path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 792 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..377287811eec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,792 @@
+=head1 NAME
+ v1.1 22-Aug-2013
+DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance) <>
+implementation for CommuniGate Pro mail server <>
+Implemented as an external filtering helper based on public Perl modules.
+What it does:
+1) checks the incoming message's "From:" header address.
+ If the header is missing or the address is invalid - the message is rejected
+2) checks the domain part of the "From:" address.
+ If the domain can't be resolved (no A/AAAA/MX record) - the message is rejected.
+ If there is no organizational domain for that domain - the message is rejected.
+3) retrieves DMARC record for the domain.
+ If there's no DMARC record - the message is released with OK answer.
+4) checks the message's "Received-SPF:" header (should be added by CommuniGate)
+5) checks the message's DKIM signature (if presents) using Mail::DKIM::Verifier module
+ If either SPF or DKIM check passed - adds "DMARC: pass" header.
+ If both failed - adds "DMARC: reject" (or rejects the message) or "quarantine" or "none" header according to DMARC policy.
+6) saves the message data and periodically sends aggregate reports to the domain owner according to DMARC policy.
+Modify the script's settings below the "YOU SHOLD REDEFINE THESE VARIABLES" line.
+Configuring CommuniGate Pro:
+1) In Settings->Mail->SMTP->Receiving page switch the "Check SPF records" to "Add Header".
+ This is important because the script doesn't check SPF on its own but relies on CommuniGate's functionality.
+2) Create a helper:
+ Name: DMARC-scan
+ Program Path: /usr/bin/perl
+3) Create a server-wide mail rule:
+ Data:
+ [Submit Address] [is] [SMTP*]
+ [Source] [is not] [authenticated]
+ Action:
+ [ExternalFilter] DMARC-scan
+=head1 HISTORY
+v1.0 24-Jun-2013
+First public release
+v1.1 22-Aug-2013
+Bug fix: in reports some required parameters were not included in <policy_published> if they were not published in DMARC record.
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Roman Prokhorov <>
+use strict;
+use Net::DNS::Resolver;
+use Email::Address;
+use MIME::Base64 qw(encode_base64);
+use Mail::DKIM::Verifier; #
+use Archive::Zip qw( :ERROR_CODES :CONSTANTS );
+my $applyRejectPolicy=0; # Really reject if directed by DMARC policy or just add header
+my $rejectBadFroms=1; # reject messages with bad "From:" headers
+my $sendReports=0; # send aggregate reports
+my $Header="DMARC";
+# the below parameters are required if $sendReports is true
+my $reportOrg='MyCompany, Inc';
+my $reportDomain='';
+my $reportEmail="noreply-dmarc-support\@$reportDomain";
+my $reportsDir="DMARC_reports"; # a directory for collecting the reported data
+my $SubmittedDir="Submitted"; # /var/CommuniGate/Submitted
+#### end of the customizeable variables list
+my $DNS_res;
+my $publicSuffixList;
+my $reportProcPID;
+my $lockName="$reportsDir/file.lock";
+$| = 1;
+print "* started.\n";
