diff options
6 files changed, 722 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8cef04b31e2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+pkgbase = vmd-src
+ pkgdesc = Visual Molecular Dynamics
+ pkgver = 1.9.3
+ pkgrel = 1
+ url =
+ arch = x86_64
+ license = custom
+ makedepends = gcc
+ depends = tcsh
+ depends = tk
+ depends = python2-numpy
+ depends = fltk
+ depends = ospray
+ depends = netcdf
+ depends = ocl-icd
+ optdepends = openbabel: additional file formats support
+ optdepends = sqlite: dmsplugin
+ optdepends = optix: accelerated ray tracing for NVIDIA GPUs
+ optdepends = cuda: NVIDIA CUDA GPU acceleration functions
+ conflicts = vmd
+ conflicts = vmd-bin
+ source = local://vmd-1.9.3.src.tar.gz
+ source = configure.patch
+ source = ospray.patch
+ source = cuda.patch
+ source = mpi.patch
+ sha256sums = 5bdc314dc836d620fe510ed4b6c3dbe3cf66525b61680ffec4e2563cf495f128
+ sha256sums = c25475d51be75c2b9e3bcd5f8d5d3ed1fd0df992f9c8020b0346c49f6c40b275
+ sha256sums = 09f1cf35ebd302095a68d2b5db03e1671493411aed3f839baf2b1f44dc7e0e0d
+ sha256sums = 8880006bd97f7397d5a5592aaeeb6e80530d8c6026280c1b961e43f568e12daa
+ sha256sums = e281a57831b8ff60c5a644219f0b6289d32bee239978af676474941c7d8548c0
+pkgname = vmd-src
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fc9c5493cfe0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# Maintainer: Anton Kudelin <kudelin at protonmail dot com>
+# Contributor: Eric Berquist <eric DOT berquist AT gmail>
+# Contributor: steabert <>
+# Contributor: Ricardo Honorato Z.
+pkgdesc="Visual Molecular Dynamics"
+depends=('tcsh' 'tk' 'python2-numpy' 'fltk' 'ospray' 'netcdf' 'ocl-icd')
+optdepends=('openbabel: additional file formats support'
+ 'sqlite: dmsplugin'
+ 'optix: accelerated ray tracing for NVIDIA GPUs'
+ 'cuda: NVIDIA CUDA GPU acceleration functions')
+conflicts=("$_pkgname" "$_pkgname-bin")
+# You have to download the package from the VMD url and put it in the PKGBUILD folder.
+ "configure.patch"
+ "ospray.patch"
+ "cuda.patch"
+ "mpi.patch")
+ 'c25475d51be75c2b9e3bcd5f8d5d3ed1fd0df992f9c8020b0346c49f6c40b275'
+ '09f1cf35ebd302095a68d2b5db03e1671493411aed3f839baf2b1f44dc7e0e0d'
+ '8880006bd97f7397d5a5592aaeeb6e80530d8c6026280c1b961e43f568e12daa'
+ 'e281a57831b8ff60c5a644219f0b6289d32bee239978af676474941c7d8548c0')
+prepare() {
+ sed -i 's/ltcl8.5/ltcl/g' plugins/Make-arch
+ cd $_pkgname-$pkgver
+ mkdir plugins
+ sed -i 's#:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}/:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:#/opt/optix/lib64#g' bin/*
+ patch -p0 < ../configure.patch
+ patch -p0 < ../ospray.patch
+ patch -p0 < ../cuda.patch
+ # Assuming openmpi; if not the case edit mpi.patch
+ patch -p0 < ../mpi.patch
+ export TCLINC="-I/usr/include"
+ export TCLLIB="-L/usr/lib"
+ export PLUGINDIR=$srcdir/$_pkgname-$pkgver/plugins
+ export VMDINSTALLBINDIR=$pkgdir/usr/bin
+ export VMDINSTALLLIBRARYDIR=$pkgdir/usr/lib/vmd
+ # Enable CUDA if nvcc is in PATH
+ if [ $( echo -n $( which nvcc) | tail -c 4 ) == nvcc ]
+ then
+ export ACC=CUDA
+ fi
+build() {
+ cd $srcdir/plugins
+ make -j1 LINUXAMD64 world
+ make distrib
+ cd ../$_pkgname-$pkgver
+ cd src
+ make veryclean
+ make
+package() {
+ cd $srcdir/$_pkgname-$pkgver
+ install -D -m644 LICENSE $pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE
+ cd src; make install
+ sed -i 's#set defaultvmddir=.*#set defaultvmddir=/usr/lib/vmd#' $pkgdir/usr/bin/vmd
diff --git a/configure.patch b/configure.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ad6dd0acb5e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configure.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+--- configure 2016-12-01 10:11:33.000000000 +0300
++++ configure 2019-05-24 15:40:14.742991210 +0300
+@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@
+ $arch_cc = "cc";
+ $arch_ccpp = "CC";
+-$arch_nvcc = "/usr/local/cuda-8.0/bin/nvcc";
++$arch_nvcc = "nvcc";
+ $arch_nvccflags = "--ptxas-options=-v " .
