path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 502 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..14fd8f96defa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,502 @@
+// PyroScope - rTorrent Command Extensions
+// Copyright (c) 2011 The PyroScope Project <>
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+#include "config.h"
+#include "globals.h"
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <climits>
+#include <ctime>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <rak/path.h>
+#include <rak/functional.h>
+#include <rak/functional_fun.h>
+#if RT_HEX_VERSION < 0x000904
+ #include <sigc++/adaptors/bind.h>
+#include "core/download.h"
+#include "core/manager.h"
+#include "core/view_manager.h"
+#include "rpc/parse.h"
+#include "torrent/tracker.h"
+#include "torrent/tracker_list.h"
+#include "ui/root.h"
+#include "ui/download_list.h"
+#include "ui/element_base.h"
+#include "ui/element_download_list.h"
+#include "globals.h"
+#include "control.h"
+#include "command_helpers.h"
+#if (RT_HEX_VERSION >= 0x000901)
+ #define _cxxstd_ tr1
+ #define _cxxstd_ std
+// handle for message log file
+namespace core {
+int log_messages_fd = -1;
+static char system_random_state[RANDOM_STATESIZE];
+static struct random_data system_random_data;
+// return the "main" tracker for this download item
+torrent::Tracker* get_active_tracker(torrent::Download* item) {
+ torrent::TrackerList* tl = item->tracker_list();
+ torrent::Tracker* tracker = 0;
+ for (int trkidx = 0; trkidx < tl->size(); trkidx++) {
+ tracker = tl->at(trkidx);
+ if (tracker->is_usable() && tracker->type() == torrent::Tracker::TRACKER_HTTP
+ && tracker->scrape_complete() + tracker->scrape_incomplete() > 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ tracker = 0;
+ }
+ if (!tracker && tl->size()) tracker = tl->at(0);
+ return tracker;
+// return the domain name of the "main" tracker of the given download item
+std::string get_active_tracker_domain(torrent::Download* item) {
+ std::string url;
+ torrent::Tracker* tracker = get_active_tracker(item);
+ if (tracker && !tracker->url().empty()) {
+ url = tracker->url();
+ // snip url to domain name
+ if (, 7, "http://") == 0) url = url.substr(7);
+ if (, 8, "https://") == 0) url = url.substr(8);
+ if (url.find('/') > 0) url = url.substr(0, url.find('/'));
+ if (url.find(':') > 0) url = url.substr(0, url.find(':'));
+ // remove some common cruft
+ const char* domain_cruft[] = {
+ "tracker", "1.", "2.", "001.", ".",
+ "www.", "cfdata.",
+ 0
+ };
+ for (const char** cruft = domain_cruft; *cruft; cruft++) {
+ int cruft_len = strlen(*cruft);
+ if (, cruft_len, *cruft) == 0) url = url.substr(cruft_len);
+ }
+ }
+ return url;
+/* @DOC
+ `compare = <order>, <sort_key>=[, ...]`
+ Compares two items like `less=` or `greater=`, but allows to compare
+ by several different sort criteria, and ascending or descending
+ order per given field. The first parameter is a string of order
+ indicators, either `aA+` for ascending or `dD-` for descending.
+ The default, i.e. when there's more fields than indicators, is
+ ascending. Field types other than value or string are treated
+ as equal (or in other words, they're ignored).
+ If all fields are equal, then items are ordered in a random, but
+ stable fashion.
+ Configuration example:
+ # VIEW: Show active and incomplete torrents (in view #9) and update every 20 seconds
+ # Items are grouped into complete, incomplete, and queued, in that order.
+ # Within each group, they're sorted by upload and then download speed.
