path: root/protobuf-debundle.patch
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'protobuf-debundle.patch')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 308 deletions
diff --git a/protobuf-debundle.patch b/protobuf-debundle.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a957e960bde..000000000000
--- a/protobuf-debundle.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
-From a859dc422c17c71bf147e7dde1648e1c6bcfbaae Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Changming Sun <>
-Date: Thu, 28 May 2020 10:05:47 -0700
-Subject: [PATCH] Delete google::protobuf::io::FileInputStream class from our
- source code (#4067)
-This class is already part of the protobuf-lite library. We don't need a copy here.
-And if we do, we must ensure the signature of every function is exactly the same as the original. However, the upstream code may get changed over time. For example, recently protobuf added a "const" modifier to the FileInputStream::GetErrno(), which may break the build if a user want to use the latest protobuf.
- .../core/util/protobuf_parsing_utils.h | 288 +-----------------
- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 283 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/onnxruntime/core/util/protobuf_parsing_utils.h b/onnxruntime/core/util/protobuf_parsing_utils.h
-index 4c97562653..f09857d107 100644
---- a/onnxruntime/core/util/protobuf_parsing_utils.h
-+++ b/onnxruntime/core/util/protobuf_parsing_utils.h
-@@ -1,286 +1,8 @@
-+// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-+// Licensed under the MIT License.
- #pragma once
--#include <string>
--#include <iosfwd>
--#include <google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream_impl_lite.h>
--#include <google/protobuf/stubs/common.h>
--namespace google {
--namespace protobuf {
--namespace io {
--// ===================================================================
--// A ZeroCopyInputStream which reads from a file descriptor.
--// FileInputStream is preferred over using an ifstream with IstreamInputStream.
--// The latter will introduce an extra layer of buffering, harming performance.
--// Also, it's conceivable that FileInputStream could someday be enhanced
--// to use zero-copy file descriptors on OSs which support them.
--class LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT FileInputStream : public ZeroCopyInputStream {
-- public:
-- // Creates a stream that reads from the given Unix file descriptor.
-- // If a block_size is given, it specifies the number of bytes that
-- // should be read and returned with each call to Next(). Otherwise,
-- // a reasonable default is used.
-- explicit FileInputStream(int file_descriptor, int block_size = -1);
-- // Flushes any buffers and closes the underlying file. Returns false if
-- // an error occurs during the process; use GetErrno() to examine the error.
-- // Even if an error occurs, the file descriptor is closed when this returns.
-- bool Close();
-- // By default, the file descriptor is not closed when the stream is
-- // destroyed. Call SetCloseOnDelete(true) to change that. WARNING:
-- // This leaves no way for the caller to detect if close() fails. If
-- // detecting close() errors is important to you, you should arrange
-- // to close the descriptor yourself.
-- void SetCloseOnDelete(bool value) { copying_input_.SetCloseOnDelete(value); }
-- // If an I/O error has occurred on this file descriptor, this is the
-- // errno from that error. Otherwise, this is zero. Once an error
-- // occurs, the stream is broken and all subsequent operations will
-- // fail.
-- int GetErrno() { return copying_input_.GetErrno(); }
-- // implements ZeroCopyInputStream ----------------------------------
-- bool Next(const void** data, int* size) override;
-- void BackUp(int count) override;
-- bool Skip(int count) override;
-- int64 ByteCount() const override;
-- private:
-- class LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT CopyingFileInputStream : public CopyingInputStream {
-- public:
-- CopyingFileInputStream(int file_descriptor);
-- ~CopyingFileInputStream() override;
-- bool Close();
-- void SetCloseOnDelete(bool value) { close_on_delete_ = value; }
-- int GetErrno() { return errno_; }
-- // implements CopyingInputStream ---------------------------------
-- int Read(void* buffer, int size) override;
-- int Skip(int count) override;
-- private:
-- // The file descriptor.
-- const int file_;
-- bool close_on_delete_;
-- bool is_closed_;
-- // The errno of the I/O error, if one has occurred. Otherwise, zero.
-- int errno_;
-- // Did we try to seek once and fail? If so, we assume this file descriptor
-- // doesn't support seeking and won't try again.
-- bool previous_seek_failed_;
-- };
-- CopyingFileInputStream copying_input_;
-- CopyingInputStreamAdaptor impl_;
--// ===================================================================
--// A ZeroCopyOutputStream which writes to a file descriptor.
--// FileOutputStream is preferred over using an ofstream with
--// OstreamOutputStream. The latter will introduce an extra layer of buffering,
--// harming performance. Also, it's conceivable that FileOutputStream could
--// someday be enhanced to use zero-copy file descriptors on OSs which
--// support them.
--class LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT FileOutputStream : public ZeroCopyOutputStream {
-- public:
-- // Creates a stream that writes to the given Unix file descriptor.
-- // If a block_size is given, it specifies the size of the buffers
-- // that should be returned by Next(). Otherwise, a reasonable default
-- // is used.
-- explicit FileOutputStream(int file_descriptor, int block_size = -1);
-- ~FileOutputStream() override;
-- // Flushes any buffers and closes the underlying file. Returns false if
-- // an error occurs during the process; use GetErrno() to examine the error.
-- // Even if an error occurs, the file descriptor is closed when this returns.
-- bool Close();
-- // Flushes FileOutputStream's buffers but does not close the
-- // underlying file. No special measures are taken to ensure that
-- // underlying operating system file object is synchronized to disk.