+ "-gencode arch=compute_30,code=compute_30 " .
+ "-gencode arch=compute_30,code=sm_35 " .
+@@ -729,8 +729,8 @@
+ if ($config_tk) { $tcl_include .= " -I$stock_tk_include_dir"; }
+ $tcl_library = "-L$stock_tcl_library_dir";
+ if ($config_tk) { $tcl_library .= " -L$stock_tk_library_dir"; }
+-$tcl_libs = "-ltcl8.5";
+-if ($config_tk) { $tcl_libs = "-ltk8.5 -lX11 " . $tcl_libs; }
++$tcl_libs = "-ltcl";
++if ($config_tk) { $tcl_libs = "-ltk -lX11 " . $tcl_libs; }
+ @tcl_cc = ();
+ @tcl_cu = ();
+@@ -888,11 +888,7 @@
+ $system_dir = "";
+ $system_include = "-I.";
+ $system_library = "";
+-if ( $config_gcc ) {
+- $system_libs = "-ll -lm";
+-} else {
+- $system_libs = "-lm";
++$system_libs = "-lrt -lm";
+ @system_cc = ();
+ @system_cu = ();
+ @system_ccpp = ();
+@@ -922,7 +918,7 @@
+ # This option enables the use of CUDA GPU acceleration functions.
+ #######################
+ $cuda_defines = "-DVMDCUDA -DMSMPOT_CUDA";
+-$cuda_dir = "/usr/local/cuda-8.0";
++$cuda_dir = "/opt/cuda";
+ $cuda_include = "";
+ $cuda_library = "";
+ $cuda_libs = "-Wl,-rpath -Wl,\$\$ORIGIN/ -lcudart_static";
+@@ -1042,7 +1038,7 @@
+ # $liboptix_dir = "/usr/local/encap/NVIDIA-OptiX-SDK-3.6.3-linux64";
+ # $liboptix_dir = "/usr/local/encap/NVIDIA-OptiX-SDK-3.8.0-linux64";
+ # $liboptix_dir = "/usr/local/encap/NVIDIA-OptiX-SDK-3.9.0-linux64";
+-$liboptix_dir = "/usr/local/encap/NVIDIA-OptiX-SDK-4.0.1-linux64";
++$liboptix_dir = "/opt/optix";
+ # NCSA Blue Waters
+ # $liboptix_dir = "/u/sciteam/stonej/local/NVIDIA-OptiX-SDK-3.6.3-linux64";
+ # $liboptix_dir = "/u/sciteam/stonej/local/NVIDIA-OptiX-SDK-3.8.0-linux64";
+@@ -1082,7 +1078,7 @@
+ $libospray_dir = "/usr/local/ospray-1.1.1.x86_64.linux";
+ $libospray_include = "-I$libospray_dir/include -I$libospray_dir/ospray/include ";
+ $libospray_library = "-L$libospray_dir/lib ";
+-$libospray_libs = "-lospray -lospray_common -lembree -ltbb -ltbbmalloc ";
++$libospray_libs = "-lospray -lospray_common -lembree3 -ltbb -ltbbmalloc ";
+ # Both OptiX and OSPRay renderers use the Tachyon glwin code,
+ # so we have to make sure we don't build/link it twice
+ if ($config_liboptix) {
+@@ -1375,20 +1371,20 @@
+ ###################
+ # location of Python library and include file.
