path: root/PKGBUILD
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'PKGBUILD')
1 files changed, 167 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..afe2e4ef91b6
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+# Maintainer: brent s. <bts[at]square-r00t[dot]net>
+#TODO: set up permissions (e.g. fortress/{progs,sounds, etc.} to be sticky-bit and writable? that way maybe at least files can be downloaded. create maps dir for all mods too.
+#TODO: change permissions for all .cfg's to 664?
+#TODO: way to force mode/ownership of newly created files? umask per dir?
+pkgname=('nquake-base' 'nquake-nonfree' 'nquake-fortress' 'nquake-arena' 'nquake-textures')
+pkgdesc="The easiest, quickest, and most popular QuakeWorld client."
+license=('GPL' 'Custom:CC0-1.0')
+depends=('unzip' 'ezquake')
+_alt_pkgver=$(echo ${pkgver} | sed -e 's/\.//g')
+# for list of mirrors
+_nQ_MIRROR="" # NY, US
+#_nQ_MIRROR="" # Dusseldorf, DE
+#_nQ_MIRROR="" # Lulea, SE
+#_nQ_MIRROR="" # Uppsala, SE
+ "${_nQ_MIRROR}/"
+ "${_nQ_MIRROR}/"
+ "${_nQ_MIRROR}/"
+ "${_nQ_MIRROR}/"
+ "${_nQ_MIRROR}/"
+ "CC0-1.0::")
+ '7146726f483b66951c1ed01c28127b4c2c16d60573f993427ff8d7add9f74d7d'
+ '6ab154fdefca8bc7e080565ac61d74ccce7cf0599de1bb2f82cf32309d9cc767'
+ 'a3df93400b03e44f6d87c1781f1205fc846d555945c43b81e5381b9df9b8da04'
+ '029ccc6764fc442a50b6ceac319377f61183060d67bde8f26137c4101862b09d'
+ '3e2c25baff6cdd58117b663fbd3d8570791e9dc777ebb28da8820f7934a6439d'
+ 'a2010f343487d3f7618affe54f789f5487602331c0a8d03f49e9a7c547cf0499')
+package_nquake-base () {
+ pkgdesc="The easiest, quickest, and most popular QuakeWorld client. (nQuake core)"
+ license=('GPL2')
+ install=nquake-base.install
+ optdepends=('nquake-nonfree: non-GPL assets- STRONGLY recommended'
+ 'nquake-fortress: Team Fortress mod as distributed with nQuake'
+ 'nquake-arena: Clan Arena as distributed with nQuake'
+ 'nquake-textures: Hi-Res Textures as distributed with nQuake')
+ # Most of these files are in
+ install -d -m 0750 ${pkgdir}/opt/quake/{id1,qw,ezquake}
+ install -d -m 0750 ${pkgdir}/usr/share/nquake
+ install -d -m 0755 ${pkgdir}/usr/bin
+ # Fix ezquake packages.
+ install -d -m 0770 ${pkgdir}/opt/quake/ezquake/{sb/cache,temp}
+ # Implement the following in ezQuake
+ #chgrp games ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/ezquake
+ #chmod 0750 ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/ezquake
+ # These are provided by ezQuake.
+ for i in player_{base,blue,cyan,green,orange,pink,purple,red,white,yellow}.png;
+ do
+ rm -f ${srcdir}/qw/skins/${i}
+ done
+ # And the Business-End(TM). Do the thing.
+ cp -a ${srcdir}/id1/gpl_maps.pk3 ${pkgdir}/usr/share/nquake/. # handy to have lying around if you don't have the retail pak*.pak files
+ cp -a ${srcdir}/qw/frogbot.pk3 ${pkgdir}/opt/quake/qw/. # FrogBot, bots/AI
+ cp -a ${srcdir}/ezquake/ezquake.pk3 ${pkgdir}/opt/quake/ezquake/nquake_ezquake.pk3 # we rename to avoid conflicts in the future
+ cp -a ${srcdir}/ezquake/configs ${pkgdir}/opt/quake/ezquake/. # actually part of the, not
+ ln -sf /usr/bin/ezquake ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/nquake
+ # Security is worthless without a modicum of usability. We're kind of stepping on other packagers' toes here, but... c'est la vie.
+ # Remind me to submit a patch to (and incorporate into ezquake-git, which I maintain).
+ # Scratch that, ezquake uses "users" group. Works for me!
+ chgrp -R users ${pkgdir}/opt/quake/
+ chgrp users ${pkgdir}/usr/share/nquake
+package_nquake-nonfree () {
+ pkgdesc="The easiest, quickest, and most popular QuakeWorld client. (Non-GPL assets)"
+ license=('Custom:CC0-1.0') # a.k.a. "public domain". per empazar @ upstream nQuake, non-GPL sources obtained from Quake community in freely distributed (but unlicensed) works.
