path: root/xlap
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'xlap')
1 files changed, 715 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xlap b/xlap
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..2aecd0eeb003
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xlap
@@ -0,0 +1,715 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+from json import JSONDecodeError
+from pathlib import Path
+from pynput import keyboard
+from threading import Thread
+import json
+import os
+import signal
+import subprocess
+import gi
+gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0')
+from gi.repository import Gtk
+def gtk_module_exists(module_name):
+ try:
+ gi.require_version(module_name, '0.1')
+ except:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+if gtk_module_exists('AppIndicator3'):
+ from gi.repository import AppIndicator3
+elif gtk_module_exists('AyatanaAppIndicator3'):
+ from gi.repository import AyatanaAppIndicator3 as AppIndicator3
+ print('Requires either AppIndicator3 or AyatanaAppIndicator3')
+ exit(1)
+# ------------
+# ------------ Debug
+XLAP_DEBUG = os.environ.get('XLAP_DEBUG', None)
+# ------------
+# ------------ Config
+class Config:
+ window_margin_top = 30
+ window_margin_left = 30
+ screen_margin_bottom = 30
+ screen_margin_right = 30
+ notify_on_apply_layout = False
+ notify_on_launch = True
+ @staticmethod
+ def path():
+ return Path.home().joinpath(Path('.xlap-conf.json'))
+ @staticmethod
+ def apply():
+ print('\tapply')
+ conf_path = Config.path()
+ if not conf_path.exists():
+ with open(conf_path, 'w') as fp:
+ json.dump(conf_default, fp, indent=4)
+ with open(conf_path, 'r') as fp:
+ try:
+ data = json.load(fp)
+ if 'window_margin_top' in data:
+ Config.window_margin_top = data['window_margin_top']
+ if 'window_margin_left' in data:
+ Config.window_margin_left = data['window_margin_left']
+ if 'screen_margin_bottom' in data:
+ Config.screen_margin_bottom = data['screen_margin_bottom']
+ if 'screen_margin_right' in data:
+ Config.screen_margin_right = data['screen_margin_right']
+ if 'notify_on_apply_layout' in data:
+ Config.notify_on_apply_layout = data['notify_on_apply_layout']
+ if 'notify_on_launch' in data:
+ Config.notify_on_launch = data['notify_on_launch']
+ except JSONDecodeError:
+ Notify.notify(summary='Config not valid',
+ description='Using default config instead\n'
+ 'Check {conf_path} for errors'.format(conf_path=conf_path),
+ expire_time=10000)
+ print('\t\t', 'notify_on_apply_layout', Config.notify_on_apply_layout)
+conf_default = {
+ 'window_margin_top': Config.window_margin_top,
+ 'window_margin_left': Config.window_margin_left,
+ 'screen_margin_bottom': Config.screen_margin_bottom,
+ 'screen_margin_right': Config.screen_margin_right,
+ 'notify_on_apply_layout': Config.notify_on_apply_layout,
+ 'notify_on_launch': Config.notify_on_launch,
+ }
+class Layouts:
+ FULL_SCREEN = 'Full Screen'
+ MAXIMIZED = 'Maximized'
+ ALMOST_MAXIMIZED = 'Almost Maximized'
+ COL_50_LEFT = '50% Left'
+ COL_50_RIGHT = '50% Right'
+ COL_66_LEFT = '66% Left'
+ COL_66_RIGHT = '66% Right'
+ COL_33_LEFT = '33% Left'
+ COL_33_CENTER = '33% Center'
+ COL_33_RIGHT = '33% Right'
+ ROW_50_TOP = '50% Top'
+ ROW_50_BOTTOM = '50% Bottom'
+ ROW_66_TOP = '66% Top'
+ ROW_66_BOTTOM = '66% Bottom'
+ ROW_33_TOP = '33% Top'
+ ROW_33_CENTER = '33% Middle'
+ ROW_33_BOTTOM = '33% Bottom'
+ CELL_50_LEFT_TOP = '50% Top Left'
+ CELL_50_LEFT_BOTTOM = '50% Bottom Left'
+ CELL_50_RIGHT_TOP = '50% Top Right'
+ CELL_50_RIGHT_BOTTOM = '50% Bottom Right'
+ CELL_33_LEFT_TOP = '33% Top Left'
+ CELL_33_LEFT_CENTER = '33% Middle Left'
+ CELL_33_LEFT_BOTTOM = '33% Bottom Left'
+ CELL_33_CENTER_TOP = '33% Top Center'
+ CELL_33_CENTER_CENTER = '33% Middle Center'
+ CELL_33_CENTER_BOTTOM = '33% Bottom Center'
+ CELL_33_RIGHT_TOP = '33% Top Right'
+ CELL_33_RIGHT_CENTER = '33% Center Right'
+ CELL_33_RIGHT_BOTTOM = '33% Bottom Right'
+# ------------
+# ------------ Core
+def get_display_resolution():
+ """
+ get current display resolution
+ @return: width: int, height: int
+ """
+ print('\tget_display_resolution')
+ output = subprocess.getoutput('xdotool getdisplaygeometry')
+ output = output.split(' ')
+ width = output[0]
+ height = output[1]
+ print('\t\t', width, height)
+ return int(width), int(height)
+def get_active_window_id():
+ """
+ get id of focused window
+ @return: window_id: str
+ """
+ print('\tget_active_window_id')
+ output = subprocess.getoutput('xdotool getwindowfocus')
+ print('\t\t', output)
+ return output
+def get_window_position(window_id):
+ """
+ get window position by window id
+ @params: window_id: Str
+ @return: left: int, top: int
+ """
+ print('\tget_window_position', window_id)
+ output = subprocess.getoutput('xdotool getwindowgeometry {window_id} | grep Position'.format(window_id=window_id))
+ output = output.split(' ')
+ output = output[3].split(',')
+ left, top = output
+ print('\t\t', left, top)
+ return int(left), int(top)
+def get_connected_displays():
+ """
+ Get lsit of connected displays, their x and y start and ends
+ and offset if any based on display arrangement
+ @return: [{'x_start': int, 'x_end': int,
+ 'y_start': int, 'y_end': int,
+ 'offset_left': int, 'offset_top': int},
+ ...]