+ # If left blank, standard system directories will be searched.
+-#$stock_python_include_dir=$ENV{"PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR"} || "/usr/local/include";
++$stock_python_include_dir=$ENV{"PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR"} || "/usr/include/python2.7";
+ #$stock_python_library_dir=$ENV{"PYTHON_LIBRARY_DIR"} || "/usr/local/lib";
+-$stock_python_include_dir=$ENV{"PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR"} || "$vmd_library_dir/python/lib_$config_arch/include/python2.5";
+-$stock_python_library_dir=$ENV{"PYTHON_LIBRARY_DIR"} || "$vmd_library_dir/python/lib_$config_arch/lib/python2.5/config";
++#$stock_python_include_dir=$ENV{"PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR"} || "$vmd_library_dir/python/lib_$config_arch/include/python2.7";
++#$stock_python_library_dir=$ENV{"PYTHON_LIBRARY_DIR"} || "$vmd_library_dir/python/lib_$config_arch/lib/python2.7/config";
+ #$stock_numpy_include_dir=$ENV{"NUMPY_INCLUDE_DIR"} || "/usr/local/include";
+ #$stock_numpy_library_dir=$ENV{"NUMPY_LIBRARY_DIR"} || "/usr/local/lib";
+-$stock_numpy_include_dir=$ENV{"NUMPY_INCLUDE_DIR"} || "$vmd_library_dir/numpy/lib_$config_arch/include";
+-$stock_numpy_library_dir=$ENV{"NUMPY_LIBRARY_DIR"} || "$vmd_library_dir/python/lib_$config_arch/lib/python2.5/site-packages/numpy/core/include";
++#$stock_numpy_include_dir=$ENV{"NUMPY_INCLUDE_DIR"} || "$vmd_library_dir/numpy/lib_$config_arch/include";
++#$stock_numpy_library_dir=$ENV{"NUMPY_LIBRARY_DIR"} || "$vmd_library_dir/python/lib_$config_arch/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/include";
+ $python_defines = "-DVMDPYTHON";
+ $python_include = "-I$stock_python_include_dir -I$stock_numpy_include_dir -I$stock_numpy_library_dir";
+ $python_library = "-L$stock_python_library_dir";
+-$python_libs = "-lpython2.5 -lpthread";
++$python_libs = "-lpython2.7 -lpthread";
+ @python_h = ('PythonTextInterp.h',
+ 'VMDTkinterMenu.h',
+ 'py_commands.h',
+@@ -2278,9 +2274,9 @@
+ # for compiling with g++:
+ $arch_cc = "gcc";
+ $arch_ccpp = "g++";
+- $arch_opt_flag = "-m64 -fno-for-scope -Wno-deprecated -Wall -O6 -ffast-math";
++ $arch_opt_flag = "-m64 -fno-for-scope -Wno-deprecated -Wall -O3 -ffast-math";
+ $arch_depend_flag = "-MM";
+- $arch_copts = "-m64 -Wall -O6 -ffast-math";
++ $arch_copts = "-m64 -Wall -O3 -ffast-math";
+ $arch_template_repository = "foobar";
+ # so far only STATIC version tested
+@@ -2293,7 +2289,7 @@
+ if ($config_cuda) {
+ $arch_nvccflags .= " --machine 64 -O3 $cuda_include";
+- $cuda_library = "-L/usr/local/cuda-8.0/lib64";
++ $cuda_library = "-L/opt/cuda/lib64";
+ }
+ $arch_lex = "flex"; # has problems with vendor lex
diff --git a/cuda.patch b/cuda.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..770360ec8d94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cuda.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+--- src/ 2018-03-30 18:52:25.467189457 +0300
++++ src/ 2018-03-30 18:52:02.387136244 +0300
+@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile:,v $
+ * $Author: johns $ $Locker: $ $State: Exp $
+- * $Revision: 1.30 $ $Date: 2016/11/28 03:04:58 $
++ * $Revision: 1.32 $ $Date: 2018/02/15 05:15:02 $
+ *
+ ***************************************************************************
+@@ -25,14 +25,17 @@
+ //
+ // Description: This class computes an isosurface for a given density grid
+ // using a CUDA Marching Cubes (MC) alorithm.
