=('!emptydirs' '!makeflags') # json extensions breaks parallel build
+ '9684d06b7e6ec1868b1ef075993dc29d952dac97'
+ 'f34f6daa4ab3073d74e774aad21d66878cf26853'
+ '52a7eeff64d842cd210cf8572bf2f896cd19f995')
+prepare() {
+ cd sqlite-src-$_srcver
+# autoreconf -vfi
+ patch -p1 < ../replication.patch
+build() {
+ # build sqlite
+ cd sqlite-src-$_srcver
+ ./configure --prefix=/usr \
+ --disable-static \
+ --disable-amalgamation \
+ --enable-fts3 \
+ --enable-fts4 \
+ --enable-fts5 \
+ --enable-rtree \
+ --enable-json1 \
+ --enable-replication \
+ TCLLIBDIR=/usr/lib/sqlite$pkgver
+ make
+ # build additional tools
+ make showdb showjournal showstat4 showwal sqldiff sqlite3_analyzer
+package_sqlite-replication() {
+ pkgdesc="A C library that implements an SQL database engine"
+ depends=('readline' 'zlib')
+ provides=("sqlite=$pkgver" "sqlite3=$pkgver")
+ replaces=("sqlite3")
+ conflicts=("sqlite")
+ cd sqlite-src-$_srcver
+ make DESTDIR=${pkgdir} install
+ install -m755 showdb showjournal showstat4 showwal sqldiff ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/
+ # install manpage
+ install -m755 -d ${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man1
+ install -m644 sqlite3.1 ${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man1/
+ # license - no linking required because pkgbase=pkgname
+ install -D -m644 ${srcdir}/license.txt ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgbase}/license.txt
+ # split out tcl extension
+ mkdir $srcdir/tcl
+ mv $pkgdir/usr/lib/sqlite* $srcdir/tcl
+package_sqlite-replication-tcl() {
+ pkgdesc="sqlite Tcl Extension Architecture (TEA)"
+ depends=('sqlite')
+ provides=("sqlite-tcl=$pkgver" "sqlite3-tcl=$pkgver")
+ replaces=("sqlite3-tcl")
+ conflicts=("sqlite-tcl")
+ install -m755 -d ${pkgdir}/usr/lib
+ mv $srcdir/tcl/* ${pkgdir}/usr/lib
+ # install manpage
+ install -m755 -d ${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/mann
+ install -m644 ${srcdir}/sqlite-src-$_srcver/autoconf/tea/doc/sqlite3.n ${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/mann/
+ # link license
+ install -m755 -d ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses
+ ln -sf /usr/share/licenses/${pkgbase} "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}"
+package_sqlite-replication-analyzer() {
+ pkgdesc="An analysis program for sqlite3 database files"
+ depends=('sqlite' 'tcl')
+ provides=("sqlite-analyzer=$pkgver")
+ conflicts=("sqlite-analyzer")
+ cd sqlite-src-$_srcver
+ install -m755 -d ${pkgdir}/usr/bin
+ install -m755 sqlite3_analyzer ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/
+package_sqlite-replication-doc() {
+ pkgdesc="most of the static HTML files that comprise this website, including all of the SQL Syntax and the C/C++ interface specs and other miscellaneous documentation"
+ #arch=('any') - not yet supported
+ provides=("sqlite-doc=$pkgver" "sqlite3-doc=$pkgver")
+ replaces=("sqlite3-doc")
+ conflicts=("sqlite-doc")
+ cd sqlite-doc-${_docver}
+ mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgbase}
+ cp -R * ${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgbase}/
diff --git a/license.txt b/license.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..118c5d5e60ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/license.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+SQLite Copyright
+SQLite is in the
+Public Domain
+All of the deliverable code in SQLite has been dedicated to the public domain by the authors. All code authors, and representatives of the companies they work for, have signed affidavits dedicating their contributions to the public domain and originals of those signed affidavits are stored in a firesafe at the main offices of Hwaci. Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute the original SQLite code, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means.
+The previous paragraph applies to the deliverable code in SQLite - those parts of the SQLite library that you actually bundle and ship with a larger application. Portions of the documentation and some code used as part of the build process might fall under other licenses. The details here are unclear. We do not worry about the licensing of the documentation and build code so much because none of these things are part of the core deliverable SQLite library.
+All of the deliverable code in SQLite has been written from scratch. No code has been taken from other projects or from the open internet. Every line of code can be traced back to its original author, and all of those authors have public domain dedications on file. So the SQLite code base is clean and is uncontaminated with licensed code from other projects.
+Obtaining An Explicit License To Use SQLite
+Even though SQLite is in the public domain and does not require a license, some users want to obtain a license anyway. Some reasons for obtaining a license include:
+You are using SQLite in a jurisdiction that does not recognize the public domain.
+You are using SQLite in a jurisdiction that does not recognize the right of an author to dedicate their work to the public domain.
+You want to hold a tangible legal document as evidence that you have the legal right to use and distribute SQLite.
+Your legal department tells you that you have to purchase a license.
+If you feel like you really have to purchase a license for SQLite, Hwaci, the company that employs the architect and principal developers of SQLite, will sell you one.
+Contributed Code
+In order to keep SQLite completely free and unencumbered by copyright, all new contributors to the SQLite code base are asked to dedicate their contributions to the public domain. If you want to send a patch or enhancement for possible inclusion in the SQLite source tree, please accompany the patch with the following statement:
+The author or authors of this code dedicate any and all copyright interest in this code to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this code under copyright law.
+We are not able to accept patches or changes to SQLite that are not accompanied by a statement such as the above. In addition, if you make changes or enhancements as an employee, then a simple statement such as the above is insufficient. You must also send by surface mail a copyright release signed by a company officer. A signed original of the copyright release should be mailed to:
+6200 Maple Cove Lane
+Charlotte, NC 28269
+A template copyright release is available in PDF or HTML. You can use this release to make future changes.
+see \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/replication.patch b/replication.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1bc3c2d0c7d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/replication.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,3084 @@
+diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
+new file mode 100644
+index 000000000..85c41ecc5
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/.travis.yml
+@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
++language: c
++compiler: gcc
++ - DEBUG=""
++ - DEBUG="--enable-debug"
++ - git rev-parse --git-dir >/dev/null
++ - git log -1 --format=format:%ci%n | sed -e 's/ [-+].*$//;s/ /T/;s/^/D /' > manifest
++ - echo $(git log -1 --format=format:%H) > manifest.uuid
++ - ./configure --enable-wal-replication ${DEBUG}
++ - make
++ - make testfixture
++ - ./testfixture ./test/walreplication.test
++ - make amalgamation-tarball
++ - tar cfz build-amd64.tar.gz --transform 's|.libs/||g' sqlite3.h sqlite3.pc .libs/*
++ - mkdir deploy
++ - mv build-amd64.tar.gz deploy/sqlite-amd64${DEBUG}-$(cat VERSION).tar.gz
++ - \[ -n "$DEBUG" \] || mv sqlite-autoconf-*.tar.gz deploy/sqlite-src-$(cat VERSION).tar.gz
++ provider: releases
++ api_key: '$GITHUB_API_KEY'
++ file_glob: true
++ file: 'deploy/*'
++ skip_cleanup: true
++ on:
++ tags: true
++ all_branches: true
+diff --git a/ b/
+index 96ef34009..0e369d341 100644
+--- a/
++++ b/
+@@ -416,6 +416,7 @@ TESTSRC = \
+ $(TOP)/src/test_tclvar.c \
+ $(TOP)/src/test_thread.c \
+ $(TOP)/src/test_vfs.c \
++ $(TOP)/src/test_walreplication.c \
+ $(TOP)/src/test_windirent.c \
+ $(TOP)/src/test_wsd.c \
+ $(TOP)/ext/fts3/fts3_term.c \
+diff --git a/Makefile.msc b/Makefile.msc
+index 43d4a379a..672eb0025 100644
+--- a/Makefile.msc
++++ b/Makefile.msc
+@@ -1476,6 +1476,7 @@ TESTSRC = \
+ $(TOP)\src\test_tclvar.c \
+ $(TOP)\src\test_thread.c \
+ $(TOP)\src\test_vfs.c \
++ $(TOP)/src/test_walreplication.c \
+ $(TOP)\src\test_windirent.c \
+ $(TOP)\src\test_wsd.c \
+ $(TOP)\ext\fts3\fts3_term.c \
+diff --git a/configure b/configure
+index baead2ea3..5ad49cdcf 100755
+--- a/configure
++++ b/configure
+@@ -913,6 +913,8 @@ enable_json1
+ enable_update_limit
+ enable_rtree
+ enable_session
+ enable_gcov
+ '
+ ac_precious_vars='build_alias
+@@ -1565,6 +1567,10 @@ Optional Features:
+ --enable-update-limit Enable the UPDATE/DELETE LIMIT clause
+ --enable-rtree Enable the RTREE extension
+ --enable-session Enable the SESSION extension
++ --enable-wal-replication
++ Enable WAL replication support
++ --enable-replication
++ Enable WAL replication support
+ --enable-gcov Enable coverage testing using gcov
+ Optional Packages:
+@@ -11657,6 +11663,32 @@ if test "${enable_session}" = "yes" ; then
+ fi
++# See whether we should enable WAL replication support
++# Check whether --enable-wal-replication was given.
++if test "${enable_wal_replication+set}" = set; then :
++ enableval=$enable_wal_replication; enable_wal_replication=yes
++ enable_wal_replication=no
++if test "${enable_wal_replication}" = "yes" ; then
++# See whether we should enable WAL replication support
++# Check whether --enable-replication was given.
++if test "${enable_replication+set}" = set; then :
++ enableval=$enable_replication; enable_replication=yes
++ enable_replication=no
++if test "${enable_replication}" = "yes" ; then
+ #########
+ # attempt to duplicate any OMITS and ENABLES into the ${OPT_FEATURE_FLAGS} parameter
+ for option in $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS
+diff --git a/ b/
+index 7089772d1..2e21b47d9 100644
+--- a/
++++ b/
+@@ -679,6 +679,24 @@ if test "${enable_session}" = "yes" ; then
+ fi
++# See whether we should enable WAL replication support
++AC_ARG_ENABLE(wal-replication, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-wal-replication],
++ [Enable WAL replication support]),
++ [enable_wal_replication=yes],[enable_wal_replication=no])
++if test "${enable_wal_replication}" = "yes" ; then
++# See whether we should enable WAL replication support
++AC_ARG_ENABLE(replication, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-replication],
++ [Enable WAL replication support]),
++ [enable_replication=yes],[enable_replication=no])
++if test "${enable_replication}" = "yes" ; then
+ #########
+ # attempt to duplicate any OMITS and ENABLES into the ${OPT_FEATURE_FLAGS} parameter
+ for option in $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS
+diff --git a/ b/
+index e5722c582..ef305862d 100644
+--- a/
++++ b/
+@@ -346,6 +346,7 @@ TESTSRC = \
+ $(TOP)/src/test_tclvar.c \
+ $(TOP)/src/test_thread.c \
+ $(TOP)/src/test_vfs.c \
++ $(TOP)/src/test_walreplication.c \
+ $(TOP)/src/test_windirent.c \
+ $(TOP)/src/test_wsd.c
+diff --git a/src/backup.c b/src/backup.c
+index 165144d96..44d9a03d0 100644
+--- a/src/backup.c
++++ b/src/backup.c
+@@ -189,6 +189,24 @@ sqlite3_backup *sqlite3_backup_init(
+ p->iNext = 1;
+ p->isAttached = 0;
++ if( p->pSrc ){
++ /* Check that the connection is not in follower WAL replication mode */
++ Pager *pPager = sqlite3BtreePager(p->pSrc);
++ if (sqlite3PagerGetJournalMode(pPager) == PAGER_JOURNALMODE_WAL) {
++ int rc;
++ int bEnabled;
++ sqlite3_wal_replication *pReplication;
++ rc = sqlite3PagerWalReplicationGet(pPager, &bEnabled, &pReplication);
++ assert( rc==SQLITE_OK );
++ if( bEnabled && !pReplication ){
++ sqlite3Error(pDestDb, SQLITE_ERROR);
++ p->pSrc = 0;
++ }
++ }
++ }
+ if( 0==p->pSrc || 0==p->pDest
+ || checkReadTransaction(pDestDb, p->pDest)!=SQLITE_OK
+ ){
+diff --git a/src/main.c b/src/main.c
+index 5b6c86709..342f732cb 100644
+--- a/src/main.c
++++ b/src/main.c
+@@ -2256,6 +2256,410 @@ int sqlite3Checkpoint(sqlite3 *db, int iDb, int eMode, int *pnLog, int *pnCkpt){
+ }
+ #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_WAL */
++** The list of all registered WAL replication implementations.
++** Access to this variable is protected by SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_MASTER.
++static sqlite3_wal_replication *walReplicationList = 0;
++** Locate a WAL replication implementation by name. If no name is given, simply
++** return the first registered implementation, or NULL if no WAL replication
++** implementation is registered.
