path: root/sogrep-riscv64
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sogrep-riscv64')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 450 deletions
diff --git a/sogrep-riscv64 b/sogrep-riscv64
deleted file mode 100755
index a663aa06198d..000000000000
--- a/sogrep-riscv64
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,450 +0,0 @@
-# sogrep - find shared library links in an Arch Linux repository.
-# Copyright (c) 2019 by Eli Schwartz <>
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-# This may be included with or without `set -euE`
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-[[ -z ${_INCLUDE_COMMON_SH:-} ]] || return 0
-_INCLUDE_COMMON_SH="$(set +o|grep nounset)"
-set +u +o posix
-# shellcheck disable=1091
-. /usr/share/makepkg/
-# Avoid any encoding problems
-export LANG=C
-# Set buildtool properties
-export BUILDTOOL=devtools
-export BUILDTOOLVER=20221012-2-any
-# check if messages are to be printed using color
-if [[ -t 2 && "$TERM" != dumb ]]; then
- colorize
- # shellcheck disable=2034
- declare -gr ALL_OFF='' BOLD='' BLUE='' GREEN='' RED='' YELLOW=''
-stat_busy() {
- local mesg=$1; shift
- # shellcheck disable=2059
- printf "${GREEN}==>${ALL_OFF}${BOLD} ${mesg}...${ALL_OFF}" "$@" >&2
-stat_done() {
- # shellcheck disable=2059
- printf "${BOLD}done${ALL_OFF}\n" >&2
-setup_workdir() {
- [[ -z ${WORKDIR:-} ]] && WORKDIR=$(mktemp -d --tmpdir "${0##*/}.XXXXXXXXXX")
- _setup_workdir=true
- trap 'trap_abort' INT QUIT TERM HUP
- trap 'trap_exit' EXIT
-cleanup() {
- if [[ -n ${WORKDIR:-} ]] && $_setup_workdir; then
- rm -rf "$WORKDIR"
- fi
- exit "${1:-0}"
-abort() {
- error 'Aborting...'
- cleanup 255
-trap_abort() {
- abort
-trap_exit() {
- local r=$?
- cleanup $r
-die() {
- (( $# )) && error "$@"
- cleanup 255
-# usage : lock( $fd, $file, $message, [ $message_arguments... ] )
-lock() {
- # Only reopen the FD if it wasn't handed to us
- if ! [[ "/dev/fd/$1" -ef "$2" ]]; then
- mkdir -p -- "$(dirname -- "$2")"
- eval "exec $1>"'"$2"'
- fi
- if ! flock -n "$1"; then
- stat_busy "${@:3}"
- flock "$1"
- stat_done
- fi
-# usage : slock( $fd, $file, $message, [ $message_arguments... ] )
-slock() {
- # Only reopen the FD if it wasn't handed to us
- if ! [[ "/dev/fd/$1" -ef "$2" ]]; then
- mkdir -p -- "$(dirname -- "$2")"
- eval "exec $1>"'"$2"'
- fi
- if ! flock -sn "$1"; then
- stat_busy "${@:3}"
- flock -s "$1"
- stat_done
- fi
-# usage : lock_close( $fd )
-lock_close() {
- local fd=$1
- #
- # shellcheck disable=2034
- exec {fd}>&-
-# usage: pkgver_equal( $pkgver1, $pkgver2 )
-pkgver_equal() {
- if [[ $1 = *-* && $2 = *-* ]]; then
- # if both versions have a pkgrel, then they must be an exact match
- [[ $1 = "$2" ]]
- else
- # otherwise, trim any pkgrel and compare the bare version.
- [[ ${1%%-*} = "${2%%-*}" ]]
- fi
-# usage: find_cached_package( $pkgname, $pkgver, $arch )
-# $pkgver can be supplied with or without a pkgrel appended.
-# If not supplied, any pkgrel will be matched.