+ """
+ print('\tget_connected_displays')
+ lines = subprocess.getoutput('xrandr | grep " connected" | grep "x" | grep "+"').split('\n')
+ displays = []
+ for line in lines:
+ split = line.replace('primary ', '').split(' ')[2].split('+')
+ offset_left = int(split[1])
+ offset_top = int(split[2])
+ split = split[0].split('x')
+ width = int(split[0])
+ height = int(split[1])
+ x_start = offset_left
+ x_end = offset_left + width
+ y_start = offset_top
+ y_end = offset_top + height
+ displays.append({'x_start': x_start,
+ 'x_end': x_end,
+ 'y_start': y_start,
+ 'y_end': y_end,
+ 'offset_left': offset_left,
+ 'offset_top': offset_top})
+ print('\t\t', displays)
+ return displays
+def get_display_for_window(window_id):
+ """
+ Returns display for window_id
+ @param: window_id: str
+ @return: {'x_start': int, 'x_end': int,
+ 'y_start': int, 'y_end': int,
+ 'offset_left': int, 'offset_top': int}
+ """
+ print('\tdisplay', window_id)
+ left, top = get_window_position(window_id=window_id)
+ offset_left = 0
+ offset_top = 0
+ for display in get_connected_displays():
+ x_in_range = display['x_start'] <= left < display['x_end']
+ y_in_range = display['y_start'] <= top < display['y_end']
+ display_contains_window = x_in_range and y_in_range
+ if display_contains_window:
+ print('\t\t', display)
+ return display
+ print('\t\t', None)
+ return None
+def window_full_screen(window_id):
+ subprocess.getstatusoutput('xdotool windowstate --remove MAXIMIZED_HORZ {window_id}'.format(window_id=window_id))
+ subprocess.getstatusoutput('xdotool windowstate --remove MAXIMIZED_VERT {window_id}'.format(window_id=window_id))
+ subprocess.getstatusoutput('xdotool windowstate --add FULLSCREEN {window_id}'.format(window_id=window_id))
+def window_maximized(window_id):
+ subprocess.getstatusoutput('xdotool windowstate --remove FULLSCREEN {window_id}'.format(window_id=window_id))
+ subprocess.getstatusoutput('xdotool windowstate --add MAXIMIZED_HORZ {window_id}'.format(window_id=window_id))
+ subprocess.getstatusoutput('xdotool windowstate --add MAXIMIZED_VERT {window_id}'.format(window_id=window_id))
+def window_adjust(window_id, top, left, width, height):
+ print('\twindow_adjust', window_id, top, left, width, height)
+ # unmaximize
+ subprocess.getstatusoutput('xdotool windowstate --remove FULLSCREEN {window_id}'.format(window_id=window_id))
+ subprocess.getstatusoutput('xdotool windowstate --remove MAXIMIZED_HORZ {window_id}'.format(window_id=window_id))
+ subprocess.getstatusoutput('xdotool windowstate --remove MAXIMIZED_VERT {window_id}'.format(window_id=window_id))
+ # resize
+ subprocess.getstatusoutput('xdotool windowsize {window_id} {width} {height}'.format(window_id=window_id, width=width, height=height))
+ # position
+ subprocess.getstatusoutput('xdotool windowmove {window_id} {left} {top}'.format(window_id=window_id, left=left, top=top))
+window_state = {}
+layout_sequence = [
+ Layouts.FULL_SCREEN,
+ Layouts.MAXIMIZED,
+ Layouts.COL_50_LEFT,
+ Layouts.COL_50_RIGHT,
+ Layouts.COL_66_LEFT,
+ Layouts.COL_66_RIGHT,
+ Layouts.COL_33_LEFT,
+ Layouts.COL_33_CENTER,
+ Layouts.COL_33_RIGHT,
+ Layouts.ROW_50_TOP,
+ Layouts.ROW_50_BOTTOM,
+ Layouts.ROW_66_TOP,
+ Layouts.ROW_66_BOTTOM,
+ Layouts.ROW_33_TOP,
+ Layouts.ROW_33_CENTER,
+ Layouts.ROW_33_BOTTOM,
+ Layouts.CELL_50_LEFT_TOP,
+ Layouts.CELL_50_LEFT_BOTTOM,
+ Layouts.CELL_50_RIGHT_TOP,
+ Layouts.CELL_33_LEFT_TOP,
+ Layouts.CELL_33_LEFT_CENTER,
