path: root/PKGBUILD
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'PKGBUILD')
1 files changed, 298 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
index 9909b4153e4a..e9676943e000 100644
@@ -1,65 +1,313 @@
-# Maintainer: Nick Lay <layns(at)mail(dot)uc(dot)edu>
-# Contributor: Maxime Gauduin <>
-# Contributor: Lightning <>
+# Maintainer:
+# Contributor: Nick Lay <layns(at)mail(dot)uc(dot)edu>
-# Based on the dolphin-emu-git PKGBUILD with modifications
+: ${_build_clang:=true}
+: ${_build_avx:=false}
+: ${_build_git:=true}
+[[ "${_build_avx::1}" == "t" ]] && _pkgtype+="-avx"
+[[ "${_build_git::1}" == "t" ]] && _pkgtype+="-git"
+# basic info
-pkgdesc='Dolphin fork intended to give Metroid Prime Trilogy mouselook controls'
+pkgdesc='A Gamecube and Wii emulator with mouselook controls'
- 'alsa-lib' 'bluez-libs' 'enet' 'hidapi' 'libevdev' 'libgl' 'libpng'
- 'libpulse' 'libx11' 'libxi' 'libxrandr' 'lzo' 'mbedtls' 'pugixml' 'qt5-base'
- 'sfml' 'zlib'
- '' '' '' ''
- '' '' '' ''
-makedepends=('cmake' 'git' 'python')
-optdepends=('pulseaudio: PulseAudio backend')
-prepare() {
- cd "$srcdir/$_sourcedirectory/"
- git submodule update --init
- if [ -d 'build/' ]; then rm -rf 'build/'; fi
- mkdir 'build/'
+# main package
+_main_package() {
+ depends=(
+ alsa-lib
+ bluez-libs
+ curl
+ ffmpeg
+ gcc-libs
+ glibc
+ libevdev
+ libgl
+ libpulse
+ libx11
+ libxi
+ libxrandr
+ qt6-base
+ qt6-svg
+ ## optional
+ bzip2
+ cubeb
+ curl
+ fmt
+ hidapi
+ libiconv
+ libspng
+ libusb
+ lz4
+ lzo
+ mbedtls2
+ miniupnpc
+ minizip-ng
+ pugixml
+ sdl2
+ sfml
+ zstd
+ ## broken
+ #enet
+ #libmgba
+ #xxhash
+ #zlib-ng
+ )
+ makedepends+=(
+ cmake
+ git
+ python
+ )
+ options=(!emptydirs)
+ if [[ "${_build_clang::1}" == "t" ]] ; then
+ makedepends+=(
+ clang
+ lld
+ llvm
+ )
+ else
+ options+=(!lto)
+ fi
+ if [[ "${_build_git::1}" != "t" ]] ; then
+ _main_stable
+ else
+ _main_git
+ fi
+ _source_dolphin_emu
+# submodules
+_source_dolphin_emu() {
+ source+=(
+ #'bylaws.libadrenotools'::'git+'
+ #'curl'::'git+'
+ #'dolphin-emu.ext-win-ffmpeg'::'git+'
+ #'dolphin-emu.ext-win-qt'::'git+'
+ #'fmtlib.fmt'::'git+'
+ #'google.googletest'::'git+'
+ #'khronosgroup.spirv-cross'::'git+'
+ #'libsdl-org.sdl'::'git+'
+ #'libusb'::'git+'
+ #'lsalzman.enet'::'git+'
+ #'lz4'::'git+'
+ #'mozilla.cubeb'::'git+'
+ #'randy408.libspng'::'git+'
+ #'cyan4973.xxhash'::'git+'
+ 'epezent.implot'::'git+'
+ 'gpuopen-librariesandsdks.vulkanmemoryallocator'::'git+'
+ 'mgba-emu.mgba'::'git+'
+ 'retroachievements.rcheevos'::'git+'
+ 'zlib-ng'::'git+'
+ )
+ sha256sums+=(
+ #'SKIP'
+ #'SKIP'
+ #'SKIP'
+ #'SKIP'
+ #'SKIP'
+ #'SKIP'
+ #'SKIP'
+ #'SKIP'
+ #'SKIP'
+ #'SKIP'
+ #'SKIP'
+ #'SKIP'
+ #'SKIP'
+ #'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ )
+ _prepare_dolphin_emu() (
+ cd "${srcdir:?}/$_pkgsrc"
+ local -A _submodules=(
+ #['bylaws.libadrenotools']='Externals/libadrenotools'
+ #['curl']='Externals/curl/curl'
+ #['cyan4973.xxhash']='Externals/xxhash/xxHash'
+ #['dolphin-emu.ext-win-ffmpeg']='Externals/FFmpeg-bin'
+ #['dolphin-emu.ext-win-qt']='Externals/Qt'
+ #['fmtlib.fmt']='Externals/fmt/fmt'
+ #['google.googletest']='Externals/gtest'
+ #['khronosgroup.spirv-cross']='Externals/spirv_cross/SPIRV-Cross'
+ #['libsdl-org.sdl']='Externals/SDL/SDL'
+ #['libusb']='Externals/libusb/libusb'
+ #['lsalzman.enet']='Externals/enet/enet'
+ #['lz4']='Externals/lz4/lz4'
+ #['mozilla.cubeb']='Externals/cubeb/cubeb'
+ #['randy408.libspng']='Externals/libspng/libspng'
+ ['epezent.implot']='Externals/implot/implot'
+ ['gpuopen-librariesandsdks.vulkanmemoryallocator']='Externals/VulkanMemoryAllocator'
+ ['mgba-emu.mgba']='Externals/mGBA/mgba'
+ ['retroachievements.rcheevos']='Externals/rcheevos/rcheevos'
+ ['zlib-ng']='Externals/zlib-ng/zlib-ng'
+ )