+if($sendReports) {
+ #require Archive::Zip;
+ #import Archive::Zip qw( :ERROR_CODES :CONSTANTS );
+ if($reportDomain eq '') {
+ die "you must configure the script's parameters before launching it\n";
+ }
+ unless(-d $reportsDir) {
+ unless(mkdir($reportsDir)) {
+ die "can't create directory $reportsDir: @!";
+ }
+ }
+ unless($reportProcPID=fork()) {
+ die "cannot fork: $!" unless defined $reportProcPID;
+ processReports();
+ exit;
+ }
+while(<STDIN>) {
+ chomp;
+ my ($command,$prefix);
+ my @args;
+ ($prefix,$command,@args) = split(/ /);
+ if($command eq 'INTF') {
+ print "$prefix INTF 3\n";
+ } elsif($command eq 'QUIT') {
+ print "$prefix OK\n";
+ last;
+ } elsif($command eq 'KEY') {
+ print "$prefix OK\n";
+ } elsif($command eq 'FILE') {
+ unless(my $pid = fork()) {
+ die "cannot fork: $!" unless defined $pid;
+ processFILE($prefix,$args[0]);
+ exit;
+ }
+ } else {
+ print "$prefix ERROR unexpected command: $command\n";
+ }
+kill('TERM', $reportProcPID) if($reportProcPID);
+print "* stoppig\n";
+my @messageText;
+my %DMARC_policy;
+my ($fromDomain,$orgDomain,$returnPathDomain,$receivedSPF,$hasDKIMsignature,);
+my ($dkimResult,$spfResult,$appliedPolicy)=('fail','fail','none');
+my ($dkimResult2,$dkimHumanResult,$dkimDomain)=('none','','');
+my ($spfResult2,$spfDomain)=('none','');
+my @statusMessages;
+sub processFILE {
+ my ($prefix,$fileName) = @_;
+ my ($fromAddress,$senderAddress,$isReport);
+ my @envelopeRecipients;
+ unless( open (FILE,"$fileName")) {
+ print qq/$prefix REJECTED can't open $fileName: $!\n/;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ my $sourceIP='';
+ while(<FILE>) { #read the envelope
+ chomp;
+ last if($_ eq '');
+ if(/^P .*\@(.+)>/) {
+ $returnPathDomain=lc($1);
+ } elsif(/^R .*\@(.+)>/) {
+ push(@envelopeRecipients,lc($1));
+ } elsif(/^S .*\[(.+)\]/) {
+ $sourceIP=$1;
+ }
+ }
+ while(<FILE>) { #read the mesage
+ chomp;
+ s/\015$//;
+ push(@messageText,$_);
+ }
+ close(FILE);
+ for(my $i=0;$i<scalar @messageText;$i++) {
+ my $h=$messageText[$i];
+ while($i+1<scalar @messageText && $messageText[$i+1]=~/^\s+(.*)/) {
+ $h.=" ".$1; $i++;
+ }
+ if($h=~/^DKIM-Signature:/i) {
+ $hasDKIMsignature=1;
+ } elsif($h=~/^From:\s*(.*)/i) {
+ $fromAddress=lc($1) if(!$fromAddress);
+ } elsif($h=~/^Sender:\s*(.*)/i) {
+ $senderAddress=lc($1) if(!$senderAddress);
+ } elsif($h=~/^Received-SPF:\s*(.*)/i) {
+ $receivedSPF=lc($1) if(!$receivedSPF);
+ } elsif($h=~/^Subject:\s*Report\s+Domain: .* Submitter: .* Report-ID:/i) { #skip reports from going into reports
+ $isReport=1;
+ } elsif($h eq '') { #stop at the end of header
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ unless($fromAddress) {
+ if($rejectBadFroms) {
+ print qq/$prefix ERROR "no From: address"\n/;
+ } else {
+ print qq/$prefix ADDHEADER "$Header: no From: address"\n/;
+ }
+ return undef;
+ } else {
+ my @addresses = Email::Address->parse($fromAddress);
+ if($addresses[0]) {
+ $fromDomain=$addresses[0]->host;
+ } else {
+ if($rejectBadFroms) {
+ print qq/$prefix ERROR "malformed From: address"\n/;
+ } else {
