path: root/PKGBUILD.sync-conflict-20180528-210211-HP76RFD
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'PKGBUILD.sync-conflict-20180528-210211-HP76RFD')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 395 deletions
diff --git a/PKGBUILD.sync-conflict-20180528-210211-HP76RFD b/PKGBUILD.sync-conflict-20180528-210211-HP76RFD
deleted file mode 100644
index eb3995687d10..000000000000
--- a/PKGBUILD.sync-conflict-20180528-210211-HP76RFD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,395 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Martchus <martchus@gmx.net>
-# Contributor: ant32 <antreimer@gmail.com>
-# Contributor: Filip Brcic <brcha@gna.org>
-# Contributor: jellysheep <max.mail@dameweb.de>
-# All my PKGBUILDs are managed at https://github.com/Martchus/PKGBUILDs where
-# you also find the URL of a binary repository.
-# All patches are managed at https://github.com/Martchus/qtbase
-# Helper functions for the split builds
-isDefault() {
- [[ $pkgname = 'mingw-w64-qt5-base' ]] || [[ $pkgname = 'mingw-w64-qt5-base-static' ]]
-isStatic() {
- [ "${pkgname##*-}" = 'static' ]
-isOpenGL() {
- # Currently use native OpenGL by default
- isDefault || \
- [[ $pkgname = 'mingw-w64-qt5-base-opengl' ]] || [[ $pkgname = 'mingw-w64-qt5-base-opengl-static' ]]
-isANGLE() {
- [[ $pkgname = 'mingw-w64-qt5-base-angle' ]] || [[ $pkgname = 'mingw-w64-qt5-base-angle-static' ]] || \
- [[ $pkgname = 'mingw-w64-qt5-base-dynamic' ]] || [[ $pkgname = 'mingw-w64-qt5-base-dynamic-static' ]]
- # Treat dynamic version like ANGLE version, correct?
-isDynamic() {
- [[ $pkgname = 'mingw-w64-qt5-base-dynamic' ]] || [[ $pkgname = 'mingw-w64-qt5-base-dynamic-static' ]]
-isNoOpenGL() {
- [[ $pkgname = 'mingw-w64-qt5-base-noopengl' ]] || [[ $pkgname = 'mingw-w64-qt5-base-noopengl-static' ]]
-pkgdesc='A cross-platform application and UI framework (mingw-w64)'
-# The static variant doesn't contain any executables which need to be executed on the build machine
-isStatic && arch=('any') || arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
-license=('GPL3' 'LGPL3' 'FDL' 'custom')
-depends=('mingw-w64-crt' 'mingw-w64-zlib' 'mingw-w64-libjpeg-turbo' 'mingw-w64-sqlite'
- 'mingw-w64-libpng' 'mingw-w64-openssl' 'mingw-w64-dbus' 'mingw-w64-harfbuzz'
- 'mingw-w64-pcre2')
-optdepends=('mingw-w64-postgresql: PostgreSQL support' 'mingw-w64-mariadb-connector-c: MySQL support')
-makedepends=('mingw-w64-gcc' 'mingw-w64-postgresql' 'mingw-w64-mariadb-connector-c' 'mingw-w64-pkg-config')
-options=('!strip' '!buildflags' 'staticlibs' '!emptydirs')
- '0001-Adjust-win32-g-profile-for-cross-compilation-with-mi.patch'
- '0002-Ensure-GLdouble-is-defined-when-using-dynamic-OpenGL.patch'
- '0003-Use-external-ANGLE-library.patch'
- '0004-Fix-too-many-sections-assemler-error-in-OpenGL-facto.patch'
