diff options
5 files changed, 258 insertions, 276 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
index 7dbf45aeeaf5..2ff3ad76205a 100644
--- a/.SRCINFO
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
pkgbase = waterfox-kde
- pkgdesc = Free, open and private browser with openSUSE's patches for better integration with KDE
- pkgver = 56.2.14
+ pkgdesc = Customizable privacy conscious web browser with better integration with KDE and primary support for webextensions
+ pkgver = G6.0.11
pkgrel = 0
url =
arch = x86_64
@@ -8,66 +8,87 @@ pkgbase = waterfox-kde
makedepends = unzip
makedepends = zip
makedepends = diffutils
- makedepends = python2
makedepends = yasm
makedepends = mesa
makedepends = imake
- makedepends = gconf
makedepends = inetutils
makedepends = xorg-server-xvfb
makedepends = autoconf2.13
makedepends = rust
makedepends = clang
makedepends = llvm
+ makedepends = alsa-lib
+ makedepends = jack
+ makedepends = cbindgen
+ makedepends = nasm
+ makedepends = nodejs
+ makedepends = lld
+ makedepends = bc
+ makedepends = python<3.12
+ makedepends = pciutils
+ makedepends = dump_syms
+ makedepends = wasi-compiler-rt
+ makedepends = wasi-libc
+ makedepends = wasi-libc++
+ makedepends = wasi-libc++abi
makedepends = git
depends = gtk3
- depends = gtk2
depends = libxt
depends = startup-notification
depends = mime-types
depends = dbus-glib
depends = ffmpeg
- depends = nss>=3.34
- depends = hunspell
- depends = sqlite
depends = ttf-font
- depends = icu
- depends = kwaterfoxhelper
- depends = nspr>=4.15
depends = hicolor-icon-theme
- depends = jemalloc
- depends = libevent
- optdepends = networkmanager: Location detection via available WiFi networks
- optdepends = libnotify: Notification integration
- optdepends = pulseaudio: Audio support
- optdepends = alsa-lib: Audio support
- optdepends = jack: Audio support
- optdepends = speech-dispatcher: Text-to-Speech
- provides = waterfox=56.2.14
- conflicts = waterfox
+ depends = glibc
+ depends = libpulse
+ depends = nss
+ depends = nspr
+ replaces = waterfox-g4-kpe
+ replaces = waterfox-g3-kpe
+ replaces = waterfox-g-kpe
options = !emptydirs
options = !makeflags
options = zipman
- source = git+
- source = waterfox.desktop::
- source = kde.js::
- source = distribution.ini::
- source = waterfox.1::
- source = jack-system-ports.patch
- source = no-plt.diff
- source = waterfox-kde-
- source = dont-statically-link-libstdc++.patch::
- source = pgo_fix_missing_kdejs.patch
+ options = !lto
+ source = git+
+ source = waterfox.desktop::
+ source = distribution.ini::
+ source = vendor.js::
+ source = waterfox.1::
+ source = syspref.js::
+ source =
+ source = g-kde.patch::
+ source = fis-csd-global-menu.patch::
+ source = nongnome-proxies.patch::
+ source = mozilla-ntlm-full-path.patch::
+ source = libavcodec58_91.patch::
