path: root/PKGBUILD
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'PKGBUILD')
1 files changed, 137 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
index ea770d342aa8..a744453d8624 100644
@@ -1,31 +1,152 @@
-# Maintainer: juliosueiras <juliosueiras [at] gmail [dot] com>
+# Contributor: Marcell Meszaros < marcell.meszaros AT >
+# Contributor: moormaster < user on >
+# Contributor: juliosueiras <juliosueiras [at] gmail [dot] com>
-pkgdesc="Ansible HTML documentation"
+pkgdesc='HTML documentation of Ansible'
-license=('GPL3') # true?
+ 'git'
+ 'python'
+# # Not using repo or AUR packages because the needed versions can change rapidly
+# # or be too new or too old compared to the versions provided there.
+# makedepends+=(
+# 'python-aiofiles'
+# 'python-aiohttp'
+# 'python-aiosignal'
+# 'python-async-timeout'
+# 'python-attrs'
+# 'python-babel'
+# 'python-certifi'
+# 'python-charset-normalizer'
+# 'python-click'
+# 'python-frozenlist'
+# 'python-imagesize'
+# 'python-markupsafe'
+# 'python-multidict'
+# 'python-packaging'
+# 'python-pydantic'
+# 'python-pygments'
+# 'python-pyparsing'
+# 'python-pytz'
+# 'python-requests'
+# 'python-semantic-version'
+# 'python-sh'
+# 'python-snowballstemmer'
+# 'python-sphinx'
+# 'python-sphinx_rtd_theme'
+# 'python-sphinxcontrib-applehelp'
+# 'python-sphinxcontrib-devhelp'
+# 'python-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp'
+# 'python-sphinxcontrib-jsmath'
+# 'python-sphinxcontrib-qthelp'
+# 'python-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml'
+# 'python-straight.plugin'
+# 'python-typing_extensions'
+# 'python-urllib3'
+# 'python-wheel'
+# 'python-yaml'
+# 'python-yarl'
+# )
+# # makedepends+=('rstcheck') # Repo version too new, also buggy (lacks mandatory depends 'types-docutils')
+# # The following "hidden" makedepends are not in Arch repos as of this commit,
+# # so I'm adding them here as a reference.
+# _makedepends_nonrepo=(
+# 'python-alabaster'
+# 'python-ansible-pygments'
+# 'python-antsibull-core'
+# 'python-antsibull-docs'
+# 'python-asyncio-pool'
+# 'python-jinja2'
+# 'python-perky'
+# 'python-sphinx-ansible-theme'
+# 'python-sphinx-notfound-page'
+# 'python-sphinx-intl'
+# 'python-twiggy'
+# )
+# # Exposing the missing or AUR-only makedepends as optdepends. If they are present at
+# # build-time, they will be used instead of letting pip download them from PyPI.
+# optdepends=(
+# "${_makedepends_nonrepo[@]/%/: use this installed package during (the next) build}"
+# )
-makedepends=('git' 'python2-sphinx')
pkgver() {
- date "+%Y%m%d"
+ cd "${_reponame}"
+ # Generate git tag based version. Count only proper (v)#.#* [#=number] tags.
+ local _gitversion=$(git describe --long --tags --match '[v0-9][0-9.][0-9.]*' | sed -e 's|^v||' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
+ # Format git-based version for pkgver
+ # Expected format: e.g. 2.11.0b4.r1444.g3fa377387e0
+ echo "${_gitversion}" | sed \
+ -e 's|^\([0-9][0-9.]*\)-\([a-zA-Z]\+\)|\1\2|' \
+ -e 's|\([0-9]\+-g\)|r\1|' \
+ -e 's|-|.|g'
prepare() {
- find "$srcdir"/ansible -name '*.py' -exec \
- sed -i 's|^#!/usr/bin/env python|#!/usr/bin/env python2|' {} +
+ cd "${_reponame}"
+ echo "Setting up Python venv dir: ${srcdir}/${_py_venv_dir}"
+ echo '# We need this because Arch and AUR are missing a lot of needed makedepends.'
+ # Disabled venv option: --system-site-packages, because Arch/AUR packages likely mismatch
+ # too much compared to the versions needed by build's actual requirements.
+ python -m 'venv' \
+ --upgrade-deps \
+ "${srcdir}/${_py_venv_dir}"
+ echo "Activating Python venv in dir: ${srcdir}/${_py_venv_dir}"
+ source "${srcdir}/${_py_venv_dir}/bin/activate"
+ echo "Installing Python modules missing from root to venv dir \"${_py_venv_dir}\"..."
+ pip install wheel # this needs to be installed first
+ pip install \
+ --compile \
+ --require-virtualenv \
+ --upgrade \
+ --upgrade-strategy eager \
+ --requirement 'docs/docsite/requirements.txt' \
+ 'types-docutils' # seems it is not declared but needed
+ echo "Deactivating Python venv in dir: ${srcdir}/${_py_venv_dir}"
+ deactivate
+ echo 'Patching Makefile to use one parallel job (one CPU thread). Otherwise'
+ echo 'the build processes will fill the whole RAM and eventually crash.'
+ sed -e '/CPUS ?= $(shell nproc)/c CPUS = 1' \
+ -i 'docs/docsite/Makefile'
- make -C "$srcdir"/ansible webdocs
+build() {
+ cd "${_reponame}"
+ echo "Activating Python venv in dir: ${srcdir}/${_py_venv_dir}"
+ source "${srcdir}/${_py_venv_dir}/bin/activate"
+ echo "Building ${pkgname%-git} from source..."
+ make -C 'docs/docsite' 'all'
+ echo "Deactivating Python venv in dir: ${srcdir}/${_py_venv_dir}"
+ deactivate
package() {
- install -dm755 "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/ansible/html"
- cp -r "$srcdir"/ansible/docs/docsite/_build/html/* "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/ansible/html/"
+ install -dm 755 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}/html"
+ cp --recursive --dereference --target-directory="${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}" "${srcdir}/${_reponame}/docs/docsite/_build/html"