++sqlite3_wal_replication *sqlite3_wal_replication_find(const char *zReplication){
++ sqlite3_wal_replication *p = 0;
++ sqlite3_mutex *mutex;
++ int rc = sqlite3_initialize();
++ if( rc ) return 0;
++ mutex = sqlite3MutexAlloc(SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_MASTER);
++ sqlite3_mutex_enter(mutex);
++ for(p=walReplicationList; p; p=p->pNext){
++ if( zReplication==0 ) break;
++ if( strcmp(zReplication, p->zName)==0 ) break;
++ }
++ sqlite3_mutex_leave(mutex);
++ return p;
++** Unlink a WAL synchronous replication implementation from the linked list.
++static void walReplicationUnlink(sqlite3_wal_replication *pReplication){
++ assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(sqlite3MutexAlloc(SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_MASTER)) );
++ if( pReplication==0 ){
++ /* No-op */
++ }else if( walReplicationList==pReplication ){
++ walReplicationList = pReplication->pNext;
++ }else if( walReplicationList ){
++ sqlite3_wal_replication *p = walReplicationList;
++ while( p->pNext && p->pNext!=pReplication ){
++ p = p->pNext;
++ }
++ if( p->pNext==pReplication ){
++ p->pNext = pReplication->pNext;
++ }
++ }
++** Register a WAL replication implementation. It is harmless to register the
++** same implementation multiple times. The new implementation becomes the
++** default if makeDflt is true.
++int sqlite3_wal_replication_register(
++ sqlite3_wal_replication *pReplication, int makeDflt){
++ MUTEX_LOGIC( sqlite3_mutex *mutex; )
++ int rc = sqlite3_initialize();
++ if( rc ) return rc;
++ if( pReplication==0 ) return SQLITE_MISUSE_BKPT;
++ MUTEX_LOGIC( mutex = sqlite3MutexAlloc(SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_MASTER); )
++ sqlite3_mutex_enter(mutex);
++ walReplicationUnlink(pReplication);
++ if( makeDflt || walReplicationList==0 ){
++ pReplication->pNext = walReplicationList;
++ walReplicationList = pReplication;
++ }else{
++ pReplication->pNext = walReplicationList->pNext;
++ walReplicationList->pNext = pReplication;
++ }
++ assert(walReplicationList);
++ sqlite3_mutex_leave(mutex);
++ return SQLITE_OK;
++ return SQLITE_ERROR;
++#endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_WAL */
++** Unregister a WAL replication implementation so that it is no longer
++** accessible.
++int sqlite3_wal_replication_unregister(sqlite3_wal_replication *pReplication){
++ sqlite3_mutex *mutex = sqlite3MutexAlloc(SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_MASTER);
++ sqlite3_mutex_enter(mutex);
++ walReplicationUnlink(pReplication);
++ sqlite3_mutex_leave(mutex);
++ return SQLITE_OK;
++** Check if WAL synchronous replication is enabled on the given schema of the
++** given database connection.
++int sqlite3_wal_replication_enabled(
++ sqlite3 *db,
++ const char *zSchema,
++ int *pbEnabled,
++ sqlite3_wal_replication **ppReplication
++ int rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
++ if( !sqlite3SafetyCheckOk(db) ){
++ }
++ sqlite3_mutex_enter(db->mutex);
++ Btree *pBt = sqlite3DbNameToBtree(db, zSchema);
++ if( pBt ){
++ sqlite3BtreeEnter(pBt);
++ Pager *pPager = sqlite3BtreePager(pBt);
++ assert( pPager );
++ if( sqlite3PagerGetJournalMode(pPager)==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_WAL ){
++ rc = sqlite3PagerWalReplicationGet(pPager, pbEnabled, ppReplication);
++ }
++ sqlite3BtreeLeave(pBt);
++ }
++ sqlite3_mutex_leave(db->mutex);
++ return rc;
++ return SQLITE_ERROR;
++#endif /* !SQLITE_OMIT_WAL */
++** Enable leader WAL replication on the given connection.
++** The zReplication parameter must be the name of a WAL replication
++** implementation previously registered with
++** sqlite3_wal_replication_register. The replication implementation will be
++** notified of WAL lifecycle events, such as begin a write transaction, write
++** new frames to the log, undo a write transaction and end a write transaction.
++** When invoking the hooks defined in the given sqlite3_wal_replication
++** implementation, SQLite will pass them the given custom argument back.
++int sqlite3_wal_replication_leader(
++ sqlite3 *db, const char *zSchema, const char *zReplication, void *pArg
++ sqlite3_wal_replication *pReplication;
++ int rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
++ if( !sqlite3SafetyCheckOk(db) ){
++ }
++ pReplication = sqlite3_wal_replication_find(zReplication);
++ if( !pReplication ){
++ /* No WAL replication implementation is registered under the given name */
++ return SQLITE_ERROR;
++ }
++ sqlite3_mutex_enter(db->mutex);
++ Btree *pBt = sqlite3DbNameToBtree(db, zSchema);
++ if( pBt ){
++ sqlite3BtreeEnter(pBt);
++ Pager *pPager = sqlite3BtreePager(pBt);
++ assert( pPager );
++ rc = sqlite3PagerWalReplicationSet(pPager, db, 1, pReplication, pArg);
++ if( rc==SQLITE_OK ) {
++ /* Disable checkpointing the WAL on close, since the replication
++ ** implementation should take care of checkpointing explicitly.
++ */
++ int ckpt;
++ rc = sqlite3_db_config(db, SQLITE_DBCONFIG_NO_CKPT_ON_CLOSE, 1, &ckpt);
++ }
++ sqlite3BtreeLeave(pBt);
++ }
++ sqlite3_mutex_leave(db->mutex);
++ return rc;
++ return SQLITE_ERROR;
++#endif /* !SQLITE_OMIT_WAL */
++** Enable follower WAL replication on the given schema on the given connection.
++int sqlite3_wal_replication_follower(sqlite3 *db, const char *zSchema){
++ int rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
++ if( !sqlite3SafetyCheckOk(db) ){
++ }
++ sqlite3_mutex_enter(db->mutex);
++ Btree *pBt = sqlite3DbNameToBtree(db, zSchema);
++ if( pBt ){
++ sqlite3BtreeEnter(pBt);
++ Pager *pPager = sqlite3BtreePager(pBt);
++ assert( pPager );
++ rc = sqlite3PagerWalReplicationSet(pPager, db, 1, 0, 0);
++ if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
++ /* Disable checkpointing the WAL on close, since the replication
++ ** implementation should take care of checkpointing explicitly. */
++ int ckpt;
++ rc = sqlite3_db_config(db, SQLITE_DBCONFIG_NO_CKPT_ON_CLOSE, 1, &ckpt);
++ /* Invalidate all current cursors. Trying to create a new cursor will
++ ** also fail when in follower WAL replication mode.
++ */
++ if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
++ rc = sqlite3BtreeTripAllCursors(pBt, SQLITE_MISUSE, 0);
++ }
++ }
++ sqlite3BtreeLeave(pBt);
++ }
++ sqlite3_mutex_leave(db->mutex);
++ return rc;
++ return SQLITE_ERROR;
++#endif /* !SQLITE_OMIT_WAL */
++** Disable leader or follower WAL replication on the given schema of the given
++** connection.
++int sqlite3_wal_replication_none(sqlite3 *db, const char *zSchema){
++ int rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
++ if( !sqlite3SafetyCheckOk(db) ){
++ }
++ sqlite3_mutex_enter(db->mutex);
++ Btree *pBt = sqlite3DbNameToBtree(db, zSchema);
++ if( pBt ){
++ sqlite3BtreeEnter(pBt);
++ Pager *pPager = sqlite3BtreePager(pBt);
++ assert( pPager );
++ rc = sqlite3PagerWalReplicationSet(pPager, db, 0, 0, 0);
++ sqlite3BtreeLeave(pBt);
++ }
++ sqlite3_mutex_leave(db->mutex);
++ return rc;
++ return SQLITE_ERROR;
++#endif /* !SQLITE_OMIT_WAL */
++** Write new WAL frames in the context of a replicated transaction.
++** If the isBegin flag is true, also start a new WAL write transaction. If the
++** commit flag true, also commit the transaction.
++** This interface must be called only on connections that have been switched
++** to follower WAL replication mode using sqlite3_wal_replication_follower().
++int sqlite3_wal_replication_frames(
++ sqlite3 *db,
++ const char *zSchema,
++ int isBegin,
++ int szPage,
++ int nFrame,
++ unsigned *aPgno,
++ void *aPage,
++ unsigned nTruncate,
++ int isCommit
++ int rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
++ if( !sqlite3SafetyCheckOk(db) ){
++ return SQLITE_MISUSE;
++ }
++ sqlite3_mutex_enter(db->mutex);
++ Btree *pBt = sqlite3DbNameToBtree(db, zSchema);
++ if( pBt ){
++ sqlite3BtreeEnter(pBt);
++ Pager *pPager = sqlite3BtreePager(pBt);
++ rc = sqlite3PagerWalReplicationFrames(pPager,
++ isBegin, szPage, nFrame, aPgno, aPage, nTruncate, isCommit);
++ sqlite3BtreeLeave(pBt);
++ }
++ sqlite3_mutex_leave(db->mutex);
++ return rc;
++ return SQLITE_ERROR;
++#endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_WAL */
++** Undo WAL changes in the context of a replicated transaction that is
++** being rolled back.
++** This interface must be called only on connections that have been switched to
++** follower WAL replication mode using sqlite3_wal_replication_follower().
++int sqlite3_wal_replication_undo(sqlite3 *db, const char *zSchema){
++ int rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
++ if( !sqlite3SafetyCheckOk(db) ){
++ return SQLITE_MISUSE;
++ }
++ sqlite3_mutex_enter(db->mutex);
++ Btree *pBt = sqlite3DbNameToBtree(db, zSchema);
++ if( pBt ){
++ sqlite3BtreeEnter(pBt);
++ Pager *pPager = sqlite3BtreePager(pBt);
++ assert( pPager );
++ rc = sqlite3PagerWalReplicationUndo(pPager);
++ sqlite3BtreeLeave(pBt);
++ }
++ sqlite3_mutex_leave(db->mutex);
++ return rc;
++ return SQLITE_ERROR;
++#endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_WAL */
++** Checkpoint a database in follower WAL replication mode.
++** This interface must be called only on connections that have been switched
++** to follower replication mode using sqlite3_wal_replication_follower().
++int sqlite3_wal_replication_checkpoint(
++ sqlite3 *db,
++ const char *zSchema,
++ int eMode,
++ int *pnLog,
++ int *pnCkpt
++ int rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
++ Btree *pBt;
++ Pager *pPager;
++ if( !sqlite3SafetyCheckOk(db) ){
++ }
++ /* Initialize the output variables to -1 in case an error occurs. */
++ if( pnLog ) *pnLog = -1;
++ if( pnCkpt ) *pnCkpt = -1;
++ sqlite3_mutex_enter(db->mutex);
++ pBt = sqlite3DbNameToBtree(db, zSchema);
++ if( pBt ){
++ sqlite3BtreeEnter(pBt);
++ pPager = sqlite3BtreePager(pBt);
++ assert( pPager );
++ rc = sqlite3PagerWalReplicationCheckpoint(
++ pPager, db, eMode, pnLog, pnCkpt);
++ sqlite3BtreeLeave(pBt);
++ }
++ sqlite3_mutex_leave(db->mutex);
++ return rc;
++ return SQLITE_ERROR;
++#endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_WAL */
+ /*
+ ** This function returns true if main-memory should be used instead of
+ ** a temporary file for transient pager files and statement journals.
+diff --git a/src/pager.c b/src/pager.c
+index a5e1edf78..9e03eb20e 100644
+--- a/src/pager.c
++++ b/src/pager.c
+@@ -716,7 +716,12 @@ struct Pager {
+ Wal *pWal; /* Write-ahead log used by "journal_mode=wal" */
+ char *zWal; /* File name for write-ahead log */
++ sqlite3_wal_replication* pWalReplication; /* Set when notifying WAL events */
++ void *pWalReplicationArg; /* Argument for WAL notifications */
++ u8 bWalReplicationFollower; /* True when receiving WAL events */
++#endif /* !SQLITE_OMIT_WAL */
+ };
+ /*
+@@ -2113,6 +2118,16 @@ static int pager_end_transaction(Pager *pPager, int hasMaster, int bCommit){
+ }
+ if( pagerUseWal(pPager) ){
++ if( pPager->pWalReplication ){
++ /* Fire the xEnd method of the configured replication interface. The
++ ** method implementation will typically use it to update its internal
++ ** state. The return code is currently ignored. */
++ assert( pPager->pWalReplication->xEnd );
++ pPager->pWalReplication->xEnd(
++ pPager->pWalReplication, pPager->pWalReplicationArg);
++ }
+ /* Drop the WAL write-lock, if any. Also, if the connection was in
+ ** locking_mode=exclusive mode but is no longer, drop the EXCLUSIVE
+ ** lock held on the database file.
+@@ -3149,6 +3164,22 @@ static int pagerRollbackWal(Pager *pPager){
+ ** + Reload page content from the database (if refcount>0).