+-// The implementation is based on the MC demo from the
+-// Nvidia GPU Computing SDK, but has been improved
+-// and extended. This implementation achieves higher
+-// performance by reducing the number of temporary memory
+-// buffers, reduces the number of scan calls by using vector
+-// integer types, and allows extraction of per-vertex normals
+-// optionally computes per-vertex colors if provided with a
+-// volumetric texture map.
++// The implementation is loosely based on the MC demo from
++// the Nvidia GPU Computing SDK, but the design has been
++// improved and extended in several ways.
++// This implementation achieves higher performance
++// by reducing the number of temporary memory
++// buffers, reduces the number of scan calls by using
++// vector integer types, and allows extraction of
++// per-vertex normals and optionally computes
++// per-vertex colors if a volumetric texture map is provided.
+ //
+ // Author: Michael Krone <>
+ // John Stone <>
+@@ -48,7 +51,7 @@
+ #include <thrust/functional.h>
+ //
+-// Restrict macro to make it easy to do perf tuning tess
++// Restrict macro to make it easy to do perf tuning tests
+ //
+ #if 0
+ #define RESTRICT __restrict__
+@@ -171,6 +174,11 @@
+ texture<float, 3, cudaReadModeElementType> volumeTex;
+ // sample volume data set at a point p, p CAN NEVER BE OUT OF BOUNDS
++// XXX The sampleVolume() call underperforms vs. peak memory bandwidth
++// because we don't strictly enforce coalescing requirements in the
++// layout of the input volume presently. If we forced X/Y dims to be
++// warp-multiple it would become possible to use wider fetches and
++// a few other tricks to improve global memory bandwidth
+ __device__ float sampleVolume(const float * RESTRICT data,
+ uint3 p, uint3 gridSize) {
+ return data[(p.z*gridSize.x*gridSize.y) + (p.y*gridSize.x) + p.x];
+@@ -592,6 +600,30 @@
+ cudaBindTextureToArray(volumeTex, d_vol, desc);
+ }
++#if CUDART_VERSION >= 9000
++// XXX CUDA 9.0RC breaks the usability of Thrust scan() prefix sums when
++// used with the built-in uint2 vector integer types. To workaround
++// the problem we have to define our own type and associated conversion
++// routines etc.
++// XXX workaround for uint2 breakage in CUDA 9.0RC
++struct myuint2 : uint2 {
++ __host__ __device__ myuint2() : uint2(make_uint2(0, 0)) {}
++ __host__ __device__ myuint2(int val) : uint2(make_uint2(val, val)) {}
++ __host__ __device__ myuint2(uint2 val) : uint2(make_uint2(val.x, val.y)) {}
++void ThrustScanWrapperUint2(uint2* output, uint2* input, unsigned int numElements) {
++ const uint2 zero = make_uint2(0, 0);
++ thrust::exclusive_scan(thrust::device_ptr<myuint2>((myuint2*)input),
++ thrust::device_ptr<myuint2>((myuint2*)input + numElements),
++ thrust::device_ptr<myuint2>((myuint2*)output),
++ (myuint2) zero);
+ void ThrustScanWrapperUint2(uint2* output, uint2* input, unsigned int numElements) {
+ const uint2 zero = make_uint2(0, 0);
+@@ -601,6 +633,7 @@
+ zero);
+ }
+ void ThrustScanWrapperArea(float* output, float* input, unsigned int numElements) {
+ thrust::inclusive_scan(thrust::device_ptr<float>(input),
+@@ -639,11 +672,9 @@
+ }
+ //
+ // class CUDAMarchingCubes
+ //
+ CUDAMarchingCubes::CUDAMarchingCubes() {
+ // initialize values
+@@ -713,9 +744,6 @@
+ }
