diff options
3 files changed, 143 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..07e8ea031915
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Generated by mksrcinfo v8
+# Sun Apr 3 05:09:15 UTC 2016
+pkgbase = uhe-podolski-vst
+ pkgdesc = Freeware virtual-analog synthesizer from u-he
+ pkgver = 3965
+ pkgrel = 1
+ url =
+ install = user.install
+ arch = x86_64
+ arch = i686
+ license = custom
+ depends = cairo
+ source =
+ md5sums = 24e72d1db8c3b22498f4d925dab5d4c9
+pkgname = uhe-podolski-vst
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0ee759874663
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+# Maintainer: Colin Wallace <>
+# Download links to other u-he VSTs can be found here:
+# Note: These VSTs require purchase/activation.
+vstdir=/usr/lib/vst # Note: these are Linux VSTs (.so files)
+pkgdesc='Freeware virtual-analog synthesizer from u-he'
+arch=('x86_64' 'i686')
+bits=$(echo "$arch" | sed "s/x86_64/64/" | sed "s/i686/32/")
+function patch_strings_in_file() {
+ # Source (Johan Hedin):
+ # Slight modification by Colin Wallace to force the pattern to capture the entire line
+ # Usage: patch_strings_in_file <file> <pattern> <replacement>
+ # replaces all occurances of <pattern> with <replacement> in <file>, padding
+ # <replacement> with null characters to match the length
+ # Unlike sed or patch, this works on binary files
+ local FILE="$1"
+ local PATTERN="$2"
+ local REPLACEMENT="$3"
+ # Find all unique strings in FILE that contain the pattern
+ STRINGS=$(strings ${FILE} | grep "^${PATTERN}$" | sort -u -r)
+ if [ "${STRINGS}" != "" ] ; then
+ echo "File '${FILE}' contains strings equal to '${PATTERN}':"
+ for OLD_STRING in ${STRINGS} ; do
+ # Create null terminated ASCII HEX representations of the strings
+ OLD_STRING_HEX="$(echo -n ${OLD_STRING} | xxd -g 0 -u -ps -c 256)00"
+ NEW_STRING_HEX="$(echo -n ${REPLACEMENT} | xxd -g 0 -u -ps -c 256)00"
+ if [ ${#NEW_STRING_HEX} -le ${#OLD_STRING_HEX} ] ; then
+ # Pad the replacement string with null terminations so the
+ # length matches the original string
+ while [ ${#NEW_STRING_HEX} -lt ${#OLD_STRING_HEX} ] ; do
+ done
+ # Now, replace every occurrence of OLD_STRING with NEW_STRING
+ echo -n "Replacing ${OLD_STRING} with ${REPLACEMENT}... "
+ hexdump -ve '1/1 "%.2X"' ${FILE} | \
+ sed "s/${OLD_STRING_HEX}/${NEW_STRING_HEX}/g" | \
+ xxd -r -p > ${FILE}.tmp
+ chmod --reference ${FILE} ${FILE}.tmp
+ mv ${FILE}.tmp ${FILE}
+ echo "Done!"
+ else
+ echo "New string '${NEW_STRING}' is longer than old" \
+ "string '${OLD_STRING}'. Skipping."
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+build() {
+ cd "$srcdir" && tar -xzf $tarname && echo "$arch" > arch.txt
+ cd "$srcdir/$untarname/$vstname"
+ # The binaries use a scheme that causes paths to all be ~/.uhe/$vstname
+ # This includes paths to the plugin's own static resources (images, fonts)
+ # Patch the binary such that static resources will be loaded from a system dir:
+ # Note: these paths can be located in the binary by hand via `strings $binaryname`
+ patch_strings_in_file "$binaryname" "%s/.%s/%s/Data" "/opt/%3\$s/Data"
+ patch_strings_in_file "$binaryname" "%s/.%s/%s/Modules" "/opt/%3\$s/Modules"
+ # This is for accessing the user guide & the dialog binaries
+ patch_strings_in_file "$binaryname" "%s/.%s/%s/" "/opt/%3\$s/"
+ # The vst will work OK w/o the presets directory, but it must be manually
+ # created if the user wishes to save his/her presets
+ # NOTE: mixing positional and non-positional printf arguments like this is
+ # against the spec, but doing differently would not meet the length limit
+ patch_strings_in_file "$binaryname" "%s/.%s/%s/Presets/%s" "%s/.local/share/%3\$s"
+ # These other directories need to already exist and also be persistent
+ patch_strings_in_file "$binaryname" "%s/.%s/%s/Tunefiles" "%s/.local/share"
+ # CCMaps is set via [settings wheel] -> Midi Table
+ patch_strings_in_file "$binaryname" "%s/.%s/%s/CCMaps" "%s/.local/share"
+ # Support includes logs & license info
+ patch_strings_in_file "$binaryname" "%s/.%s/%s/Support" "%s/.local/share"
+package() {
+ instdir=/opt/$vstname
+ cd "$srcdir/$untarname/$vstname"
+ # Install custom license
+ install -Dm644 license.txt "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/license.txt"
+ # Install the binary and the correct dialog version
+ install -D "$binaryname" "$pkgdir/$instdir/$binaryname"
+ install -D "dialog.$bits" "$pkgdir/$instdir/dialog.$bits"
+ # Link the binary onto the path
+ mkdir -p "$pkgdir/usr/lib/vst"
+ ln -s "$instdir/$binaryname" "$pkgdir/usr/lib/vst/$"
+ # Install all the directories (empty directories are required)
+ find Data/ Modules/ Presets/ -type d -exec install -dm755 {} $pkgdir/$instdir/{} \;
+ # Install all the files
+ find Data/ Modules/ Presets/ -type f -exec install -Dm644 {} $pkgdir/$instdir/{} \;
+# vim: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab:
diff --git a/user.install b/user.install
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7b9be601c9b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/user.install
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+post_install() {
+ echo "$vstname successfully installed; each user who wishes to access the presets must first run the following:"
+ echo "> mkdir -p ~/.local/share/ && cp -R $instdir/Presets/$vstname/ ~/.local/share/"