+ */
+ pPager->dbSize = pPager->dbOrigSize;
++ if( pPager->pWalReplication ){
++ /* When in leader WAL replication mode fire the xUndo method of the
++ ** replication implementation. The method implementation is typically in
++ ** charge of broadcasting the event to other nodes, and ensure that a quorum
++ ** of them have received the message.
++ **
++ ** The return code is currently ignored, since in any case we want to
++ ** rollback the transaction on this node. The WAL replication implementation
++ ** should ensure graceful recovery after a failure due to loss of quorum.
++ */
++ assert( pPager->pWalReplication->xUndo );
++ pPager->pWalReplication->xUndo(
++ pPager->pWalReplication, pPager->pWalReplicationArg);
++ }
+ rc = sqlite3WalUndo(pPager->pWal, pagerUndoCallback, (void *)pPager);
+ pList = sqlite3PcacheDirtyList(pPager->pPCache);
+ while( pList && rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+@@ -3175,7 +3206,7 @@ static int pagerWalFrames(
+ Pgno nTruncate, /* Database size after this commit */
+ int isCommit /* True if this is a commit */
+ ){
+- int rc; /* Return code */
++ int rc = SQLITE_OK; /* Return code */
+ int nList; /* Number of pages in pList */
+ PgHdr *p; /* For looping over pages */
+@@ -3209,9 +3240,52 @@ static int pagerWalFrames(
+ pPager->aStat[PAGER_STAT_WRITE] += nList;
+ if( pList->pgno==1 ) pager_write_changecounter(pList);
+- rc = sqlite3WalFrames(pPager->pWal,
+- pPager->pageSize, pList, nTruncate, isCommit, pPager->walSyncFlags
+- );
++ /* When in leader WAL replication mode fire the xFrames method of the
++ ** configured replication implementation. The method implementation is
++ ** typically in charge of broadcasting the frames to other nodes, and ensure
++ ** that a quorum of them have received the message. */
++ if( pPager->pWalReplication ){
++ assert( pPager->pWalReplication->xFrames );
++ /* Allocate a new buffer of replication pages to pass to xFrames. */
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_frame *aFrame;
++ aFrame = (sqlite3_wal_replication_frame*)sqlite3_malloc(
++ sizeof(sqlite3_wal_replication_frame) * (nList));
++ if( aFrame==0 ){
++ }else{
++ /* Copy into the replication pages list all data about dirty pages that
++ ** should be written to the write-ahead log. */
++ for(p=pList; p; p=p->pDirty){
++ aFrame->pBuf = p->pData;
++ aFrame->pgno = p->pgno;
++ /* Check if this page already in the WAL. It will serve as a hint to
++ ** implementations of sqlite3_wal_replication.xFrames that optimize
++ ** replication by only sending binary diffs of WAL pages over the
++ ** network, as they can make assumptions about the frames contained
++ ** in the replicated WALs.
++ */
++ sqlite3WalFindFrame(pPager->pWal, p->pgno, &aFrame->iPrev);
++ aFrame++;
++ }
++ aFrame -= nList;
++ rc = pPager->pWalReplication->xFrames(
++ pPager->pWalReplication, pPager->pWalReplicationArg,
++ pPager->pageSize, nList, aFrame, nTruncate, isCommit
++ );
++ /* Release the replication pages buffer. */
++ sqlite3_free(aFrame);
++ }
++ }
++ if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
++ {
++ rc = sqlite3WalFrames(pPager->pWal,
++ pPager->pageSize, pList, nTruncate, isCommit, pPager->walSyncFlags
++ );
++ }
+ if( rc==SQLITE_OK && pPager->pBackup ){
+ for(p=pList; p; p=p->pDirty){
+ sqlite3BackupUpdate(pPager->pBackup, p->pgno, (u8 *)p->pData);
+@@ -4158,8 +4232,13 @@ int sqlite3PagerClose(Pager *pPager, sqlite3 *db){
+ }
+ sqlite3WalClose(pPager->pWal, db, pPager->walSyncFlags, pPager->pageSize,a);
+ pPager->pWal = 0;
++ pPager->pWalReplication = 0;
++ pPager->pWalReplicationArg = 0;
++ pPager->bWalReplicationFollower = 0;
+ }
++#endif /* !SQLITE_OMIT_WAL */
+ pager_reset(pPager);
+ if( MEMDB ){
+ pager_unlock(pPager);
+@@ -4841,7 +4920,12 @@ int sqlite3PagerOpen(
+ memcpy(pPager->zWal, zPathname, nPathname);
+ memcpy(&pPager->zWal[nPathname], "-wal\000", 4+1);
+ sqlite3FileSuffix3(pPager->zFilename, pPager->zWal);
++ pPager->pWalReplication = 0;
++ pPager->pWalReplicationArg = 0;
++ pPager->bWalReplicationFollower = 0;
++#endif /* !SQLITE_OMIT_WAL */
+ sqlite3DbFree(0, zPathname);
+ }
+ pPager->pVfs = pVfs;
+@@ -5827,12 +5911,41 @@ int sqlite3PagerBegin(Pager *pPager, int exFlag, int subjInMemory){
+ (void)sqlite3WalExclusiveMode(pPager->pWal, 1);
+ }
+- /* Grab the write lock on the log file. If successful, upgrade to
+- ** PAGER_RESERVED state. Otherwise, return an error code to the caller.
+- ** The busy-handler is not invoked if another connection already
+- ** holds the write-lock. If possible, the upper layer will call it.
+- */
+- rc = sqlite3WalBeginWriteTransaction(pPager->pWal);
++ if( pPager->pWalReplication ){
++ /* Fire the xBegin method of the configured WAL replication
++ ** implementation. The method implementation is typically responsible of
++ ** checking that this SQLite node is the cluster leader, and to clear
++ ** any dangling transactions on connections in follower WAL replication
++ ** mode that might have been left around after a leadership change.
++ */
++ assert( pPager->pWalReplication->xBegin );
++ rc = pPager->pWalReplication->xBegin(
++ pPager->pWalReplication, pPager->pWalReplicationArg);
++ }
++ if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
++ {
++ /* Grab the write lock on the log file. If successful, upgrade to
++ ** PAGER_RESERVED state. Otherwise, return an error code to the caller.
++ ** The busy-handler is not invoked if another connection already
++ ** holds the write-lock. If possible, the upper layer will call it.
++ */
++ rc = sqlite3WalBeginWriteTransaction(pPager->pWal);
++ if( rc!=SQLITE_OK && pPager->pWalReplication ){
++ /* Fire the xAbort hook of the configured replication interface. The
++ ** hook implementation logic should typically cleanup any state that
++ ** was set in the xBegin hook. The return code of xAbort is currently
++ ** ignored.
++ */
++ assert( pPager->pWalReplication->xAbort );
++ pPager->pWalReplication->xAbort(
++ pPager->pWalReplication, pPager->pWalReplicationArg);
++ }
++ }
+ }else{
+ /* Obtain a RESERVED lock on the database file. If the exFlag parameter
+ ** is true, then immediately upgrade this to an EXCLUSIVE lock. The
+@@ -7641,6 +7754,287 @@ int sqlite3PagerSnapshotRecover(Pager *pPager){
+ return rc;
+ }
++** Get the current WAL replication mode enabled on this pager.
++** If the pager is not in WAL mode, an error is returned.
++** If no WAL replication is enabled, *bpEnabled will be set to 0.
++** If leader WAL replication is enabled, *bpEnabled will be set to 1 and
++** *ppReplication will point the the WAL replication implementation currently in
++** use.
++** If follower WAL replication is enabled, *bpEnabled will be set to 1 and
++** *ppReplication to NULL.
++int sqlite3PagerWalReplicationGet(
++ Pager *pPager,
++ int *pbEnabled, /* OUT: True if replication is on */
++ sqlite3_wal_replication **ppReplication /* OUT: Set for leader replication */
++) {
++ /* Valid input */
++ assert( pPager );
++ assert( pbEnabled );
++ assert( ppReplication );
++ /* Current WAL replication mode must be either leader replication, follower
++ ** replication, or no replication at all.
++ */
++ assert( (pPager->pWalReplication!=0 && pPager->bWalReplicationFollower==0)
++ || (pPager->pWalReplication==0 && pPager->bWalReplicationFollower==1)
++ || (pPager->pWalReplication==0 && pPager->bWalReplicationFollower==0)
++ );
++ /* The WAL hook replication argument can be set only if leader WAL replication
++ ** is enabled.
++ */
++ assert( pPager->pWalReplication!=0 || pPager->pWalReplicationArg==0 );
++ /* We require the database to be in WAL mode */
++ if( pPager->journalMode!=PAGER_JOURNALMODE_WAL ){
++ return SQLITE_ERROR;
++ }
++ *pbEnabled = pPager->pWalReplication!=0 || pPager->bWalReplicationFollower==1;
++ *ppReplication = pPager->pWalReplication;
++ return SQLITE_OK;
++** Change the pager's WAL replication mode.
++** If this is not a WAL database, return an error.
++** If the bEnable flag is 1 and pReplication is not NULL, then enable leader WAL
++** replication. This pager will fire the various callbacks defined in the
++** sqlite3_wal_replication interface, notifying the pReplication implementation
++** of events such as beginning a write transaction, writing new frames to the
++** write-ahead log, undoing a write transaction and ending a write
++** transaction. The given pArg will be passed back when invoking the hooks
++** defined in the pReplication implementation.
++** If the bEnable flag is 1 and pReplication is NULL, then enable follower WAL
++** replication. This pager will be expected to be used only for replicating WAL
++** events broadcasted by another pager in leader WAL replication mode.
++** If the bEnabled flag is 1 and WAL replication is already enabled on this
++** pager (either leader or follower WAL replication), an error is returned.
++** If the bEnabled flag is 0 and either leader or follower WAL replication is
++** enabled on this pager, the pager will be reset to no WAL
++** replication. Otherwise, if no WAL replication was configured for this pager,
++** an error is returned.
++int sqlite3PagerWalReplicationSet(
++ Pager *pPager,
++ sqlite3 *db,
++ int bEnable, /* True to enable WAL replication */
++ sqlite3_wal_replication *pReplication, /* Leader WAL replication */
++ void *pArg /* Leader WAL replication argument */
++ u8 *pTmp;
++ int rc = SQLITE_OK;
++ /* Valid input */
++ assert( pPager );
++ assert( bEnable==0 || bEnable==1 );
++ assert( bEnable==1 || pReplication==0 );
++ assert( pReplication!=0 || pArg==0 );
++ /* Current WAL replication mode must be either leader replication, follower
++ ** replication, or no replication at all.
++ */
++ assert( (pPager->pWalReplication!=0 && pPager->bWalReplicationFollower==0)
++ || (pPager->pWalReplication==0 && pPager->bWalReplicationFollower==1)
++ || (pPager->pWalReplication==0 && pPager->bWalReplicationFollower==0)
++ );
++ /* The WAL replication method argument can be set only if leader WAL
++ ** replication is enabled.
++ */
++ assert( pPager->pWalReplication!=0 || pPager->pWalReplicationArg==0 );
++ /* We require the database to be in WAL mode */
++ if( pPager->journalMode!=PAGER_JOURNALMODE_WAL ){
++ return SQLITE_ERROR;
++ }
++ if( bEnable ){
++ /* We require WAL replication to be currently disabled */
++ if( pPager->pWalReplication!=0 || pPager->bWalReplicationFollower==1 ){
++ return SQLITE_ERROR;
++ }
++ pPager->bWalReplicationFollower = pReplication == 0;
++ pPager->pWalReplication = pReplication;
++ pPager->pWalReplicationArg = pArg;
++ /* In follower mode we also need to manually open the WAL, since it
++ ** won't happen as consequence of regular pager operations.
++ */
++ if( pPager->bWalReplicationFollower && !pPager->pWal ){
++ rc = sqlite3WalOpen(pPager->pVfs,
++ pPager->fd, pPager->zWal, pPager->exclusiveMode,
++ pPager->journalSizeLimit, &pPager->pWal
++ );
++ }
++ }else{
++ /* We require WAL replication to be currently enabled */
++ if( pPager->pWalReplication==0 && pPager->bWalReplicationFollower==0 ){
++ return SQLITE_ERROR;
++ }
++ /* In follower mode we also need to manually close the WAL, since it
++ ** won't happen as consequence of regular pager operations.
++ */
++ if( pPager->bWalReplicationFollower ){
++ assert( pPager->pWal );
++ pTmp = (u8 *)pPager->pTmpSpace;
++ sqlite3WalClose(pPager->pWal, db, pPager->walSyncFlags, pPager->pageSize,
++ (db && (db->flags & SQLITE_NoCkptOnClose) ? 0 : pTmp)
++ );
++ pPager->pWal = 0;
++ }
++ pPager->bWalReplicationFollower = 0;
++ pPager->pWalReplication = 0;
++ pPager->pWalReplicationArg = 0;
++ }
++ return rc;
++** Write new frames into the WAL in the context of a replicated transaction.
++** If the isBegin flag is true, also start a new WAL write transaction. If the
++** commit flag true, also commit the transaction.
++** This interface must be called only on connections in follower WAL replication
++** mode (i.e. pPager->bWalReplicationFollower is set to 1).