- '0005-Make-sure-.pc-files-are-installed-correctly.patch'
- '0006-Don-t-add-resource-files-to-LIBS-parameter.patch'
- '0007-Prevent-debug-library-names-in-pkg-config-files.patch'
- '0008-Fix-linking-against-shared-static-libpng.patch'
- '0009-Fix-linking-against-static-D-Bus.patch'
- '0010-Don-t-try-to-use-debug-version-of-D-Bus-library.patch'
- '0011-Fix-linking-against-static-freetype2.patch'
- '0012-Fix-linking-against-static-harfbuzz.patch'
- '0013-Fix-linking-against-static-pcre.patch'
- '0014-Fix-linking-against-shared-static-MariaDB.patch'
- '0015-Fix-linking-against-shared-static-PostgreSQL.patch'
- '0016-Rename-qtmain-to-qt5main.patch'
- '0017-Build-dynamic-host-libraries.patch'
- '0018-Enable-rpath-for-build-tools.patch'
- '0019-Use-system-zlib-for-build-tools.patch'
- '0020-Use-.dll.a-as-import-lib-extension.patch'
- '0021-Merge-shared-and-static-library-trees.patch'
- '0022-Pull-dependencies-of-static-libraries-in-CMake-modul.patch'
- '0023-Allow-usage-of-static-version-with-CMake.patch'
- '0024-Adjust-linker-flags-for-static-build-with-cmake-ming.patch'
- '0025-Use-correct-pkg-config-static-flag.patch'
- '0026-Fix-macro-invoking-moc-rcc-and-uic.patch'
- '0027-Ignore-errors-about-missing-feature-static.patch'
- '0028-Enable-and-fix-use-of-iconv.patch'
- '0029-Ignore-failing-pkg-config-test.patch'
- '0030-Prevent-qmake-from-messing-static-lib-dependencies.patch'
- '0031-Hardcode-linker-flags-for-platform-plugins.patch'
- '0032-Fix-linking-against-static-plugins-with-qmake.patch'
- '0033-Disable-hardware-randomizer-for-32-bit.patch')
- 'd01df5be5f96578f65c0343b1ae6eaac31e0c7608fb9b69e745865a5dfc8a1a3'
- '29621ba67b026c9fb61ba865ba9d6198d3b8914623609b97bbc375feb33415b2'
- '58435fde3af1478450c49637581884c217bd9080704dc80d035eb38df4706a6e'
- '3b4dff095110e60257f794c31e5c3b7f73c91d690c7acb3182b489d04988dd27'
- '2b62c549626e76da5c36779fe7dd18bddb8041fdb1b983cd29651cf5b0a2b905'
- '5c94228d93b7a6340098968738477f9720908a360358f51cd1bc6590e83679c0'
- '164b09da056113e19b859a151f93803f19e0c9ea5130db916722f5f0bcb7a8cd'
- '351e61261c87d700f4076c6d3f19e81a60d1bfcc0e64f2164cb2696c47a0fafc'
- 'a1ed220ddba56656fdbc37163e794f3b43e9a5dae6099b2b23967e870cd9214e'
- '844d136f65d498dc1eea11e1882cf2645320d249c82fdcec5d25875e9158cb39'
- 'a4a4f5ea9bc79b474ea3c5d86903054d6e9242a22b84589c210b3b8c2f797447'
- '7d1d1d57bff00ae77d5480955b85737bd4f30185f5b99f8b34d89f90976f53fb'
- '1937bb971912fa7021295174aee8c250a7be9c2d3e3ad76f700d9f7d80fd1117'
- '504fd54855d13a326cb65cffc006d1c67d9e6236830df9f581106ae8fe319fff'
- 'b732bca79bced6595e278e9e7ceec79306f51be121e78db0a9faa461344c918d'
- 'f86242c7e013971812c9a17d667db362ac10d19a63b51cda23d1f306bc8f3242'
- 'da007b133f51f27342854e0fb251a1784096f24dab454def99c8496c143f38e5'