+ source = fix-langpack-id.patch::
+ source = fix-wayland-build.patch::
+ source = mach-depends.patch::
sha256sums = SKIP
- sha256sums = 6e9ec5f9c6fc5b191f9dec85b82d58eb2a51577b989bc7852e6b254d56ff13e8
- sha256sums = 0850a8a8dea9003c67a8ee1fa5eb19a6599eaad9f2ad09db753b74dc5048fdbc
- sha256sums = 3961c09993c442df97832866ddaea5bcc1ade1313beb313b5ceba60166933016
- sha256sums = 065244d3f6d88c48b7afec313b7da5a3a04377076e198954cda7951500530b84
- sha256sums = be19426cd658ea0ff0dedbdd80da6bf84580c80d92f9b3753da107011dfdd85c
- sha256sums = ea8e1b871c0f1dd29cdea1b1a2e7f47bf4713e2ae7b947ec832dba7dfcc67daa
- sha256sums = b55833542edf8cad2b73cf36dac6c667e588dcf79a99b570c5eca645698b80f7
- sha256sums = 877bc1f0e768d96118bb739725e590467773dd897c31263099e52b8d7aaaa4c8
- sha256sums = bf6743660623b7c9a43b94edc8acbcade07aa222ff2102a2808809df333ebe8e
+ sha256sums = ec32cbe949ed23bf7a61eef468a70a2e00e9fc448e4912c1200d110f5538d63a
+ sha256sums = 63cc269f591b2c6409cd7773f929bcb64f9acf3c9f5c1b8c1848c077056094fe
+ sha256sums = 5a3b4ebefbd9e5dd3abdc9e694ef4dadcce6fcc93f9352ee30f1fcb639a227f6
+ sha256sums = 405cc621d68ad61443ace33142b46c2f089f4a9f021b4ea62ec4183c9046d0f7
+ sha256sums = 0120e01edb0bf3d42f4e0280345f2c44372b097739cd2ddb85fa69bb2233ebab
+ sha256sums = 26db702cd9c258548313d66f53722d7cadd206779e066d1fca5816256581e344
+ sha256sums = 9cebb1377a40b8776a7c913641911743a116abaddbff10ff2f9f8dff973bb73c
+ sha256sums = e507f060ad30ebe61bc6fa9098b07df2802b53e3f77ca2d2ee5fe8e7aac7e9ae
+ sha256sums = 2ec980e1e912903ee6ec36589fc87cf528ca60be8abe37f8b30febb5e55e018c
+ sha256sums = b4d25f9a3ea05f1ce7b7bb00f71821978e5db0f78634f80af684356608e708c0
+ sha256sums = c10baed9fab17b0c39839df3970d9254b21b17c9b6a36f7c8523bac609d24d57
+ sha256sums = 0f9d1d22ec686639c31245fff7db837428e0880fd9ad698890ec81326be52ae0
+ sha256sums = 10714e2363c05bf611eec927807101a5babc94a0ab9b584ce8204a89d4f8b73a
+ sha256sums = 105fa659e4242c1b08bda0457bfddc28762bdd4a33e9bda05940ab38d26b334c
pkgname = waterfox-kde
+ optdepends = networkmanager: Location detection via available WiFi networks
+ optdepends = libnotify: Notification integration
+ optdepends = pulseaudio: Audio support
+ optdepends = alsa-lib: Audio support
+ optdepends = speech-dispatcher: Text-to-Speech
+ optdepends = hunspell-en_US: Spell checking, American English
+ optdepends = kwaterfoxhelper: KDE Plasma Integration
+ provides = waterfox-g=6.0.11
+ provides = waterfox=G6.0.11
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
index 1cd2712807a7..aac312f6cda2 100644
@@ -1,215 +1,234 @@
# Maintainer: hawkeye116477 <hawkeye116477 at gmail dot com>
-# Contributor: meatatt <meatatt at aliyun dot com>
-# Based on firefox-kde Manjaro's PKGBUILD
-pkgdesc="Free, open and private browser with openSUSE's patches for better integration with KDE"