-- bool Flush();
-- // By default, the file descriptor is not closed when the stream is
-- // destroyed. Call SetCloseOnDelete(true) to change that. WARNING:
-- // This leaves no way for the caller to detect if close() fails. If
-- // detecting close() errors is important to you, you should arrange
-- // to close the descriptor yourself.
-- void SetCloseOnDelete(bool value) { copying_output_.SetCloseOnDelete(value); }
-- // If an I/O error has occurred on this file descriptor, this is the
-- // errno from that error. Otherwise, this is zero. Once an error
-- // occurs, the stream is broken and all subsequent operations will
-- // fail.
-- int GetErrno() { return copying_output_.GetErrno(); }
-- // implements ZeroCopyOutputStream ---------------------------------
-- bool Next(void** data, int* size) override;
-- void BackUp(int count) override;
-- int64 ByteCount() const override;
-- private:
-- class LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT CopyingFileOutputStream : public CopyingOutputStream {
-- public:
-- CopyingFileOutputStream(int file_descriptor);
-- ~CopyingFileOutputStream() override;
-- bool Close();
-- void SetCloseOnDelete(bool value) { close_on_delete_ = value; }
-- int GetErrno() { return errno_; }
-- // implements CopyingOutputStream --------------------------------
-- bool Write(const void* buffer, int size) override;
-- private:
-- // The file descriptor.
-- const int file_;
-- bool close_on_delete_;
-- bool is_closed_;
-- // The errno of the I/O error, if one has occurred. Otherwise, zero.
-- int errno_;
-- };
-- CopyingFileOutputStream copying_output_;
-- CopyingOutputStreamAdaptor impl_;
--// ===================================================================
--// A ZeroCopyInputStream which reads from a C++ istream.
--// Note that for reading files (or anything represented by a file descriptor),
--// FileInputStream is more efficient.
--class LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT IstreamInputStream : public ZeroCopyInputStream {
-- public:
-- // Creates a stream that reads from the given C++ istream.
-- // If a block_size is given, it specifies the number of bytes that
-- // should be read and returned with each call to Next(). Otherwise,
-- // a reasonable default is used.
-- explicit IstreamInputStream(std::istream* stream, int block_size = -1);
-- // implements ZeroCopyInputStream ----------------------------------
-- bool Next(const void** data, int* size) override;
-- void BackUp(int count) override;
-- bool Skip(int count) override;
-- int64 ByteCount() const override;
-- private:
-- class LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT CopyingIstreamInputStream : public CopyingInputStream {
-- public:
-- CopyingIstreamInputStream(std::istream* input);
-- ~CopyingIstreamInputStream() override;
-- // implements CopyingInputStream ---------------------------------
-- int Read(void* buffer, int size) override;
-- // (We use the default implementation of Skip().)
-- private:
-- // The stream.
-- std::istream* input_;
-- };
-- CopyingIstreamInputStream copying_input_;
-- CopyingInputStreamAdaptor impl_;
--// ===================================================================
--// A ZeroCopyOutputStream which writes to a C++ ostream.
--// Note that for writing files (or anything represented by a file descriptor),
--// FileOutputStream is more efficient.
--class LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT OstreamOutputStream : public ZeroCopyOutputStream {
-- public:
-- // Creates a stream that writes to the given C++ ostream.
-- // If a block_size is given, it specifies the size of the buffers
-- // that should be returned by Next(). Otherwise, a reasonable default
-- // is used.
-- explicit OstreamOutputStream(std::ostream* stream, int block_size = -1);
-- ~OstreamOutputStream() override;
-- // implements ZeroCopyOutputStream ---------------------------------
-- bool Next(void** data, int* size) override;
-- void BackUp(int count) override;
-- int64 ByteCount() const override;
-- private:
-- class LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT CopyingOstreamOutputStream : public CopyingOutputStream {
-- public:
-- CopyingOstreamOutputStream(std::ostream* output);
-- ~CopyingOstreamOutputStream() override;
-- // implements CopyingOutputStream --------------------------------
-- bool Write(const void* buffer, int size) override;
-- private:
-- // The stream.
-- std::ostream* output_;
-- };
-- CopyingOstreamOutputStream copying_output_;
-- CopyingOutputStreamAdaptor impl_;
--// ===================================================================
--// A ZeroCopyInputStream which reads from several other streams in sequence.
--// ConcatenatingInputStream is unable to distinguish between end-of-stream
--// and read errors in the underlying streams, so it assumes any errors mean
--// end-of-stream. So, if the underlying streams fail for any other reason,
--// ConcatenatingInputStream may do odd things. It is suggested that you do
--// not use ConcatenatingInputStream on streams that might produce read errors
--// other than end-of-stream.
--class LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT ConcatenatingInputStream : public ZeroCopyInputStream {
-- public:
-- // All streams passed in as well as the array itself must remain valid
-- // until the ConcatenatingInputStream is destroyed.
-- ConcatenatingInputStream(ZeroCopyInputStream* const streams[], int count);
-- // implements ZeroCopyInputStream ----------------------------------
-- bool Next(const void** data, int* size) override;
-- void BackUp(int count) override;
-- bool Skip(int count) override;
-- int64 ByteCount() const override;
-- private:
-- // As streams are retired, streams_ is incremented and count_ is
-- // decremented.
-- ZeroCopyInputStream* const* streams_;
-- int stream_count_;
-- int64 bytes_retired_; // Bytes read from previous streams.
--} // namespace io
--} // namespace protobuf
--} // namespace google
-+#include <google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream_impl.h>