+ print qq/$prefix ADDHEADER "$Header: malformed From: address"\n/;
+ }
+ return undef;
+ }
+ }
+ $DNS_res = Net::DNS::Resolver->new(
+ # nameservers => [qw(],
+ tcp_timeout => 10,
+ udp_timeout => 10,
+ );
+ unless(check_if_domain_exists($fromDomain)) {
+ if($rejectBadFroms) {
+ print qq/$prefix ERROR "non-existent domain ($fromDomain) in From:"\n/;
+ } else {
+ print qq/$prefix ADDHEADER "$Header: non-existent domain ($fromDomain) in From:"\n/;
+ }
+ return undef;
+ }
+ $orgDomain=get_organizational_domain($fromDomain);
+ unless($orgDomain) {
+ if($rejectBadFroms) {
+ print qq/$prefix ERROR "can't find organizational domain for '$fromDomain'"\n/;
+ } else {
+ print qq/$prefix ADDHEADER "$Header: can't find organizational domain for '$fromDomain'"\n/;
+ }
+ return undef;
+ }
+ my $DMARC_rec;
+ my $dmarcDomain=$fromDomain;
+ # use organizational domain if DMARC record isn't found
+ $DMARC_rec=get_DMARC_record($dmarcDomain);
+ unless($DMARC_rec) {
+ $dmarcDomain=$orgDomain;
+ $DMARC_rec=get_DMARC_record($dmarcDomain);
+ }
+ unless($DMARC_rec) {
+ #print qq/* ($prefix) no DMARC record for $fromDomain\n/;
+ print qq/$prefix OK\n/;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ print "* ($prefix) $fromDomain DMARC: $DMARC_rec\n";
+ %DMARC_policy=map { /^(.*?)\s*=\s*(.*)$/ } split /\s*;\s*/, $DMARC_rec;
+ #foreach(keys %DMARC_policy) { print " policy[$_]='$DMARC_policy{$_}'\n"; }
+ if($DMARC_policy{pct}) {
+ if($DMARC_policy{pct}!=100 && int(rand(100)) >= $DMARC_policy{pct}) {
+ print qq/* ($prefix) not checked due to pct=$DMARC_policy{pct}\n/;
+ print qq/$prefix OK\n/;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ }
+ verify_SPF();
+ verify_DKIM();
+ my $result=join("; ",@statusMessages);
+ print "* ($prefix) DMARC result: $result\n";
+ my ($policy,$disposition)=('none','none');
+ $policy=$DMARC_policy{p} if($DMARC_policy{p});
+ if($dmarcDomain ne $fromDomain) { #we're in dubdomain
+ $policy=$DMARC_policy{sp} if($DMARC_policy{sp});
+ }
+ if($dkimResult ne 'pass' && $spfResult ne 'pass') {
+ if($policy eq 'reject') {
+ if($applyRejectPolicy) {
+ print qq/$prefix ERROR "DMARC check failed"\n/;
+ $disposition='reject';
+ } else {
+ print qq/$prefix ADDHEADER "DMARC: reject"\n/;
+ $disposition='quarantine';
+ }
+ }elsif($policy eq 'quarantine') {
+ print qq/$prefix ADDHEADER "DMARC: quarantine"\n/;
+ $disposition='quarantine';
+ } else { #$policy==none
+ print qq/$prefix ADDHEADER "DMARC: none"\n/;
+ }
+ } else {
+ #print qq/$prefix OK\n/;
+ print qq/$prefix ADDHEADER "DMARC: pass"\n/;
+ $sendReports=0 if($isReport); #prevent adding report to reports
+ }
+ if($sendReports && $DMARC_policy{rua}) {
+ my @recipients;
+ foreach(split /,/,$DMARC_policy{rua}) {
+ if(/mailto:(\S*)/) {
+ my ($addr0,$addr)=($1,$1);
+ $addr=$1 if($addr0=~/(.*)!/);
+ $addr=~/\@(.+)/;
+ my $domain=$1;
+ if($domain ne $fromDomain && $domain ne $orgDomain) {
+ my $extRec=get_DMARC_record($domain,"$dmarcDomain._report.");
+ unless($extRec) {
+ print "* can't verify record for $dmarcDomain._report._dmarc.$domain\n";
+ next;
+ } else {