+ view_sort_current = active,"compare=----,d.is_open=,d.complete=,d.up.rate=,d.down.rate="
+ schedule = filter_active,12,20,"view.filter = active,\"or={d.up.rate=,d.down.rate=,not=$d.complete=}\" ;view.sort=active"
+torrent::Object apply_compare(rpc::target_type target, const torrent::Object::list_type& args) {
+ if (!rpc::is_target_pair(target))
+ throw torrent::input_error("Can only compare a target pair.");
+ if (args.size() < 2)
+ throw torrent::input_error("Need at least order and one field.");
+ torrent::Object::list_const_iterator itr = args.begin();
+ std::string order = (itr++)->as_string();
+ const char* current = order.c_str();
+ torrent::Object result1;
+ torrent::Object result2;
+ for (torrent::Object::list_const_iterator last = args.end(); itr != last; itr++) {
+ std::string field = itr->as_string();
+ result1 = rpc::parse_command_single(rpc::get_target_left(target), field);
+ result2 = rpc::parse_command_single(rpc::get_target_right(target), field);
+ if (result1.type() != result2.type())
+ throw torrent::input_error(std::string("Type mismatch in compare of ") + field);
+ bool descending = *current == 'd' || *current == 'D' || *current == '-';
+ if (*current) {
+ if (!descending && !(*current == 'a' || *current == 'A' || *current == '+'))
+ throw torrent::input_error(std::string("Bad order '") + *current + "' in " + order);
+ ++current;
+ }
+ switch (result1.type()) {
+ case torrent::Object::TYPE_VALUE:
+ if (result1.as_value() != result2.as_value())
+ return (int64_t) (descending ^ (result1.as_value() < result2.as_value()));
+ break;
+ case torrent::Object::TYPE_STRING:
+ if (result1.as_string() != result2.as_string())
+ return (int64_t) (descending ^ (result1.as_string() < result2.as_string()));
+ break;
+ default:
+ break; // treat unknown types as equal
+ }
+ }
+ // if all else is equal, ensure stable sort order based on memory location
+ return (int64_t) (target.second < target.third);
+/* @DOC
+ `system.random = [[<lower>,] <upper>]`
+ Generate *uniformly* distributed random numbers in the range
+ defined by `lower`..`upper`.
+ The default range is `0`..`RAND_MAX`, providing just one
+ argument sets the upper bound. The range is inclusive.
+ An example use-case is adding jitter to time values that you
+ later check with `elapsed.greater`, to avoid load spikes and
+ similar effects of clustered time triggers.
+torrent::Object apply_random(rpc::target_type target, const torrent::Object::list_type& args) {
+ int64_t lo = 0, hi = RAND_MAX;
+ torrent::Object::list_const_iterator itr = args.begin();
+ if (args.size() > 0) {
+ hi = (itr++)->as_value();
+ }
+ if (args.size() > 1) {
+ lo = hi;
+ hi = (itr++)->as_value();
+ }
+ if (args.size() > 2) {
+ throw torrent::input_error("system.random accepts at most two arguments!");
+ }
+ if (lo > hi) {
+ throw torrent::input_error("Empty interval passed to system.random (low > high)!");
+ }
+ if (lo < 0 || RAND_MAX < lo) {
+ throw torrent::input_error("Lower bound of system.random range outside 0..RAND_MAX!");
+ }
+ if (hi < 0 || RAND_MAX < hi) {
+ throw torrent::input_error("Upper bound of system.random range outside 0..RAND_MAX!");
+ }
+ int32_t rval;
+ const int64_t range = 1 + hi - lo;
+ const int64_t buckets = RAND_MAX / range;
+ const int64_t limit = buckets * range;
+ /* Create equal size buckets all in a row, then fire randomly towards
+ * the buckets until you land in one of them. All buckets are equally
+ * likely. If you land off the end of the line of buckets, try again. */
+ do {
+ if (random_r(&system_random_data, &rval) == -1) {
+ throw torrent::input_error("system.random: random_r() failure!");
+ }
+ } while (rval >= limit);
+ return (int64_t) lo + (rval / buckets);
+static std::map<int, std::string> bound_commands[ui::DownloadList::DISPLAY_MAX_SIZE];
+/* @DOC
+ ui.bind_key=display,key,"command1=[,...]"
+ Binds the given key on a specified display to execute the commands when pressed.
+ "display" must be one of "download_list", ...
+ "key" can be either a single character for normal keys,
+ ^ plus a character for control keys, or a 4 digit octal key code.