+ _submodule_update
+ )
-pkgver() {
- cd "$srcdir/$_sourcedirectory/"
- git describe --long --tags | sed -e 's/-\([^-]*-g[^-]*\)$/-r\1/' -e 's/-/./g'
+# stable package
+_main_stable() {
+ :
+# git package
+_main_git() {
+ provides=("$_pkgname")
+ conflicts=("$_pkgname")
+ _pkgsrc="$_pkgname"
+ source=(
+ "$_pkgname"::"git+$url.git"
+ "primehack-rename.patch"
+ )
+ sha256sums+=(
+ 'SKIP'
+ '632cb45fc540536f615caf72c0736682fa30776a10bf42dd94bae417845c213d'
+ )
+ pkgver() {
+ cd "$_pkgsrc"
+ local _regex='^.* scm_rev_str = ".*\[v([0-9\.]+)\].*$'
+ local _file='Source/Core/Common/Version.cpp'
+ local _line=$(grep -Esm1 "$_regex" "$_file")
+ local _line_num=$(grep -Ensm1 "$_regex" "$_file" | cut -d':' -f1)
+ local _version=$(sed -E "s@$_regex@\1@" <<< "$_line")
+ local _commit=$(git blame -L $_line_num,$_line_num -- "$_file" | awk '{print $1;}')
+ local _revision=$(git rev-list --count --cherry-pick $_commit...HEAD)
+ local _hash=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
+ printf "%s.r%s.g%s" "$_version" "$_revision" "$_hash"
+ }
+# common functions
+prepare() {
+ _submodule_update() {
+ for key in ${!_submodules[@]} ; do
+ git submodule init "${_submodules[${key}]}"
+ git submodule set-url "${_submodules[${key}]}" "${srcdir}/${key}"
+ git -c protocol.file.allow=always submodule update "${_submodules[${key}]}"
+ done
+ }
+ apply-patch() {
+ printf '\nApplying patch %s\n' "$1"
+ patch -Np1 -F100 -i "$1"
+ }
+ _prepare_dolphin_emu
+ # primehack-rename: copy files
+ local _data_path="$_pkgsrc/Data"
+ for i in -nogui.6 .6 .desktop .png .svg ; do
+ cp --reflink=auto -- "$_data_path/dolphin-emu${i}" "$_data_path/primehack${i}"
+ done
+ _data_path="$_pkgsrc/Data/Sys/Resources"
+ cp --reflink=auto -- "$_data_path/dolphin_logo.png" "$_data_path/primehack_logo.png"
+ cp --reflink=auto -- "$_data_path/dolphin_logo@2x.png" "$_data_path/primehack_logo@2x.png"
+ # primehack-rename: patch source
+ pushd "$_pkgsrc"
+ #git -c"tmp" -c"" am "$srcdir/primehack-rename.patch"
+ apply-patch "$srcdir/primehack-rename.patch"
+ popd
+ # Fix minizip-ng name for Arch
+ sed -E -e 's@(pkgconfig\(MINIZIP minizip)([^a-z]+)@\1-ng\2@' \
+ -i "${srcdir:?}/$_pkgsrc/CMakeLists.txt"
+ # Delete gcc specific options
+ sed '/_ARCHIVE_/d' -i "${srcdir:?}/$_pkgsrc/CMakeLists.txt"
build() {
- cd "$srcdir/$_sourcedirectory/"
- cmake -S '.' -B 'build/' \
- make -C 'build/'
+ if [[ "${_build_avx::1}" == "t" ]] ; then
+ export CFLAGS="$(echo "$CFLAGS" | sed -E 's@(\s*-(march|mtune)=\S+\s*)@ @g;s@\s*-O[0-9]\s*@ @g;s@\s+@ @g') -march=x86-64-v3 -mtune=skylake -O3"
+ export CXXFLAGS="$(echo "$CXXFLAGS" | sed -E 's@(\s*-(march|mtune)=\S+\s*)@ @g;s@\s*-O[0-9]\s*@ @g;s@\s+@ @g') -march=x86-64-v3 -mtune=skylake -O3"
+ fi
+ local _cmake_options=(
+ -B build
+ -S "$_pkgname"
+ -DENABLE_ANALYTICS=OFF # default:Opt-in
+ -Wno-dev
+ )
+ if [[ "${_build_clang::1}" == "t" ]] ; then
+ export AR=llvm-ar
+ export NM=llvm-nm
+ _cmake_options+=(
+ )
+ else
+ _cmake_options+=(-DENABLE_LTO=OFF)
+ fi
+ cmake "${_cmake_options[@]}"
+ cmake --build build
package() {
- pkgdesc="$pkgdesc"
- provides=("$_mainpkgname-git")
- conflicts=("$_mainpkgname-git")
- cd "$srcdir/$_sourcedirectory/"
- make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" -C 'build/' install
- install -Dm644 'Data/51-usb-device.rules' "$pkgdir/usr/lib/udev/rules.d/51-usb-device.rules"
- rm -rf "$pkgdir/usr/bin/primehack-dolphin"
- rm -rf "$pkgdir/usr/include"
- rm -rf "$pkgdir/usr/lib/libdiscord-rpc.a"
- rm -rf "$pkgdir/usr/share/man/man6/primehack-dolphin.6"
+ DESTDIR="${pkgdir:?}" cmake --install build
+ # To use, symlink to /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/
+ install -Dm644 "${srcdir:?}/$_pkgsrc/Data/51-usb-device.rules" \
+ -t "${pkgdir:?}/usr/share/primehack/"
+# execute