+ my %extPolicy=map { /^(.*?)\s*=\s*(.*)$/ } split /\s*;\s*/, $extRec;
+ if($extPolicy{rua}) {
+ foreach(split /,/,$extPolicy{rua}) {
+ if(/mailto:(\S*)/) {
+ my ($extAddr,$extAddr0)=($1,$1);
+ $extAddr=$1 if($extAddr0=~/(.*)!/);
+ $extAddr=~/\@(.+)/;
+ my $extDomain=$1;
+ if($extDomain eq $domain) {
+ push(@recipients,$extAddr0);
+ } else {
+ print "* external recipient $extAddr0 isn't in $domain\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ push(@recipients,$addr0);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ push(@recipients,$addr0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(@recipients) {
+ unless( open(LOCK_FILE,">$lockName") ) {
+ print "* ($prefix) can't open $lockName: $!\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ flock(LOCK_FILE, 1 ); # shared lock
+ my $fileName="$reportsDir/$";
+ unless( open(FILE,">>$fileName") ) {
+ print "* ($prefix) can't open $fileName: $!\n";
+ } else {
+ flock(FILE, 2 ); # exclusive lock
+ if(-z $fileName) {
+ # version; domain; report time start/end;policy;recipients;
+ my @policy;
+ push(@policy,"adkim=$DMARC_policy{adkim}") if($DMARC_policy{adkim});
+ push(@policy,"aspf=$DMARC_policy{aspf}") if($DMARC_policy{aspf});
+ push(@policy,"p=$DMARC_policy{p}") if($DMARC_policy{p});
+ push(@policy,"sp=$DMARC_policy{sp}") if($DMARC_policy{sp});
+ push(@policy,"pct=$DMARC_policy{pct}") if($DMARC_policy{pct});
+ print FILE "1;$dmarcDomain;".time().";". (time + ($DMARC_policy{ri} ? $DMARC_policy{ri} : 86400)).";".join(",",@policy).";".join(",",@recipients)."\n";
+ }
+ foreach(@envelopeRecipients) {
+ print FILE "$sourceIP;$disposition;$dkimResult;$spfResult;$_;$fromDomain;$dkimDomain;$dkimResult2;$dkimHumanResult;$spfDomain;$spfResult2\n";
+ }
+ close(FILE);
+ }
+ close(LOCK_FILE);
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub verify_SPF {
+ $spfResult='fail';
+ $spfResult2=($receivedSPF=~/(^\S+)/)[0] || 'none';
+ unless($spfResult2=~/^(none|neutral|pass|fail|softfail|temperror|permerror)$/) {
+ if($spfResult2=~/error/) {
+ $spfResult2='permerror';
+ } else {
+ $spfResult2='none';
+ }
+ }
+ $spfDomain=$returnPathDomain;
+ if($receivedSPF=~/^pass/) { # SPF check
+ if($DMARC_policy{aspf} && $DMARC_policy{aspf} eq 's') { #check SPF alignment, strict policy
+ if($fromDomain eq $returnPathDomain) {
+ $spfResult='pass';
+ } else {
+ push(@statusMessages,"SPF strict alignment check failed");
+ }
+ } else { # relaxed policy
+ if($orgDomain eq get_organizational_domain($returnPathDomain)) {
+ $spfResult='pass';
+ } else {
+ push(@statusMessages,"SPF relaxed alignment check failed");
+ }
+ }
+ } else { # SPF check failed or missing
+ push(@statusMessages,($receivedSPF=~/^none/) ? "SPF result is \"none\"" : "SPF check failed");
+ }
+sub verify_DKIM {
+ $dkimResult='fail';$dkimResult2='none';
+ unless($hasDKIMsignature) { # if we have DKIM signature
+ push(@statusMessages,"DKIM signature absent");
+ } else {
+ my $dkim = Mail::DKIM::Verifier->new();
+ $dkim->PRINT("$_\015\012") foreach(@messageText);
+ $dkim->CLOSE;
+ my $result = $dkim->result;
+ $dkimResult2=$result;
