path: root/neo4j.install
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'neo4j.install')
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/neo4j.install b/neo4j.install
index c5f27165706e..8977e5fb6eec 100644
--- a/neo4j.install
+++ b/neo4j.install
@@ -34,17 +34,34 @@ assert_user_and_group_exist() {
warn_about_java_home() {
- echo "------------------------------"
- echo "--- ACHTUNG ACHTUNG ALARM! ---"
- echo "------------------------------"
- echo "Before starting the Neo4j service, create this file"
+ echo "---------------"
+ echo "--- HOORAY!! --"
+ echo "---------------"
+ echo "If it is the first time you install Neo4j in your"
+ echo "Arch box, that's it, you are done. Enjoy your graphs"
+ echo "and please disregard all that is said from now on..."
echo ""
- echo "/etc/systemd/system/neo4j.service.d/java_home.conf"
+ echo "If you are upgrading Neo4j from a previous version and"
+ echo "were given the following advice:"
echo ""
- echo "with the following content:"
+ echo " >> ------------------------------"
+ echo " >> --- ACHTUNG ACHTUNG ALARM! ---"
+ echo " >> ------------------------------"
+ echo " >> Before starting the Neo4j service, create this file"
+ echo " >> "
+ echo " >> /etc/systemd/system/neo4j.service.d/java_home.conf"
+ echo " >> "
+ echo " >> with the following content:"
+ echo " >> "
+ echo " >> [Service]"
+ echo " >> Environment=JAVA_HOME=/your/java/home/path"
+ echo " >> "
+ echo " >> changing '/your/java/home/path' to your actual JAVA_HOME path."
echo ""
- echo "[Service]"
- echo "Environment=JAVA_HOME=/your/java/home/path"
+ echo "then now you are free to delete that file. Actually,"
+ echo "pursuant to the new Arch's Java Way of Life"
+ echo "("
+ echo "you shall delete it. Thereupon, enjoy your graphs."
echo ""
- echo "changing '/your/java/home/path' to your actual JAVA_HOME path."
+ echo "This message will self-destruct in 3 s̶e̶c̶o̶n̶d̶s̶ releases..."