path: root/justfile
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'justfile')
1 files changed, 23 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/justfile b/justfile
index 4123fe6551cb..126f9cc75a81 100644
--- a/justfile
+++ b/justfile
@@ -16,25 +16,26 @@ build:
@$Say Building @{{PkgBuild}} via chroot
makechrootpkg -c -r {{ChrootPath}} -d "/tmp:/tmp" -C -n -l {{PkgVer}}_{{PkgRel}}
+# Repackage without rebuilding
+ @$Say Repackaging @{{PkgBuild}} via chroot
+ makechrootpkg -r {{ChrootPath}} -l {{PkgVer}}_{{PkgRel}} -- --skipint --noprepare --noextract --nocheck --repackage --force
+# Run a command in the chroot environment
+cexec +args: (_cexec "." args)
+# Run ctest in the chroot environment
+ctest *args: (_cexec "build" "ctest" args)
# Create and update the base chroot
chroot: (_update_chroot ChrootBase)
# Initialize the base chroot for building packages
mkchroot: (_mkchroot ChrootBase)
-# Watch build log streams, optionally filtering them with the given regex and options
-watch $filter=None $opts="-iP": _mkloglist
- @$Say Watching build {{BuildTriple}} logs ${filter:+"(filter: $filter $opts)"}
- tail -F -n +1 --silent $(cat {{LogFileList}} | xargs) 2>/dev/null {{ if filter == None { None } else { '| rg ' + opts + ' "' + filter + '"' } }}
-# Print build logs, optionally filtering them with the given regex and options
-logs $filter=None $opts="-iP": _mkloglist
- @$Say Printing {{BuildTriple}} logs ${filter:+"(filter: $filter $opts)"}
- cat *.log 2>/dev/null {{ if filter == None { None } else { '| rg ' + opts + ' "' + filter + '"' } }}
# Install required dependencies
- pacman -S base-devel sudo devtools ripgrep --needed --noconfirm
+ pacman -S base-devel util-linux sudo devtools ripgrep --needed --noconfirm
# Clean one or more of: chroot|deps|artifacts|logs
clean +what="chroot":
@@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ clean +what="chroot":
# Upload built artifacts to Github, using the associated release
-upload pkg="ceph,ceph-libs,ceph-mgr": (_upload pkg)
+upload pkg="@all": (_upload pkg)
# Initialize the chroot
@_mkchroot $cbase:
@@ -75,24 +76,25 @@ upload pkg="ceph,ceph-libs,ceph-mgr": (_upload pkg)
$Say Updating chroot packages @$cbase
arch-nspawn $cbase pacman -Syu
- mkdir -p $(dirname {{LogFileList}})
- echo \
- ceph-{{BuildTriple}}-{build,prepare,check,package_ceph{,-libs,-mgr}}.log \
- ceph-{,mgr-,libs-}{{BuildTriple}}.pkg.tar.zst-namcap.log \
- PKGBUILD-namcap.log \
- > {{LogFileList}}
+# Exec into the chroot to a path relative to the workdir, and run the given args
+_cexec path +args:
+ arch-nspawn {{ChrootActive}} --chdir /build/{{PkgBase}}/src/{{PkgBase}}-{{PkgVer}}/{{path}} sh -c {{quote(trim(args))}}
# Script to upload a comma separated list of packages to the active Github release
_upload $pkgstring:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
- [[ -n "$GITHUB_TOKEN" ]] || { $Say "Error: GITHUB_TOKEN must be set" && exit 4; }
+ [[ -v GITHUB_TOKEN ]] || { $Say "Error: GITHUB_TOKEN must be set" && exit 4; }
IFS=', ' read -r -a PKGS <<<"$pkgstring"
+ if printf '%s\0' "${PKGS[@]}" | grep -zxqF -- '@all'; then
+ $Say Expanding '@all' to package set
+ PKGS=($(rg -P --only-matching --replace '$1' '^package_(.+)\(\) {' {{PkgBuild}} | sort | xargs))
+ fi
- $Say "uploading package(s): { ${PKGS[@]} } to {{GithubRepo}}/releases/v{{PkgVer}}-{{PkgRel}}"
+ $Say "Uploading ${#PKGS[@]} package(s) to {{GithubRepo}}/releases/v{{PkgVer}}-{{PkgRel}}"
+ printf ' > %s %s %s %s %s\n' "${PKGS[@]}" | column -t
declare -A FILES
for pkg in "${PKGS[@]}"; do
@@ -137,7 +139,6 @@ GitCommitish := if `git tag --points-at HEAD` != None {
BuildId := "[" + C_YELLOW + PkgBase + C_RESET + "/" + C_GREEN + PkgVer + ":" + PkgRel + C_RESET + "@" + C_CYAN + GitCommitish + C_RESET + "]"
BuildTriple := PkgVer + "-" + PkgRel + "-" + "x86_64"
-LogFileList := env_var_or_default("TEMP", "/tmp") / PkgBase + ".temp" / "logfiles"
GithubRepo := "bazaah/aur-ceph"
# ~~~ Color Codes ~~~