+ unless($dkimResult2=~/^(none|pass|fail|policy|neutral|temperror|permerror)$/) {
+ if($spfResult2=~/invalid/) {
+ $spfResult2='permerror';
+ } else {
+ $spfResult2='fail';
+ }
+ }
+ $dkimHumanResult = $dkim->result_detail;
+ if($result eq 'pass') {
+ $dkimDomain = $dkim->signature->domain();
+ #print "* DKIM domain=$sigDomain\n";
+ if($DMARC_policy{adkim} && $DMARC_policy{adkim} eq 's') { #check DKIM alignment, strict policy
+ if($fromDomain eq $dkimDomain) {
+ $dkimResult='pass';
+ } else {
+ push(@statusMessages,"DKIM strict alignment check failed");
+ }
+ } else { # relaxed policy
+ if($orgDomain eq get_organizational_domain($dkimDomain)) {
+ $dkimResult='pass';
+ } else {
+ push(@statusMessages,"DKIM relaxed alignment check failed");
+ }
+ }
+ } else { # DKIM check failed
+ push(@statusMessages,"DKIM check failed");
+ }
+ }
+sub check_host {
+ my ($host,$type)=@_;
+ my $query=$DNS_res->query($host,$type);
+ return 0 unless ($query);
+ return 0 if($DNS_res->errorstring eq 'NXDOMAIN');
+ 1;
+sub check_if_domain_exists {
+ my ($host)=@_;
+ return 1 if(check_host($host,'A'));
+ return 1 if(check_host($host,'MX'));
+ return 1 if(check_host($host,'AAAA'));
+ 0;
+sub get_organizational_domain {
+ my ($domain) = @_;
+ my @labels = reverse split(/\./,$domain);
+ my $greatest = 0;
+ my $i;
+ for ($i=0; $i<scalar @labels; $i++) {
+ my $tld = join('.', reverse((@labels)[0 .. $i]) );
+ if($publicSuffixList=~/^$tld$/m) {
+ $greatest = $i + 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ # check for exceptional rule
+ if($publicSuffixList=~/^!$tld$/m) {
+ $greatest = $i;
+ next;
+ }
+ # check for templates with wildcards (eg: *.uk should match
+ $tld = join('.', '\*', reverse((@labels)[0 .. $i-1]));
+ if ($publicSuffixList=~/^$tld$/m) {
+ $greatest = $i + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return '' if($i == $greatest);
+ if($greatest==0) {
+ if($i>=2) {
+ $greatest=1;
+ } else {
+ return '';
+ }
+ }
+ return join('.', reverse((@labels)[0 .. $greatest]));
+sub get_DMARC_record {
+ my ($host,$prefix)=@_;
+ $prefix='' unless($prefix);
+ my $query = $DNS_res->send($prefix."_dmarc.$host", 'TXT');
+ if($query) {
+ foreach($query->answer) {
+ next if $_->type ne 'TXT';
+ my $data=$_->txtdata;
+ return $data if($data=~/^v\s*=\s*DMARC1/); #skip records which don't start with v=DMARC
+ }
+ }
+ undef;
+sub get_public_suffix_list {
+ if(0) { # either read one form file or getch from Internet
+ my $fileName="effective_tld_names.txt";
+ open(FILE,$fileName) || die "Can't open $fileName: $!\n";
+ $publicSuffixList.=$_ while(<FILE>);
+ close(FILE);
+ } else {
+ require LWP::UserAgent;
+ require HTTP::Request;
+ my $url='';
+ my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
+ # $ua->proxy(['http', 'ftp'], $ProxyURL) if($ProxyURL);
+ my $req = HTTP::Request->new('GET',$url);
+ my $res = $ua->request($req);
+ if($res->code != 200) {
+ die "Error: " . $res->code . " " . $res->message;
+ }
+ $publicSuffixList=$res->content();
+ }
+ $publicSuffixList =~s|^//.*||mg; #remove comments
+ $publicSuffixList =~s|\n{2,}|\n|g; #remove empty lines