++int sqlite3PagerWalReplicationFrames(
++ Pager *pPager,
++ int isBegin,
++ int szPage,
++ int nFrame,
++ unsigned *aPgno,
++ void *aPage,
++ unsigned nTruncate,
++ int isCommit
++ int rc;
++ int changed;
++ int i;
++ PgHdr* pList;
++ /* Make sure we are in follower WAL replication mode */
++ if( pPager->bWalReplicationFollower!=1 ){
++ return SQLITE_ERROR;
++ }
++ /* Make sure the page size matches the one set for this pager */
++ if( szPage!=pPager->pageSize ){
++ return SQLITE_ERROR;
++ }
++ /* If the isBegin flag is on, start a new WAL write transaction */
++ if( isBegin ){
++ rc = sqlite3WalBeginReadTransaction(pPager->pWal, &changed);
++ if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
++ rc = sqlite3WalBeginWriteTransaction(pPager->pWal);
++ }
++ if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
++ return rc;
++ }
++ }
++ /* Create a buffer of nList page headers and link them together
++ ** using the PgHdr->pDirty pointer. */
++ pList = (PgHdr*)sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(PgHdr) * (nFrame));
++ if( pList==0 ){
++ }
++ for (i=0; i<nFrame; i++) {
++ /* Initialize only the PgHdr fields that matter for sqlite3WalFrames, namely
++ ** pData, pDirty, pgno and flags. */
++ pList->pData = aPage + (pPager->pageSize * i);
++ pList->pDirty = i==nFrame-1 ? 0 : pList + 1;
++ pList->pgno = aPgno[i];
++ pList->flags = 0;
++ pList++;
++ }
++ pList -= nFrame;
++ /* Write the frames */
++ rc = sqlite3WalFrames(pPager->pWal,
++ pPager->pageSize, pList, nTruncate, isCommit, pPager->walSyncFlags);
++ /* Free the page headers buffer */
++ sqlite3_free(pList);
++ /* If the commit flag is on, also finalize the transaction */
++ if( rc==SQLITE_OK && isCommit ){
++ rc = sqlite3WalEndWriteTransaction(pPager->pWal);
++ sqlite3WalEndReadTransaction(pPager->pWal);
++ }
++ return rc;
++/* No-op undo callback for follower WAL replication mode */
++static int pagerNoopUndoCallback(void *pCtx, Pgno iPg) {
++ return SQLITE_OK;
++** Undo WAL changes in the context of a replicated transaction, performing a
++** rollback.
++int sqlite3PagerWalReplicationUndo(Pager *pPager){
++ int rc;
++ /* Make sure we are in follower replication mode */
++ if( pPager->bWalReplicationFollower!=1 ){
++ return SQLITE_ERROR;
++ }
++ rc = sqlite3WalUndo(pPager->pWal, pagerNoopUndoCallback, (void *)pPager);
++ /* Finalize the transaction */
++ if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
++ rc = sqlite3WalEndWriteTransaction(pPager->pWal);
++ sqlite3WalEndReadTransaction(pPager->pWal);
++ }
++ return rc;
++** Checkpoint a replicated WAL.
++int sqlite3PagerWalReplicationCheckpoint(
++ Pager *pPager,
++ sqlite3 *db,
++ int eMode,
++ int *pnLog,
++ int *pnCkpt
++ /* Make sure we are in follower replication mode */
++ if( pPager->bWalReplicationFollower!=1 ){
++ return SQLITE_ERROR;
++ }
++ return sqlite3WalCheckpoint(pPager->pWal, db, eMode,
++ (eMode==SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_PASSIVE ? 0 : pPager->xBusyHandler),
++ pPager->pBusyHandlerArg,
++ pPager->walSyncFlags, pPager->pageSize, (u8 *)pPager->pTmpSpace,
++ pnLog, pnCkpt
++ );
+ #endif /* !SQLITE_OMIT_WAL */
+diff --git a/src/pager.h b/src/pager.h
+index 730e366fb..ca400a853 100644
+--- a/src/pager.h
++++ b/src/pager.h
+@@ -187,6 +187,15 @@ int sqlite3PagerSharedLock(Pager *pPager);
+ int sqlite3PagerSnapshotOpen(Pager *pPager, sqlite3_snapshot *pSnapshot);
+ int sqlite3PagerSnapshotRecover(Pager *pPager);
+ # endif
++ int sqlite3PagerWalReplicationGet(Pager*, int*, sqlite3_wal_replication**);
++ int sqlite3PagerWalReplicationSet(Pager*,
++ sqlite3*, int, sqlite3_wal_replication*, void*);
++ int sqlite3PagerWalReplicationFrames(Pager*,
++ int, int, int, unsigned*, void*, unsigned, int);
++ int sqlite3PagerWalReplicationUndo(Pager*);
++ int sqlite3PagerWalReplicationCheckpoint(Pager*, sqlite3*, int, int*, int*);
+ #else
+ # define sqlite3PagerUseWal(x,y) 0
+ #endif
+diff --git a/src/prepare.c b/src/prepare.c
+index c1bd20f16..0e379e6fe 100644
+--- a/src/prepare.c
++++ b/src/prepare.c
+@@ -557,6 +557,24 @@ static int sqlite3Prepare(
+ Btree *pBt = db->aDb[i].pBt;
+ if( pBt ){
+ assert( sqlite3BtreeHoldsMutex(pBt) );
++ /* Check that the connection is not in follower WAL replication mode */
++ Pager *pPager = sqlite3BtreePager(pBt);
++ if (sqlite3PagerGetJournalMode(pPager) == PAGER_JOURNALMODE_WAL) {
++ int rc2;
++ int bEnabled;
++ sqlite3_wal_replication *pReplication;
++ rc = sqlite3PagerWalReplicationGet(pPager, &bEnabled, &pReplication);
++ assert( rc==SQLITE_OK );
++ if( bEnabled && !pReplication ){
++ const char *zDb = db->aDb[i].zDbSName;
++ sqlite3ErrorWithMsg(
++ db, rc, "database is in follower replication mode: %s", zDb);
++ goto end_prepare;
++ }
++ }
+ rc = sqlite3BtreeSchemaLocked(pBt);
+ if( rc ){
+ const char *zDb = db->aDb[i].zDbSName;
+diff --git a/src/ b/src/
+index 202155df7..7f7016cef 100644
+--- a/src/
++++ b/src/
+@@ -503,6 +503,8 @@ int sqlite3_exec(
+@@ -8877,6 +8879,341 @@ int sqlite3_deserialize(
+ #define SQLITE_DESERIALIZE_RESIZEABLE 2 /* Resize using sqlite3_realloc64() */
+ #define SQLITE_DESERIALIZE_READONLY 4 /* Database is read-only */
++** CAPI3REF: Write-Ahead Log Replication Frame Object
++** The sqlite3_wal_replication_frame object represents a new frame about to be
++** appended to the write-ahead log of a [WAL mode] database.
++** When an implementation for the WAL replication interface is provided (using
++** [sqlite3_wal_replication_register]) and [sqlite3_wal_replication_leader]
++** was called on a connection, passing a zReplication parameter matching the
++** registration name of that implementation, this object is used to inform the
++** replication implementation about the content of the new [write-ahead log]
++** frame.
++** See [sqlite3_wal_replication] for additional information.
++typedef struct sqlite3_wal_replication_frame {
++ void *pBuf; /* Page content of the WAL frame to be written */
++ unsigned pgno; /* Page number */
++ unsigned iPrev; /* Most recent frame also containing pgno, or 0 if new */
++} sqlite3_wal_replication_frame;
++** CAPI3REF: Write-Ahead Log Replication Object
++** An instance of this structure defines a set of write-ahead log lifecycle
++** hooks that can be used by third party libraries to replicate the
++** [write-ahead log] of a database across all SQLite instances that are part
++** of a cluster.
++** A replication library should set a connection to leader replication mode
++** using [sqlite3_replication_leader]. At that point SQLite will invoke the
++** replication hooks whenever queries in that connection trigger WAL
++** changes. The replication library is then in charge of broadcasting the events
++** to other nodes and wait for a quorum.
++** In case the node running the hook is not the current leader, then
++** [SQLITE_IOERR_NOT_LEADER] should be returned. This means that no broadcast
++** attempt was made at all.
++** In case the node running the hook was the leader when the hook fired but was
++** the deposed half way while broadcasting, then [SQLITE_IOERR_LEADERSHIP_LOST]
++** should be returned. No assumption can be made whether the broadcast was
++** successful or not, and the replication library should take appropriate
++** recovery measures when a new leader gets elected.
++typedef struct sqlite3_wal_replication sqlite3_wal_replication;
++typedef struct sqlite3_wal_replication {
++ int iVersion; /* Structure version number (currently 1) */
++ sqlite3_wal_replication *pNext; /* Next registered WAL sync implementation */
++ const char *zName; /* Name of this replication implementation */
++ void *pAppData; /* Pointer to application-specific data */
++ int (*xBegin)(sqlite3_wal_replication*, void *pArg);
++ int (*xAbort)(sqlite3_wal_replication*, void *pArg);
++ int (*xFrames)(sqlite3_wal_replication*, void *pArg, int szPage, int nFrame,
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_frame *aFrame, unsigned nTruncate, int isCommit);
++ int (*xUndo)(sqlite3_wal_replication*, void *pArg);
++ int (*xEnd)(sqlite3_wal_replication*, void *pArg);
++} sqlite3_wal_replication;
++** CAPI3REF: Write-Ahead Log Replication Objects
++** A WAL replication is an [sqlite3_wal_replication] object that third-party
++** libraries can use to synchronously replicate the [write-ahed log] of a
++** database across a cluster of SQLite nodes.
++** The sqlite3_wal_replication_find() interface returns a pointer to a WAL
++** replication implementation given its name (names are case sensitive
++** zero-terminated UTF-8 strings).
++** If there is no match, a NULL pointer is returned.
++** If zReplication is NULL then the default WAL replication implementation is
++** returned, or NULL if none is registered.
++** New WAL replication implementations are registered with
++** sqlite3_wal_replication_register(). Each new WAL replication implementation
++** becomes the default one if the makeDflt flag is set.
++** The same WAL replication implementation can be registered multiple times
++** without injury.
++** To make an existing WAL replication implementation into the default one,
++** register it again with the makeDflt flag set. If two different WAL
++** replication implementations with the same name are registered, the behavior
++** is undefined. If a WAL replication implementation is registered with a name
++** that is NULL or an empty string, then the behavior is undefined.
++** Unregister a WAL replication implementation with the
++** sqlite3_wal_replication_unregister() interface (if the default WAL
++** replication implementation is unregistered, another one is arbitrarily chosen
++** as the new default).
++** The sqlite3_wal_replication_find(), sqlite3_wal_replication_register() and
++** sqlite3_wal_replication_unregister() interfaces is only available when the
++** SQLITE_ENABLE_WAL_REPLICATION compile-time option is used.
++SQLITE_EXPERIMENTAL sqlite3_wal_replication *sqlite3_wal_replication_find(
++ const char *zReplication);
++SQLITE_EXPERIMENTAL int sqlite3_wal_replication_register(
++ sqlite3_wal_replication *pReplication, int makeDflt);
++SQLITE_EXPERIMENTAL int sqlite3_wal_replication_unregister(
++ sqlite3_wal_replication *pReplication);
++** CAPI3REF: Check if WAL replication is enabled on a connection.
++** The [sqlite3_wal_replication_enabled(D,S,E,R)] interface checks if WAL
++** replication is enabled for schema S of [database connection] D.
++** The [sqlite3_wal_replication_enabled()] interface returns SQLITE_OK on
++** success or an appropriate [error code] if it fails.
++** In order to succeed, a call to sqlite3_wal_replication_enabled(D,S,E,R)
++** requires that the database connection D is in [WAL mode].
++** On success, the [sqlite3_wal_replication_enabled()] interface sets *E to 1 if
++** WAL replication is enabled for schema S of database D, or to 0 otherwise.
++** If replication is enabled, and schema S of database D is currently performing
++** leader replication (i.e. sqlite3_wal_replication_leader() was called against
++** it), the *R pointer will be set to the sqlite3_wal_replication object
++** currently being used for replicating WAL events.
++** If replication is enabled, and schema S of database D is currently performing
++** follower replication (i.e. sqlite3_wal_replication_follower() was called
++** against it), the *R pointer will be set to NULL.
++** The [sqlite3_wal_replication_enabled()] interface is only available when the
++** SQLITE_ENABLE_WAL_REPLICATION compile-time option is used.
++SQLITE_EXPERIMENTAL int sqlite3_wal_replication_enabled(
++ sqlite3 *db, /* Database handle */
++ const char *zSchema, /* Name of attached database (or NULL) */
++ int *pbEnabled, /* OUT: True if WAL replication is enabled */
++ sqlite3_wal_replication **ppReplication /* OUT: If leader replication is on */
++** CAPI3REF: Enable leader WAL replication on a connection.
++** The [sqlite3_wal_replication_leader(D,S,R,A)] interface enables leader
++** write-ahead log replication for schema S of [database connection] D, using
++** the WAL replication implementation registered with name R. Argument A will be
++** passed back to the methods defined by R when WAL-related events occurr on
++** this connection.
