path: root/PKGBUILD
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'PKGBUILD')
1 files changed, 289 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e4684380a3b2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+# Maintainer: Chris Severance aur.severach aATt spamgourmet dott com
+# Contributor: valandil: Joey Dumont <>
+# Contributor: Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) <>
+# Contributor: Allan McRae <>
+# toolchain build order: linux-api-headers->glibc->binutils->gcc->binutils->glibc
+# NOTE: libtool requires rebuilt with each new gcc version
+_opt_ADA=0 # works 6-20170913
+# JAVA: 6-20170906: /usr/include/glib-2.0/glib/gmacros.h:232:53: error: size of array ‘_GStaticAssertCompileTimeAssertion_0’ is negative
+# JAVA: -m32 version is using 64 bit include files from /usr/lib instead of the proper include files in /usr/lib32
+_opt_SSP=1 # Stack Smashing Protection
+#_cloogver='0.18.4' # comment out to disable
+set -u
+_pkgver='6.4'; _pkgver2='1'
+#_commit='4fc407888a30c5d953816b05c8a8e98ec2ab3101' # Pulling commits this big is too slow!
+pkgdesc="The GNU Compiler Collection for multilib (${_pkgver%%.*}.x)"
+license=('GPL' 'LGPL' 'FDL' 'custom')
+depends=('zlib' 'lib32-zlib' 'libmpc>=0.8.1' 'glibc' 'lib32-glibc')
+makedepends=( #
+ 'binutils>=2.28'
+ 'gcc-libs-multilib'
+ 'lib32-glibc>=2.25' 'lib32-gcc-libs'
+ 'bash'
+ 'gzip>=1.2.4'
+ 'bzip2>=1.0.2' 'lib32-bzip2'
+ 'gawk>=3.1.5'
+ 'gmp>=4.3.2' 'lib32-gmp'
+ 'mpfr>=2.4.2'
+ 'gettext>=0.14.5' 'lib32-gettext'
+ 'doxygen'
+if [ "${_opt_JAVA}" -ne 0 ]; then
+ #depends+=('gtk2' 'libxtst' 'alsa-lib') # from gcc63
+ depends+=('classpath')
+ #makedepends+=('jack') # gcc63
+ makedepends+=('java-environment-common' 'zip' 'jdk8-openjdk' 'gtk2' 'lib32-gtk2' 'libart-lgpl' 'libxtst' 'lib32-libxtst')
+if [ "${_opt_ADA}" -ne 0 ]; then
+ makedepends+=('gcc-ada-multilib') # GNAT
+if [ ! -z "${_commit:-}" ]; then
+ makedepends+=('git')
+checkdepends=('dejagnu' 'inetutils')
+provides=("gcc${_pkgver%%.*}=${_pkgver}.${_pkgver2}") # no version as it is completely contained in the name
+conflicts+=('gcc63-multilib') # temporary
+options=('!emptydirs' '!strip')
+ #"git+${_commit}"
+ #"gcc-${pkgver%%_*}.tgz::${_commit}.tar.gz"
+ "|snapshots/LATEST-6/gcc-${_snapshot}.tar.xz" # Please do not use a snapshot before it has been announced with a LATEST- symlink.
+ "${_islver}.tar.bz2"
+if [ ! -z "${_cloogver:=}" ]; then
+ source+=("${_cloogver}.tar.gz")
+ '439b322f313aef562302ac162caccb0b90daedf88d49d62e00a5db6b9d83d6bb')
+PKGEXT='.pkg.tar.gz' # Uncompressed: 1.3GB, gz=500MB 1.1 minutes, xz=275MB 9.5 minutes
+if [ -n "${_snapshot:-}" ]; then
+ _basedir="gcc-${_snapshot}"
+ _basedir="gcc-${pkgver}"
+_setmirror() {
+ local _cmd="${BASH_SOURCE[*]}" # want [*] not [@]
+ local _lang="${LANG:-}" # mksrcinfo removes LANG
+ if [ "${_cmd/makepkg/}" != "${_cmd}" ] && [ ! -z "${_lang}" ]; then
+ local _mirrors=()
+ _lang="${_lang%%\.*}"
+ _lang="${_lang##*_}"
+ case "${_lang}" in
+ 'CA') _mirrors+=(
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ );;
+ 'FR') _mirrors+=(
+ # '' # no snapshots
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ );;
+ 'DE') _mirrors+=(
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ #'' # Maintenance
+ );;
+ 'GR') _mirrors+=('');;
+ 'HU') _mirrors+=('');;
+ 'JP') _mirrors+=('');;
+ 'NL') _mirrors+=(
+ ''
+ ''
+ );;
+ #'SL') _mirrors+=('');; # invalid response, no files
+ 'UK') _mirrors+=('');;
+ 'US') _mirrors+=(
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ );;
+ esac
+ local _mc="${#_mirrors[@]}"
+ if [ "${_mc}" -ne 0 ]; then
+ _mc=$((${RANDOM} % ${_mc}))
+ _mc="${_mirrors[${_mc}]%/}"
+ source[0]="${_mc}/${source[0]##*|}"
+ set +u
+ msg "Alternate mirror: ${_mc}"
+ set -u
+ fi
+ fi
+if [ "${source[0]//|/}" != "${source[0]}" ]; then
+ _setmirror
+ source[0]="${source[0]//|/\/}"
+unset -f _setmirror
+prepare() {
+ set -u
+ cd "${_basedir}"
+ # link isl/cloog for in-tree builds
+ ln -s "../isl-${_islver}" 'isl'
+ if [ ! -z "${_cloogver}" ]; then
+ ln -s "../cloog-${_cloogver}" 'cloog'