+my %fileCache;
+my $reportCnt=0;
+sub processReports {
+ $SIG{TERM}= sub {
+ print "* reports daemon stopped\n";
+ exit(0);
+ };
+ print "* reports daemon started\n";
+ while(1) {
+ opendir(my $dh, $reportsDir) || die "can't opendir $reportsDir: $!";
+ my @filelist = grep { /\.data$/ && -f "$reportsDir/$_" } readdir($dh);
+ closedir $dh;
+ foreach my $fName (@filelist) {
+ processReportFile($fName);
+ }
+ sleep(60);
+ }
+sub processReportFile {
+ my ($fName)=@_;
+ my ($vers,$dmarcDomain,$reportStartTime,$reportEndTime,$policy,$recipients);
+ #print "* processing $fName\n";
+ unless($fileCache{$fName}) {
+ open(FILE,"$reportsDir/$fName");
+ my $line=<FILE>;
+ close(FILE);
+ ($vers,$dmarcDomain,$reportStartTime,$reportEndTime,$policy,$recipients)=split(/;/,$line);
+ $fileCache{$fName}=$reportEndTime;
+ }
+ if($fileCache{$fName} < time()) { # it's time to send the report
+ $fName=~/(.*)\.data$/;
+ print "* composing report for $1\n";
+ my %reportData;
+ if(open(LOCK_FILE,">$lockName")) {
+ flock(LOCK_FILE, 2 ); # exclusive
+ if(open(FILE,"$reportsDir/$fName")) {
+ flock(FILE, 2 ); # exclusive
+ my $line=<FILE>;
+ chomp($line);
+ ($vers,$dmarcDomain,$reportStartTime,$reportEndTime,$policy,$recipients)=split(/;/,$line);
+ if($vers==1) {
+ while($line=<FILE>) {
+ chomp($line);
+ if($reportData{$line}) {
+ $reportData{$line}++;
+ } else {
+ $reportData{$line}=1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ delete $fileCache{$fName};
+ close(FILE);
+ unlink("$reportsDir/$fName");
+ }
+ close(LOCK_FILE);
+ }
+ if(keys %reportData) { # have something to report
+ $reportEndTime=time();
+ my $reportFileName="$reportDomain!$dmarcDomain!$reportStartTime!$reportEndTime";
+ unless(open(XML_FILE,">$reportsDir/$reportFileName.xml")) {
+ print "* can't create $reportsDir/$reportFileName.xml: $!\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ my $reportID=int(rand(10000)).":".time()."\@$reportDomain";
+my $reportH1=<<EOT;
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+ <report_metadata>
+ <org_name>$reportOrg</org_name>
+ <email>$reportEmail</email>
+ <report_id>$reportID</report_id>
+ <date_range>
+ <begin>$reportStartTime</begin>
+ <end>$reportEndTime</end>
+ </date_range>
+ </report_metadata>
+ <policy_published>
+ <domain>$dmarcDomain</domain>
+ print XML_FILE $reportH1;
+ my %hPolicy=map { /^(.*?)=(.*)$/ } split /,/, $policy;
+ my $v;
+ $v=$hPolicy{adkim} || 'r'; print XML_FILE " <adkim>$v</adkim>\n";
+ $v=$hPolicy{aspf} || 'r'; print XML_FILE " <aspf>$v</aspf>\n";
+ $v=$hPolicy{p} || 'none'; print XML_FILE " <p>$v</p>\n";
+ $v=$hPolicy{sp} || 'none'; print XML_FILE " <sp>$v</sp>\n";
+ $v=$hPolicy{pct} || '100'; print XML_FILE " <pct>$v</pct>\n";
+ print XML_FILE " </policy_published>\n";
+ foreach(keys %reportData) {
+ my $count=$reportData{$_};
+ my ($sourceIP,$disposition,$dkimResult,$spfResult,$envelopeTo,$fromDomain,$dkimDomain,$dkimResult2,$dkimHumanResult,$spfDomain,$spfResult2)=split(";",$_);
+my $reportH2=<<EOT;
+ <record>
+ <row>
+ <source_ip>$sourceIP</source_ip>
+ <count>$count</count>