+pkgdesc="Customizable privacy conscious web browser with better integration with KDE and primary support for webextensions"
-depends=('gtk3' 'gtk2' 'libxt' 'startup-notification' 'mime-types' 'dbus-glib' 'ffmpeg'
- 'nss>=3.34' 'hunspell' 'sqlite' 'ttf-font' 'icu' 'kwaterfoxhelper' 'nspr>=4.15' 'hicolor-icon-theme' 'jemalloc' 'libevent')
-makedepends=('unzip' 'zip' 'diffutils' 'python2' 'yasm' 'mesa' 'imake' 'gconf' 'inetutils' 'xorg-server-xvfb'
- 'autoconf2.13' 'rust' 'clang' 'llvm' 'git')
-optdepends=('networkmanager: Location detection via available WiFi networks'
- 'libnotify: Notification integration'
- 'pulseaudio: Audio support'
- 'alsa-lib: Audio support'
- 'jack: Audio support'
- 'speech-dispatcher: Text-to-Speech')
-options=('!emptydirs' '!makeflags' 'zipman')
- "waterfox.desktop::"
- "kde.js::"
- "distribution.ini::"
- "waterfox.1::"
- jack-system-ports.patch
- no-plt.diff
- "waterfox-kde-"
- "dont-statically-link-libstdc++.patch::"
- pgo_fix_missing_kdejs.patch)
+depends=('gtk3' 'libxt' 'startup-notification' 'mime-types' 'dbus-glib' 'ffmpeg'
+ 'ttf-font' 'hicolor-icon-theme' 'glibc' 'libpulse' 'nss' 'nspr')
+makedepends=('unzip' 'zip' 'diffutils' 'yasm' 'mesa' 'imake' 'inetutils' 'xorg-server-xvfb'
+ 'autoconf2.13' 'rust' 'clang' 'llvm' 'alsa-lib' 'jack' 'cbindgen' 'nasm'
+ 'nodejs' 'lld' 'bc' 'python<3.12' 'pciutils' 'dump_syms'
+ 'wasi-compiler-rt' 'wasi-libc' 'wasi-libc++' 'wasi-libc++abi'
+ 'git')
+replaces=("waterfox-g4-kpe" "waterfox-g3-kpe" "waterfox-g-kpe")
+options=('!emptydirs' '!makeflags' 'zipman' '!lto')
+ "waterfox.desktop::$_filesurl/waterfox.desktop"
+ "distribution.ini::$_filesurl/distribution.ini"
+ "vendor.js::$_filesurl/vendor.js"
+ "waterfox.1::$_filesurl/waterfox.1"
+ "syspref.js::$_filesurl/syspref.js"
+ "$_filesurl/"
+ "g-kde.patch::$_filesurl/patches/g-kde.patch"
+ "fis-csd-global-menu.patch::$_filesurl/patches/fis-csd-global-menu.patch"
+ "nongnome-proxies.patch::$_filesurl/patches/nongnome-proxies.patch"
+ "mozilla-ntlm-full-path.patch::$_filesurl/patches/mozilla-ntlm-full-path.patch"
+ "libavcodec58_91.patch::$_filesurl/patches/libavcodec58_91.patch"
+ "fix-langpack-id.patch::$_filesurl/patches/fix-langpack-id.patch"
+ "fix-wayland-build.patch::$_filesurl/patches/fix-wayland-build.patch"
+ "mach-depends.patch::$_filesurl/patches/mach-depends.patch"
+ )
- '6e9ec5f9c6fc5b191f9dec85b82d58eb2a51577b989bc7852e6b254d56ff13e8'
- '0850a8a8dea9003c67a8ee1fa5eb19a6599eaad9f2ad09db753b74dc5048fdbc'
- '3961c09993c442df97832866ddaea5bcc1ade1313beb313b5ceba60166933016'
- '065244d3f6d88c48b7afec313b7da5a3a04377076e198954cda7951500530b84'
- 'be19426cd658ea0ff0dedbdd80da6bf84580c80d92f9b3753da107011dfdd85c'
- 'ea8e1b871c0f1dd29cdea1b1a2e7f47bf4713e2ae7b947ec832dba7dfcc67daa'
- 'b55833542edf8cad2b73cf36dac6c667e588dcf79a99b570c5eca645698b80f7'
- '877bc1f0e768d96118bb739725e590467773dd897c31263099e52b8d7aaaa4c8'
