path: root/pokemmo-launcher
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pokemmo-launcher')
1 files changed, 247 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pokemmo-launcher b/pokemmo-launcher
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..451fa4849d15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pokemmo-launcher
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+# GPLv3
+addScreenshotsDir() (
+[[ ! -d "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME" ]] && XDG_CONFIG_HOME="$HOME/.config"
+[[ -f "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/user-dirs.dirs" ]] && source "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/user-dirs.dirs"
+if [[ -d "$XDG_PICTURES_DIR" ]]; then
+ ln -s "$XDG_PICTURES_DIR" "$POKEMMO/screenshots"
+ [[ -L "$POKEMMO/screenshots" ]] && unlink "$POKEMMO/screenshots"
+ mkdir -p "$POKEMMO/screenshots"
+getLauncherConfig() {
+while read i; do
+ case $i in
+ installed=1) PKMO_IS_INSTALLED=1 ;;
+ debugs=1) PKMO_CREATE_DEBUGS=1 ;;
+ swr=1) export LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1 ;;
+ *) continue ;;
+ esac
+done <"$PKMOCONFIGDIR/pokemmo"
+getJavaOpts() {
+case "$1" in
+ client)
+ if [[ ! $SKIPJAVARAMOPTS ]]; then
+ JAVA_OPTS=(-Xms128M)
+ if [ -f "$POKEMMO/PokeMMO.l4j.ini" ]; then
+ JAVA_OPTS+=($(grep -oE "\-Xmx[0-9]{1,4}(M|G)" "$POKEMMO/PokeMMO.l4j.ini" || echo -- "-Xmx384M"))
+ else
+ JAVA_OPTS+=(-Xmx384M)
+ fi
+ fi
+ [[ $PKMO_CREATE_DEBUGS ]] && JAVA_OPTS+=(-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+LogVMOutput -XX:LogFile=client_jvm.log)
+ [[ $LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE ]] && JAVA_OPTS+=(-Dorg.lwjgl.opengl.Display.allowSoftwareOpenGL=true)
+ ;;
+ updater)
+ [[ ! $SKIPJAVARAMOPTS ]] && JAVA_OPTS=(-Xms64M -Xmx128M)
+ [[ $PKMO_CREATE_DEBUGS ]] && JAVA_OPTS+=(-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+LogVMOutput -XX:LogFile=updater_jvm.log)
+ ;;
+echo "Java options were ${JAVA_OPTS[*]}"
+showMessage() {
+ if [ "$(command -v zenity)" ]; then
+ case "$1" in
+ --info) zenity --notification --window-icon=/usr/share/pixmaps/pokemmo-launcher.png --text="$2" ; echo "INFO: $2" ;;
+ --error) zenity --error --width="250" --text="$2" ; echo "ERROR: $2" ; exit 1 ;;
+ --warn) zenity --warning --width="250" --text="$2" ; echo "WARNING: $2" ;;
+ esac
+ elif [ "$(command -v kdialog)" ]; then
+ case "$1" in
+ --info) kdialog --icon /usr/share/pixmaps/pokemmo-launcher.png --passivepopup "$2" ; echo "INFO: $2" ;;
+ --error) kdialog --error "$2" ; echo "ERROR: $2" ; exit 1 ;;
+ --warn) kdialog --sorry "$2" ; echo "WARNING: $2" ;;
+ esac
+ else
+ case "$1" in
+ --info) echo "INFO: $2" ;;
+ --error) echo "ERROR: $2" ; exit 1 ;;
+ --warn) echo "WARNING: $2" ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+downloadPokemmo() {
+ [[ $(which openssl) ]] || showMessage --error "The openssl binary was not found. Please check your PATH is set correctly and restart the program."
+ DL_MIRRORS=(https://dl.pokemmo.eu https://files.pokemmo.eu https://dl.pokemmo.download https://dl.pokemmo.com)
+ # This keyfile is provided by the PokeMMO developers. Do not alter/remove it, it is used to confirm the source of the downloaded files!