+ install=nquake-generic.install
+ depends=('nquake-base')
+ optdepends=('nquake-fortress: Team Fortress mod as distributed with nQuake'
+ 'nquake-arena: Clan Arena as distributed with nQuake'
+ 'nquake-textures: Hi-Res Textures as distributed with nQuake')
+ # Most of these files are in
+ install -d -m 0750 ${pkgdir}/opt/quake/qw/{skins,matchinfo}
+ install -d -m 0750 ${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/nquake
+ install -d -m 0755 ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}
+ cp -a ${srcdir}/CC0-1.0 ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/.
+ # And the Business-End(TM). Do the thing.
+ cp -a ${srcdir}/qw/matchinfo ${pkgdir}/opt/quake/qw/. # Demos
+ cp -a ${srcdir}/qw/models.pk3 ${pkgdir}/opt/quake/qw/. # Models
+ cp -a ${srcdir}/qw/nquake.pk3 ${pkgdir}/opt/quake/qw/. # nQuake tweaks
+ cp -a ${srcdir}/readme.txt ${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/nquake/. # nQuake FAQ, credits, etc.
+ cp -a ${srcdir}/qw/readme.txt ${pkgdir}/opt/quake/qw/. # Directory structure schema
+ cp -a ${srcdir}/qw/skins ${pkgdir}/opt/quake/qw/. # Skins for models
+package_nquake-fortress () {
+ pkgdesc="The easiest, quickest, and most popular QuakeWorld client. (Team Fortress, nQuake distribution)"
+ license=('Custom:CC0-1.0') # a.k.a. "public domain".
+ install=nquake-generic.install
+ depends=('nquake-base')
+ optdepends=('nquake-nonfree: non-GPL assets- STRONGLY recommended'
+ 'nquake-arena: Clan Arena as distributed with nQuake'
+ 'nquake-textures: Hi-Res Textures as distributed with nQuake')
+ # Most of these files are in
+ install -d -m 0750 ${pkgdir}/opt/quake/
+ install -d -m 0755 ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}
+ cp -a ${srcdir}/CC0-1.0 ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/.
+ # And the Business-End(TM). Do the thing.
+ cp -a ${srcdir}/fortress ${pkgdir}/opt/quake/. # The entire mod
+package_nquake-arena () {
+ pkgdesc="The easiest, quickest, and most popular QuakeWorld client. (Clan Arena, nQuake distribution)"
+ license=('Custom:CC0-1.0') # a.k.a. "public domain".
+ install=nquake-generic.install
+ depends=('nquake-base')
+ optdepends=('nquake-nonfree: non-GPL assets- STRONGLY recommended'
+ 'nquake-fortress: Team Fortress mod as distributed with nQuake'
+ 'nquake-textures: Hi-Res Textures as distributed with nQuake')
+ # Most of these files are in
+ install -d -m 0750 ${pkgdir}/opt/quake/
+ install -d -m 0755 ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}
+ cp -a ${srcdir}/CC0-1.0 ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/.
+ # And the Business-End(TM). Do the thing.
+ cp -a ${srcdir}/arena ${pkgdir}/opt/quake/. # The entire mod
+ cp -a ${srcdir}/prox ${pkgdir}/opt/quake/. # QuakeProxy, I think?
+package_nquake-textures () {
+# TODO: is aur/quake-qrp-textures more up-to-date than the QRP in the nQuake mirrors? If so, make that a dependency and symlink or copy.
+ pkgdesc="The easiest, quickest, and most popular QuakeWorld client. (QRP Textures, nQuake distribution)"
+ license=('Custom:CC0-1.0') # a.k.a. "public domain".
+ install=nquake-generic.install
+ depends=('nquake-base')
+ optdepends=('nquake-nonfree: non-GPL assets- STRONGLY recommended'
+ 'nquake-fortress: Team Fortress mod as distributed with nQuake'
+ 'nquake-arena: Clan Arena as distributed with nQuake')
+ # Most of these files are in
+ install -d -m 0750 ${pkgdir}/opt/quake/qw
+ install -d -m 0755 ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}
+ cp -a ${srcdir}/CC0-1.0 ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/.
+ # And the Business-End(TM). Do the thing.
+ cp -a ${srcdir}/qw/textures.pk3 ${pkgdir}/opt/quake/qw. # Textures
+ cp -a ${srcdir}/qw/readme-textures.txt ${pkgdir}/opt/quake/. # ????