- 'bf6743660623b7c9a43b94edc8acbcade07aa222ff2102a2808809df333ebe8e')
+ 'ec32cbe949ed23bf7a61eef468a70a2e00e9fc448e4912c1200d110f5538d63a'
+ '63cc269f591b2c6409cd7773f929bcb64f9acf3c9f5c1b8c1848c077056094fe'
+ '5a3b4ebefbd9e5dd3abdc9e694ef4dadcce6fcc93f9352ee30f1fcb639a227f6'
+ '405cc621d68ad61443ace33142b46c2f089f4a9f021b4ea62ec4183c9046d0f7'
+ '0120e01edb0bf3d42f4e0280345f2c44372b097739cd2ddb85fa69bb2233ebab'
+ '26db702cd9c258548313d66f53722d7cadd206779e066d1fca5816256581e344'
+ '9cebb1377a40b8776a7c913641911743a116abaddbff10ff2f9f8dff973bb73c'
+ 'e507f060ad30ebe61bc6fa9098b07df2802b53e3f77ca2d2ee5fe8e7aac7e9ae'
+ '2ec980e1e912903ee6ec36589fc87cf528ca60be8abe37f8b30febb5e55e018c'
+ 'b4d25f9a3ea05f1ce7b7bb00f71821978e5db0f78634f80af684356608e708c0'
+ 'c10baed9fab17b0c39839df3970d9254b21b17c9b6a36f7c8523bac609d24d57'
+ '0f9d1d22ec686639c31245fff7db837428e0880fd9ad698890ec81326be52ae0'
+ '10714e2363c05bf611eec927807101a5babc94a0ab9b584ce8204a89d4f8b73a'
+ '105fa659e4242c1b08bda0457bfddc28762bdd4a33e9bda05940ab38d26b334c')
prepare() {
- mkdir path
- ln -s /usr/bin/python2 path/python
- # Fix openSUSE's patches for Waterfox
- #sed -i 's/Firefox/Waterfox/g' $srcdir/mozilla-kde-$_patchrev.patch
- #sed -i 's/KMOZILLAHELPER/KWATERFOXHELPER/g' $srcdir/mozilla-kde-$_patchrev.patch
- #sed -i 's|/usr/lib/mozilla/kmozillahelper|/usr/lib/waterfox/kwaterfoxhelper|g' $srcdir/mozilla-kde-$_patchrev.patch
- #sed -i 's/kmozillahelper/kwaterfoxhelper/g' $srcdir/mozilla-kde-$_patchrev.patch
- #sed -i 's/firefox/waterfox/g' $srcdir/firefox-kde-$_patchrev.patch
cd Waterfox
- patch -Np1 -i ../dont-statically-link-libstdc++.patch
- #
- patch -Np1 -i ../no-plt.diff
- cat >.mozconfig <<END
-export CC=clang
-export CXX=clang++
-export LDFLAGS="-Wl,-z,norelro,-O3,--sort-common,--as-needed,--relax,-z,combreloc,-z,global,--no-omagic"
-ac_add_options --enable-optimize="-O3 -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -march=native -mtune=native -fcolor-diagnostics -w"
-ac_add_options --target=$CARCH-pc-linux-gnu
+ # Add patches
+ patch -Np1 -i ../g-kde.patch
+ patch -Np1 -i ../fis-csd-global-menu.patch
+ patch -Np1 -i ../nongnome-proxies.patch
+ patch -Np1 -i ../mozilla-ntlm-full-path.patch
+ patch -Np1 -i ../libavcodec58_91.patch
+ patch -Np1 -i ../fix-langpack-id.patch
+ patch -Np1 -i ../fix-wayland-build.patch
+ patch -Np1 -i ../mach-depends.patch
+ cat >../mozconfig <<END
ac_add_options --enable-alsa
ac_add_options --enable-pulseaudio
ac_add_options --enable-jack
-mk_add_options AUTOCLOBBER=1
-mk_add_options MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS="-j6"
ac_add_options --prefix=/usr
-ac_add_options --with-app-name=waterfox
-ac_add_options --with-app-basename=Waterfox
-ac_add_options --with-branding=browser/branding/unofficial
-# Library and chrome format