+ PKMO_PUBKEY="-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----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\na7ruRNgFlA2ciGUIIke2Ev2cYzyBA4LLARky2FZiEM0VAgMBAAE=\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"
+ for (( i=0; i<"${#DL_MIRRORS[@]}"; i++ )); do
+ echo "Trying mirror ${DL_MIRRORS[$i]}"
+ [[ -f "$POKEMMO/pokemmo_updater.jar" || -f "$POKEMMO/pokemmo_updater.sig256" ]] && rm -f "$POKEMMO/pokemmo_updater.jar" "$POKEMMO/pokemmo_updater.sig256"
+ MIRROR_STATUS=$( ( cd "$POKEMMO" && wget --https-only -U pokemmo_debian_setup --retry-connrefused --tries=3 --timeout=5 --waitretry=1 "${DL_MIRRORS[$i]}"/download/updater/pokemmo_updater.jar "${DL_MIRRORS[$i]}"/download/updater/pokemmo_updater.sig256 ) 2>&1)
+ r=$?
+ if [[ "$r" == "0" ]]; then
+ echo "Got updater from ${DL_MIRRORS[$i]}"
+ # `openssl` requires a filesystem to be inplace in order to read the checked key, but we don't really want to hit the disk due to security concerns
+ # so, instead, we'll abuse procfs a bit
+ exec {pkmo_fd}<<< "$(printf -- "$PKMO_PUBKEY")"
+ VALIDATION_STATUS=$(openssl dgst -sha256 -verify /proc/$$/fd/$pkmo_fd -signature "$POKEMMO"/pokemmo_updater.sig256 "$POKEMMO"/pokemmo_updater.jar)
+ exec {pkmo_fd}>&-
+ # Older versions of openssl could throw ambiguous exit codes depending on the type of failure (e.g. if files were missing, returned 0).
+ # This doesn't seem to be an issue now, but we'll prefer to parse the stdout instead of the exit codes for now
+ if [[ "$VALIDATION_STATUS" = "Verified OK" ]]; then
+ echo "Updater Verified OK!"
+ break
+ else
+ echo "WARNING: Downloaded jar failed validation! Jumping to next mirror"
+ fi
+ elif [[ "$r" != "0" && "${DL_MIRRORS[$i]}" = "${DL_MIRRORS[-1]}" ]]; then
+ rm -f "$POKEMMO/pokemmo_updater.jar" "$POKEMMO/pokemmo_updater.sig256"
+ showMessage --error "Failed to download the updater:\n\n$MIRROR_STATUS"
+ else
+ echo "WARNING: Failed to download updater from mirror ${DL_MIRRORS[$i]}. Jumping to next.."
+ fi
+ done
+ rm -f "$PKMOCONFIGDIR/pokemmo" "$POKEMMO/pokemmo_updater.sig256"
+ find "$POKEMMO" -type f -name "*.TEMPORARY" -exec rm -f {} +
+ # Updater exits with 1 on successful update
+ getJavaOpts "updater"
+ (cd "$POKEMMO" && java ${JAVA_OPTS[*]} -cp ./pokemmo_updater.jar com.pokeemu.updater.ClientUpdater -install -quick) && exit 1 || echo "installed=1" > "$PKMOCONFIGDIR/pokemmo"
+ rm -f "$POKEMMO/pokemmo_updater.jar"
+ # Post-update tasks
+ [[ ! -d "$POKEMMO/screenshots" ]] && addScreenshotsDir
+verifyInstallation() {
+if [ ! -d "$POKEMMO" ]; then
+ if [[ -e "$POKEMMO" || -L "$POKEMMO" ]]; then
+ # Could also be a broken symlink
+ showMessage --error "(Error 3) Could not install to $POKEMMO\n\n$POKEMMO already exists,\nbut is not a directory.\n\nMove or delete this file and try again."
+ else
+ mkdir -p "$POKEMMO"
+ showMessage --info "PokeMMO is being installed to $POKEMMO"
+ downloadPokemmo
+ return
+ fi
+if [[ ! -r "$POKEMMO" || ! -w "$POKEMMO" || ! -x "$POKEMMO" || ! "$PKMO_IS_INSTALLED" || ! -f "$POKEMMO/PokeMMO.exe" || ! -d "$POKEMMO/data" || ! -d "$POKEMMO/lib" ]]; then
+ showMessage --warn "(Error 1) The installation is in a corrupt state.\n\nReverifying the game files."
