path: root/fulcrum.conf
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Diffstat (limited to 'fulcrum.conf')
1 files changed, 456 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fulcrum.conf b/fulcrum.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5da64d0fd16c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fulcrum.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+# Fulcrum Sample Config File
+# Feel free to edit this file (or a copy of it) and then pass it as a bare
+# argument when starting Fulcrum, e.g.:
+# $ ./Fulcrum myconfig.conf
+# The configuration file format for Fulcrum resembles that of bitcoind.conf in
+# that it is a simple name = value style file format, with comments denoted by
+# `#` characters. Configuration variables are case insensitive and Fulcrum
+# completely ignores variable names that it does not understand.
+# Boolean variables (such as 'debug' or 'syslog' below) may be specified as name
+# = 1, name = true, name = false, name = off, etc, or without any '=' sign in
+# which case they are interpreted as "true".
+# Some (but not all) configuration variables below have corresponding command-
+# line equivalents (such as -D/--datadir, for example). If a configuration
+# parameter is specified both in the conf file as well as the CLI, the CLI arg
+# takes precedence and overrides the corresponding conf file parameter. In this
+# way, it's possible to override the conf file for a particular run of Fulcrum
+# while still "inheriting" the rest of the config file. Say you wanted to test
+# Fulcrum against a different daemon, you would then do:
+# $ ./Fulcrum myconfig.conf -b
+# What follows below are commented-out versions (in many cases set to their
+# defaults) of all of the variables you can use to customize the operation of
+# Fulcrum. Required parameters have been left uncommented and must be specified
+# for Fulcrum to operate correctly.
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Database directory - 'datadir' - REQUIRED
+# Specifies the directory where to store the database. Be sure the directory is
+# on a drive that has 35+ GB of space for mainnet or ~8GB of space for testnet.
+# If the directory does not exist, it will be created. It is recommended you use
+# an SSD, but an HDD will work as well once synched, however synching will take
+# much longer on an HDD.
+# NOTE: Use native path separators: '/' on Unix, '\' on Windows.
+datadir = /var/lib/fulcrum
+# Bitcoin daemon RPC host:port - 'bitcoind' - REQUIRED
+# Specifies a hostname:port for connecting to the bitcoind rpc service. This is
+# a required option (along with rpcuser and rpcpassword below). This
+# hostname:port would be the same as you specified in your bitcoin.conf file
+# under `rpcbind=` and `rpcport=`.
+bitcoind =
+# Bitcoin daemon RPC username - 'rpcuser' - REQUIRED
+# Specifies the username to use for authenticating to bitcoind. This is a
+# required option, along with 'bitcoind' and 'rpcpassword'. This option should
+# be the same username you specified in your bitcoind.conf file under
+# `rpcuser=`. For security, you may want to omit this option from the config
+# file and use the RPCUSER environment variable instead (however, the config
+# file or any -u/--rpcuser CLI args will take precedence, so if you do want to
+# use the environment variable scheme, then be sure to comment-out the below
+# line).
+rpcuser = Bob_The_Banker
+# Bitcoin daemon RPC password - 'rpcpassword' - REQUIRED
+# Specifies the password to use for authenticating to bitcoind. This is a
+# required option, along with 'bitcoind' and 'rpcuser'. This option should be
+# the same password you specified in your bitcoind.conf file under
+# `rpcpassword=`. For security, you may want to omit this option from the config
+# file and use the RPCPASSWORD environment variable instead (however, the config
+# file or any -p/--rpcpassword CLI args will take precedence, so if you do want
+# to use the environment variable scheme, then be sure to comment-out the below
+# line).
+rpcpassword = hunter1
+# Bitcoin daemon poll interval - 'polltime' - Default: 2.0 seconds
+# The number of seconds for the bitcoind poll interval. Bitcoind is polled once
+# every `polltime` seconds to detect mempool and blockchain changes. This value
+# must be at least 0.5 and cannot exceed 30. If not specified, the default is
+# 2.0 seconds.
+#polltime = 2.0
+# TCP bind - 'tcp' - DEFAULT:
+# Specifies the TCP interface:port to bind to for Electron Cash clients to
+# connect to. Default is Typically on the Electron Cash network
+# 50001 & 50002 are for mainnet TCP & SSL and 60001 & 60002 are for testnet TCP
+# & SSL, respectively. If you wish to bind to multiple ports, you may specify
+# this option multiple times, once for each interface:port combination.