-ac_add_options --enable-chrome-format=omni
+# Libraries
ac_add_options --x-libraries=/usr/lib
-# System libraries
-ac_add_options --with-system-nspr
-ac_add_options --with-system-nss
-ac_add_options --with-system-icu
-ac_add_options --with-system-jpeg
-ac_add_options --with-system-zlib
-ac_add_options --with-system-bz2
-ac_add_options --with-system-png
-ac_add_options --with-system-libevent
-ac_add_options --with-system-libvpx
-ac_add_options --enable-system-hunspell
-ac_add_options --enable-system-sqlite
-ac_add_options --enable-system-ffi
-ac_add_options --enable-system-pixman
-ac_add_options --disable-libproxy
# Disable unwanted features
-ac_add_options --disable-crashreporter
-ac_add_options --disable-js-shell
-ac_add_options --disable-maintenance-service
ac_add_options --disable-updater
-ac_add_options --disable-verify-mar
-ac_add_options --disable-mobile-optimize
ac_add_options --disable-debug
ac_add_options --disable-debug-symbols
-ac_add_options --disable-profiling
-ac_add_options --disable-signmar
+ac_add_options --disable-crashreporter
+ac_add_options --disable-dmd
+ac_add_options --disable-geckodriver
+ac_add_options --disable-bootstrap
+ac_add_options --disable-elf-hack
ac_add_options --disable-tests
-ac_add_options --disable-parental-controls
-ac_add_options --disable-accessibility
-# If you want to have text-to-speech support, comment this line:
-ac_add_options --disable-webspeech
-# If you want to have geolocation support, comment this line:
-ac_add_options --disable-necko-wifi
-# If you have some problems with Skype Web or other web chat, comment this line:
-ac_add_options --disable-webrtc
-# If you want to have gamepad support, comment this line:
-ac_add_options --disable-gamepad
# Enable wanted features
-ac_add_options --enable-jemalloc
-ac_add_options --enable-stylo=build
-ac_add_options --with-pthreads
-ac_add_options --enable-strip
-ac_add_options --enable-startup-notification
-ac_add_options --enable-release
+ac_add_options --enable-unverified-updates
+ac_add_options --enable-jxl
+ac_add_options --enable-optimize
+ac_add_options --enable-eme=widevine
ac_add_options --enable-rust-simd
ac_add_options --enable-application=browser
-ac_add_options --enable-eme=widevine
+ac_add_options --enable-hardening
+ac_add_options --enable-linker=lld
+ac_add_options --enable-default-toolkit=cairo-gtk3-wayland
+ac_add_options --with-app-name=waterfox
+ac_add_options --with-app-basename=Waterfox
+ac_add_options --with-branding=waterfox/browser/branding
+ac_add_options --with-unsigned-addon-scopes=app,system
+ac_add_options --with-wasi-sysroot=/usr/share/wasi-sysroot
+ac_add_options --allow-addon-sideload
+# System libraries
+ac_add_options --with-system-nspr
+ac_add_options --with-system-nss
- echo "Patching for KDE"
- #patch -Np1 -i "../mozilla-kde-$_patchrev.patch"