++** The [sqlite3_wal_replication_leader()] interface returns SQLITE_OK on success
++** or an appropriate [error code] if it fails.
++** In order to succeed, a call to [sqlite3_wal_replication_leader(D,S,R,A)]
++** requires that a [sqlite3_wal_replication] implementation has been registered
++** under the name R (using the [sqlite3_wal_replication_register()] interface),
++** that the database file for schema S is in [WAL mode], and that no WAL
++** replication is currently enabled for schema S of connection D.
++** After the call returns, leader WAL replication will be enabled for this
++** database and from this point on SQLite will notify the given
++** [sqlite3_wal_replication] implementation whenever a WAL event involving a
++** write transaction occurs (begin, write frames, undo, end). SQLite will block
++** on the particular [sqlite3_wal_replication] hook that was fired. The hook
++** implementation should typically broadcast the WAL-changing event to a number
++** of other nodes and wait for a quorum of them to acknowledge it.
++** The [sqlite3_wal_replication_leader()] interface is only available when the
++** SQLITE_ENABLE_WAL_REPLICATION compile-time option is used.
++SQLITE_EXPERIMENTAL int sqlite3_wal_replication_leader(
++ sqlite3 *db, /* Database handle */
++ const char *zSchema, /* Name of attached database (or NULL) */
++ const char *zReplication, /* Name of the sqlite3_wal_replication to use */
++ void *pArg /* Argument to pass back to replication methods */
++** CAPI3REF: Enable follower WAL replication on a connection.
++** The [sqlite3_wal_replication_follower(D,S)] interface enables follower
++** write-ahead log replication on schema S of [database connection] D.
++** The [sqlite3_wal_replication_follower()] interface returns SQLITE_OK on
++** success or an appropriate [error code] if it fails.
++** In order to succeed, a call to [sqlite3_wal_replication_follower(D,S)]
++** requires that the database file for schema S is in [WAL mode], and that no
++** WAL replication is currently enabled for schema S of connection D.
++** After the call returns, follower WAL replication will be enabled for this
++** connection. A [sqlite3_wal_replication] implementation configured on another
++** SQLite node should be in charge of "driving" the lifecycle of this
++** connection's WAL. The typical implementation will broadcast to follower
++** SQLite nodes all WAL events received by a leader connection, and wait for a
++** quorum before returning from the relevant WAL hooks (write frames, undo).
++** When a database is in follower WAL replication mode, no backup can be
++** performed on it.
++** The [sqlite3_wal_replication_follower()] interface is only available when the
++** SQLITE_ENABLE_WAL_REPLICATION compile-time option is used.
++SQLITE_EXPERIMENTAL int sqlite3_wal_replication_follower(
++ sqlite3 *db, /* Database handle */
++ const char *zSchema /* Name of attached database (or NULL) */
++** CAPI3REF: Disable leader or follower WAL replication on a connection.
++** The [sqlite3_wal_replication_none(D,S)] interface disables leader or follower
++** write-ahead log replication on schema S of [database connection] D.
++** The [sqlite3_wal_replication_none()] interface returns SQLITE_OK on success
++** or an appropriate [error code] if it fails.
++** In order to succeed, a call to [sqlite3_wal_replication_none(D,S)] requires
++** that the database file for schema S is in [WAL mode], and that the given
++** connection was previously configured for leader or follower WAL replication
++** using either [sqlite3_wal_replication_leader()] or
++** [sqlite3_wal_replication_follower()].
++** After the call returns, no WAL replication will be enabled for this
++** connection. If the database was set to leader WAL replication, from this
++** point on SQLite won't invoke any more hooks on the [sqlite3_wal_replication]
++** implementation, for WAL events associated with schema S of [database
++** connection] D.
++** The [sqlite3_wal_replication_none()] interface is only available when the
++** SQLITE_ENABLE_WAL_REPLICATION compile-time option is used.
++SQLITE_EXPERIMENTAL int sqlite3_wal_replication_none(
++ sqlite3 *db, /* Database handle */
++ const char *zSchema /* Name of attached database (or NULL) */
++** CAPI3REF: Write WAL frames in the context of a replicated transaction.
++** The [sqlite3_wal_replication_frames(D,S,B,P,N,L,D,T,C)] interface writes new
++** frames into the write-ahead log for schema S of [database connection] D.
++** The [sqlite3_wal_replication_frames()] interface returns SQLITE_OK on success
++** or an appropriate [error code] if it fails.
++** In order to succeed, a call to [sqlite3_wal_replication_frames()] requires
++** that schema S of [database connection] D has been set to follower WAL
++** replication mode using [sqlite3_wal_replication_follower()].
++** The B, P, N, L, D, T, and C parameters contain information about the new
++** frames to append to the write-ahead log. If B is non-zero, then this is the
++** first batch of frames of a new WAL write transaction, and a new transaction
++** will be started. If C is non-zero, then this is the final batch of frames of
++** a WAL write transaction, and a commit will be performed. The P parameter
++** contains the size of each page in bytes, the N parameter contains the number
++** of frames to write, the L parameter is an ordered array of N page numbers
++** (one for each frame to write), and the D parameter is an ordered array of
++** N page data blocks of size P (one for each page number in L).
++** The sqlite3_wal_replication_frames() interface is designed to match the
++** typical use case of a follower SQLite node obtaining the various parameters
++** by sequentially reading a byte stream from a network socket and passing
++** the data to this routine directly without any copy or futher allocation,
++** possibly except for integer encoding/decoding.
++** The [sqlite3_wal_replication_frames()] interface is only available when the
++** SQLITE_ENABLE_WAL_REPLICATION compile-time option is used.
++SQLITE_EXPERIMENTAL int sqlite3_wal_replication_frames(
++ sqlite3 *db, /* Database handle */
++ const char *zSchema, /* Name of attached database (or NULL) */
++ int isBegin, /* Begin flag (for new transactions) */
++ int szPage, /* Database page-size in bytes */
++ int nFrame, /* Number of frames to write */
++ unsigned *aPgno, /* Array of nList page numbers */
++ void *aPage, /* Array of nList pages, each of szPage bytes */
++ unsigned nTruncate, /* Truncate flag, used by the WAL */
++ int isCommit /* Commit flag, used for committing */
++** CAPI3REF: Undo WAL changes in the context of a replicated transaction.
++** The [sqlite3_wal_replication_undo(D,S)] interface reverts the changes of a
++** WAL write transaction for schema S of [database connection] D.
++** The [sqlite3_wal_replication_undo()] interface returns SQLITE_OK on success
++** or an appropriate [error code] if it fails.
++** In order to succeed, a call to [sqlite3_wal_replication_undo()] requires that
++** schema S of [database connection] D has been set to follower WAL replication
++** mode using [sqlite3_wal_replication_follower()].
++** The [sqlite3_wal_replication_undo()] interface is only available when the
++** SQLITE_ENABLE_WAL_REPLICATION compile-time option is used.
++SQLITE_EXPERIMENTAL int sqlite3_wal_replication_undo(
++ sqlite3 *db, /* Database handle */
++ const char *zSchema /* Name of attached database (or NULL) */
++** CAPI3REF: Checkpoint a replicated WAL.
++** The [sqlite3_wal_replication_checkpoint(D,S,M,L,C)] interface checkpoints the
++** replicated WAL for schema S of [database connection] D.
++** The [sqlite3_wal_replication_checkpoint()] interface returns SQLITE_OK on
++** success or an appropriate [error code] if it fails.
++** This interface is meant to be used by WAL replication implementations to
++** perform a checkpoint on a connection in follower replication mode.
++** The parameters have the same meaning as for the [sqlite3_wal_checkpoint_v2]
++** interface.
++** The [sqlite3_wal_replication_checkpoint()] interface is only available when the
++** SQLITE_ENABLE_WAL_REPLICATION compile-time option is used.
++SQLITE_EXPERIMENTAL int sqlite3_wal_replication_checkpoint(
++ sqlite3 *db, /* Database handle */
++ const char *zSchema, /* Name of attached database (or NULL) */
++ int eMode, /* Type of checkpoint */
++ int *pnLog, /* OUT: Final number of frames in log */
++ int *pnCkpt /* OUT: Final number of checkpointed frames */
+ /*
+ ** Undo the hack that converts floating point types to integer for
+ ** builds on processors without floating point support.
+diff --git a/src/test_config.c b/src/test_config.c
+index aa0626ab2..e06ffdd11 100644
+--- a/src/test_config.c
++++ b/src/test_config.c
+@@ -762,6 +762,12 @@ Tcl_SetVar2(interp, "sqlite_options", "mergesort", "1", TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
+ Tcl_SetVar2(interp, "sqlite_options", "uri_00_error", "0", TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
+ #endif
++ Tcl_SetVar2(interp, "sqlite_options", "wal_replication", "1", TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
++ Tcl_SetVar2(interp, "sqlite_options", "wal_replication", "0", TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
+ #define LINKVAR(x) { \
+ static const int cv_ ## x = SQLITE_ ## x; \
+ Tcl_LinkVar(interp, "SQLITE_" #x, (char *)&(cv_ ## x), \
+diff --git a/src/test_tclsh.c b/src/test_tclsh.c
+index 97f7f5d7a..59b0cc49e 100644
+--- a/src/test_tclsh.c
++++ b/src/test_tclsh.c
+@@ -105,6 +105,9 @@ const char *sqlite3TestInit(Tcl_Interp *interp){
+ extern int Zipvfs_Init(Tcl_Interp*);
+ #endif
+ extern int TestExpert_Init(Tcl_Interp*);
++ extern int Sqlitetestwalreplication_Init(Tcl_Interp*);
+ Tcl_CmdInfo cmdInfo;
+@@ -168,6 +171,11 @@ const char *sqlite3TestInit(Tcl_Interp *interp){
+ #if defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3) || defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS4)
+ Sqlitetestfts3_Init(interp);
+ #endif
++ Sqlitetestwalreplication_Init(interp);
+ TestExpert_Init(interp);
+ Tcl_CreateObjCommand(
+diff --git a/src/test_walreplication.c b/src/test_walreplication.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 000000000..bcf854c84
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/test_walreplication.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,817 @@
++** 2018 February 19
++** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
++** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
++** May you do good and not evil.
++** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
++** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
++** This file contains code used for testing the SQLite system.
++** None of the code in this file goes into a deliverable build.
++** This file contains a stub implementation of the write-ahead log replication
++** interface. It can be used by tests to exercise the WAL replication APIs
++** exposed by SQLite.
++** This replication implementation is designed for testability and does
++** not involve any actual networking.
++#if defined(INCLUDE_SQLITE_TCL_H)
++# include "sqlite_tcl.h"
++# include "tcl.h"
++#include "sqliteInt.h"
++#include "sqlite3.h"
++#include <assert.h>
++extern const char *sqlite3ErrName(int);
++/* These functions are implemented in test1.c. */
++extern int getDbPointer(Tcl_Interp *, const char *, sqlite3 **);
++/* Hold information about a single WAL frame that was passed to the
++** sqlite3_wal_replication.xFrames method implemented in this file.
++** This is used for test assertions.
++typedef struct testWalReplicationFrameInfo testWalReplicationFrameInfo;
++struct testWalReplicationFrameInfo {
++ unsigned szPage; /* Number of bytes in the frame's page */
++ unsigned pgno; /* Page number */
++ unsigned iPrev; /* Most recent frame also containing pgno, or 0 if new */
++ /* Linked list of frame info objects maintained by testWalReplicationFrames,
++ ** head is the newest and tail the oldest. */
++ testWalReplicationFrameInfo* pNext;
++** Global WAL replication context used by this stub implementation of
++** sqlite3_wal_replication_wal. It holds a state variable that captures the current
++** WAL lifecycle phase and it optionally holds a pointer to a connection in
++** follower WAL replication mode.
++typedef struct testWalReplicationContextType testWalReplicationContextType;
++struct testWalReplicationContextType {
++ int eState; /* Replication state (IDLE, PENDING, WRITING, etc) */
++ int eFailing; /* Code of a method that should fail when triggered */
++ int rc; /* If non-zero, the eFailing method will error */
++ int iFailures; /* Number of times the eFailing method will error */
++ sqlite3 *db; /* Follower connection */
++ const char *zSchema; /* Follower schema name */
++ /* List of all frames that were passed to the xFrames hook since the last
++ ** context reset.
++ */
++ testWalReplicationFrameInfo *pFrameList;
++static testWalReplicationContextType testWalReplicationContext;
++#define STATE_IDLE 0
++#define STATE_PENDING 1
++#define STATE_WRITING 2
++#define STATE_UNDONE 4
++#define STATE_ERROR 5
++#define FAILING_BEGIN 1
++#define FAILING_FRAMES 2
++#define FAILING_UNDO 3
++#define FAILING_END 4
++/* Reset the state of the global WAL replication context */
++static void testWalReplicationContextReset() {
++ testWalReplicationFrameInfo *pFrame;
++ testWalReplicationFrameInfo *pFrameNext;
++ testWalReplicationContext.eState = STATE_IDLE;
++ testWalReplicationContext.eFailing = 0;
++ testWalReplicationContext.rc = 0;
++ testWalReplicationContext.iFailures = 8192; /* Effetively infinite */
++ testWalReplicationContext.db = 0;
++ testWalReplicationContext.zSchema = 0;
++ /* Free all memory allocated for frame info objects */
++ pFrame = testWalReplicationContext.pFrameList;
++ while( pFrame ){
++ pFrameNext = pFrame->pNext;
++ sqlite3_free(pFrame);
++ pFrame = pFrameNext;
++ }
++ testWalReplicationContext.pFrameList = 0;
++** A version of sqlite3_wal_replication.xBegin() that transitions the global
++** replication context state to STATE_PENDING.