+ <policy_evaluated>
+ <disposition>$disposition</disposition>
+ <dkim>$dkimResult</dkim>
+ <spf>$spfResult</spf>
+ </policy_evaluated>
+ </row>
+ <identifiers>
+ <envelope_to>$envelopeTo</envelope_to>
+ <header_from>$fromDomain</header_from>
+ </identifiers>
+ <auth_results>
+ <dkim>
+ <domain>$dkimDomain</domain>
+ <result>$dkimResult2</result>
+ <human_result>$dkimHumanResult</human_result>
+ </dkim>
+ <spf>
+ <domain>$spfDomain</domain>
+ <result>$spfResult2</result>
+ </spf>
+ </auth_results>
+ </record>
+ print XML_FILE $reportH2;
+ }
+ print XML_FILE "</feedback>\n";
+ close(XML_FILE);
+ my $zip = Archive::Zip->new();
+ my $file_member = $zip->addFile( "$reportsDir/$reportFileName.xml", "$reportFileName.xml" );
+ $file_member->desiredCompressionLevel( COMPRESSION_LEVEL_BEST_COMPRESSION );
+ # Save the Zip file
+ my $zipResult=$zip->writeToFileNamed("$reportsDir/$");
+ unlink("$reportsDir/$reportFileName.xml");
+ unless ( $zipResult == AZ_OK ) {
+ print "* unable to compress ZIP file\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ unless(open(FILE,"$reportsDir/$")) {
+ print "* can't open $reportsDir/$ $!\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ unless(binmode(FILE)) {
+ print "* can't switch $reportsDir/$ to binmode: $!\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ my $base64data="";
+ while (read(FILE, my $buf, 60*57)) {
+ $base64data.=encode_base64($buf);
+ }
+ close(FILE);
+ unlink("$reportsDir/$");
+ my @recipients1= split(/,/,$recipients);
+ my @recipients2;
+ foreach(@recipients1) {
+ if(/(.*)!(\d+)(.)/) {
+ my ($rcpt,$limit)=($1,$2);
+ $limit*=1024 if($3=~/k/i);
+ $limit*=1024*1024 if($3=~/m/i);
+ $limit*=1024*1024*1024 if($3=~/g/i);
+ $limit*=1024*1024*1024*1024 if($3=~/t/i);
+ if($limit > length($base64data) + 1024) {
+ push(@recipients2,$rcpt);
+ } else {
+ print "* the data is too large for $_\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ push(@recipients2,$_);
+ }
+ }
+ unless(@recipients2) {
+ print "* no recipients for the report to $dmarcDomain\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ my $recipients3=join(",",@recipients2);
+ my $boundary="===_".$reportID;
+my $reportH3=<<EOT;
+From: $reportEmail
+To: $recipients3
+Message-ID: <$reportID>
+Subject: Report Domain: $dmarcDomain Submitter: $reportDomain Report-ID: $reportID
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="$boundary"
+This is a multipart message in MIME format.
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
+This is an aggregate report from $reportOrg.
+Content-Type: application/zip
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
+Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="$"
+ my $subFName="$SubmittedDir/DMARC-report-$$-".++$reportCnt;
+ unless(open(FILE,">$subFName.tmp")) {
+ print "* can't create $subFName.tmp: $!\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ print FILE $reportH3;
+ print FILE $base64data;
+ print FILE "\n--$boundary--\n";
+ close(FILE);
+ rename("$subFName.tmp","$subFName.sub");
+ }#have something to report
+ }