path: root/PKGBUILD
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'PKGBUILD')
1 files changed, 122 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..83de00b3d5c3
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+# Maintainer: Eugene Cherny <>
+pkgdesc='A framework for audio software development'
+makedepends=('freeglut' 'curl' 'jack' 'libxcomposite' 'libxrandr' 'libxcursor'
+ 'libx11' 'libxinerama' 'mesa' 'gtk3' 'vim')
+depends=('csound' 'steinberg-vst36')
+ 'git+'
+ 'fix_paths.patch'
+ 'Cabbage.desktop'
+ 'CabbageLite.desktop')
+ 'SKIP'
+ '0c2ddec78ea91ed5736bad0d81f21ea7'
+ 'c499a03801cf0e760c14759ab1927bef'
+ '39992361c05babc4d12cbdcd2c3f6e04')
+function patch_strings_in_file() {
+ # Source (Johan Hedin):
+ #
+ # Slight modification by Colin Wallace to force the pattern to capture the entire line
+ # Usage: patch_strings_in_file <file> <pattern> <replacement>
+ # replaces all occurances of <pattern> with <replacement> in <file>, padding
+ # <replacement> with null characters to match the length
+ # Unlike sed or patch, this works on binary files
+ local FILE="$1"
+ local PATTERN="$2"
+ local REPLACEMENT="$3"
+ # Find all unique strings in FILE that contain the pattern
+ STRINGS=$(strings ${FILE} | grep "^${PATTERN}$" | sort -u -r)
+ if [ "${STRINGS}" != "" ] ; then
+ echo "File '${FILE}' contains strings equal to '${PATTERN}':"
+ for OLD_STRING in ${STRINGS} ; do
+ # Create null terminated ASCII HEX representations of the strings
+ OLD_STRING_HEX="$(echo -n ${OLD_STRING} | xxd -g 0 -u -ps -c 256)00"
+ NEW_STRING_HEX="$(echo -n ${REPLACEMENT} | xxd -g 0 -u -ps -c 256)00"
+ if [ ${#NEW_STRING_HEX} -le ${#OLD_STRING_HEX} ] ; then
+ # Pad the replacement string with null terminations so the
+ # length matches the original string
+ while [ ${#NEW_STRING_HEX} -lt ${#OLD_STRING_HEX} ] ; do
+ done
+ # Now, replace every occurrence of OLD_STRING with NEW_STRING
+ echo -n "Replacing ${OLD_STRING} with ${REPLACEMENT}... "
+ hexdump -ve '1/1 "%.2X"' ${FILE} | \
+ sed "s/${OLD_STRING_HEX}/${NEW_STRING_HEX}/g" | \
+ xxd -r -p > ${FILE}.tmp
+ chmod --reference ${FILE} ${FILE}.tmp
+ mv ${FILE}.tmp ${FILE}
+ echo "Done!"
+ else
+ echo "New string '${NEW_STRING}' is longer than old" \
+ "string '${OLD_STRING}'. Skipping."
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+prepare() {
+ # Projucer - building here to use it in pkgver()
+ "${srcdir}/JUCE/extras/Projucer/JuceLibraryCode/AppConfig.h"
+ cd "${srcdir}/JUCE/extras/Projucer/Builds/LinuxMakefile/"
+ make -j4
+ # a hack to make Projucer use the system's VST header path
+ patch_strings_in_file "${srcdir}/${_projucer}" "~/SDKs/VST_SDK/VST3_SDK" "/usr/include/vst36"
+ # will be replaced with the following once Cabbage is ported to JUCE 5.3.0
+ # "${srcdir}/${_projucer_dir}" --set-global-search-path linux vst3Path /usr/include/vst36/
+ # Cabbage
+ cd "${srcdir}/cabbage"
+ patch -p1 < ../../fix_paths.patch
+pkgver() {
+ cd "${srcdir}/cabbage"
+ printf "1.0.0r%s" "$(git rev-list --count HEAD)"
+build() {
+ cd "${srcdir}/cabbage/Builds/LinuxMakefile"
+ ./buildCabbage
+package() {
+ install -Dm644 Cabbage.desktop "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/Cabbage.desktop"
+ install -Dm644 Cabbage.desktop "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/CabbageLite.desktop"
+ cd "${srcdir}/cabbage/Builds/LinuxMakefile/CabbageBuild/"
+ install -d "${pkgdir}/opt/Cabbage"
+# install -Dm644 Cabbage "${pkgdir}/opt/Cabbage/Cabbage"
+# install -Dm644 CabbageLite "${pkgdir}/opt/Cabbage/CabbageLite"
+# install -Dm644 "${pkgdir}/opt/Cabbage/"
+# install -Dm644 "${pkgdir}/opt/Cabbage/"
+# install -Dm644 cabbage.png "${pkgdir}/opt/Cabbage/cabbage.png"
+# install -Dm644 opcodes.txt "${pkgdir}/opt/Cabbage/opcodes.txt"
+# install -Dm644 Examples "${pkgdir}/opt/Cabbage/Examples"
+ cp -R ./* "${pkgdir}/opt/Cabbage/"
+ install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/bin"
+ ln -s ../../opt/Cabbage/Cabbage "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/Cabbage"
+ ln -s ../../opt/Cabbage/CabbageLite "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/CabbageLite"