- 'e6e8f2290a019071ded71c090c3cb8b24e0e33a37dcabdc6f676b886c18dd06a'
- '83645b01666aae48121ea9a952c6cfce9ba2aedb3edb9e1b11a893a5d8882831'
- 'bb7e54a090ceb6cddac43acee2f34d888a15df2ae0e99808ef6aad9ff6e9ebcf'
- '7166f4ab8b7c5a60c4a6e3ac86411719fab67ef6a6c5a16463c6541e9955ce17'
- 'bf1defbedd5c0d26aa000178092ac2c87ecb70b992184dc8ffff4502351e70c2'
- '29289ac6b2380c4a5d551d3c9b331f9b13190f4dafabdc203dcbfabcb4075c4d'
- '0494a41d31ff097cd59117557a6869c5e0e7670eef33267f93974c15e4445e76'
- 'bc53b50f4055170fea15b669366b8961e896d2705f91382ee3beea013979408e'
- '08d299eb938edc1d535bbb68b5b720203e2dffbc49129218bb1368791e6fb384'
- '20d945b374b0e73501013fcf6ba9fd7e8732b76060c948faeb42c605f2f9dd1f'
- 'd9eeaceb89efd143918a1bfed6b60d33e004e8421a613036647f318320b25d6a'
- 'fb54191f4479ed66446d9c6b9066be11c5d2d580ff4aa0910a3ad29183329e75'
- 'df8bfa7901b6af9de447a4f4d0983419f7c1fe5882cc97614d0e5b0759c67dec'
- '65d4a1aedc465dd9f5284cd1e2a352bc3c21e8e8e697e58ff9e89f54e5fcb173'
- '178144d85cf4c69ae5cea694959a555c4a8eb3a0a5ad5116a2c979beac0e36c0'
- '704c95d7fc157e58cc7d4436eb74bdcc0453ba29bb3326a3fe511ee35273e4c3')
-_architectures='i686-w64-mingw32 x86_64-w64-mingw32'
-isStatic && depends+=(${pkgname%-static})
-if isANGLE; then
- if isDynamic; then
- makedepends+=('mingw-w64-angleproject')
- optdepends+=('mingw-w64-angleproject: use ANGLE instead of native OpenGL')
- else
- depends+=('mingw-w64-angleproject')
- fi
-if ! isDefault; then
- if isStatic; then
- provides+=('mingw-w64-qt5-base-static')
- conflicts+=('mingw-w64-qt5-base-static' 'mingw-w64-qt5-base-angle-static' 'mingw-w64-qt5-base-noopengl-static'
- 'mingw-w64-qt5-base-dynamic-static' 'mingw-w64-qt5-base-openql-static')
- else
- provides+=('mingw-w64-qt5-base')
- conflicts+=('mingw-w64-qt5-base' 'mingw-w64-qt5-base-angle' 'mingw-w64-qt5-base-noopengl'
- 'mingw-w64-qt5-base-dynamic' 'mingw-w64-qt5-base-openql')
- fi
-patch() {
- local input_found=
- local patch_file=
- for arg in $@; do
- if [[ $input_found ]]; then
- patch_file="$arg"
- break
- fi
- [[ $arg == -i ]] && input_found=1
- done
- msg2 "Applying patch $patch_file"
- /usr/bin/patch $@
-prepare() {
- cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgfqn}"
- # apply patches; further descriptions can be found in patch files itself
- for patch in "$srcdir/"*.patch; do
- patch -p1 -i "$patch"
- done
- # make sure the Qt 5 build system uses our external ANGLE library
- rm -rf src/3rdparty/angle include/QtANGLE/{EGL,GLES2,GLES3,KHR}
- # as well as our external PCRE library and zlib
- rm -rf src/3rdparty/{pcre,zlib}
-build() {
- cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgfqn}"
- # do not set any flags here, flags are configured via mkspec
- # (Setting flags here is not appropriate as it does not allow to
- # distinguish between flags for native compiler and cross compiler.)