+ Configuration example:
+ # VIEW: Bind view #7 to the "rtcontrol" result
+ schedule = bind_7,1,0,"ui.bind_key=download_list,7,ui.current_view.set=rtcontrol"
+torrent::Object apply_ui_bind_key(rpc::target_type target, const torrent::Object& rawArgs) {
+ const torrent::Object::list_type& args = rawArgs.as_list();
+ if (args.size() != 3)
+ throw torrent::input_error("Expecting display, key, and commands.");
+ // Parse positional arguments
+ torrent::Object::list_const_iterator itr = args.begin();
+ const std::string& element = (itr++)->as_string();
+ const std::string& keydef = (itr++)->as_string();
+ const std::string& commands = (itr++)->as_string();
+ // Get key index from definition
+ if (keydef.empty() || keydef.size() > (keydef[0] == '0' ? 4 : keydef[0] == '^' ? 2 : 1))
+ throw torrent::input_error("Bad key definition.");
+ int key = keydef[0];
+ if (key == '^' && keydef.size() > 1) key = keydef[1] & 31;
+ if (key == '0' && keydef.size() != 1) {
+ if (keydef.size() != 4)
+ throw torrent::input_error("Bad key definition (expected 4 digit octal code).");
+ key = (int) strtol(keydef.c_str(), (char **) NULL, 8);
+ }
+ // Look up display
+ ui::DownloadList::Display displayType = ui::DownloadList::DISPLAY_MAX_SIZE;
+ if (element == "download_list") {
+ displayType = ui::DownloadList::DISPLAY_DOWNLOAD_LIST;
+ } else {
+ throw torrent::input_error(std::string("Unknown display ") + element);
+ }
+ ui::DownloadList* dl_list = control->ui()->download_list();
+ if (!dl_list)
+ throw torrent::input_error("No download list.");
+ ui::ElementBase* display = dl_list->display(displayType);
+ if (!display)
+ throw torrent::input_error("Display not found.");
+ // Bind the key to the given commands
+ bool new_binding = display->bindings().find(key) == display->bindings().end();
+ bound_commands[displayType][key] = commands; // keep hold of the string, so the c_str() below remains valid
+ switch (displayType) {
+ case ui::DownloadList::DISPLAY_DOWNLOAD_LIST:
+ display->bindings()[key] =
+#if RT_HEX_VERSION < 0x000904
+ sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*(ui::ElementDownloadList*)display, &ui::ElementDownloadList::receive_command),
+ _cxxstd_::bind(&ui::ElementDownloadList::receive_command, (ui::ElementDownloadList*)display,
+ bound_commands[displayType][key].c_str());
+ break;
+ default:
+ return torrent::Object();
+ }
+ if (!new_binding) {
+ std::string msg = "Replaced key binding";
+ msg += " for " + keydef + " in " + element + " with " + commands.substr(0, 30);
+ if (commands.size() > 30) msg += "...";
+ control->core()->push_log(msg.c_str());
+ }
+ return torrent::Object();
+torrent::Object cmd_ui_focus_home() {
+ ui::DownloadList* dl_list = control->ui()->download_list();
+ core::View* dl_view = dl_list->current_view();
+ if (!dl_view->empty_visible()) {
+ dl_view->set_focus(dl_view->begin_visible());
+ dl_view->set_last_changed();
+ }
+ return torrent::Object();
+torrent::Object cmd_ui_focus_end() {
+ ui::DownloadList* dl_list = control->ui()->download_list();
+ core::View* dl_view = dl_list->current_view();
+ if (!dl_view->empty_visible()) {
+ dl_view->set_focus(dl_view->end_visible() - 1);
+ dl_view->set_last_changed();
+ }
+ return torrent::Object();
+static int ui_page_size() {
+ // TODO: map 0 to the current view size, for adaptive scrolling
+ return std::max(1, (int) rpc::call_command_value("ui.focus.page_size"));
+torrent::Object cmd_ui_focus_pgup() {
+ ui::DownloadList* dl_list = control->ui()->download_list();
+ core::View* dl_view = dl_list->current_view();
+ int skip = ui_page_size();
+ if (!dl_view->empty_visible()) {
+ if (dl_view->focus() == dl_view->end_visible())
+ dl_view->set_focus(dl_view->end_visible() - 1);
+ else if (dl_view->focus() - dl_view->begin_visible() >= skip)
+ dl_view->set_focus(dl_view->focus() - skip);
+ else
+ dl_view->set_focus(dl_view->begin_visible());
+ dl_view->set_last_changed();
+ }
