path: root/PKGBUILD
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'PKGBUILD')
1 files changed, 124 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a815d1e79235
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+# Maintainer: Chris Severance aur.severach aATt spamgourmet dott com
+# The cups binary is 64 bit. Until Brother releases source for the 32 bit lpr
+# binary blobs, 64 bit users must enable multilib.
+# This has not been tested with non cups lprng.
+# NOTE 1: Remember to add user to lp group using
+# gpasswd -a USER lp
+# NOTE 2: Remember to logout after adding groups
+# NOTE 3: Set each printer default Media Size to Letter with
+# lpadmin -p BR7360 -o media=Letter
+set -u
+_brotherl="${_brotheru,,}" # mfc-0000dw
+_brotherlnd="${_brotherl//-/}" # mfc0000dw
+_brotherund="${_brotheru//-/}" # MFC0000DW
+pkgdesc="LPR and CUPS driver for the Brother ${_brotheru} printer"
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+license=('GPL' 'custom')
+depends=('cups' 'ghostscript' 'psutils' 'sed' 'grep' 'perl' 'file')
+depends_x86_64=('lib32-glibc' 'lib32-gcc-libs')
+# We look at the scripts and find these programs from which we decide on the depends above.
+# gs: lpr rendering
+# pdf2ps: cups rendering
+# (not) a2ps: rendering ascii text files
+# (not) pstops: pdf resizing
+# (not) psnup: printing n-up pages
+# sed grep awk
+# Printing a text file fails when Liberation is the only TrueType font available
+# perl: cupswrapper
+ 'ttf-dejavu: printing text files from lpr'
+ 'brscan4: Scanner support'
+ "${_brotherlnd}cupswrapper-${pkgver//_/-}.i386.rpm"
+ "${_brotherlnd}lpr-${pkgver//_/-}.i386.rpm"
+ 'lpr-license.txt' # Obtained from web download page
+ 'ec0f9318e9459c3bf9aa099b5cd8b8fd8816d67251162da0af4b6fd3a5775540'
+ 'd785ce8b8d6c0a2c7b8360bd27fbeba0ba3c9b38017766358476533dee57de08')
+prepare() {
+ set -u
+ # setup cups-directories
+ install -dm755 "${srcdir}/usr/lib/cups/filter"
+ install -dm755 "${srcdir}/usr/share/cups/model"
+ #install -dm755 "${srcdir}/usr/share/ppd" # For cups we don't need the ppd file here.
+ # Some Brother installers create files here
+ mkdir -p "${srcdir}/var/tmp"
+ local _wrapper_source="${srcdir}/opt/brother/Printers/${_brotherlnd}/cupswrapper/cupswrapper${_brotherlnd}"
+ #cp -p "${_wrapper_source}" "${_wrapper_source}.Arch" # debug: diff compare with Total Commander
+ sed -e '# Install to _srcdir. Some folders may not apply to this model.' \
+ -e 's:/usr:"${_srcdir}"&:g' \
+ -e 's:/opt:"${_srcdir}"&:g' \
+ -e 's:/var:"${_srcdir}"&:g' \
+ -e 's:/etc:"${_srcdir}"&:g' \
+ -e 's:""${_srcdir}":"${_srcdir}:g' \
+ -e "# Stop the Install script after the files are generated. cups doesn't require a reload to see the printer driver." \
+ -e 's:^sleep.*$:exit 0 # & #Arch Linux Compatible:g' \
+ -e '# not using set -u allows bugs like this to slip by' \
+ -e '#/Nup=/ s:`:\\`:g' \
+ -e 's: $errorcode: \\$errorcode:g' \
+ -e '# This printer requires the permissions fix that isnt multi user compatible.' \
+ -e 's:/usr/local/Brother:/usr/share/brother:g' \
+ -e '# Fix symlinks' \
+ -e 's:brotherlpdwrapper="\${_srcdir}":brotherlpdwrapper=:g' \
+ -i "${_wrapper_source}"
+ grep -lq "#Arch Linux Compatible$" "${_wrapper_source}" || echo "${}"
+ test -f "${_wrapper_source}.Arch" && echo "${}" # Halt for debugging
+ # Generate PPD and wrapper. Use sh -x to debug
+ # Possible bug: copying to /usr/share/ppd is disabled.
+ _srcdir="${srcdir}" \
+ sh -u -e "${_wrapper_source}" -i
+ find "${srcdir}" -type 'f' -name '*.ppd' -exec chmod 644 '{}' '+' # Some installers make ppd executable
+ rm -rf "${srcdir}/var"
+ # We did everything in the installer so we can get rid of it.
+ rm "${_wrapper_source}"
+ cd "${srcdir}"
+ # Misnamed printer does not sort or autodetect properly
+ #sed -e "s:Brother ${_brotherund} :Brother ${_brotheru} :g" -i 'usr/share/cups/model'/*.ppd
+ set +u
+package() {
+ set -u
+ local _dir
+ # /var/spool is not used anywhere in this package. Maybe it's needed for non cups lprng.
+ for _dir in 'usr' 'opt'; do # 'var'
+ if [ -d "${srcdir}/${_dir}" ]; then
+ cp -pR "${srcdir}/${_dir}" "${pkgdir}"
+ fi
+ done
+ # /etc/printcap is managed by cups. This eliminates any need for a printcap helper.
+ find "${pkgdir}" -type 'f' -name 'setupPrintcap*' -exec rm '{}' '+'
+ # Ensure we got a ppd and a filter for CUPS
+ test "$(find "${pkgdir}/usr/share/cups/model" -type f -name '*.ppd')"
+ test "$(find "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/cups/filter/" '(' -type f -o -type l ')')"
+ # Ensure there are no forbidden paths
+ ! grep -alqr "/sbin" "${pkgdir}" || echo "${}"
+ ! grep -alqr "/usr/tmp" "${pkgdir}" || echo "${}"
+ #install -Dpm644 <(sed -e 's:\r::g' "${_brsource}/Copying") "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/cupswrapper-licence.txt"
+ install -Dpm644 'lpr-license.txt' "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/lpr-licence.txt"
+ set +u
+set +u