- unset CFLAGS
- unset CXXFLAGS
- unset LDFLAGS
- for _arch in ${_architectures}; do
- # define general configure arguments
- local qt_configure_args="\
- -xplatform win32-g++ \
- -optimized-qmake \
- -verbose \
- -opensource \
- -confirm-license \
- -force-pkg-config \
- -force-debug-info \
- -system-zlib \
- -system-libpng \
- -system-libjpeg \
- -system-sqlite \
- -system-freetype \
- -system-harfbuzz \
- -system-pcre \
- -no-fontconfig \
- -sql-mysql \
- -sql-psql \
- -sql-sqlite \
- -dbus-linked \
- -no-glib \
- -no-icu \
- -iconv \
- -nomake examples \
- -make tools \
- -hostprefix /usr/${_arch} \
- -hostdatadir /usr/${_arch}/lib/qt \
- -hostbindir /usr/${_arch}/lib/qt/bin \
- -prefix /usr/${_arch} \
- -bindir /usr/${_arch}/bin \
- -archdatadir /usr/${_arch}/lib/qt \
- -datadir /usr/${_arch}/share/qt \
- -docdir /usr/${_arch}/share/doc/qt \
- -examplesdir /usr/${_arch}/share/qt/examples \
- -headerdir /usr/${_arch}/include/qt \
- -libdir /usr/${_arch}/lib \
- -plugindir /usr/${_arch}/lib/qt/plugins \
- -sysconfdir /usr/${_arch}/etc \
- -translationdir /usr/${_arch}/share/qt/translations \
- -device-option CROSS_COMPILE=${_arch}- \
- -device-option CROSS_COMPILE_PREFIX=/usr/${_arch}"
- # allows using ccache despite the use of pre-compile header (sloppiness must be set to pch_defines,time_macros in ccache config for this)
- qt_configure_args+=' -device-option CROSS_COMPILE_CFLAGS=-fpch-preprocess'
- # add include directory of freetype2 and dbus manually (pkg-config detection in qmake doesn't work which is currently ignored via a patch)
- qt_configure_args+=" $(${_arch}-pkg-config --cflags-only-I freetype2 dbus-1 | sed -e "s/-I\/usr\/${_arch}\/include //g")"
- # note: The sed is required to prevent -isystem /usr/${_arch}/include (qmake will turn -I into -isystem) which would lead to
- # the same issue as here: https://github.com/Martchus/tageditor/issues/22#issuecomment-330899141
- # enable debug build if MINGW_W64_QT_DEBUG_BUILD is set (could be set in eg. /etc/makepkg.config if debug build is wanted)
- && qt_configure_args+=' -debug-and-release' \
- || qt_configure_args+=' -release'
- # configure usage of ANGLE/OpenGL
- if isOpenGL; then
- msg2 'Using native OpenGL backend'
- qt_configure_args+=' -opengl desktop'
- elif isNoOpenGL; then
- msg2 'Building without OpenGL support'
- qt_configure_args+=' -no-opengl'
- elif isANGLE; then
- if isDynamic; then
- msg2 'Using dynamic OpenGL backend'
- qt_configure_args+=' -opengl dynamic'
- else
- msg2 'Using ANGLE as OpenGL backend'
- qt_configure_args+=' -angle'
- fi
- # enable declarations of GLES functions
- qt_configure_args+=' -DGL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES'
- fi
- # add include directory of MariaDB
- qt_configure_args+=" -I/usr/${_arch}/include/mariadb"
- msg2 'Configure and build qmake'
- mkdir -p ../build-${_arch} && pushd ../build-${_arch}
- if isStatic; then
- qt_configure_args+=' -static'
- # configure static version to use linked OpenSSL
- qt_configure_args+=' -openssl-linked'
- export OPENSSL_LIBS="/usr/${_arch}/lib/libssl.a /usr/${_arch}/lib/libcrypto.a -lws2_32 -lgdi32 -lcrypt32 -ldnsapi -liphlpapi"
- else
- qt_configure_args+=' -shared'
- # configure shared version to load OpenSSL dynamically
- qt_configure_args+=' -openssl-runtime'
- qt_configure_args+=' -device-option CROSS_COMPILE_CUSTOM_CONFIG=actually_a_shared_build'
- # override LD_LIBRARY_PATH so libraries for native build tools like libQt5Bootstrap.so are found
- export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$PWD/lib"
- export LDFLAGS="-L$PWD/lib"
- fi
- msg2 'Build qmake and configure' && ../${_pkgfqn}/configure $qt_configure_args
- msg2 'Build Qt libraries' && make
- popd
- done
-package() {
- for _arch in ${_architectures}; do
- cd "$srcdir/${_pkgfqn}"
- make install -C ../build-${_arch} INSTALL_ROOT="${pkgdir}"
- # use prl files from build directory since installed prl files seem to have incorrect QMAKE_PRL_LIBS_FOR_CMAKE
- pushd "$srcdir/build-${_arch}/lib"
- find -iname '*.prl' -exec cp --target-directory "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib" --parents {} +
- popd
- pushd "$srcdir/build-${_arch}/plugins"
- find -iname '*.prl' -exec cp --target-directory "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/qt/plugins" --parents {} +
- popd
- if isStatic; then
- # The static release contains only the static libs itself but relies on the
- # shared release for Qt5Bootstrap library and tools (qmake, uic, ...).