- #patch -Np1 -i "../waterfoxproject-kde-56.2.0.patch"
- #patch -Np1 -i "../firefox-kde-$_patchrev.patch"
- #patch -Np1 -i "../fix_waterfox_browser-kde_xul.patch"
- #patch -Np1 -i "../fix_crash_e10s_upload_cancel.patch"
- patch -Np1 -i "../waterfox-kde-"
- patch -Np1 -i "../pgo_fix_missing_kdejs.patch"
- #
- echo "Patching for Jack"
- patch -Np1 -i ../jack-system-ports.patch
+export MOZ_APP_REMOTINGNAME=waterfox-g
+X=$(($(nproc --all)/2))
+mk_add_options MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS="-j\${X%.*}"
+mk_add_options MOZ_PARALLEL_BUILD="\${X%.*}"
+mk_add_options MOZ_OBJDIR=${PWD@Q}/obj
build() {
cd Waterfox
- export PATH="$srcdir/path:$PATH"
- ./mach build
+ # Optimize flags
+ CFLAGS="${CFLAGS//-mtune=generic/-mtune=native}"
+ CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS//-mtune=generic/-mtune=native}"
+ CFLAGS="${CFLAGS//-march=x86-64/-march=native}"
+ CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS//-march=x86-64/-march=native}"
-package() {
- cd Waterfox
+ export MOZ_NOSPAM=1
+ export MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH="$srcdir/mozbuild"
+ export LDFLAGS+=" -Wl,--no-keep-memory -Wl,--no-mmap-output-file"
- cp "$srcdir/kde.js" obj-$CARCH-pc-linux-gnu/dist/bin/defaults/pref
+ export WF_VERSION="G$pkgver"
+ echo "$WF_VERSION" > ./browser/config/version_display.txt
- DESTDIR="$pkgdir" ./mach install
+ # LTO needs more open files
+ ulimit -n 4096
- _vendor_js="$pkgdir/usr/lib/waterfox/browser/defaults/preferences/vendor.js"
- install -Dm644 /dev/stdin "$_vendor_js" <<END
-// Disable default browser checking
-pref("", false);
+ # Do 3-tier PGO
+ echo "Building instrumented browser..."
+ cat >.mozconfig ../mozconfig - <<END
+ac_add_options --enable-profile-generate=cross
+ ./mach build
-// Don't disable extensions dropped in to a system
-// location, or those owned by the application
-pref("extensions.autoDisableScopes", 3);
+ echo "Profiling instrumented browser..."
+ ./mach package
+ LLVM_PROFDATA=llvm-profdata \
+ JARLOG_FILE="$PWD/jarlog" \
+ xvfb-run -s "-screen 0 1920x1080x24 -nolisten local" \
+ ./mach python build/pgo/
-// Don't display the one-off addon selection dialog when
-// upgrading from a version of Waterfox older than 8.0
-pref("extensions.shownSelectionUI", true);
+ stat -c "Profile data found (%s bytes)" merged.profdata
+ test -s merged.profdata
-// Use LANG environment variable to choose locale
-pref("intl.locale.matchOS", true);
+ stat -c "Jar log found (%s bytes)" jarlog
+ test -s jarlog
-// Fall back to en-US search plugins if none exist for the current locale
-pref("distribution.searchplugins.defaultLocale", "en-US");
+ echo "Removing instrumented browser..."
+ ./mach clobber
-// Use OS regional settings for date and time
-pref("intl.regional_prefs.use_os_locales", true);
+ echo "Building optimized browser..."