+ fi
+ # Do not run fixincludes
+ sed -e 's@\./fixinc\.sh@-c true@' -i 'gcc/'
+ # Arch Linux installs x86_64 libraries /lib
+ case "${CARCH}" in
+ 'x86_64') sed -e '/m64=/ s/lib64/lib/' -i 'gcc/config/i386/t-linux64' ;;
+ esac
+ if ! grep -qFxe "${pkgver%%_*}" 'gcc/BASE-VER'; then
+ echo "Version has changed from ${pkgver%%_*} to"
+ cat 'gcc/BASE-VER'
+ set +u
+ false
+ fi
+ # hack! - some configure tests for header files using "$CPP $CPPFLAGS"
+ sed -e '/^ac_cpp=/ s/\$CPPFLAGS/\$CPPFLAGS -O2/' -i {libiberty,gcc}/configure
+ # remove -V and -qversion as their aren't supported in gcc7
+ sed -e 's/ -V -qversion/ /g' -i $(grep --include='configure' -lrFe '-V -qversion')
+ rm -rf 'gcc-build'
+ mkdir 'gcc-build'
+ set +u
+build() {
+ set -u
+ cd "${_basedir}/gcc-build"
+ if [ ! -s 'Makefile' ]; then
+ local _languages=''
+ local _cfgopts=()
+ if [ ! -z "${_cloogver}" ]; then
+ _cfgopts+=(--enable-cloog-backend='isl')
+ fi
+ if [ "${_opt_ADA}" -ne 0 ]; then
+ _languages+=',ada' # new languages always start with a comma
+ fi
+ if [ "${_opt_JAVA}" -ne 0 ]; then
+ _languages+=',java'
+ _cfgopts+=(--enable-java-awt='gtk' --enable-libgcj-multifile)
+ _cfgopts+=(--with-java-home="$(find /usr/lib/jvm -maxdepth 1 -type 'd' -name '*openjdk*' -print -quit)") # works best with clean chroot
+ #_cfgopts+=(--with-java-home='/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-jdk/jre')
+ fi
+ if [ "${_opt_SSP}" -eq 0 ]; then
+ _cfgopts+=(--disable-libssp)
+ fi
+ if [ "${_opt_CPP_ONLY}" -eq 0 ]; then
+ _languages+=',fortran,go,lto,objc,obj-c++'
+ fi
+ # using -pipe causes spurious test-suite failures
+ #
+ CFLAGS="${CFLAGS/-pipe/}" \
+ CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS/-pipe/}" \
+ ../configure "${_cfgopts[@]}" \
+ --build="${CHOST}" \
+ --disable-libstdcxx-pch \
+ --disable-libunwind-exceptions \
+ --enable-multilib \
+ --disable-werror \
+ --enable-__cxa_atexit \
+ --enable-checking='release' \
+ --enable-clocale='gnu' \
+ --enable-gnu-indirect-function \
+ --enable-gnu-unique-object \
+ --enable-install-libiberty \
+ --enable-languages="c,c++${_languages}" \
+ --enable-libmpx \
+ --enable-linker-build-id \
+ --enable-lto \
+ --enable-plugin \
+ --enable-shared \
+ --enable-threads='posix' \
+ --enable-version-specific-runtime-libs \
+ --infodir='/usr/share/info' \
+ --libdir='/usr/lib' \
+ --libexecdir='/usr/lib' \
+ --mandir='/usr/share/man' \
+ --program-suffix="-${_pkgver%%.*}" \
+ --with-bugurl='' \
+ --with-isl \
+ --with-linker-hash-style='gnu' \
+ --with-pkgversion='Arch' \
+ --with-system-zlib \
+ --with-tune='generic' \
+ --prefix='/usr'
+# CXX='g++-4.9' CC='gcc-4.9'
+ fi
+ local _nproc="$(nproc)"; _nproc=$((_nproc>8?8:_nproc))
+ #LD_PRELOAD='/usr/lib/' \\
+ nice make -j "${_nproc}"
+ set +u; msg 'Compile complete'; set -u
+ # make documentation
+ make -s -j1 -C "${CHOST}/libstdc++-v3/doc" 'doc-man-doxygen'
+ set +u
+_check_disabled() {
+ set -u
+ cd "${_basedir}/gcc-build"
+ # increase stack size to prevent test failures
+ #
+ ulimit -s 32768
+ # do not abort on error as some are "expected"
+ make -j1 -k check || :
+ "${srcdir}/${_basedir}/contrib/test_summary"
+ set +u
+package() {
+ set -u
+ cd "${_basedir}/gcc-build"
+ #LD_PRELOAD='/usr/lib/' \\
+ make -j1 DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
+ ## Lazy way of dealing with conflicting man and info pages and locales...
+ rm -rf "${pkgdir}/usr"/{share,include}/
+ find "${pkgdir}/" -name '*iberty*' -exec rm '{}' '+'
+ # Move potentially conflicting stuff to version specific subdirectory
+ case "${CARCH}" in
+ 'x86_64') mv "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/gcc/${CHOST}"/lib*/ "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/gcc/${CHOST}/${pkgver%%_*}/" ;;
+ esac
+ mv "${pkgdir}/usr/lib"/lib* "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/gcc/${CHOST}/${pkgver%%_*}/"
+ # Install Runtime Library Exception
+ install -Dpm644 '../COPYING.RUNTIME' \
+ "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/RUNTIME.LIBRARY.EXCEPTION" || :
+ set +u
+set +u