path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 64 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..a913fa4dce17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+if [[ $UID -ne 0 ]]; then
+ sudo -p 'Restarting as root, password: ' bash $0 "$@"
+ exit $?
+#read mirrorlist, "Server =" lines, remove all before and including "= " (10 char)
+readarray -t mirrorArray < <(grep "^Server =" /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist | cut -c 10-)
+#randomize the order of the mirror
+mirrorArray=( $(shuf -e "${mirrorArray[@]}") )
+#now get the list of stuff to update
+readarray -t packageList < <(checkupdates | cut -d ' ' -f 1,4)
+for pkgNameAndVersion in "${packageList[@]}"; do
+ pkgName=${pkgNameAndVersion% *}
+ #echo "pkgName $pkgName"
+ repoAndArch=($(pacman -Si $pkgName | grep 'Repository :\|Architecture :' | cut -c 19-))
+ repo=${repoAndArch[0]}
+ archpkg=${repoAndArch[1]}
+ arch='x86_64'
+ downloadList=''
+ for mirror in "${mirrorArray[@]}"; do
+ pkgNameAndVersion=${pkgNameAndVersion/ /-}
+ val=${mirror/\$repo/$repo}
+ val=$(echo ${val/\$arch/$arch}/$pkgNameAndVersion-$archpkg.pkg.tar.xz)
+ #echo - $repo - $arch - $val - $mirror
+ downloadList="$downloadList $val"
+ done
+ #echo $downloadList
+ aria2c -c $downloadList -d /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ &> /dev/null &
+ running=$(jobs |wc -l)
+ echo ">>> $(date +%T) | Downloading $pkgName, $running/10 download"
+ while [ $running -gt 10 ]; do
+ sleep 0.1 #sleep 0.1 second
+ running=$(jobs |wc -l)
+ done
+#now wait for all remaining jobs
+echo "all download started, waiting for completition"
+if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then
+ sudo -s -u $SUDO_USER $1 -Syu --noconfirm
+ echo "downloads complete, calling pacman"
+ pacman -Syu --noconfirm