++static int testWalReplicationBegin(
++ sqlite3_wal_replication *pReplication, void *pArg
++ int rc = SQLITE_OK;
++ assert( pArg==&testWalReplicationContext );
++ assert( testWalReplicationContext.eState==STATE_IDLE
++ || testWalReplicationContext.eState==STATE_ERROR
++ );
++ if( testWalReplicationContext.eFailing==FAILING_BEGIN
++ && testWalReplicationContext.iFailures>0
++ ){
++ rc = testWalReplicationContext.rc;
++ testWalReplicationContext.iFailures--;
++ }
++ if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
++ testWalReplicationContext.eState = STATE_PENDING;
++ }
++ return rc;
++** A version of sqlite3_wal_replication.xAbort() that transitions the global
++** replication context state to STATE_IDLE.
++static int testWalReplicationAbort(
++ sqlite3_wal_replication *pReplication, void *pArg
++ assert( pArg==&testWalReplicationContext );
++ assert( testWalReplicationContext.eState==STATE_PENDING );
++ testWalReplicationContext.eState = STATE_IDLE;
++ return 0;
++** A version of sqlite3_wal_replication.xFrames() that invokes
++** sqlite3_wal_replication_frames() on the follower connection configured in the
++** global test replication context (if present).
++static int testWalReplicationFrames(
++ sqlite3_wal_replication *pReplication, void *pArg,
++ int szPage, int nFrame, sqlite3_wal_replication_frame *aFrame,
++ unsigned nTruncate, int isCommit
++ int rc = SQLITE_OK;
++ int isBegin = 1;
++ int i;
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_frame *pNext;
++ testWalReplicationFrameInfo *pFrame;
++ assert( pArg==&testWalReplicationContext );
++ assert( testWalReplicationContext.eState==STATE_PENDING
++ || testWalReplicationContext.eState==STATE_WRITING
++ );
++ /* Save information about these frames */
++ pNext = aFrame;
++ for (i=0; i<nFrame; i++) {
++ pFrame = (testWalReplicationFrameInfo*)(sqlite3_malloc(
++ sizeof(testWalReplicationFrameInfo)));
++ if( !pFrame ){
++ return SQLITE_NOMEM;
++ }
++ pFrame->szPage = szPage;
++ pFrame->pgno = pNext->pgno;
++ pFrame->iPrev = pNext->iPrev;
++ pFrame->pNext = testWalReplicationContext.pFrameList;
++ testWalReplicationContext.pFrameList = pFrame;
++ pNext += 1;
++ }
++ if( testWalReplicationContext.eState==STATE_PENDING ){
++ /* If the replication state is STATE_PENDING, it means that this is the
++ ** first batch of frames of a new transaction. */
++ isBegin = 1;
++ }
++ if( testWalReplicationContext.eFailing==FAILING_FRAMES
++ && testWalReplicationContext.iFailures>0
++ ){
++ rc = testWalReplicationContext.rc;
++ testWalReplicationContext.iFailures--;
++ }else if( testWalReplicationContext.db ){
++ unsigned *aPgno;
++ void *aPage;
++ int i;
++ aPgno = sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(unsigned) * nFrame);
++ if( !aPgno ){
++ }
++ if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
++ aPage = (void*)sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(char) * szPage * nFrame);
++ }
++ if( !aPage ){
++ sqlite3_free(aPgno);
++ }
++ if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
++ for(i=0; i<nFrame; i++){
++ aPgno[i] = aFrame[i].pgno;
++ memcpy(aPage+(szPage*i), aFrame[i].pBuf, szPage);
++ }
++ rc = sqlite3_wal_replication_frames(
++ testWalReplicationContext.db,
++ testWalReplicationContext.zSchema,
++ isBegin, szPage, nFrame, aPgno, aPage, nTruncate, isCommit
++ );
++ sqlite3_free(aPgno);
++ sqlite3_free(aPage);
++ }
++ }
++ if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
++ if( isCommit ){
++ testWalReplicationContext.eState = STATE_COMMITTED;
++ }else{
++ testWalReplicationContext.eState = STATE_WRITING;
++ }
++ }else{
++ testWalReplicationContext.eState = STATE_ERROR;
++ }
++ return rc;
++** A version of sqlite3_wal_replication.xUndo() that invokes
++** sqlite3_wal_replication_undo() on the follower connection configured in the
++** global test replication context (if present).
++static int testWalReplicationUndo(
++ sqlite3_wal_replication *pReplication, void *pArg
++ int rc = SQLITE_OK;
++ assert( pArg==&testWalReplicationContext );
++ assert( testWalReplicationContext.eState==STATE_PENDING
++ || testWalReplicationContext.eState==STATE_WRITING
++ || testWalReplicationContext.eState==STATE_ERROR
++ );
++ if( testWalReplicationContext.eFailing==FAILING_UNDO
++ && testWalReplicationContext.iFailures>0
++ ){
++ rc = testWalReplicationContext.rc;
++ testWalReplicationContext.iFailures--;
++ }else if( testWalReplicationContext.db
++ && testWalReplicationContext.eState==STATE_WRITING ){
++ rc = sqlite3_wal_replication_undo(
++ testWalReplicationContext.db,
++ testWalReplicationContext.zSchema
++ );
++ }
++ if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
++ testWalReplicationContext.eState = STATE_UNDONE;
++ }
++ return rc;
++** A version of sqlite3_wal_replication.xEnd() that transitions the global
++** replication context state to STATE_IDLE.
++static int testWalReplicationEnd(
++ sqlite3_wal_replication *pReplication, void *pArg
++ int rc = SQLITE_OK;
++ assert( pArg==&testWalReplicationContext );
++ assert( testWalReplicationContext.eState==STATE_PENDING
++ || testWalReplicationContext.eState==STATE_COMMITTED
++ || testWalReplicationContext.eState==STATE_UNDONE
++ );
++ testWalReplicationContext.eState = STATE_IDLE;
++ if( testWalReplicationContext.eFailing==FAILING_END
++ && testWalReplicationContext.iFailures>0
++ ){
++ rc = testWalReplicationContext.rc;
++ testWalReplicationContext.iFailures--;
++ }
++ return rc;
++** This function returns a pointer to the WAL replication implemented in this
++** file.
++sqlite3_wal_replication *testWalReplication(void){
++ static sqlite3_wal_replication replication = {
++ 1,
++ 0,
++ "test",
++ 0,
++ testWalReplicationBegin,
++ testWalReplicationAbort,
++ testWalReplicationFrames,
++ testWalReplicationUndo,
++ testWalReplicationEnd,
++ };
++ return &replication;
++** This function returns a pointer to the WAL replication implemented in this
++** file, but using a different registration name than testWalRepl.
++** It's used to exercise the WAL replication registration APIs.
++sqlite3_wal_replication *testWalReplicationAlt(void){
++ static sqlite3_wal_replication replication = {
++ 1,
++ 0,
++ "test-alt",
++ 0,
++ testWalReplicationBegin,
++ testWalReplicationAbort,
++ testWalReplicationFrames,
++ testWalReplicationUndo,
++ testWalReplicationEnd,
++ };
++ return &replication;
++** tclcmd: sqlite3_wal_replication_find ?NAME?
++** Return the name of the default WAL replication implementation, if one is
++** registered, or no result otherwise.
++** If NAME is passed, return NAME if a matching WAL replication implementation
++** is registered, or no result otherwise.
++static int SQLITE_TCLAPI test_wal_replication_find(
++ void * clientData,
++ Tcl_Interp *interp,
++ int objc,
++ Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]
++ char *zName;
++ sqlite3_wal_replication *pReplication;
++ if( objc!=1 && objc!=2 ){
++ Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "?NAME?");
++ return TCL_ERROR;
++ }
++ if( objc==2 ){
++ zName = Tcl_GetString(objv[1]);
++ }
++ pReplication = sqlite3_wal_replication_find(zName);
++ if( pReplication ){
++ Tcl_AppendResult(interp, pReplication->zName, (char*)0);
++ }
++ return TCL_OK;
++** tclcmd: sqlite3_wal_replication_register DEFAULT ?ALT?
++** Register the test write-ahead log replication implementation, with the name
++** "test", making it the default if DEFAULT is 1.
++** If the ALT flag is true, use "test-alt" as registration name.
++static int SQLITE_TCLAPI test_wal_replication_register(
++ void * clientData,
++ Tcl_Interp *interp,
++ int objc,
++ Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]
++ int bDefault = 0;
++ int bAlt = 0;
++ sqlite3_wal_replication *pReplication;
++ if( objc!=2 && objc!=3 ){
++ Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 3, objv, "DEFAULT ?ALT?");
++ return TCL_ERROR;
++ }
++ if( Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[1], &bDefault) ){
++ return TCL_ERROR;
++ }
++ if( objc==3 ){
++ if( Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[2], &bAlt) ){
++ return TCL_ERROR;
++ }
++ }
++ if( bAlt==0 ){
++ pReplication = testWalReplication();
++ }else{
++ pReplication = testWalReplicationAlt();
++ }
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_register(pReplication, bDefault);
++ return TCL_OK;
++** tclcmd: sqlite3_wal_replication_unregister ?ALT?
++** Unregister the test write-ahead log replication implementation.
++** If the ALT flag is true, unregister the alternate implementation.
++static int SQLITE_TCLAPI test_wal_replication_unregister(
++ void * clientData,
++ Tcl_Interp *interp,
++ int objc,
++ Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]
++ int bAlt = 0;
++ if( objc!=1 && objc!=2 ){
++ Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "?ALT?");
++ return TCL_ERROR;
++ }
++ if( objc==2 ){
++ if( Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[1], &bAlt) ){
++ return TCL_ERROR;
++ }
++ }
++ if( bAlt==0 ){
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_unregister(testWalReplication());
++ }else{
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_unregister(testWalReplicationAlt());
++ }
++ return TCL_OK;
++** tclcmd: sqlite3_wal_replication_error METHOD ERROR ?N?
++** Make the given method of test WAL replication implementation fail with the
++** given error. If N is given, fail only that amount of time and start
++** succeeding again afterwise.
++static int SQLITE_TCLAPI test_wal_replication_error(
++ void * clientData,
++ Tcl_Interp *interp,
++ int objc,
++ Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]
++ const char *zMethod;
++ const char *zError;
++ int eFailing;
++ int rc;
++ int iFailures;
++ if( objc!=3 && objc!=4 ){
++ Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 3, objv, "METHOD ERROR ?N?");
++ return TCL_ERROR;
++ }
++ /* Failing method */
++ zMethod = Tcl_GetString(objv[1]);
++ if( strcmp(zMethod, "xBegin")==0 ){
++ eFailing = FAILING_BEGIN;
++ }else if( strcmp(zMethod, "xFrames")==0 ){
++ eFailing = FAILING_FRAMES;
++ }else if( strcmp(zMethod, "xUndo")==0 ){
++ eFailing = FAILING_UNDO;
++ }else if( strcmp(zMethod, "xEnd")==0 ){
++ eFailing = FAILING_END;
++ }else{
++ Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "unknown WAL replication method", (char*)0);
++ return TCL_ERROR;
++ }
++ /* Error code */
++ zError = Tcl_GetString(objv[2]);
++ if( strcmp(zError, "NOT_LEADER")==0 ){
++ }else if( strcmp(zError, "LEADERSHIP_LOST")==0 ){
++ }else{
++ Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "unknown error", (char*)0);
++ return TCL_ERROR;
++ }
++ testWalReplicationContext.eFailing = eFailing;
++ testWalReplicationContext.rc = rc;
++ /* Number of failures */
++ if( objc==4 ){
++ if( Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[3], &iFailures) ) return TCL_ERROR;
++ testWalReplicationContext.iFailures = iFailures;
++ }
++ return TCL_OK;
++** tclcmd: sqlite3_wal_replication_frame_info N
++** Return information about the N'th oldest frame that was handled by
++** testWalReplicationFrames since the last global context reset.
++** If N is 0, information about the most recent frame is returned.
++static int SQLITE_TCLAPI test_wal_replication_frame_info(
++ void * clientData,
++ Tcl_Interp *interp,
++ int objc,
++ Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]
++ int i;
++ int n;
++ testWalReplicationFrameInfo *pFrame = testWalReplicationContext.pFrameList;
++ char zSzPage[32];
++ char zPgno[32];
++ char zPrev[32];
++ if( objc!=2 ){
++ Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, objv, "N");
++ return TCL_ERROR;
++ }
++ if( Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[1], &n) ) return TCL_ERROR;
++ for(i=0; i<n; i++){
++ if( !pFrame ){
++ break;
++ }
++ pFrame = pFrame->pNext;
++ }
++ if( !pFrame ){
++ Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "no such frame", (char*)0);
++ return TCL_ERROR;
++ }
++ sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zSzPage), zSzPage, "%d ", pFrame->szPage);
++ sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zPgno), zPgno, "%d ", pFrame->pgno);
++ sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zPrev), zPrev, "%d", pFrame->iPrev);
++ Tcl_AppendResult(interp, zSzPage, zPgno, zPrev, (char*)0);
++ return TCL_OK;
++** tclcmd: sqlite3_wal_replication_enabled HANDLE SCHEMA
++** Return "true" if WAL replication is enabled on the given database, "false"
++** otherwise.