+-//! Run the Cuda part of the computation
+ void CUDAMarchingCubes::computeIsosurfaceVerts(float3* vertOut, unsigned int maxverts, dim3 & grid3) {
+ // check if data is available
+ if (!this->setdata)
+--- src/ 2016-12-01 10:11:56.000000000 +0300
++++ src/ 2018-03-30 18:56:44.352937599 +0300
+@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile:,v $
+ * $Author: johns $ $Locker: $ $State: Exp $
+- * $Revision: 1.75 $ $Date: 2015/04/07 20:41:26 $
++ * $Revision: 1.78 $ $Date: 2018/02/19 07:10:37 $
+ *
+ ***************************************************************************
+@@ -28,12 +28,16 @@
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <cuda.h>
+-#include <float.h> // FLT_MAX etc
++#if CUDART_VERSION >= 9000
++#include <cuda_fp16.h> // need to explicitly include for CUDA 9.0
+ #if CUDART_VERSION < 4000
+ #error The VMD MDFF feature requires CUDA 4.0 or later
+ #endif
++#include <float.h> // FLT_MAX etc
+ #include "Inform.h"
+ #include "utilities.h"
+ #include "WKFThreads.h"
+@@ -588,6 +592,43 @@
+ }
++// #define VMDUSESHUFFLE 1
++#if defined(VMDUSESHUFFLE) && __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 300 && CUDART_VERSION >= 9000
++// New warp shuffle-based CC sum reduction for Kepler and later GPUs.
++inline __device__ void cc_sumreduction(int tid, int totaltb,
++ float4 &total_cc_sums,
++ float &total_lcc,
++ int &total_lsize,
++ float4 *tb_cc_sums,
++ float *tb_lcc,
++ int *tb_lsize) {
++ total_cc_sums = make_float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
++ total_lcc = 0.0f;
++ total_lsize = 0;
++ // use precisely one warp to do the final reduction
++ if (tid < warpSize) {
++ for (int i=tid; i<totaltb; i+=warpSize) {
++ total_cc_sums += tb_cc_sums[i];
++ total_lcc += tb_lcc[i];
++ total_lsize += tb_lsize[i];
++ }
++ // perform intra-warp parallel reduction...
++ // general loop version of parallel sum-reduction
++ for (int mask=warpSize/2; mask>0; mask>>=1) {
++ total_cc_sums.x += __shfl_xor_sync(0xffffffff, total_cc_sums.x, mask);
++ total_cc_sums.y += __shfl_xor_sync(0xffffffff, total_cc_sums.y, mask);
++ total_cc_sums.z += __shfl_xor_sync(0xffffffff, total_cc_sums.z, mask);
++ total_cc_sums.w += __shfl_xor_sync(0xffffffff, total_cc_sums.w, mask);
++ total_lcc += __shfl_xor_sync(0xffffffff, total_lcc, mask);
++ total_lsize += __shfl_xor_sync(0xffffffff, total_lsize, mask);
++ }
++ }
++// shared memory based CC sum reduction
+ inline __device__ void cc_sumreduction(int tid, int totaltb,
+ float4 &total_cc_sums,
+ float &total_lcc,
+@@ -629,6 +670,7 @@
+ total_lcc = tb_lcc[0];
+ total_lsize = tb_lsize[0];
+ }
+ inline __device__ void thread_cc_sum(float ref, float density,
+@@ -750,6 +792,92 @@
+ }
++#if defined(VMDUSESHUFFLE) && __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 300 && CUDART_VERSION >= 9000
++ // all threads write their local sums to shared memory...
++ __shared__ float2 tb_cc_means_s[TOTALBLOCKSZ];
++ __shared__ float2 tb_cc_squares_s[TOTALBLOCKSZ];
++ __shared__ float tb_lcc_s[TOTALBLOCKSZ];
++ __shared__ int tb_lsize_s[TOTALBLOCKSZ];
++ tb_cc_means_s[tid] = thread_cc_means;
++ tb_cc_squares_s[tid] = thread_cc_squares;
++ tb_lcc_s[tid] = thread_lcc;
++ tb_lsize_s[tid] = thread_lsize;
++ __syncthreads(); // all threads must hit syncthreads call...