-find_cached_package() {
- local searchdirs=("$PWD" "$PKGDEST") results=()
- local targetname=$1 targetver=$2 targetarch=$3
- local dir pkg packages pkgbasename name ver rel arch r results
- for dir in "${searchdirs[@]}"; do
- [[ -d $dir ]] || continue
- shopt -s extglob nullglob
- mapfile -t packages < <(printf "%s\n" "$dir"/"${targetname}"-"${targetver}"-*"${targetarch}".pkg.tar?(.!(sig|*.*)))
- shopt -u extglob nullglob
- for pkg in "${packages[@]}"; do
- [[ -f $pkg ]] || continue
- # avoid adding duplicates of the same inode
- for r in "${results[@]}"; do
- [[ $r -ef $pkg ]] && continue 2
- done
- # split apart package filename into parts
- pkgbasename=${pkg##*/}
- pkgbasename=${pkgbasename%.pkg.tar*}
- arch=${pkgbasename##*-}
- pkgbasename=${pkgbasename%-"$arch"}
- rel=${pkgbasename##*-}
- pkgbasename=${pkgbasename%-"$rel"}
- ver=${pkgbasename##*-}
- name=${pkgbasename%-"$ver"}
- if [[ $targetname = "$name" && $targetarch = "$arch" ]] &&
- pkgver_equal "$targetver" "$ver-$rel"; then
- results+=("$pkg")
- fi
- done
- done
- case ${#results[*]} in
- 0)
- return 1
- ;;
- 1)
- printf '%s\n' "${results[0]}"
- return 0
- ;;
- *)
- error 'Multiple packages found:'
- printf '\t%s\n' "${results[@]}" >&2
- return 1
- esac
- local pkgfile=$1
- if grep -q "packager = Unknown Packager" <(bsdtar -xOqf "$pkgfile" .PKGINFO); then
- die "PACKAGER was not set when building package"
- fi
- hashsum=sha256sum
- pkgbuild_hash=$(awk -v"hashsum=$hashsum" -F' = ' '$1 == "pkgbuild_"hashsum {print $2}' <(bsdtar -xOqf "$pkgfile" .BUILDINFO))
- if [[ "$pkgbuild_hash" != "$($hashsum PKGBUILD|cut -d' ' -f1)" ]]; then
- die "PKGBUILD $hashsum mismatch: expected $pkgbuild_hash"
- fi
-# usage: grep_pkginfo pkgfile pattern
-grep_pkginfo() {
- local _ret=()
- mapfile -t _ret < <(bsdtar -xOqf "$1" ".PKGINFO" | grep "^${2} = ")
- printf '%s\n' "${_ret[@]#${2} = }"
-# Get the package name
-getpkgname() {
- local _name
- _name="$(grep_pkginfo "$1" "pkgname")"
- if [[ -z $_name ]]; then
- error "Package '%s' has no pkgname in the PKGINFO. Fail!" "$1"
- exit 1
- fi
- echo "$_name"
-# Get the package base or name as fallback
-getpkgbase() {
- local _base
- _base="$(grep_pkginfo "$1" "pkgbase")"
- if [[ -z $_base ]]; then
- getpkgname "$1"
- else
- echo "$_base"
- fi
-getpkgdesc() {
- local _desc
- _desc="$(grep_pkginfo "$1" "pkgdesc")"
- if [[ -z $_desc ]]; then
- error "Package '%s' has no pkgdesc in the PKGINFO. Fail!" "$1"
- exit 1
- fi
- echo "$_desc"
-is_debug_package() {
- local pkgfile=${1} pkgbase pkgname pkgdesc
- pkgbase="$(getpkgbase "${pkgfile}")"
- pkgname="$(getpkgname "${pkgfile}")"
- pkgdesc="$(getpkgdesc "${pkgfile}")"
- [[ ${pkgdesc} == "Detached debugging symbols for "* && ${pkgbase}-debug = "${pkgname}" ]]
-# globals
-: ${SOCACHE_DIR:="${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-${HOME}/.cache}/sogrep"}
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-# shellcheck disable=2034
- core
- extra
- community
- unsupported
-# shellcheck disable=2034
- extra
-# options
-source /usr/share/makepkg/util/
-source /usr/share/makepkg/util/
-recache() {
- local repo arch verbosity=-s
- (( VERBOSE )) && verbosity=--progress-bar
- for repo in "${_repos[@]}"; do
- for arch in "${arches[@]}"; do
- # delete extracted tarballs from previous sogrep versions
- rm -rf "${SOCACHE_DIR}/${arch}/${repo}"
- # fetch repo links database if newer than our cached copy
- local dbpath=${SOCACHE_DIR}/${arch}/${repo}.links.tar.gz
- mkdir -p "${dbpath%/*}"
- (( VERBOSE )) && echo "Fetching ${repo}.links.tar.gz..."