++** If leader replication is enabled, the name of the implementation used is also
++** returned.
++static int SQLITE_TCLAPI test_wal_replication_enabled(
++ void * clientData,
++ Tcl_Interp *interp,
++ int objc,
++ Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]
++ int rc;
++ sqlite3 *db;
++ const char *zSchema;
++ int bEnabled;
++ sqlite3_wal_replication *pReplication;
++ char *zEnabled;
++ const char *zReplication = 0;
++ char zBuf[32];
++ if( objc!=3 ){
++ Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, objv, "HANDLE SCHEMA");
++ return TCL_ERROR;
++ }
++ if( getDbPointer(interp, Tcl_GetString(objv[1]), &db) ){
++ return TCL_ERROR;
++ }
++ zSchema = Tcl_GetString(objv[2]);
++ rc = sqlite3_wal_replication_enabled(db, zSchema, &bEnabled, &pReplication);
++ if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
++ Tcl_AppendResult(interp, sqlite3ErrName(rc), (char*)0);
++ return TCL_ERROR;
++ }
++ if( bEnabled ){
++ zEnabled = "true";
++ if( pReplication ){
++ zReplication = pReplication->zName;
++ }
++ }else{
++ zEnabled = "false";
++ }
++ if( zReplication ){
++ sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zBuf), zBuf, " %s", zReplication);
++ }else{
++ zBuf[0] = 0;
++ }
++ Tcl_AppendResult(interp, zEnabled, zBuf, (char*)0);
++ return TCL_OK;
++** tclcmd: sqlite3_wal_replication_leader HANDLE SCHEMA ?NAME?
++** Enable leader WAL replication for the given connection/schema, using the stub
++** WAL replication implementation defined in this file, or the one registered
++** under NAME if given.
++static int SQLITE_TCLAPI test_wal_replication_leader(
++ void * clientData,
++ Tcl_Interp *interp,
++ int objc,
++ Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]
++ int rc;
++ sqlite3 *db;
++ const char *zSchema;
++ const char *zReplication = "test";
++ void *pArg = (void*)(&testWalReplicationContext);
++ if( objc!=3 && objc!=4 ){
++ Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 4, objv, "HANDLE SCHEMA ?NAME?");
++ return TCL_ERROR;
++ }
++ if( getDbPointer(interp, Tcl_GetString(objv[1]), &db) ){
++ return TCL_ERROR;
++ }
++ zSchema = Tcl_GetString(objv[2]);
++ if( objc==4 ){
++ zReplication = Tcl_GetString(objv[3]);
++ }
++ /* Reset any previous global context state */
++ testWalReplicationContextReset();
++ rc = sqlite3_wal_replication_leader(db, zSchema, zReplication, pArg);
++ if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
++ Tcl_AppendResult(interp, sqlite3ErrName(rc), (char*)0);
++ return TCL_ERROR;
++ }
++ return TCL_OK;
++** tclcmd: sqlite3_wal_replication_follower HANDLE SCHEMA
++** Enable follower WAL replication for the given connection/schema. The global
++** test replication context will be set to point to this connection/schema and
++** WAL events will be replicated to it.
++static int SQLITE_TCLAPI test_wal_replication_follower(
++ void * clientData,
++ Tcl_Interp *interp,
++ int objc,
++ Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]
++ int rc;
++ sqlite3 *db;
++ const char *zSchema;
++ if( objc!=3 ){
++ Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 3, objv, "HANDLE SCHEMA");
++ return TCL_ERROR;
++ }
++ if( getDbPointer(interp, Tcl_GetString(objv[1]), &db) ){
++ return TCL_ERROR;
++ }
++ zSchema = Tcl_GetString(objv[2]);
++ rc = sqlite3_wal_replication_follower(db, zSchema);
++ if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
++ Tcl_AppendResult(interp, sqlite3ErrName(rc), (char*)0);
++ return TCL_ERROR;
++ }
++ testWalReplicationContext.db = db;
++ testWalReplicationContext.zSchema = zSchema;
++ return TCL_OK;
++** tclcmd: sqlite3_wal_replication_none HANDLE SCHEMA
++** Disable leader or follower WAL replication for the given connection/schema.
++static int SQLITE_TCLAPI test_wal_replication_none(
++ void * clientData,
++ Tcl_Interp *interp,
++ int objc,
++ Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]
++ int rc;
++ sqlite3 *db;
++ const char *zSchema;
++ if( objc!=3 ){
++ Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 3, objv, "HANDLE SCHEMA");
++ return TCL_ERROR;
++ }
++ if( getDbPointer(interp, Tcl_GetString(objv[1]), &db) ){
++ return TCL_ERROR;
++ }
++ zSchema = Tcl_GetString(objv[2]);
++ rc = sqlite3_wal_replication_none(db, zSchema);
++ if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
++ Tcl_AppendResult(interp, sqlite3ErrName(rc), (char*)0);
++ return TCL_ERROR;
++ }
++ return TCL_OK;
++** tclcmd: sqlite3_wal_replication_checkpoint HANDLE SCHEMA
++** Checkpoint a database in follower WAL replication mode, using the
++** SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_TRUNCATE checkpoint mode.
++static int SQLITE_TCLAPI test_wal_replication_checkpoint(
++ void * clientData,
++ Tcl_Interp *interp,
++ int objc,
++ Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]
++ int rc;
++ sqlite3 *db;
++ const char *zSchema;
++ int nLog;
++ int nCkpt;
++ if( objc!=3 ){
++ Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, objv,
++ return TCL_ERROR;
++ }
++ if( getDbPointer(interp, Tcl_GetString(objv[1]), &db) ){
++ return TCL_ERROR;
++ }
++ zSchema = Tcl_GetString(objv[2]);
++ rc = sqlite3_wal_replication_checkpoint(db, zSchema,
++ if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
++ Tcl_AppendResult(interp, sqlite3ErrName(rc), (char*)0);
++ return TCL_ERROR;
++ }
++ if( nLog!=0 ){
++ Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "the WAL was not truncated", (char*)0);
++ return TCL_ERROR;
++ }
++ if( nCkpt!=0 ){
++ Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "only some frames were checkpointed", (char*)0);
++ return TCL_ERROR;
++ }
++ return TCL_OK;
++** This routine registers the custom TCL commands defined in this
++** module. This should be the only procedure visible from outside
++** of this module.
++int Sqlitetestwalreplication_Init(Tcl_Interp *interp){
++ Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, "sqlite3_wal_replication_find",
++ test_wal_replication_find,0,0);
++ Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, "sqlite3_wal_replication_register",
++ test_wal_replication_register,0,0);
++ Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, "sqlite3_wal_replication_unregister",
++ test_wal_replication_unregister,0,0);
++ Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, "sqlite3_wal_replication_error",
++ test_wal_replication_error,0,0);
++ Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, "sqlite3_wal_replication_frame_info",
++ test_wal_replication_frame_info,0,0);
++ Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, "sqlite3_wal_replication_enabled",
++ test_wal_replication_enabled,0,0);
++ Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, "sqlite3_wal_replication_leader",
++ test_wal_replication_leader,0,0);
++ Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, "sqlite3_wal_replication_follower",
++ test_wal_replication_follower,0,0);
++ Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, "sqlite3_wal_replication_none",
++ test_wal_replication_none,0,0);
++ Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, "sqlite3_wal_replication_checkpoint",
++ test_wal_replication_checkpoint,0,0);
++ return TCL_OK;
+diff --git a/test/walreplication.test b/test/walreplication.test
+new file mode 100644
+index 000000000..4aaa804bb
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/test/walreplication.test
+@@ -0,0 +1,718 @@
++# 2018 February 15
++# The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
++# a legal notice, here is a blessing:
++# May you do good and not evil.
++# May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
++# May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
++# This file implements regression tests for SQLite library. The focus
++# of this file are the sqlite3_wal_replication_xxx() APIs.
++set testdir [file dirname $argv0]
++source $testdir/tester.tcl
++ifcapable !wal_replication {finish_test; return}
++set testprefix walreplication
++proc sqlite3_wal {args} {
++ [lindex $args 0] eval { PRAGMA page_size = 1024 }
++ [lindex $args 0] eval { PRAGMA journal_mode = wal }
++proc reset_db2 {} {
++ catch {db2 close}
++ forcedelete test2.db
++ forcedelete test2.db-journal
++ forcedelete test2.db-wal
++ sqlite3 db2 ./test2.db
++# The following block of tests - walreplication-1.* - focus on testing the
++# implementation of the sqlite3_wal_replication_find(),
++# sqlite3_wal_replication_register() and sqlite3_wal_replication_unregister()
++# interfaces.
++# Test that by default no WAL replication implementation is registered.
++do_test 1.1 {
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_find
++} {}
++# Test registering the stub WAL replication implementation. Since it's the first
++# implementation registered, it becomes the default even if the default flag is
++# off.
++do_test 1.2.1 {
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_register 0
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_find
++} {test}
++do_test 1.2.2 {
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_find test
++} {test}
++# Test registering again the stub WAL replication implementation.
++do_test 1.3.1 {
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_register 0
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_find
++} {test}
++do_test 1.3.2 {
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_find test
++} {test}
++# Test registering one more time the stub WAL replication implementation, with
++# the default flag on.
++do_test 1.4.1 {
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_register 1
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_find
++} {test}
++do_test 1.4.2 {
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_find test
++} {test}
++# Test registering the alternate stub WAL replication implementation, with the
++# default flag off.
++do_test 1.5.1 {
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_register 0 1
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_find
++} {test}
++do_test 1.5.2 {
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_find test-alt
++} {test-alt}
++# Test registering again the alternate stub WAL replication implementation, with
++# the default flag on.
++do_test 1.6.1 {
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_register 1 1
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_find
++} {test-alt}
++do_test 1.6.2 {
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_find test-alt
++} {test-alt}
++do_test 1.6.3 {
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_find test
++} {test}
++# Test unregistering the alternate stub WAL replication implementation. The
++# other one becomes the new default.
++do_test 1.7.1 {
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_unregister 1
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_find test-alt
++} {}
++do_test 1.7.2 {
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_find
++} {test}
++# Test unregistering the stub WAL replication implementation. No registered
++# implementation is left.
++do_test 1.8.1 {
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_unregister
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_find test
++} {}
++do_test 1.8.2 {
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_find
++} {}
++# The following block of tests - walreplication-2.* - focus on testing the
++# implementation of the sqlite3_wal_replication_enabled() interface.
++# Test that an error is returned if the database is not in WAL mode.
++do_test 2.1 {
++ execsql { PRAGMA journal_mode = DELETE }
++ list [catch {sqlite3_wal_replication_enabled db main} msg] $msg
++# Test that an error is returned if the given schema name does not exist.
++do_test 2.2 {
++ list [catch {sqlite3_wal_replication_enabled db garbage} msg] $msg
++# Test that by default no WAL synchronous replication is enabled.
++do_test 2.3 {
++ reset_db
++ sqlite3_wal db
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_enabled db main
++} {false}
++# The following block of tests - walreplication-3.* - focus on testing the
++# implementation of the sqlite3_wal_replication_leader() interface.
++# Test that an error is returned if the database is not in WAL mode.
++do_test 3.1 {
++ reset_db
++ execsql { PRAGMA journal_mode = DELETE }
++ list [catch {sqlite3_wal_replication_leader db main} msg] $msg
++# Test that an error is returned if the given schema name is invalid.
++do_test 3.2 {
++ list [catch {sqlite3_wal_replication_leader db garbage} msg] $msg
++# Test that an error is returned if the given WAL replication name is not
++# registered
++do_test 3.3 {
++ reset_db
++ sqlite3_wal db
++ list [catch {sqlite3_wal_replication_leader db main garbage} msg] $msg
++# Test that leader WAL replication is enabled after a successful call.
++do_test 3.4 {
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_register 1
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_leader db main
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_enabled db main
++} {true test}
++# Test that trying to enable leader replication twice for the same
++# database results in an error.
++do_test 3.5 {
++ list [catch {sqlite3_wal_replication_leader db main} msg] $msg
++# Test that an error is returned if the connection is currently configured for
++# follower WAL replication.
++do_test 3.6 {
++ reset_db
++ sqlite3_wal db
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_follower db main
++ list [catch {sqlite3_wal_replication_leader db main} msg] $msg
++# Test that a connection in leader replication mode works transparently from the
++# user point of view, and that regular write queries and rollbacks can be
++# performed.
++do_test 3.7.1 {
++ reset_db
++ sqlite3_wal db
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_leader db main
++ execsql {
++ CREATE TABLE test (n INT);
++ INSERT INTO test(n) VALUES(1);
++ SELECT n FROM test;
++ }
++} {1}
++do_test 3.7.2 {
++ execsql {
++ INSERT INTO test(n) VALUES(2);
++ SELECT n FROM test;
++ }
++} {1}
++# Test that checkpoint-on-close is disabled for leader connections.
