path: root/r840.patch
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'r840.patch')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 206 deletions
diff --git a/r840.patch b/r840.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index eede3cd2b80e..000000000000
--- a/r840.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
---- (revision 839)
-+++ (revision 840)
-@@ -24,10 +24,17 @@
- import argparse
- import numpy.distutils as nd
- from distutils.version import StrictVersion
-+from os import listdir
-+from os.path import isfile, join
- def str2bool(v):
-- return v.lower() in ("yes", "true", "t", "1")
-+ return v.lower() in ("yes", "true", "t", "1")
-+def remove_prefix(name, prefix):
-+ if name.startswith(prefix):
-+ return name[len(prefix):]
-+ return name
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Assimulo setup script.')
- parser.register('type','bool',str2bool)
- package_arguments=['plugins','sundials','blas','superlu','lapack']
-@@ -36,7 +43,8 @@
- parser.add_argument("--{}-home".format(pg),
- help="Location of the {} directory".format(pg.upper()),type=str,default='')
- parser.add_argument("--blas-name", help="name of the blas package",default='blas')
--parser.add_argument("--extra-c-flags", help='Extra C-flags (a list enclosed in " ")',default='')
-+parser.add_argument("--extra-c-flags", help='Extra C-flags (a list enclosed in " ")',default='')
-+parser.add_argument("--with_openmp", type='bool', help="set to true if present",default=False)
- parser.add_argument("--is_static", type='bool', help="set to true if present",default=False)
- parser.add_argument("--sundials-with-superlu", type='bool', help="set to true if Sundials has been compiled with SuperLU",default=False)
- parser.add_argument("--debug", type='bool', help="set to true if present",default=False)
-@@ -120,7 +128,6 @@
- self.static = args[0].is_static
- self.static_link_gcc = ["-static-libgcc"] if self.static else []
- self.static_link_gfortran = ["-static-libgfortran"] if self.static else []
-- self.debug_flag = args[0].debug
- self.force_32bit = args[0].force_32bit
- self.flag_32bit = ["-m32"] if self.force_32bit else []
- self.no_mvscr = args[0].no_msvcr
-@@ -128,7 +135,7 @@
- self.extra_fortran_link_flags = args[0].extra_fortran_link_flags.split()
- self.extra_fortran_link_files = args[0].extra_fortran_link_files.split()
- self.thirdparty_methods = thirdparty_methods
-+ self.with_openmp = args[0].with_openmp
- if self.no_mvscr:
-@@ -270,12 +277,10 @@
- """
- Check if SuperLU package installed
- """
-- self.with_SLU = self.with_BLAS
-- kinsol_msg='KINSOL will not be compiled with support for SuperLU'
-+ self.with_SLU = True
-+ sundials_msg='SUNDIALS will not be compiled with support for SuperLU'
-- if not self.with_BLAS:
-- L.warning(kinsol_msg+' as BLAS is missing.')
-- elif self.SLUdir != "":
-+ if self.SLUdir != "":
- self.SLUincdir = os.path.join(self.SLUdir,'SRC')
- self.SLUlibdir = os.path.join(self.SLUdir,'lib')
- if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.SLUincdir,'supermatrix.h')):
-@@ -283,16 +288,18 @@
- L.warning("Could not find SuperLU, disabling support. View more information using --log=DEBUG")
- L.debug("Could not find SuperLU at the given path {}.".format(self.SLUdir))
- L.debug("usage: --superlu-home path")
-- L.debug(kinsol_msg+'.')
-+ L.debug(sundials_msg+'.')
- else:
- L.debug("SuperLU found in {} and {}: ".format(self.SLUincdir, self.SLUlibdir))
-+ self.superLUFiles = [remove_prefix(f.split(".")[0],"lib") for f in listdir(self.SLUlibdir) if isfile(join(self.SLUlibdir, f)) and f.endswith(".a")]
-+ self.superLUFiles.sort(reverse=True)
- else:
- L.warning("No path to SuperLU supplied, disabling support. View more information using --log=DEBUG")
-- L.debug("No path to SuperLU supplied, KINSOL will not be compiled with support for SUperLU.")
-+ L.debug("No path to SuperLU supplied, SUNDIALS will not be compiled with support for SuperLU.")
- L.debug("usage: --superlu-home=path")
- L.debug("Note: the path required is to the folder where the folders 'SRC' and 'lib' are found.")
- self.with_SLU = False
-- L.debug(kinsol_msg+'.')
- def check_SUNDIALS(self):
- """
-@@ -301,13 +308,22 @@
- if os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.join(self.incdirs,'cvodes'), 'cvodes.h')):
- self.with_SUNDIALS=True
- L.debug('SUNDIALS found.')