- # drop Qt5Bootstrap and libraries which are only provided as static lib
- # and hence already present in shared build (such as Qt5OpenGLExtensions)
- rm -f \
- "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/"{lib,}qt5main* \
- "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/"{lib,}Qt5AccessibilitySupport* \
- "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/"{lib,}Qt5DeviceDiscoverySupport* \
- "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/"{lib,}Qt5EdidSupport* \
- "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/"{lib,}Qt5EventDispatcherSupport* \
- "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/"{lib,}Qt5FbSupport* \
- "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/"{lib,}Qt5FontDatabaseSupport* \
- "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/"{lib,}Qt5PlatformCompositorSupport* \
- "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/"{lib,}Qt5ThemeSupport* \
- "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/"{lib,}Qt5OpenGLExtensions* \
- "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/"{lib,}Qt5PlatformSupport* \
- "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/"{lib,}Qt5WindowsUIAutomationSupport* \
- "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/"libQt5Bootstrap* \
- # ensure config files don't conflict with shared version
- pushd "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/cmake"
- for cmake_dir in $(find . ! -path . -type d ! -name 'Static*'); do
- mkdir -p "./Static${cmake_dir:2}";
- mv "${cmake_dir}/"* "./Static${cmake_dir:2}";
- rm -r "${cmake_dir}"
- done
- rm -r "./StaticQt5OpenGLExtensions"
- popd
- rm "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/pkgconfig/StaticQt5OpenGLExtensions.pc"
- # create links to static plugins in lib directory
- pushd "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/" && ln -s "./qt/plugins/"*/*.a . && popd
- # keep a couple pri files not found in base
- mv "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/qt/mkspecs/modules/qt_plugin_"*.pri "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}"
- # delete duplicate files that are in the base package
- rm -fR "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/"{include,share}
- rm -fR "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/"{qt/bin,qt/mkspecs}
- # move pri files back
- mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/qt/mkspecs/modules"
- mv "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/"*.pri "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/qt/mkspecs/modules"
- else # shared version
- # remove DLLs from libdir (DLLs are installed in both bindir and libdir, one copy is sufficient)
- find "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib" -maxdepth 1 -name "*.dll" -exec rm {} \;
- # create symlinks for tools
- mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/bin"
- for tool in qmake moc rcc uic qdbuscpp2xml qdbusxml2cpp qdoc syncqt.pl; do
- ln -s "../${_arch}/lib/qt/bin/${tool}" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/${_arch}-${tool}-qt5"
- done
- fi
- # drop QMAKE_PRL_BUILD_DIR because reference the build dir
- find "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib" -type f -name '*.prl' -exec sed -i -e '/^QMAKE_PRL_BUILD_DIR/d' {} \;
- # remove doc
- rm -rf "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/share/doc"
- # remove prl files for debug version
- if ! [[ $MINGW_W64_QT_DEBUG_BUILD ]]; then
- for file in $(find "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}" -name '*d.prl' -o -name '*d.static.prl'); do
- [ -f "${file%d*}${file##*d}" ] && rm "${file}";
- done
- fi
- # replace library path in *.prl files so it points to the installed location and not the build directory
- echo "replace: s:${PWD%/*}/build-${_arch}/lib:/usr/${_arch}/lib:g"
- find "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib" \( -type f -name '*.prl' -o -name '*.pc' \) -exec sed -i -e "s:${PWD%/*}/build-${_arch}/lib:/usr/${_arch}/lib:g" {} \;
- # strip binaries, remove unuseful files
- if ! isStatic; then
- strip --strip-all "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/qt/bin/"*[!.pl]
- strip --strip-unneeded "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/libQt5Bootstrap"{,DBus}.so.${pkgver}
- fi
- if isStatic || [[ $NO_EXECUTABLES ]]; then
- find "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}" -name '*.exe' -delete
- else
- find "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}" -name '*.exe' -exec ${_arch}-strip --strip-all {} \;
- fi
- find "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}" \( -name '*.bat' -o -name '*.def' -o -name '*.exp' \) -delete
- find "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}" -name '*.dll' -exec ${_arch}-strip --strip-unneeded {} \;
- find "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}" \( -name '*.a' -not -name 'libQt5QmlDevTools.a' -not -name 'libQt5Bootstrap.a' \) -exec ${_arch}-strip -g {} \;
- done