+ cat >.mozconfig ../mozconfig - <<END
+ac_add_options --enable-lto=cross
+ac_add_options --enable-profile-use=cross
+ac_add_options --with-pgo-profile-path=${PWD@Q}/merged.profdata
+ac_add_options --with-pgo-jarlog=${PWD@Q}/jarlog
+ ./mach build
- install -Dm644 "$srcdir/kde.js" "$pkgdir/usr/lib/waterfox/browser/defaults/preferences/kde.js"
+# # Build langpacks
+# cat > ../mozconfig_LANG <<END
+# ac_add_options --with-app-name=waterfox
+# ac_add_options --with-app-basename=Waterfox
+# ac_add_options --with-branding=waterfox/browser/branding
+# mk_add_options MOZ_OBJDIR=${PWD}/../obj_LANG
+# ac_add_options --prefix=/usr
+# ac_add_options --with-l10n-base=${PWD}/waterfox/browser/locales
+# ac_add_options --enable-linker=lld
+# ac_add_options --disable-updater
+# ac_add_options --disable-bootstrap
+# ac_add_options --with-wasi-sysroot=/usr/share/wasi-sysroot
+# END
+# export JOBS=$(echo $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo)\/2 | bc)
+# sed -r '/^(ja-JP-mac|en-US|)$/d;s/ .*$//' ../locales.shipped | cut -f1 -d":" \
+# | xargs -n 1 -P $JOBS -I {} /bin/sh -c '
+# locale=$1
+# cp ../mozconfig_LANG ${PWD}/mozconfig_$locale
+# sed -i "s|obj_LANG|obj_$locale|" ${PWD}/mozconfig_$locale
+# export MOZCONFIG=${PWD}/mozconfig_$locale
+# ./mach build config/nsinstall langpack-$locale
+# cp -L ../obj_$locale/dist/linux-*/xpi/waterfox-$WF_VERSION.$locale.langpack.xpi \
+# ${PWD}/langpack-$
+# ' -- {}
+package_waterfox-kde() {
+ optdepends=('networkmanager: Location detection via available WiFi networks'
+ 'libnotify: Notification integration'
+ 'pulseaudio: Audio support'
+ 'alsa-lib: Audio support'
+ 'speech-dispatcher: Text-to-Speech'
+ 'hunspell-en_US: Spell checking, American English'
+ 'kwaterfoxhelper: KDE Plasma Integration')
+ provides=("waterfox-g=${_pkgver}" "waterfox=G${_pkgver}")
+ cd Waterfox
+ DESTDIR="$pkgdir" ./mach install
+ _spellcheck_js="$pkgdir/usr/lib/waterfox/browser/defaults/preferences/spellcheck.js"
+ install -Dm644 /dev/stdin "$_spellcheck_js" <<END
+pref("spellchecker.dictionary_path", "/usr/share/hunspell");
for i in 16 22 24 32 48 64 128 256; do
- install -Dm644 browser/branding/unofficial/default$i.png \
- "$pkgdir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/${i}x${i}/apps/waterfox.png"
+ install -d "$pkgdir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/${i}x${i}/apps"
+ ln -Ts /usr/lib/waterfox/browser/chrome/icons/default/default$i.png \
+ "$pkgdir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/${i}x${i}/apps/waterfox.png"
- install -Dm644 browser/branding/unofficial/content/about-logo.png \
+ install -Dm644 waterfox/browser/branding/content/about-logo.png \
- install -Dm644 browser/branding/unofficial/content/about-logo@2x.png \
+ install -Dm644 waterfox/browser/branding/content/about-logo@2x.png \
install -Dm644 $srcdir/waterfox.desktop \
@@ -221,13 +240,15 @@ END
install -Dm644 $srcdir/distribution.ini \
- # Use system-provided dictionaries
- if [ -d $pkgdir/usr/lib/waterfox/dictionaries ]; then
- rm -r "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/waterfox/dictionaries
- fi
+ install -Dm644 "$srcdir/vendor.js" "$pkgdir/usr/lib/waterfox/browser/defaults/preferences/vendor.js"
+ # Generate date and version for metadata file
+ export TODAY_DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)
+ sed -i "s/__DATE__/$TODAY_DATE/g" ../
+ sed -i "s/__VERSION__/G$_pkgver/g" ../