++ // use precisely one warp to do the thread-block-wide reduction
++ if (tid < warpSize) {
++ float2 tmp_cc_means = make_float2(0.0f, 0.0f);
++ float2 tmp_cc_squares = make_float2(0.0f, 0.0f);
++ float tmp_lcc = 0.0f;
++ int tmp_lsize = 0;
++ for (int i=tid; i<TOTALBLOCKSZ; i+=warpSize) {
++ tmp_cc_means += tb_cc_means_s[i];
++ tmp_cc_squares += tb_cc_squares_s[i];
++ tmp_lcc += tb_lcc_s[i];
++ tmp_lsize += tb_lsize_s[i];
++ }
++ // perform intra-warp parallel reduction...
++ // general loop version of parallel sum-reduction
++ for (int mask=warpSize/2; mask>0; mask>>=1) {
++ tmp_cc_means.x += __shfl_xor_sync(0xffffffff, tmp_cc_means.x, mask);
++ tmp_cc_means.y += __shfl_xor_sync(0xffffffff, tmp_cc_means.y, mask);
++ tmp_cc_squares.x += __shfl_xor_sync(0xffffffff, tmp_cc_squares.x, mask);
++ tmp_cc_squares.y += __shfl_xor_sync(0xffffffff, tmp_cc_squares.y, mask);
++ tmp_lcc += __shfl_xor_sync(0xffffffff, tmp_lcc, mask);
++ tmp_lsize += __shfl_xor_sync(0xffffffff, tmp_lsize, mask);
++ }
++ // write per-thread-block partial sums to global memory,
++ // if a per-thread-block CC output array is provided, write the
++ // local CC for this thread block out, and finally, check if we
++ // are the last thread block to finish, and finalize the overall
++ // CC results for the entire grid of thread blocks.
++ if (tid == 0) {
++ unsigned int bid = blockIdx.z * gridDim.x * gridDim.y +
++ blockIdx.y * gridDim.x + blockIdx.x;
++ tb_cc_sums[bid] = make_float4(tmp_cc_means.x, tmp_cc_means.y,
++ tmp_cc_squares.x, tmp_cc_squares.y);
++ tb_lcc[bid] = tmp_lcc;
++ tb_lsize[bid] = tmp_lsize;
++ if (tb_CC != NULL) {
++ float cc = calc_cc(tb_cc_means_s[0].x, tb_cc_means_s[0].y,
++ tb_cc_squares_s[0].x, tb_cc_squares_s[0].y,
++ tb_lsize_s[0], tb_lcc_s[0]);
++ // write local per-thread-block CC to global memory
++ tb_CC[bid] = cc;
++ }
++ __threadfence();
++ unsigned int value = atomicInc(&tbcatomic[0], totaltb);
++ isLastBlockDone = (value == (totaltb - 1));
++ }
++ }
++ __syncthreads();
++ if (isLastBlockDone) {
++ float4 total_cc_sums;
++ float total_lcc;
++ int total_lsize;
++ cc_sumreduction(tid, totaltb, total_cc_sums, total_lcc, total_lsize,
++ tb_cc_sums, tb_lcc, tb_lsize);
++ if (tid == 0) {
++ tb_cc_sums[totaltb] = total_cc_sums;
++ tb_lcc[totaltb] = total_lcc;
++ tb_lsize[totaltb] = total_lsize;
++ }
++ reset_atomic_counter(&tbcatomic[0]);
++ }
+ // all threads write their local sums to shared memory...
+ __shared__ float2 tb_cc_means_s[TOTALBLOCKSZ];
+ __shared__ float2 tb_cc_squares_s[TOTALBLOCKSZ];
+@@ -794,6 +922,7 @@
+ }
+ __syncthreads(); // all threads must hit syncthreads call...