+ return torrent::Object();
+torrent::Object cmd_ui_focus_pgdn() {
+ ui::DownloadList* dl_list = control->ui()->download_list();
+ core::View* dl_view = dl_list->current_view();
+ int skip = ui_page_size();
+ if (!dl_view->empty_visible()) {
+ if (dl_view->focus() == dl_view->end_visible())
+ dl_view->set_focus(dl_view->begin_visible());
+ else if (dl_view->end_visible() - dl_view->focus() > skip)
+ dl_view->set_focus(dl_view->focus() + skip);
+ else
+ dl_view->set_focus(dl_view->end_visible() - 1);
+ dl_view->set_last_changed();
+ }
+ return torrent::Object();
+torrent::Object cmd_log_messages(const torrent::Object::string_type& arg) {
+ if (arg.empty()) {
+ control->core()->push_log_std("Closing message log file.");
+ }
+ if (core::log_messages_fd >= 0) {
+ ::close(core::log_messages_fd);
+ core::log_messages_fd = -1;
+ }
+ if (!arg.empty()) {
+ core::log_messages_fd = open(rak::path_expand(arg).c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | O_CREAT, 0644);
+ if (core::log_messages_fd < 0) {
+ throw torrent::input_error("Could not open message log file.");
+ }
+ control->core()->push_log_std("Opened message log file '" + rak::path_expand(arg) + "'.");
+ }
+ return torrent::Object();
+// Backports from 0.9.2
+#if (API_VERSION < 3)
+template <typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator> OutputIterator
+pyro_transform_hex(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator dest) {
+ const char* hex = "0123456789abcdef";
+ while (first != last) {
+ *(dest++) = (*first >> 4)[hex];
+ *(dest++) = (*first & 15)[hex];
+ ++first;
+ }
+ return dest;
+torrent::Object d_chunks_seen(core::Download* download) {
+ const uint8_t* seen = download->download()->chunks_seen();
+ if (seen == NULL)
+ return std::string();
+ uint32_t size = download->download()->file_list()->size_chunks();
+ std::string result;
+ result.resize(size * 2);
+ pyro_transform_hex((const char*)seen, (const char*)seen + size, result.begin());
+ return result;
+torrent::Object cmd_d_tracker_domain(core::Download* download) {
+ return get_active_tracker_domain(download->download());
+#if RT_HEX_VERSION <= 0x000906
+torrent::Object cmd_system_env(const torrent::Object::string_type& arg) {
+ if (arg.empty()) {
+ throw torrent::input_error("system.env: Missing variable name.");
+ }
+ char* val = getenv(arg.c_str());
+ return std::string(val ? val : "");
+torrent::Object cmd_ui_current_view() {
+ return control->ui()->download_list()->current_view()->name();
+void initialize_command_pyroscope() {
+ unsigned int seed = cachedTime.usec() ^ (getpid() << 16) ^ getppid();
+ initstate_r(seed, system_random_state, RANDOM_STATESIZE, &system_random_data);
+// Backports from 0.9.2
+#if (API_VERSION < 3)
+ //
+ //
+ CMD2_DL("d.chunks_seen", _cxxstd_::bind(&d_chunks_seen, _cxxstd_::placeholders::_1));
+ //
+ CMD2_TRACKER("t.is_usable", _cxxstd_::bind(&torrent::Tracker::is_usable, _cxxstd_::placeholders::_1));
+ CMD2_TRACKER("t.is_busy", _cxxstd_::bind(&torrent::Tracker::is_busy, _cxxstd_::placeholders::_1));
+#if RT_HEX_VERSION <= 0x000906
+ // these are merged into 0.9.7+ mainline!
+ CMD2_ANY_STRING("system.env", _cxxstd_::bind(&cmd_system_env, _cxxstd_::placeholders::_2));
+ CMD2_ANY("ui.current_view", _cxxstd_::bind(&cmd_ui_current_view));
+ CMD2_ANY_LIST("compare", &apply_compare);
+ CMD2_ANY_LIST("system.random", &apply_random);
+ CMD2_ANY("ui.bind_key", &apply_ui_bind_key);
+ CMD2_DL("d.tracker_domain", _cxxstd_::bind(&cmd_d_tracker_domain, _cxxstd_::placeholders::_1));
+ CMD2_ANY_STRING("log.messages", _cxxstd_::bind(&cmd_log_messages, _cxxstd_::placeholders::_2));
+ CMD2_ANY("ui.focus.home", _cxxstd_::bind(&cmd_ui_focus_home));
+ CMD2_ANY("ui.focus.end", _cxxstd_::bind(&cmd_ui_focus_end));
+ CMD2_ANY("ui.focus.pgup", _cxxstd_::bind(&cmd_ui_focus_pgup));
+ CMD2_ANY("ui.focus.pgdn", _cxxstd_::bind(&cmd_ui_focus_pgdn));
+ CMD2_VAR_VALUE("ui.focus.page_size", 50);