- ln -Ts /usr/share/hunspell "$pkgdir/usr/lib/waterfox/dictionaries"
- ln -Ts /usr/share/hyphen "$pkgdir/usr/lib/waterfox/hyphenation"
+ install -Dm644 $srcdir/ \
+ "$pkgdir/usr/share/metainfo/waterfox.appdata.xml"
# Install a wrapper to avoid confusion about binary path
install -Dm755 /dev/stdin "$pkgdir/usr/bin/waterfox" <<END
@@ -239,4 +260,15 @@ END
ln -srf "$pkgdir/usr/bin/waterfox" \
+ # Add syspref.js for setting preferences for all users
+ mkdir -p "$pkgdir/etc/waterfox"
+ cp "$srcdir/syspref.js" "$pkgdir/etc/waterfox/"
+ ln -Tsf /etc/waterfox/syspref.js "$pkgdir/usr/lib/waterfox/browser/defaults/preferences/syspref.js"
+# # Install langpacks
+# mkdir -p "$pkgdir/usr/lib/waterfox/browser/extensions/"
+# cp "${srcdir}"/waterfox-kde-$pkgver/*.xpi "$pkgdir/usr/lib/waterfox/browser/extensions/"
+# vim: set ts=2 sw=2 et syn=sh ft=sh:
diff --git a/jack-system-ports.patch b/jack-system-ports.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 33ac249bbd01..000000000000
--- a/jack-system-ports.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/media/libcubeb/src/cubeb_jack.cpp b/media/libcubeb/src/cubeb_jack.cpp
-index b49b66785f7c..80061dd709a7 100644
---- a/media/libcubeb/src/cubeb_jack.cpp
-+++ b/media/libcubeb/src/cubeb_jack.cpp
-@@ -861,7 +861,7 @@ cbjack_stream_init(cubeb * context, cubeb_stream ** stream, char const * stream_
- }
- }
-- cbjack_connect_ports(stm);
-+ //cbjack_connect_ports(stm);
- *stream = stm;
diff --git a/no-plt.diff b/no-plt.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 9014f8b791c7..000000000000
--- a/no-plt.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-diff --git i/security/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpi_x86.s w/security/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpi_x86.s
-index 8f7e2130c3264754..b3ca1ce5b41b3771 100644
---- i/security/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpi_x86.s
-+++ w/security/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpi_x86.s
-@@ -22,22 +22,41 @@ is_sse: .long -1
- #
- .ifndef NO_PIC
- .macro GET var,reg
-- movl \var@GOTOFF(%ebx),\reg
-+ call
-+ addl $_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_, %eax
-+ movl \var@GOTOFF(%eax),\reg
- .endm
- .macro PUT reg,var
-- movl \reg,\var@GOTOFF(%ebx)
-+ call thunk.dx
-+ addl $_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_, %edx
-+ movl \reg,\var@GOTOFF(%edx)
- .endm
- .else
- .macro GET var,reg
- movl \var,\reg
- .endm
- .macro PUT reg,var
- movl \reg,\var
- .endm
- .endif
- .text
-+.ifndef NO_PIC
-+.type, @function
-+ movl (%esp),%eax
-+ ret
-+.globl thunk.dx
-+.hidden thunk.dx
-+.type thunk.dx, @function
-+ movl (%esp),%edx
-+ ret
- # ebp - 36: caller's esi
- # ebp - 32: caller's edi
diff --git a/pgo_fix_missing_kdejs.patch b/pgo_fix_missing_kdejs.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 03c56e9fdbdb..000000000000
--- a/pgo_fix_missing_kdejs.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
---- b/browser/app/ 2016-02-14 15:57:50.000000000 +0100
-+++ a/browser/app/ 2016-02-14 16:08:29.823744590 +0100
-@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@
- libs:: $(srcdir)/profile/channel-prefs.js
- $(NSINSTALL) -D $(DIST)/bin/defaults/pref
- $(call py_action,preprocessor,-Fsubstitution $(PREF_PPFLAGS) $(ACDEFINES) $^ -o $(DIST)/bin/defaults/pref/channel-prefs.js)
-+ cp $(topsrcdir)/../kde.js $(DIST)/bin/defaults/pref/kde.js
- ifeq (cocoa,$(MOZ_WIDGET_TOOLKIT))