+# Note: At the present time, outside of Tor proxying, Electron Cash clients
+# typically do not like to connect to non-SSL servers -- so using just TCP will
+# lead to not very many clients using your server. SSL is highly recommended.
+# You may specify either IPv4 or IPv6 interfaces.
+#tcp =
+# SSL bind - 'ssl' - DEFAULT: disabled (no SSL bind port)
+# Specifies the SSL interface:port to bind to for Electron Cash clients to
+# connect to. Default is to not use SSL. Typically on the Electron Cash network
+# 50001 & 50002 are for mainnet TCP & SSL and 60001 & 60002 are for testnet TCP
+# & SSL, respectively. If you wish to bind to multiple ports, you may specify
+# this option multiple times, once for each interface:port combination.
+# If you enable SSL you must also specify the 'cert' and 'key' configuration
+# parameters (see below).
+# You may specify either IPv4 or IPv6 interfaces.
+#ssl =
+# SSL certificate - 'cert' - DEFAULT: None (required for SSL)
+# Specifes the SSL certificate to use for all SSL ports. The certificate must be
+# in PEM format. (Self-signed certs are ok).
+#cert = /path/to/server.crt
+# SSL private key - 'key' - DEFAULT: None (required for SSL)
+# Specifies the SSL private key to use for encryption. At the present time only
+# RSA keys are supported, and the file must be in PEM format.
+#key = /path/to/server.key
+# HTTP stats bind - 'stats' - DEFAULT: None
+# Specifies the listen address and port for the "stats" HTTP server. You may hit
+# this endpoint with /stats in your browser, and it will serve you some
+# JSON-encoded statistics. The /stats endpoint is intended as a convenient way
+# to keep track of what your server is up to, how many clients are connected,
+# what the load it is, etc. Do *NOT* expose this port to the public! It is for
+# your admin use only! The default is to not start any "stats" HTTP servers
+# unless you specify this option. This option may be specified more than once to
+# bind to multiple ports and/or interfaces.
+#stats =
+# Syslog mode - 'syslog' - DEFAULT: off (false)
+# Syslog mode. If on Unix, use the syslog() facility to produce log messages
+# (rather than writing to stdout). This option currently has no effect on
+# Windows.
+#syslog = false
+# Debug mode - 'debug' - DEFAULT: off for Release builds, on for Debug builds
+# Specifies that logging should produce extra verbose output, which may be
+# useful for diagnostics. This option is the inverse of the 'quiet' option (see
+# below). You may specify either 'debug' or 'quiet', but not both.
+# This option may be specified multiple times. In that case, network 'trace'
+# output will also be generated (this is extremely verbose output typically only
+# used for development and/or protocol-level troubleshooting.)
+#debug = false
+# Quiet mode - 'quiet' - DEFAULT: on for Release builds, off for Debug builds
+# Limits logging to the normal messages, without any extra verbose debug info.
+# This option is the inverse of the 'debug' option and is the default on release
+# builds. You may specify either 'debug' or 'quiet', but not both.
+#quiet = true
+# CheckDB at startup - 'checkdb' - DEFAULT: off (false)
+# If enabled, database consistency will be checked thoroughly for sanity &
+# integrity each time Fulcrum is (re)started. This may take anywhere from 30
+# seconds up to a few minutes depending on your system. Under normal operation
+# these checks are not necessary but are provided as a debugging tool in case
+# you suspect your database files may be corrupt. This also may be specified on
+# the CLI via the --checkdb or -C option for a one-time check.
+#checkdb = false
+# Donation address - 'donation'
+# - DEFAULT: bitcoincash:qplw0d304x9fshz420lkvys2jxup38m9symky6k028
+# The server donation address. This address is given to users when they select
+# "Help -> Donate to server" from the Electron Cash GUI, and/or clients that
+# invoke the "server.donation_address" RPC method. Additionally, it can also be
+# used in the banner text file as the $DONATION_ADDRESS substitution variable
+# (see the 'banner' conf variable below). No checks are done on the server side
+# to ensure this is a valid Bitcoin Cash address, it is just relayed to clients
+# verbatim as a text string (80 characters maximum).
+# If unspecified, the default will be the developer's donation address.
+#donation = bitcoincash:qplw0d304x9fshz420lkvys2jxup38m9symky6k028
+# Server banner text file - 'banner'
+# - DEFAULT: Send a static string "Connected to a Fulcruim xx.x server"
+# The "banner" text file to send to clients when they request the server banner.
