path: root/PKGBUILD
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'PKGBUILD')
1 files changed, 151 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..72b002042e8a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+# Maintainer: Amin Vakil <info AT aminvakil DOT com>
+# Maintainer: grufo <madmurphy333 AT gmail DOT com>
+# Contributor: midgard <arch.midgard AT janmaes DOT com>
+# Contributor: TrialnError <autumn-wind AT web DOT de>
+# Contributor: Yardena Cohen <yardenack AT gmail DOT com>
+# Contributor: Max Roder <maxroder AT web DOT de>
+# Contributor: Sebastian Jug <seb AT stianj DOT ug>
+# Contributor: BrLi
+# Before running makepkg, you must do this (as normal user):
+# gpg --auto-key-locate nodefault,wkd --locate-keys
+# If you want to update tor-browser from AUR without AUR helpers you can run in a terminal:
+# tor-browser -u
+pkgdesc='Tor Browser Bundle: anonymous browsing using Firefox and Tor (international PKGBUILD)'
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+depends=('mozilla-common' 'libxt' 'startup-notification' 'mime-types'
+ 'dbus-glib' 'alsa-lib' 'desktop-file-utils' 'hicolor-icon-theme'
+ 'libvpx' 'icu' 'libevent' 'nss' 'hunspell' 'sqlite')
+optdepends=('zenity: simple dialog boxes'
+ 'kdialog: KDE dialog boxes'
+ 'gst-plugins-good: H.264 video'
+ 'gst-libav: H.264 video'
+ 'libpulse: PulseAudio audio driver'
+ 'libnotify: Gnome dialog boxes')
+_archstr=$([[ "${CARCH}" == 'x86_64' ]] && echo -n "${_tag_x86_64}" || echo -n "${_tag_i686}")
+export all_proxy="socks5h://"
+_localetor() {
+ #
+ # Checking if a `tor-browser` package exists for current locale; a different language can be
+ # chosen by giving a `TORBROWSER_PKGLANG` environment variable to `makepkg`, for instance:
+ #
+ # TORBROWSER_PKGLANG='en-US' makepkg
+ #
+ if [[ -n "${TORBROWSER_PKGLANG}" ]]; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ local _fulllocale="$(locale | grep LANG | cut -d= -f2 | cut -d. -f1 | sed s/_/\-/)"
+ local _shortlocale="$(locale | grep LANG | cut -d= -f2 | cut -d_ -f1)"
+ if curl --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail "${_urlbase}/${pkgname}-${_archstr}-${pkgver}_${_fulllocale}.tar.xz"; then
+ echo -n "${_fulllocale}"
+ elif curl --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail "${_urlbase}/${pkgname}-${_archstr}-${pkgver}_${_shortlocale}.tar.xz"; then
+ echo -n "${_shortlocale}"
+ else
+ echo -n 'en-US'
+ fi
+# Syntax: _dist_checksum 'linux32'/'linux64'
+_dist_checksum() {
+ curl --silent --fail "${_urlbase}/sha256sums-signed-build.txt" | grep "${1}-${pkgver}_${_language}.tar.xz" | cut -d ' ' -f1
+ "${pkgname}.png"
+ "${pkgname}.sh")
+### IMPORTANT #################################################################
+# No need for `makepkg -g`: the following sha256sums¸don't need to be updated #
+# with each release, everything is done automatically! Leave them like this! #
+ 'bb6b0f27c33d21e0ef6df961e25418327c5e8b01c003bbe18c0a8dae3e16d77d'
+ '89118837e6db1d7b089e0067a6430e9a1a8602a64e00b7ea94382abfb0d3e502')
+sha256sums_i686=($(_dist_checksum "${_tag_i686}")
+ 'SKIP')
+sha256sums_x86_64=($(_dist_checksum "${_tag_x86_64}")
+ 'SKIP')
+ "${pkgname}-${_tag_x86_64}-${pkgver}_${_language}.tar.xz")
+prepare() {
+ # use colors only if we have them
+ if [[ $(which tput > /dev/null 2>&1 && tput -T "${TERM}" colors || echo -n '0') -ge 8 ]] ; then
+ local _COL_YELLOW_='\e[0;33m'
+ local _COL_LIGHTGREY_='\e[0;37m'
+ local _COL_BRED_='\e[1;31m'
+ local _COL_BBLUE_='\e[1;34m'
+ local _COL_BWHITE_='\e[1;37m'
+ local _COL_DEFAULT_='\e[0m'
+ fi
+ msg "Packaging ${pkgname} (language: ${_language})..."
+ if [[ -z "${TORBROWSER_PKGLANG}" ]]; then
+ echo -e "\n ${_COL_BBLUE_}->${_COL_DEFAULT_} ${_COL_BRED_}NOTE:${_COL_DEFAULT_} If you want to package ${_COL_BWHITE_}${pkgname}${_COL_DEFAULT_} in a different language, please"
+ echo -e " set a \`${_COL_YELLOW_}TORBROWSER_PKGLANG${_COL_DEFAULT_}\` environment variable before running makepkg.\n"
+ echo ' For instance:'
+ echo -e "\n ${_COL_LIGHTGREY_}TORBROWSER_PKGLANG='en-US' makepkg${_COL_DEFAULT_}\n"
+ fi
+ # we search and replace using sed with / as delimiter below so don't allow slashes in these vars.
+ # makepkg already enforces that there're no slashes in ${pkgname}, so we don't check that again here.
+ if [[ ${pkgver} = */* || ${_language} = */* || ${pkgdesc} = */* ]]; then
+ error '${pkgver}, ${_language} and ${pkgdesc} for this package are not allowed to contain /' >&2
+ return 1
+ fi
+package() {
+ cd "${srcdir}"
+ sed -i "s/__REPL_LANGUAGE__/${_language}/g" "${pkgname}.desktop"
+ sed -i "s/__REPL_NAME__/${pkgname}/g" "${pkgname}.sh"
+ sed -i "s/__REPL_VERSION__/${pkgver}/g" "${pkgname}.sh"
+ sed -i "s/__REPL_RELEASE__/${pkgrel}/g" "${pkgname}.sh"
+ sed -i "s/__REPL_LANGUAGE__/${_language}/g" "${pkgname}.sh"
+ sed -i "s/__REPL_ARCH__/${_archstr}/g" "${pkgname}.sh"
+ install -Dm 644 "${pkgname}.desktop" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/${pkgname}.desktop"
+ install -Dm 644 "${pkgname}.png" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/pixmaps/${pkgname}.png"
+ install -Dm 755 "${pkgname}.sh" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/${pkgname}"
+ install -Dm 644 "${pkgname}-${_archstr}-${pkgver}_${_language}.tar.xz" "${pkgdir}/opt/${pkgname}/${pkgname}-${_archstr}-${pkgver}_${_language}.tar.xz"