- if ! curl -fLR "${verbosity}" -o "${dbpath}" -z "${dbpath}" \
- "${SOLINKS_MIRROR}/${repo}/${repo}.links.tar.gz"; then
- echo "error: failed to download links database for repo ${repo}"
- exit 1
- fi
- done
- done
-is_outdated_cache() {
- local repo arch
- # links databases are generated at about the same time every day; we should
- # attempt to check for new database files if any of them are over a day old
- for repo in "${_repos[@]}"; do
- for arch in "${arches[@]}"; do
- local dbpath=${SOCACHE_DIR}/${arch}/${repo}.links.tar.gz
- if [[ ! -f ${dbpath} ]] || [[ $(find "${dbpath}" -mtime +0) ]]; then
- return 0
- fi
- done
- done
- return 1
-search() {
- local repo=$1 arch lib=$2 srepos=("${_repos[@]}")
- if [[ $repo != all ]]; then
- if ! in_array "${repo}" "${_repos[@]}"; then
- echo "${BASH_SOURCE[0]##*/}: unrecognized repo '$repo'"
- echo "Try '${BASH_SOURCE[0]##*/} --help' for more information."
- exit 1
- fi
- srepos=("${repo}")
- fi
- setup_workdir
- for arch in "${arches[@]}"; do
- for repo in "${srepos[@]}"; do
- local prefix=
- (( VERBOSE && ${#srepos[@]} > 1 )) && prefix=${repo}/
- local db=${SOCACHE_DIR}/${arch}/${repo}.links.tar.gz
- if [[ -f ${db} ]]; then
- local extracted=${WORKDIR}/${arch}/${repo}
- mkdir -p "${extracted}"
- bsdtar -C "${extracted}" -xf "${db}"
- while read -rd '' pkg; do
- read -r match
- pkg=${pkg#${extracted}/}
- pkg="${prefix}${pkg%-*-*/links}"
- if (( VERBOSE )); then
- printf '%-35s %s\n' "${pkg}" "${match}"
- else
- printf '%s\n' "${pkg}"
- fi
- done < <(grep -rZ "${lib}" "${extracted}") | sort -u
- fi
- done
- done | resort
-usage() {
- cat <<- _EOF_
- Check the soname links database for Arch Linux repositories containing
- packages linked to a given shared library. If the repository specified
- is "all", then all repositories will be searched, otherwise only the
- named repository will be searched.
- If the links database does not exist, it will be downloaded first.
- -v, --verbose Show matched links in addition to pkgname
- -r, --refresh Refresh the links databases
- -h, --help Show this help text
-# utility function to resort with multiple repos + no-verbose
-resort() { sort -u; }
-if (( $# == 0 )); then
- echo "error: No arguments passed."
- echo "Try '${BASH_SOURCE[0]##*/} --help' for more information."
- exit 1
-OPT_LONG=('verbose' 'refresh' 'help')
-if ! parseopts "$OPT_SHORT" "${OPT_LONG[@]}" -- "$@"; then
- exit 1
-set -- "${OPTRET[@]}"
-while :; do
- case $1 in
- -v|--verbose)
- resort() { cat; }
- ;;
- -r|--refresh)
- ;;
- -h|--help)
- usage
- exit 0
- ;;
- --)
- shift; break
- ;;
- esac
- shift
-if ! (( ( REFRESH && $# == 0 ) || $# == 2 )); then
- echo "error: Incorrect number of arguments passed."
- echo "Try '${BASH_SOURCE[0]##*/} --help' for more information."
- exit 1
-# trigger a refresh if requested explicitly or the cached dbs might be outdated
-if (( REFRESH )) || [[ ! -d ${SOCACHE_DIR} ]] || is_outdated_cache; then
- recache
- (( $# == 2 )) || exit 0
-search "$@"