path: root/PKGBUILD
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'PKGBUILD')
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fc8e86b65f9b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# Maintainer: Eric Engestrom <aur [at] engestrom [dot] ch>
+pkgdesc='Graphics API Debugger - GAPID is a collection of tools that allows you to inspect, tweak and replay calls from an application to a graphics driver'
+depends=(java-runtime libx11)
+ '2b480553d47bbe4e8f62c15223ce0555ce72f6e947abe9d117d2b3cf7b57dcb2')
+_install_vk_layer() {
+ lib=$1
+ json=$2
+ # Install Vulkan layer
+ install -m755 $lib "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/
+ install -m644 $json "$pkgdir"/usr/share/vulkan/explicit_layer.d/
+ # Fix library path
+ sed "s,<library>,/usr/lib/$(basename $lib)," \
+ -i "$pkgdir"/usr/share/vulkan/explicit_layer.d/$(basename $json)
+package() {
+ cd gapid
+ msg2 'Tools'
+ install -dm755 "$pkgdir"/usr/bin
+ install -m755 gapi? "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/
+ install -m755 device-info "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/
+ msg2 'GUI jar'
+ # Note: the jar expects the GAPI* tools to live in the current directory
+ install -m755 lib/gapic.jar "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/
+ msg2 'Wrap gapid to look for the jar in the right place'
+ # It looks in $PWD/lib/ otherwise, which will never be right...
+ mv "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/gapid{,.internal}
+ install -m755 ../ "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/gapid
+ msg2 'Vulkan layers'
+ install -dm755 "$pkgdir"/usr/lib
+ install -dm755 "$pkgdir"/usr/share/vulkan/explicit_layer.d/
+ _install_vk_layer lib/ lib/VirtualSwapchainLayer.json
+ _install_vk_layer lib/ lib/GraphicsSpyLayer.json
+ msg2 'Desktop shortcut'
+ install -Dm644 ../gapid.desktop "$pkgdir"/usr/share/applications/gapid.desktop
+ install -Dm644 icon.png "$pkgdir"/usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/gapid.png