+ # Try to fix permissions before erroring out
+ (chmod u+rwx "$POKEMMO" && find "$POKEMMO" -type d -exec chmod u+rwx {} + && find "$POKEMMO" -type f -exec chmod u+rw {} +) || showMessage --error "(Error 4) Could not fix permissions of $POKEMMO.\n\nContact PokeMMO support."
+ downloadPokemmo
+ return
+[[ $PKMO_REINSTALL && $PKMO_IS_INSTALLED ]] && downloadPokemmo
+[[ ! -d "$POKEMMO/screenshots" ]] && addScreenshotsDir
+# Environment checks #
+[[ ! "$(command -v java)" ]] && showMessage --error "(Error 6) Java is not installed or is not executable. Exiting.."
+if [[ -d "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME" ]]; then
+ if [[ ! -e "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME" && -L "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME" ]]; then
+ showMessage --error "(Error 10) The configuration directory ($XDG_CONFIG_HOME/pokemmo) is disconnected.\n\nPlease update your symlink and restart the program."
+ else
+ PKMOCONFIGDIR="$HOME/.config/pokemmo"
+ fi
+if [ ! -d "$PKMOCONFIGDIR" ]; then
+ if [[ -e "$PKMOCONFIGDIR" || -L "$PKMOCONFIGDIR" ]]; then
+ showMessage --error "(Error 9) The configuration directory ($PKMOCONFIGDIR) already exists,\nbut is not a directory.\n\nMove or delete this file and try again."
+ else
+ mkdir -p "$PKMOCONFIGDIR"
+ fi
+while getopts "vhH:-:" opt; do
+ case $opt in
+ -) case "$OPTARG" in
+ skip-java-ram-opts) SKIPJAVARAMOPTS=1 ;;
+ reverify) PKMO_REINSTALL=1 ;;
+ debug) PKMO_CREATE_DEBUGS=1 ;;
+ swr) export LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1 ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ v) set -x
+ PS4='Line ${LINENO}: '
+ ;;
+ h) printf "\
+ PokeMMO Linux Launcher v1.4\n\
+ https://pokemmo.eu/\n\n\
+ Usage: pokemmo-launcher [option...]\n\n\
+ -h Display this dialogue\n\
+ -H <dir> Set the PokeMMO directory (Default: $HOME/.local/share/pokemmo).
+ This option is persistent and may be modified in $PKMOCONFIGDIR/pokemmodir \n\
+ -v Print verbose status to stdout\n
+ --debug Enable java debug logs\n\
+ --swr Try to fallback to an available software renderer\n\
+ --reverify Reverify the game files\n\
+ --skip-java-ram-opts Use the operating system's default RAM options instead of the suggested values\n"
+ exit
+ ;;
+ H) mkdir -p "$OPTARG" || continue
+ echo "$OPTARG" > "$PKMOCONFIGDIR/pokemmodir" ;;
+ *) continue ;;
+ esac
+# Start PokeMMO #
+[[ -f "$PKMOCONFIGDIR/pokemmo" ]] && getLauncherConfig
+getJavaOpts "client"
+if [[ $PKMO_CREATE_DEBUGS ]]; then
+ cd "$POKEMMO"
+ ( java ${JAVA_OPTS[*]} -cp ./lib/*:PokeMMO.exe com.pokeemu.client.Client ) &
+ client_pid=$!
+ echo "DEBUG: Spawned client_pid $client_pid"
+ rm -f "$POKEMMO/client_jvm.log"
+ while :; do
+ sleep 3
+ kill -3 "$client_pid" || break
+ echo "DEBUG: Threads dumped for Client JVM. Sleeping for 3 seconds.."
+ done
+ wait
+ cd "$POKEMMO" && java ${JAVA_OPTS[*]} -cp ./lib/*:PokeMMO.exe com.pokeemu.client.Client > /dev/null