path: root/PKGBUILD
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'PKGBUILD')
1 files changed, 65 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
index eb8d87c64803..a11a7b1d898f 100644
@@ -1,38 +1,75 @@
-# Maintainer: xpt <>
+# Maintainer: physkets <physkets // at // tutanota dot com>
+# Contributor: xpt <>
+_pkgver=$(date -d ${pkgver} +%-d%b%Y)
pkgdesc="Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator."
-arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
depends=('fftw' 'openmpi')
- fftw3.patch)
- '995c3d49f0df9c28f287fca0a3ea0752')
+optdepends=('kim-api: support for OpenKIM potentials'
+ 'python-sphinx: install to build documentation'
+ 'lammpsdoc: install to build documentation')
+# Set the above to 'true' if you want local documentation
+# You will also have to install the relevant optional dependencies
+# 'python-sphinx' is in the repos,
+# while lammpsdoc is available via the AUR package 'lammpsdoc-git'
+ cd "${pkgname}-stable_${_pkgver}"
+ mkdir -p build
build() {
- cd $srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver/src
- patch -Np0 < ../../fftw3.patch
- # add whatever package you need in here.
- make yes-user-sph
- make mpi || return 1
+ cd "${pkgname}-stable_${_pkgver}/build"
+ cmake ../cmake \
+ #-DPKG_KIM=yes # KIM package
+ # Add options for additional packages
+ #-DPKG_<NAME>=yes
+ make
+ if _BUILD_DOC ; then
+ # Generate ReStructuredText from Text files
+ mkdir -p rst
+ for file in ../doc/src/*.txt
+ do
+ tmp=${file%.*} # Strips the '.txt' extension
+ fname=${tmp##*/} # Strips the path prefixing the file-name
+ txt2rst ${file} > "rst/${fname}.rst"
+ done
+ # Generate HTML from ReStructuredText files
+ mkdir -p html
+ cp -r ../doc/src/* rst/
+ sphinx-build -b html -c "../doc/utils/sphinx-config" -d "doctrees" "rst" html
+ fi
package() {
- mkdir -p $pkgdir/usr/share/$pkgname
- mkdir -p $pkgdir/usr/share/doc/$pkgname
- mkdir -p $pkgdir/usr/share/doc/$pkgname/bench
- mkdir -p $pkgdir/usr/share/doc/$pkgname/examples
- cd $srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver
- install -Dm 755 src/lmp_mpi $pkgdir/usr/bin/lmp_mpi
- install -Dm 644 LICENSE $pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE
- install -dm 644 doc/ $pkgdir/usr/share/doc/$pkgname
- cp -r --no-preserve='ownership' doc/* $pkgdir/usr/share/doc/$pkgname
- install -dm 644 bench/ $pkgdir/usr/share/$pkgname/bench
- cp -r --no-preserve='ownership' bench/* $pkgdir/usr/share/doc/$pkgname/bench
- install -dm 644 examples/ $pkgdir/usr/share/$pkgname/examples
- cp -r --no-preserve='ownership' examples/* $pkgdir/usr/share/doc/$pkgname/examples
+ cd "${pkgname}-stable_${_pkgver}/build"
+ make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
+ if _BUILD_DOC ; then
+ install -Dm644 -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}/html" "html/"*.html
+ install -Dm644 -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}/html" "html/"*.js
+ install -Dm644 -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}/html/_images" "html/_images/"*
+ install -Dm644 -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}/html/_static" "html/_static/"*.png
+ install -Dm644 -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}/html/_static" "html/_static/"*.gif
+ install -Dm644 -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}/html/_static" "html/_static/"*.js
+ install -Dm644 -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}/html/_static/css" "html/_static/css/"*.css
+ install -Dm644 -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}/html/_static/fonts" "html/_static/fonts/"*
+ install -Dm644 -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}/html/_static/js" "html/_static/js/"*.js
+ fi