+ }
+ // write per-thread-block partial sums to global memory,
+ // if a per-thread-block CC output array is provided, write the
+@@ -847,6 +976,7 @@
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ }
+--- src/ 2016-12-01 10:11:56.000000000 +0300
++++ src/ 2018-03-30 19:01:38.777196233 +0300
+@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile:,v $
+ * $Author: johns $ $Locker: $ $State: Exp $
+- * $Revision: 1.81 $ $Date: 2016/04/20 04:57:46 $
++ * $Revision: 1.84 $ $Date: 2018/02/15 04:59:15 $
+ *
+ ***************************************************************************
+@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <cuda.h>
++#if CUDART_VERSION >= 9000
++#include <cuda_fp16.h> // need to explicitly include for CUDA 9.0
+ #if CUDART_VERSION < 4000
+ #error The VMD QuickSurf feature requires CUDA 4.0 or later
+@@ -130,14 +133,14 @@
+ #define GUNROLL 1
+ #endif
+-#if __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 300
+-#define MINBLOCKDENS 1
++#if __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 600
++#define MINBLOCKDENS 16
++#elif __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 300
++#define MINBLOCKDENS 16
+ #elif __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 200
+ #define MINBLOCKDENS 1
+ #else
+ #define MINBLOCKDENS 1
+ #endif
+@@ -150,7 +153,7 @@
+ //
+ template<class DENSITY, class VOLTEX>
+ __global__ static void
+-// __launch_bounds__ ( MAXTHRDENS, MINBLOCKDENS )
++__launch_bounds__ ( MAXTHRDENS, MINBLOCKDENS )
+ gaussdensity_fast_tex_norm(int natoms,
+ const float4 * RESTRICT sorted_xyzr,
+ const float4 * RESTRICT sorted_color,
+@@ -217,6 +220,8 @@
+ for (yab=yabmin; yab<=yabmax; yab++) {
+ for (xab=xabmin; xab<=xabmax; xab++) {
+ int abcellidx = zab * acplanesz + yab * acncells.x + xab;
++ // this biggest latency hotspot in the kernel, if we could improve
++ // packing of the grid cell map, we'd likely improve performance
+ uint2 atomstartend = cellStartEnd[abcellidx];
+ if (atomstartend.x != GRID_CELL_EMPTY) {
+ unsigned int atomid;
+@@ -296,7 +301,7 @@
+ __global__ static void
+-// __launch_bounds__ ( MAXTHRDENS, MINBLOCKDENS )
++__launch_bounds__ ( MAXTHRDENS, MINBLOCKDENS )
+ gaussdensity_fast_tex3f(int natoms,
+ const float4 * RESTRICT sorted_xyzr,
+ const float4 * RESTRICT sorted_color,
+@@ -363,6 +368,8 @@
+ for (yab=yabmin; yab<=yabmax; yab++) {
+ for (xab=xabmin; xab<=xabmax; xab++) {
+ int abcellidx = zab * acplanesz + yab * acncells.x + xab;
++ // this biggest latency hotspot in the kernel, if we could improve
++ // packing of the grid cell map, we'd likely improve performance
+ uint2 atomstartend = cellStartEnd[abcellidx];
+ if (atomstartend.x != GRID_CELL_EMPTY) {
+ unsigned int atomid;
+@@ -550,7 +557,6 @@
+ // per-GPU handle with various memory buffer pointers, etc.
+ typedef struct {
+- /// max grid sizes and attributes the current allocations will support
+ int verbose;
+ long int natoms;
+ int colorperatom;
+@@ -561,18 +567,18 @@
+ int gy;
+ int gz;
+- CUDAMarchingCubes *mc; ///< Marching cubes class used to extract surface
++ CUDAMarchingCubes *mc;
+- float *devdensity; ///< density map stored in GPU memory
+- void *devvoltexmap; ///< volumetric texture map
+- float4 *xyzr_d; ///< atom coords and radii
+- float4 *sorted_xyzr_d; ///< cell-sorted coords and radii
+- float4 *color_d; ///< colors
+- float4 *sorted_color_d; ///< cell-sorted colors
+- unsigned int *atomIndex_d; ///< cell index for each atom