+# Specify a file path to a server-readable UTF-8 encoded text file (maximum file
+# lemgth: 16384 bytes). Typically Electron Cash clients ask for the server
+# banner (via the "server.banner" RPC method) when they first connect to your
+# server. They then display this text in the "Console" tab of the Electron Cash
+# GUI. Some server admins get creative with this file and include ASCII or emoji
+# art and other fancy features, while others choose to use the banner text to
+# relay technical information about the server, or both.
+# Banner text file variable substitution:
+# The server banner text file supports variable substitutions. You may include
+# the following special tokens (case sensitive) in your text file which will be
+# interpreted and replaced with the appropriate text:
+# $SERVER_VERSION - Server software version number, short.
+# e.g.: "1.0" or "1.2", etc.
+# $SERVER_SUBVERSION - Server software version, long.
+# e.g.: "Fulcrum 1.0"
+# $DAEMON_VERSION - BitcoinD version number, short.
+# e.g.: "0.20.6" or "1.1.7"
+# $DAEMON_SUBVERSION - BitcoinD daemon "subversion" useragent string.
+# e.g.: "/Bitcoin ABC:0.20.6(EB32.0; Bobs_Server)/"
+# $DONATION_ADDRESS - The server donation address as configured (see the
+# section on the 'donation' conf variable).
+#banner = /path/to/banner.txt
+# Public hostname - 'hostname' - DEFAULT: Local IP address on server
+# The server's public hostname. This is the hostname that your server will
+# announce to clients and to other servers engaged in peer discovery. It is very
+# important that you set this option, since if it is not set, the default is to
+# just report your local IP address to other servers and to clients. In most
+# cases this default is incorrect if your server is behind a firewall. What's
+# more, this text is used to identify your server in the Electron Cash GUI, so
+# the default will look like a non-human-friendly IP address, which is most
+# certainly not what you want. For best results, set this option to the public
+# hostname of your server as others would connect to it on the internet,
+# preferably this hostname also matches the hostname in your SSL certificate
+# (this latter consideration is not required just recommended). You may also
+# wish to set 'public_tcp_port' and 'public_ssl_port' as well (see those
+# sections in this file).
+#hostname =
+# Public TCP port - 'public_tcp_port' - DEFAULT: The first 'tcp' port configured
+# The server's public TCP port. This, along with 'hostname' and
+# 'public_ssl_port', is announced to clients and to other servers engaged in
+# peer discovery. The default is to simply use the first TCP port specified in
+# the server configuration (if any). If you are behind a firewall and doing some
+# port remapping, then you definitely want to set this option. This should be
+# the public TCP port as would be used by the rest of the internet to connect to
+# your server via an unencrypted TCP connection (non-SSL). You may also set this
+# option to 0 to disable reporting any TCP port.
+#public_tcp_port = 50001
+# Public SSL port - 'public_ssl_port' - DEFAULT: The first 'ssl' port configured
+# The server's public SSL port. This, along with 'hostname' and
+# 'public_ssl_port', is announced to clients and to other servers engaged in
+# peer discovery. The default is to simply use the first SSL port specified in
+# the server configuration (if any). If you are behind a firewall and doing some
+# port remapping, then you definitely want to set this option. This should be
+# the public SSL port as would be used by the rest of the internet to connect to
+# your server via SSL. You may also set this option to 0 to disable reporting
+# any SSL port.
+#public_ssl_port = 50002
+# Peer discovery - 'peering' - DEFAULT: true
+# TODO: Description here
+#peering = true
+# Peering: announce self - 'announce' - DEFAULT: true if hostname and peering
+# are set, false otherwise
+# TODO: Description here
+#announce = false
+# Max client connections per IP - 'max_clients_per_ip' - DEFAULT: 12
+# The maximum number of simultaneous client connections allowed per originating
+# IP address. This is a simple DoS control measure to prevent excessive
+# connections from 1 computer on the internet. When a client attempts to exceed
+# this per-IP limit, connections past the limit will be refused. This DoS
+# control measure may backfire, however, if you anticipate many users arriving
+# from behind the same NATed IP address. In practice, this rarely happens, but
+# if you anticipate that to be the case, feel free to set this parameter higher.
+# A value <= 0 or an empty value will disable this limit entirely.
+#max_clients_per_ip = 12
+# Exclude from per-IP limits = 'subnets_to_exclude_from_per_ip_limits'
+# - DEFAULT:, ::1/128
+# Specify a comma-delimited list of subnets to exclude from the per-IP limits
+# (such as max_clients_per_ip). Clients connecting from one of these subnets
+# will not be subjected to any per-IP limits. The default is for any clients
+# connecting from localhost (this default is particularly useful if serving via
+# Tor, where all clients come from localhost). Set this to the empty string to
+# not have any excluded subnets, eg "subnets_to_exclude_from_per_ip_limits =".
