path: root/README.adoc
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-= mkinitcpio Wireguard hook
-:author: David Harrigan
-:email: <dharrigan [@] gmail [dot] com>
-:docinfo: true
-:doctype: book
-:icons: font
-:source-highlighter: highlightjs
-:toclevels: 5
-== ChangeLog
-IMPORTANT: Until this package has stabilised and until it has reached a 1.0.0
-release, *please be very careful* to examine the version changes listed below
-as the package requirements and instructions can change to reflect a better
-understanding of the problem domain. *DO NOT ASSUME THAT ANYTHING UNTIL AT
-WARNING: Read the warning above.
-|Version | Note
-| *0.4.1*
-* Remove unnecessary license headers and simply copy UNLICENSED to appropriate place
-* Minor bugfixes - thanks @undiabler!
-| *0.4.0*
-* Add a route based upon the ALLOWED_IPS.
-| *0.3.0*
-* Various tidy ups and script improvements.
-| *0.2.0*
-* Don't include the entire `/etc/wireguard` directory, instead use a subdirectory, namely `/etc/wireguard/initcpio` to keep things separate.
-| *0.1.0*
-* Initial Release.
-== Rationale
-Firstly, encryption. Encrypt all the things.
-Secondly, I think[Wireguard] is pretty awesome. It's
-really easy to setup and use and works flawlessly (at least for me 😄).
-Thirdly, the ability to remotely unlock encrypted partitions is extremely
-useful. However, a limitation is that in order to remotely unlock the
-partition via SSH, you normally need to be on the same network (or at least
-routeable) to the computer that needs unlocking.
-As far as I could tell, there was nothing available in
-[AUR] that provided a Wireguard hook for
-`mkinitcpio`. Creating a hook should allow a basic Wireguard interface to be
-established so that - via a secure network - you could gain access to the
-remote machine. This is my small attempt to achieve that aim.
-IMPORTANT: I developed this little hook for myself and I'm releasing it into
-the general community in the (probably misguided) hope that others may find it
-useful too. As usual, no warranty implied or otherwise is given towards the
-fitness of this software in meeting *YOUR* needs. Please refer to the included
-[Unlicense] license file for more information. That said,
-I find this little hook useful - perhaps you may too - so please enjoy! Oh,
-and please be be awesome to each other!
-WARNING: Ensure you have read the Arch wiki section on
-unlocking]. It's a *very* good idea to get remote unlocking working *first* on
-your local network - proving that it works for you (this includes using either
-*tinyssh* or *dropbear* to authenticate and unlock successfully)
-- *before* attempting to setup this mkinitcpio Wireguard hook for remote
-IMPORTANT: It is also *strongly* recommend that a *separate* Wireguard network
-is setup and configured *just* for unlocking. You see, a private key (and a
-public key) and a configuration file are written to the ramdisk (which
-typically lives in an unencrypted boot partition). It's super trivially easy
-for anyone to copy this ramdisk, extract out the contents and use the private
-key and Wireguard configuration found therein to connect to your Wireguard
-network. As a minimum, you could disable (on the remote peer *nominally called
-the `server`*) the ability for the target machine (the `client` - the one on
-which you are remotely unlocking partitions) to connect and authenticate -
-only enabling connection *when* and *if* required. Please be careful and think
-this through! Safety first!
-== OS Installation
-Standard installation rules apply. Here's an example using the
-[yay] package manager to install the utility.
-`yay -S mkinitcpio-wireguard`
-Please refer to your favourite package manager's documentation in learn how to
-install it for you 😄
-NOTE: Obviously, you must also install Wireguard! Choose either manual
-installation (using git and compiling it yourself), or using `wireguard-arch`
-or `wireguard-dkms`. Life is short, so personally I just roll with
-`wireguard-arch`. Seems to work OOTB for me, but YMMV...
-== Configuration
-IMPORTANT: The setup and running of `mkinitcpio-wireguard` is *very* basic and
-makes *lots* of assumptions. *This is intentional!* This hook is simple
-because it is designed to get a minimal Wireguard up and running so that you
-can remotely unlock encrypted partitions. The script does not attempt to do
-anything else. This script will never be super fancy or clever.
-WARNING: Please read and familiarise yourself with how Wireguard works. In
-particular, please refer to the *numerous* examples online of how to setup and
-configure Wireguard. It is *strongly* suggested you get Wireguard up and
-running first. A few examples of where to find documentation are listed below:
-After installing `mkinitcpio-wireguard`, an example configuration file will be
-written to `/etc/wireguard/initcpio/unlock`. You *MUST* edit this file to suit
-your particular Wireguard requirements. The file is really simple and
-therefore should be pretty self-explanatory.
-NOTE: If you have an existing `wg0.conf` in your `/etc/wireguard` directory,
-you can use the contents of that file as a reference. Please be aware of the
-warning above concerning the recommended use of a separate network for remote
-== Hook Installation
-After you have edited the `/etc/wireguard/initcpio/unlock` file to suit your
-needs, ensure that you've added the `wireguard` hook to the *HOOKS* array of
-`/etc/mkinitcpio.conf`. Shown below is an example that also includes the use
-of `netconf`, `tinyssh` and `encryptssh`.
-HOOKS=(base udev autodetect keyboard keymap modconf block netconf wireguard tinyssh encryptssh filesystems fsck)
-== Final Steps
-Lastly, run (still as root):
-mkinitcpio -P
-This will regenerate the ramdisk with your Wireguard configuration.
-You should now be able to reboot your machine and after the interface has come
-up be able to ping it via your Wireguard network! You should now also be able
-to SSH to the machine (you did remember to set that all up before doing this,
-right?) and unlock any encrypted partitions and thus enable the continuation
-of your boot process! FTW!
-NOTE: It could take a minute or two for your Wireguard interface to
-authenticate and be recognised by the remote peer. Please be patient and hang
-on in there!
-== Unlicensed
-Find the full unlicense in the UNLICENSE file, but here's a snippet.
-This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
-Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute
-this software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any
-purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means.