+- unsigned int *atomHash_d; ///<
+- uint2 *cellStartEnd_d; ///< cell start/end indices
++ float *devdensity;
++ void *devvoltexmap;
++ float4 *xyzr_d;
++ float4 *sorted_xyzr_d;
++ float4 *color_d;
++ float4 *sorted_color_d;
++ unsigned int *atomIndex_d;
++ unsigned int *atomHash_d;
++ uint2 *cellStartEnd_d;
+ void *safety;
+ float3 *v3f_d;
diff --git a/mpi.patch b/mpi.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b3822a31f665
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mpi.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+--- configure 2019-05-24 15:48:39.590316691 +0300
++++ configure 2019-05-24 15:48:07.136424874 +0300
+@@ -970,15 +970,15 @@
+ #######################
+ $mpi_defines = "-DVMDMPI ";
+ ## Argonne MPICH
+-$mpi_dir = "/usr/lib64/mpich";
+-$mpi_include = "-I/usr/include/mpich-x86_64";
+-$mpi_library = "-L$mpi_dir/lib";
+-$mpi_libs = "-lmpich";
++#$mpi_dir = "/usr";
++#$mpi_include = "-I/usr/include";
++#$mpi_library = "-L$mpi_dir/lib";
++#$mpi_libs = "-lmpicxx -lmpi";
+ ## OpenMPI
+-# $mpi_dir = "/usr/lib64/openmpi";
+-# $mpi_include = "-I/usr/include/openmpi-x86_64";
+-# $mpi_library = "-L$mpi_dir/lib";
+-# $mpi_libs = "-lmpi";
++$mpi_dir = "/usr";
++$mpi_include = "-I/usr/include";
++$mpi_library = "-L$mpi_dir/lib/openmpi";
++$mpi_libs = "-lmpi_cxx -lmpi";
+ # $mpi_dir = "/usr/mpi/gcc/mvapich-1.0.0";
+ # $mpi_include = "-I$mpi_dir/include";
diff --git a/ospray.patch b/ospray.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f825563d8f46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ospray.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+--- src/OSPRayRenderer.C 2016-12-01 10:11:51.000000000 +0300
++++ src/OSPRayRenderer.C 2018-03-30 18:22:52.389958174 +0300
+@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: OSPRayRenderer.C
+ * $Author: johns $ $Locker: $ $State: Exp $
+-* $Revision: 1.60 $ $Date: 2016/11/28 06:00:48 $
++* $Revision: 1.61 $ $Date: 2017/01/10 13:57:50 $
+ *
+ ***************************************************************************
+@@ -659,7 +659,7 @@
+ if (ao_samples != 0)
+ lightscale = ao_direct;
+- for (int i = 0; i < directional_lights.num(); ++i) {
++ for (i = 0; i < directional_lights.num(); ++i) {
+ #if 1
+ OSPLight light = ospNewLight(ospRenderer, "distant");
+ #else
+@@ -2021,7 +2021,7 @@
+ ca.cylinders = (float *) calloc(1, cylnum * bytes_per_cylinder);
+ ca.colors = (float *) calloc(1, cylnum * 4 * sizeof(float));
+- unsigned int i,ind4,ind6,ind7;
++ int i,ind4,ind6,ind7;
+ const int rOffset = 6; // radius offset
+ if (wtrans == NULL) {
+ for (i=0,ind4=0,ind6=0,ind7=0; i<cylnum; i++,ind4+=4,ind6+=6,ind7+=7) {
+@@ -2469,10 +2469,7 @@
+ int i, ind, ind9, ind12;
+ const float ci2f = 1.0f / 255.0f;
+- const float cn2f = 1.0f / 127.5f;
+ for (i=0,ind=0,ind9=0,ind12=0; i<numfacets; i++,ind+=3,ind9+=9,ind12+=12) {
+- float norm[9];
+ // transform to eye coordinates
+ wtrans.multpoint3d(v + ind9 , (float*) &mesh.v[ind9 ]);
+ wtrans.multpoint3d(v + ind9 + 3, (float*) &mesh.v[ind9 + 3]);
+@@ -2627,12 +2624,6 @@
+ // create and fill the OSPRay trimesh memory buffer
+ int i, ind, ind9, ind12;
+- const rgba c = { uniform_color[0],
+- uniform_color[1],
+- uniform_color[2],
+- 1.0f /* mat_opacity*/ };
+ for (i=0,ind=0,ind9=0,ind12=0; i<numfacets; i++,ind+=3,ind9+=9,ind12+=12) {
+ // transform to eye coordinates
+ wtrans.multpoint3d(v + ind9 , (float*) &mesh.v[ind9 ]);