++do_test 3.8 {
++ db close
++ file exists test.db-wal
++} {1}
++# The following block of tests - walreplication-4.* - focus on testing the
++# implementation of the sqlite3_wal_replication_follower() interface.
++# Test that an error is returned if the database is not in WAL mode.
++do_test 4.1 {
++ reset_db
++ execsql { PRAGMA journal_mode = DELETE }
++ list [catch {sqlite3_wal_replication_follower db main} msg] $msg
++# Test that an error is returned if the given schema name is invalid.
++do_test 4.2 {
++ reset_db
++ list [catch {sqlite3_wal_replication_follower db garbage} msg] $msg
++# Test that follower WAL replication is enabled after a successful call.
++do_test 4.3 {
++ reset_db
++ sqlite3_wal db
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_follower db main
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_enabled db main
++} {true}
++# Test that trying to enable follower replication twice for the same
++# database results in an error.
++do_test 4.4 {
++ list [catch {sqlite3_wal_replication_follower db main} msg] $msg
++# Test that an error is returned if leader WAL replication is enabled.
++do_test 4.5 {
++ reset_db
++ sqlite3_wal db
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_leader db main
++ list [catch {sqlite3_wal_replication_follower db main} msg] $msg
++# Test that an error is returned when trying to perform a backup in follower WAL
++# replication mode.
++do_test 4.6 {
++ reset_db
++ sqlite3_wal db
++ execsql { CREATE TABLE test (n INT) }
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_follower db main
++ catch { db2 close }
++ sqlite3 db2 test2.db
++ list [catch {sqlite3_backup B db2 main db main} msg] $msg
++} {1 {sqlite3_backup_init() failed}}
++# Test that checkpoint-on-close is disabled for follower connections.
++do_test 4.7 {
++ db close
++ file exists test.db-wal
++} {1}
++# Test that an error is returned when trying to perform a query on a connection
++# in follower WAL replication mode.
++do_test 4.8.1 {
++ reset_db
++ sqlite3_wal db
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_follower db main
++ list [catch {db eval {SELECT 1}} msg] $msg
++} {1 {database is in follower replication mode: main}}
++do_test 4.8.2 {
++ # if the connection that is set back to no replication, it can perform queries
++ # again.
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_none db main
++ execsql {SELECT 1}
++} {1}
++# The following block of tests - walreplication-5.* - focus on testing the
++# implementation of the sqlite3_wal_replication_none() interface.
++# Test that an error is returned if the database is not in WAL mode.
++do_test 5.1 {
++ reset_db
++ execsql { PRAGMA journal_mode = DELETE }
++ list [catch {sqlite3_wal_replication_none db main} msg] $msg
++# Test that an error is returned if the given schema name is invalid.
++do_test 5.2 {
++ list [catch {sqlite3_wal_replication_none db garbage} msg] $msg
++# Test that an error is returned if the connection hasn't been configured for
++# either leader or follower WAL replication.
++do_test 5.3 {
++ reset_db
++ sqlite3_wal db
++ list [catch {sqlite3_wal_replication_none db main} msg] $msg
++# Test that a connection can be set back to no replication after it
++# was set to leader replication.
++do_test 5.4 {
++ reset_db
++ sqlite3_wal db
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_leader db main
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_none db main
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_enabled db main
++} {false}
++# Test that a connection can be set back to no replication after it
++# was set to follower replication.
++do_test 5.5 {
++ reset_db
++ sqlite3_wal db
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_follower db main
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_none db main
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_enabled db main
++} {false}
++# The following block of tests - walreplication-6.* - focus on testing the
++# implementation of the sqlite3_replication_frames() and
++# sqlite3_replication_undo() interfaces, by running them against follower
++# connection using the test WAL replication implementation.
++# Test that replicated transactions work transparently from the leader
++# connection user's point of view, and that WAL frames are replicated to
++# the leader connection.
++do_test 6.1.1 {
++ reset_db
++ reset_db2
++ sqlite3_wal db
++ sqlite3_wal db2
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_leader db main
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_follower db2 main
++ execsql {
++ CREATE TABLE test (n INT);
++ INSERT INTO test(n) VALUES(1);
++ SELECT n FROM test;
++ }
++} {1}
++do_test 6.1.2 {
++ db close
++ db2 close
++ # checkpoint-on-close is disabled for both leader and follower
++ # connections
++ file exists test.db-wal
++ file exists test2.db-wal
++ # the content of the WAL is replicated to the follower
++ # connection
++ #
++ set size1 [file size test.db-wal]
++ set size2 [file size test2.db-wal]
++ expr {$size1 > 0 && $size1 == $size2 }
++} {1}
++do_test 6.1.3 {
++ # the replicated database contains the expected data
++ sqlite3 db ./test2.db
++ execsql { SELECT n FROM test }
++} {1}
++# Test that rolling back a transaction reverts the changes in the
++# follower database as well.
++do_test 6.2.1 {
++ reset_db
++ reset_db2
++ sqlite3_wal db
++ sqlite3_wal db2
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_leader db main
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_follower db2 main
++ # Reduce the cache size, so the write transaction below will
++ # have to flush pages and the test replication implementation
++ # will call sqlite3_replication_undo upon rollback.
++ execsql { PRAGMA cache_size = 1}
++ execsql {
++ CREATE TABLE test (a TEXT);
++ INSERT INTO test VALUES(randomblob(4000));
++ }
++} {}
++do_test 6.2.2 {
++ db close
++ db2 close
++ # checkpoint-on-close is disabled for both leader and follower
++ # connections
++ file exists test.db-wal
++ file exists test2.db-wal
++ # the content of the WAL is replicated to the follower
++ # connection
++ #
++ set size1 [file size test.db-wal]
++ set size2 [file size test2.db-wal]
++ expr {$size1 > 0 && $size1 == $size2 }
++} {1}
++do_test 6.2.3 {
++ # the replicated database was rolled back as well
++ sqlite3 db ./test2.db
++ execsql { SELECT COUNT(a) FROM TEST }
++} {0}
++# Test that if the xBegin or xFrame method returns a replication error,
++# then the transaction fails.
++foreach { i method error } {
++1 xBegin NOT_LEADER
++3 xFrames NOT_LEADER
++} {
++ do_test 6.3.$i {
++ reset_db
++ sqlite3_wal db
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_leader db main
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_error $method $error
++ list [catch {db eval {CREATE TABLE test (n INT)}} msg] $msg
++ } {1 {disk I/O error}}
++# Test that if the pager fails to begin a WAL write transaction,
++# the xAbort method is fired.
++do_test 6.4.1 {
++ reset_db
++ sqlite3_wal db
++ execsql {
++ CREATE TABLE test (n INT);
++ }
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_leader db main
++ sqlite3 db2 ./test.db
++ db2 eval {
++ }
++ # Trying to start a write transaction now fails with
++ # SQLITE_BUSY, and should trigger the xAbort hook.
++ list [catch {db eval {
++ }} msg] $msg
++} {1 {database is locked}}
++do_test 6.4.2 {
++ db eval { ROLLBACK }
++ db2 eval { COMMIT; }
++ # Re-trying the failed insert succeeds, as the xAbort
++ # method has reset the state of the global replication.
++ execsql {
++ }
++} {}
++# Test that if the xUndo method returns a replication error, the
++# rollback still succeeds.
++foreach { i method error } {
++1 xUndo NOT_LEADER
++} {
++ do_test 6.5.$i {
++ reset_db
++ sqlite3_wal db
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_leader db main
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_error $method $error
++ execsql {
++ CREATE TABLE test (n INT);
++ }
++ } {}
++# Test that read transactions don't trigger any WAL replication method.
++do_test 6.7 {
++ reset_db
++ sqlite3_wal db
++ execsql {
++ CREATE TABLE test (n INT);
++ INSERT INTO test(n) VALUES(1);
++ }
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_leader db main
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_error xBegin NOT_LEADER
++ execsql {
++ SELECT n FROM test;
++ }
++} {1}
++# Test that the WAL write lock is never acquired if the xBegin replication
++# method fails with SQLITE_IOERR_LEADERSHIP_LOST, and the transaction is
++# automatically rolled back as it normally happens whenever sqlite3PagerBegin
++# returns SQLITE_IOERR.
++do_test 6.8.1 {
++ reset_db
++ sqlite3_wal db
++ execsql {
++ CREATE TABLE test (n INT);
++ }
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_leader db main
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_error xBegin LEADERSHIP_LOST 1
++ list [catch {db eval {
++ }} msg] $msg
++} {1 {disk I/O error}}
++do_test 6.8.2 {
++ # No need to rollback here.
++ execsql {
++ }
++ execsql {
++ SELECT n FROM test;
++ }
++} {1}
++# Test that if the xFrames method fails, a new transaction can be executed
++# afterwise.
++do_test 6.9.1 {
++ reset_db
++ sqlite3_wal db
++ execsql {
++ CREATE TABLE test (n INT);
++ }
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_leader db main
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_error xFrames LEADERSHIP_LOST 1
++ list [catch {db eval {
++ }} msg] $msg
++} {1 {disk I/O error}}
++do_test 6.9.2 {
++ execsql {
++ }
++ execsql {
++ SELECT n FROM test;
++ }
++} {1}
++# Test that if the xFrames method fails in the context of a pagerStress call, a
++# new transaction can be executed afterwise.
++do_test 6.10.1 {
++ reset_db
++ sqlite3_wal db
++ execsql {
++ CREATE TABLE test (a TEXT);
++ }
++ # Reduce the cache size, so the write transaction below will
++ # have to flush pages and call xFrames before the transaction
++ # is committed.
++ execsql { PRAGMA cache_size = 1}
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_leader db main
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_error xFrames LEADERSHIP_LOST 1
++ # The insert will fail due to the pcache failing to spill dirty pages, and
++ # the transaction is automatically rolled back.
++ list [catch {db eval {
++ INSERT INTO test VALUES(randomblob(4000));
++ }} msg] $msg
++} {1 {disk I/O error}}
++do_test 6.10.2 {
++ execsql {
++ INSERT INTO test VALUES('x');
++ }
++ execsql {
++ SELECT a FROM test;
++ }
++} {x}
++# Test that if the xFrames receives information about the most recently written
++# WAL frame associated with a dirty page.
++do_test 6.11.1 {
++ reset_db
++ sqlite3_wal db
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_leader db main
++ execsql { CREATE TABLE test (a TEXT) }
++ # Exactly two brand new frames were written, so trying to get info about a
++ # third frame fails.
++ list [catch {sqlite3_wal_replication_frame_info 2} msg] $msg
++} {1 {no such frame}}
++do_test 6.11.2 {
++ # Page 1 was written for the first time to the WAL, so the frame's iPrev is 0.
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_frame_info 1
++} {1024 1 0}
++do_test 6.11.3 {
++ # Page 2 was written for the first time to the WAL, so the frame's iPrev is 0.
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_frame_info 0
++} {1024 2 0}
++do_test 6.11.4 {
++ execsql { INSERT INTO test VALUES('x') }
++ # Page 2 has been modified, and it was already present in the WAL as frame 2.
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_frame_info 0
++} {1024 2 2}
++do_test 6.11.5 {
++ execsql { INSERT INTO test VALUES(randomblob(2000)) }
++ # Page 2 has been modified again, and it was already present in the WAL as
++ # frame 3.
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_frame_info 1
++} {1024 2 3}
++do_test 6.11.6 {
++ # Page 3 has been added anew, so it was not present in the WAL.
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_frame_info 0
++} {1024 3 0}
++do_test 6.11.7 {
++ # The WAL has now 6 frames.
++ set size [expr 32 + 6 * (24 + 1024) ]
++ expr {[file size test.db-wal] == $size }
++} {1}
++do_test 6.11.8 {
++ # All those 6 frames were handled by xFrames.
++ list [catch {sqlite3_wal_replication_frame_info 6} msg] $msg
++} {1 {no such frame}}
++do_test 6.11.9 {
++ # Perform a full checkpoint.
++ execsql { PRAGMA wal_checkpoint }
++} {0 6 6}
++do_test 6.11.10 {
++ execsql { DELETE FROM test WHERE a='x' }
++ # Page 2 was modified, but this time iPrev is 0 because the WAL contained no
++ # frame after the checkpoint.
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_frame_info 0
++} {1024 2 0}
++# The following block of tests - walreplication-7.* - focus on testing the
++# implementation of the sqlite3_wal_replication_checkpoint() interface.
++# Test checkpointing with connections in follower WAL replication mode.
++do_test 7.1.1 {
++ reset_db
++ sqlite3_wal db
++ execsql {
++ CREATE TABLE test (n INT);
++ }
++ list [catch {sqlite3_wal_replication_checkpoint db main} msg] $msg
++do_test 7.1.2 {
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_follower db main
++ sqlite3_wal_replication_checkpoint db main
++ file size ./test.db-wal
++} {0}
++sqlite3_wal db
++sqlite3_wal_replication_leader db main