path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 62 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index b01b0c586e2c..000000000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-# Hexo部署脚本
-if grep -Eqii "Arch*" /etc/issue /etc/*-release; then
- echo 'OS is Arch'
- read -p "您是否要已经打开github/gitee pages\n y/n :" answer
- if [ $answer == n ]; then
- echo '感谢使用'
- elif [ $answer == y ]; then
- read -p "您是否已开启仓库 y/n:" git
- echo '## 必要工具安装'
- sudo pacman -S vim nano git wget curl tar gzip zip nodejs-lts-erbium npm --noconfirm
- echo '## npm配置为国内源'
- npm config set registry
- echo '## 使用npm安装hexo部署工具'
- npm install -g hexo-cli
- npm uninstall --save hexo-generator-category
- npm install --save hexo-renderer-jade hexo-generator-archive hexo-generator-category-enhance hexo-generator-feed hexo-generator-tag
- npm install --save hexo-prism-plugin
- echo '## git账户绑定'
- read -p "## 输入你的github/gitee邮箱地址:" email
- git config --global $email
- read -p "## 请输入你的github/github用户名:" username
- git config --global $username
- echo '## hexo开始部署......'
- echo '# 基础文件抓取'
- read -p "请输入项目要保存的位置:" project
- mkdir -p ~/$project && cd ~/$project && npm install hexo-deployer-git && wget && tar -xvf hexo-start.tar && npm install hexo-deployer-git
- rm -r hexo-start.tar
- # 信息读取
- read -p "请输入你的博客标题:" title
- read -p "请输入您对您博客的描述:" description
- read -p "请输入作者name:" author
- read -p "请输入您的语言(中文zh-Hans 英文en):" language
- read -p "请输入时区(例Asia/Shanghai):" timezone
- read -p "请输入你仓库地址(git结尾):" repo
- read -p "请输入你的博客地址:" url
- read -p "请输入你的pages根目录地址 eg: / " root
- echo -e "# Hexo Configuration\n## Docs:\n## Source:\n \n# Site\ntitle: $title\nsubtitle: ''\ndescription: $description\nkeywords:\nauthor: $author\nlanguage: $language\ntimezone: $timezone\n \n# URL\n## Set your site url here. For example, if you use GitHub Page, set url as ''\nurl: $url\nroot: $root\npermalink: :year/:month/:day/:title/\npermalink_defaults:\npretty_urls:\n trailing_index: true # Set to false to remove trailing 'index.html' from permalinks\n trailing_html: true # Set to false to remove trailing '.html' from permalinks\n \n# Directory\nsource_dir: source\npublic_dir: public\ntag_dir: tags\narchive_dir: archives\ncategory_dir: categories\ncode_dir: downloads/code\ni18n_dir: :lang\nskip_render:\n \n# Writing\nnew_post_name: # File name of new posts\ndefault_layout: post\ntitlecase: false # Transform title into titlecase\nexternal_link:\n enable: true # Open external links in new tab\n field: site # Apply to the whole site\n exclude: ''\nfilename_case: 0\nrender_drafts: false\npost_asset_folder: false\nrelative_link: false\nfuture: true\nhighlight:\n enable: false\n line_number: true\n auto_detect: false\n tab_replace: ''\n wrap: true\n hljs: false\nprismjs:\n enable: false\n preprocess: true\n line_number: true\n tab_replace: ''\n \n \n# plugins\nplugin:\n - hexo-generator-category-enhance\n - hexo-generator-feed\n - hexo-asset-image\n - hexo-prism-plugin\n - hexo-toc\n \narchive_generator:\n per_page: 0\n \n \ncategory_generator:\n per_page: 10\n enable_index_page: true\n \n \ntag_generator:\n per_page: 10\n enable_index_page: true\n \n \n# Generator atom feed for you website\nfeed:\n type: atom\n path: atom.xml\n limit: 20\n hub:\n content:\n content_limit: 140\n content_limit_delim: ' '\n \n \n# For syntax highlighting\nprism_plugin:\n mode: 'preprocess'\n theme: 'default'\n line_number: true\n \n \n# Home page setting\n# path: Root path for your blogs index page. (default = '')\n# per_page: Posts displayed per page. (0 = disable pagination)\n# order_by: Posts order. (Order by date descending by default)\nindex_generator:\n path: ''\n per_page: 10\n order_by: -date\n \n# Category & Tag\ndefault_category: uncategorized\ncategory_map:\ntag_map:\n \n \n# Metadata elements\n##\nmeta_generator: true\n \n \n# Date / Time format\n## Hexo uses Moment.js to parse and display date\n# You can customize the date format as defined in\n#\ndate_format: YYYY-MM-DD\ntime_format: HH:mm:ss\n## updated_option supports 'mtime', 'date', 'empty'\nupdated_option: 'mtime'\n \n \n# Pagination\n## Set per_page to 0 to disable pagination\nper_page: 10\npagination_dir: page\n \n# Include / Exclude file(s)\n## include:/exclude: options only apply to the 'source/' folder\ninclude:\nexclude:\nignore:\n\n \n \n# Extensions\n## Plugins:\n## Themes:\ntheme: typoography\n \n# Deployment\n## Docs:\ndeploy:\n type: git\n repo: $repo\n branch: master" > _config.yml
- read -p "请输入你在主题下显示的名称:" title1
- read -p "请输入你的标题简介第一行:" title_primary
- read -p "请输入你的标题简介第二行:" title_secondary
- echo -e "title: $title1\ntitle_primary: $title_primary\ntitle_secondary: $title_secondary\nkeywords:\n \nemail: #E-mail address\nbilibili: #bilibili UID\nsteam: #user name\ntwitter: #username\nrss: atom.xml\nweibo: #username/id\ninstagram: #username\ngithub: \n \n# Choose the comment service according to your need.\n# Please do not use the two services at the same time.\n#livere: # [data-uid] on\n#disqus: # [short_name] on\n#dove: # For fun ONLY. Set to true to 'disable' comments on your site.\n \n# Set true to show the page indicator.\nshowPageCount: true\n \n# Set true to show category or tags behind post titles\nshowCategories: true\nshowTags: true\n \n# Color scheme\nthemeStyle: light # light/dark" > themes/typoography/_config.yml
- npm install --force
- hexo cl && hexo g -d
- echo '## 请进入github/gitee pages页面更新'
- else
- echo 'error 请输入y/n'
- exit
- fi
-elif grep -Eqii 'Debian*' /etc/issue /etc/*-release;then
- echo 'OS is Debian'
- echo '作者目前仅编写Arch Linux的脚本'
- echo '作者目前仅编写Arch Linux的脚本'