-+ sundials_version = None
-- if os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.join(self.incdirs,'arkode'), 'arkode.h')): #This was added in 2.6
-- sundials_version = (2,6,0)
-- L.debug('SUNDIALS 2.6 found.')
-- else:
-- sundials_version = (2,5,0)
-- L.debug('SUNDIALS 2.5 found.')
-+ try:
-+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.join(self.incdirs,'sundials'), 'sundials_config.h')):
-+ with open(os.path.join(os.path.join(self.incdirs,'sundials'), 'sundials_config.h')) as f:
-+ for line in f:
-+ sundials_version = tuple([int(f) for f in line.split()[-1][1:-1].split(".")])
-+ L.debug('SUNDIALS %d.%d found.'%(sundials_version[0], sundials_version[1]))
-+ except Exception:
-+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.join(self.incdirs,'arkode'), 'arkode.h')): #This was added in 2.6
-+ sundials_version = (2,6,0)
-+ L.debug('SUNDIALS 2.6 found.')
-+ else:
-+ sundials_version = (2,5,0)
-+ L.debug('SUNDIALS 2.5 found.')
- self.SUNDIALS_version = sundials_version
-@@ -367,6 +383,10 @@
- ext_list[-1].include_dirs = [np.get_include(), "assimulo","assimulo"+os.sep+"lib", self.incdirs]
- ext_list[-1].library_dirs = [self.libdirs]
- ext_list[-1].libraries = ["sundials_cvodes", "sundials_nvecserial", "sundials_idas"]
-+ if self.with_SLU: #If SUNDIALS is compiled with support for SuperLU
-+ ext_list[-1].include_dirs.append(self.SLUincdir)
-+ ext_list[-1].library_dirs.append(self.SLUlibdir)
-+ ext_list[-1].libraries.extend(self.superLUFiles)
- #Kinsol
- ext_list += cythonize(["assimulo"+os.path.sep+"solvers"+os.path.sep+"kinsol.pyx"],
-@@ -386,6 +406,9 @@
- el.extra_compile_args = ["-O2", "-fno-strict-aliasing"]
- if self.platform == "mac":
- el.extra_compile_args += ["-Wno-error=return-type"]
-+ if self.with_openmp:
-+ el.extra_link_args.append("-fopenmp")
-+ el.extra_compile_args.append("-fopenmp")
- el.extra_compile_args += self.flag_32bit + self.extra_c_flags
- for el in ext_list:
-Index: src/lib/sundials_callbacks.pxi
---- assimulo/lib/sundials_callbacks.pxi (revision 839)
-+++ assimulo/lib/sundials_callbacks.pxi (revision 840)
-@@ -110,9 +110,14 @@
- cdef int ret_nnz
- cdef int dim = Jacobian.N
- cdef realtype* data =
-- cdef int* rowvals = Jacobian.rowvals
-- cdef int* colptrs = Jacobian.colptrs
-+ IF SUNDIALS_VERSION >= (2,6,3):
-+ cdef int* rowvals = Jacobian.rowvals[0]
-+ cdef int* colptrs = Jacobian.colptrs[0]
-+ ELSE:
-+ cdef int* rowvals = Jacobian.rowvals
-+ cdef int* colptrs = Jacobian.colptrs
- nv2arr_inplace(yv, y)
- """
- realtype *data;
-@@ -136,9 +141,9 @@
- jac =
- raise AssimuloException("The Jacobian must be stored on Scipy's CSC format.")
- ret_nnz = jac.nnz
-- if ret_nnz> nnz:
-+ if ret_nnz > nnz:
- raise AssimuloException("The Jacobian has more entries than supplied to the problem class via 'jac_nnz'")
- for i in range(min(ret_nnz,nnz)):
- data[i] =[i]
- rowvals[i] = jac.indices[i]
-Index: src/lib/sundials_includes.pxd
---- assimulo/lib/sundials_includes.pxd (revision 839)
-+++ assimulo/lib/sundials_includes.pxd (revision 840)
-@@ -93,13 +93,29 @@
- ctypedef _DlsMat* DlsMat
- cdef realtype* DENSE_COL(DlsMat A, int j)
- cdef extern from "sundials/sundials_sparse.h":
- cdef struct _SlsMat:
- int M
- int N
- int NNZ
-+ int NP
- realtype *data
-+ int sparsetype
-+ int *indexvals
-+ int *indexptrs
-+ int **rowvals
-+ int **colptrs
-+ int **colvals
-+ int **rowptrs
-+ ctypedef _SlsMat* SlsMat
-+ cdef extern from "sundials/sundials_sparse.h":
-+ cdef struct _SlsMat:
-+ int M
-+ int N
-+ int NNZ
-+ realtype *data
- int *rowvals
- int *colptrs
- ctypedef _SlsMat* SlsMat