+# Examples:,, 123.45.,, ...
+#subnets_to_exclude_from_per_ip_limits =, ::1/128
+# Max history - 'max_history' - DEFAULT: 125000
+# The maximum size of the transaction history for a particular address
+# (scripthash) that the server will serve to clients, in terms of number of
+# transactions. Addresses having a history exceeding this size will not
+# participate in subscriptions (the history status returned will be null), and
+# `get_history` and/or `listunspent` will return an empty list. From the point
+# of view of a client asking for such a large history -- it will be as if the
+# address in question has no history at all.
+# Be careful increasing this limit. The default chosen is already quite generous
+# with fewer than 0.0000001% of addresses on mainnet having histories in excess
+# of this limit.
+# This is a performance-saving measure designed to keep excessively large
+# address histories from impacting the performance of the server and using up
+# resources. Moreover, it can be argued that such users with such
+# computationally expensive histories are better served running a full node
+# themesleves, rather than relying on a public SPV server and/or light wallet
+# system.
+# Note that there are some addresses on the chain whose histories exceed 7.5
+# million transactions. Returning such a large history to clients and/or
+# calculating the "status hash" for such a large history takes on the order of
+# seconds, and can impact the experience of other users of your server if
+# excessive requests are made for such large histories (if this limit were not
+# in place).
+# This value may be set to any positive integer in the range: [1000, 100000000].
+#max_history = 125000
+# Maximum transmission backlog size - 'max_buffer' - DEFAULT: 4000000
+# The maximum size in bytes of the transmission buffer "backlog" (send and
+# receive) per client. This limit is a simple sanity check against DoS and/or
+# misbehaving clients.
+# As a client is sent data, it is expected that they will read it in time and
+# not let it accumulate on the sending end. If the data backlog exceeds this
+# size, then the client is automatically disconnected. The default chosen is a
+# good size in practice, but if your server is serving up large address
+# histories in excess of 55,000 transactions for a single address, and your
+# clients are slow to read and consume this data, then you may want to increase
+# this limit.
+# Note that unlike ElectrumX or ElecronX, this variable does *not* limit the
+# size of transaction histories that may be sent to clients. In fact, you may
+# set this variable quite low and if clients can read data as it is generated,
+# they may receive arbitrarily large histories from your server.
+# You may not set this number below 64000 (64 KiB) or in excess of 100000000
+# (100 MiB).
+#max_buffer = 4000000
+# Work queue size - 'workqueue' - DEFAULT: 10000
+# The maximum size of the work queue. Requests from clients that require further
+# processing (such as get_merkle, get_history, listunspent, etc) all end up
+# being placed in a queue and processed asynchronously by threads in a thread
+# pool. The 'workqueue' parameter sets the size of the work backlog before the
+# server returns errors to clients. Normally this option does not need to be
+# changed, but the parameter is exposed to server admins for testing and
+# debugging purposes.
+# It is an error to set this parameter to less than 10.
+#workqueue = 10000
+# Work queue threads - 'worker_threads' - DEFAULT: 0 (= autodetect # of CPUs)
+# The maximum number of worker threads that can simultaneously be spawned for
+# work queue processing. In most cases you want to leave this option at its
+# default (0, meaning autodetect to number of cores on the system), since using
+# as many threads as there are cores on the system is the most efficient overall
+# setting and leads to optimal server responsiveness and performance.
+# In general as clients make requests they are processed very quickly and CPU
+# impact on the server is minimal on average. You want the server to have access
+# to all your cores for when work arrives in a burst -- which is why the default
+# is a good setting.
+# However, this configuration parameter is exposed to admins wishing to cap the
+# maximal load that the server can put on the system. Say you have a server with
+# 16 physical cores, setting 'worker_threads = 4' will cap the total CPU load on
+# the system to 25% (4 out of 16 cores).
+# You may even wish to experiment with setting this value higher than the number
+# of cores on the system since some of the work submitted to the queue is I/O
+# bound work (db reads from disk), so it may actually be beneficial to set this
+# higher than the number of cores on the system.
+#worker_threads = 0 # <--- autodetect to number of cores on the system.
+# Peer IP uniqueness enforcement - 'peering_enforce_unique_ip' - DEFAULT: true
+# TODO: Description here
+#peering_enforce_unique_ip = true