+ Layouts.CELL_33_LEFT_BOTTOM,
+ Layouts.CELL_33_CENTER_TOP,
+ Layouts.CELL_33_RIGHT_TOP,
+ ]
+def apply_layout(layout, window_id):
+ Config.apply()
+ print('\tapply_layout', layout, window_id)
+ display = get_display_for_window(window_id=window_id)
+ total_width = display['x_end'] - display['x_start'] - Config.screen_margin_right
+ total_height = display['y_end'] - display['y_start'] - Config.screen_margin_bottom
+ display_offset_left = display['offset_left']
+ display_offset_top = display['offset_top']
+ window_state[window_id] = layout_sequence.index(layout)
+ if layout == Layouts.FULL_SCREEN:
+ window_full_screen(window_id=window_id)
+ elif layout == Layouts.MAXIMIZED:
+ window_maximized(window_id=window_id)
+ else:
+ top = 0
+ left = 0
+ width = total_width
+ height = total_height
+ if layout == Layouts.ALMOST_MAXIMIZED:
+ pass
+ elif layout == Layouts.COL_50_LEFT:
+ top = 0
+ left = 0
+ width = int(total_width * 0.5)
+ height = total_height
+ elif layout == Layouts.COL_50_RIGHT:
+ top = 0
+ left = int(total_width * 0.5)
+ width = int(total_width * 0.5)
+ height = total_height
+ elif layout == Layouts.COL_66_LEFT:
+ top = 0
+ left = 0
+ width = int(total_width * 0.67)
+ height = total_height
+ elif layout == Layouts.COL_66_RIGHT:
+ top = 0
+ left = int(total_width * 0.34)
+ width = int(total_width * 0.66)
+ height = total_height
+ elif layout == Layouts.COL_33_LEFT:
+ top = 0
+ left = 0
+ width = int(total_width * 0.34)
+ height = total_height
+ elif layout == Layouts.COL_33_CENTER:
+ top = 0
+ left = int(total_width * 0.33)
+ width = int(total_width * 0.34)
+ height = total_height
+ elif layout == Layouts.COL_33_RIGHT:
+ top = 0
+ left = int(total_width * 0.67)
+ width = int(total_width * 0.33)
+ height = total_height
+ elif layout == Layouts.ROW_50_TOP:
+ top = 0
+ left = 0
+ width = total_width
+ height = int(total_height * 0.5)
+ elif layout == Layouts.ROW_50_BOTTOM:
+ top = int(total_height * 0.5)
+ left = 0
+ width = total_width
+ height = int(total_height * 0.5)
+ elif layout == Layouts.ROW_66_TOP:
+ top = 0
+ left = 0
+ width = total_width
+ height = int(total_height * 0.67)
+ elif layout == Layouts.ROW_66_BOTTOM:
+ top = int(total_height * 0.33)
+ left = 0
+ width = total_width
+ height = int(total_height * 0.67)
+ elif layout == Layouts.ROW_33_TOP:
+ top = 0
+ left = 0
+ width = total_width
+ height = int(total_height * 0.34)
+ elif layout == Layouts.ROW_33_CENTER:
+ top = int(total_height * 0.33)
+ left = 0
+ width = total_width
+ height = int(total_height * 0.34)
+ elif layout == Layouts.ROW_33_BOTTOM:
+ top = int(total_height * 0.66)
+ left = 0
+ width = total_width
+ height = int(total_height * 0.34)
+ elif layout == Layouts.CELL_50_LEFT_TOP:
+ top = 0
+ left = 0
+ width = int(total_width * 0.5)
+ height = int(total_height * 0.5)
+ elif layout == Layouts.CELL_50_LEFT_BOTTOM:
+ top = int(total_height * 0.5)
+ left = 0
+ width = int(total_width * 0.5)
+ height = int(total_height * 0.5)
+ elif layout == Layouts.CELL_50_RIGHT_TOP:
+ top = 0
+ left = int(total_width * 0.5)
+ width = int(total_width * 0.5)
+ height = int(total_height * 0.5)
+ elif layout == Layouts.CELL_50_RIGHT_BOTTOM:
+ top = int(total_height * 0.5)
+ left = int(total_width * 0.5)
+ width = int(total_width * 0.5)
+ height = int(total_height * 0.5)
+ elif layout == Layouts.CELL_33_LEFT_TOP:
+ top = 0
+ left = 0
+ width = int(total_width * 0.34)
+ height = int(total_height * 0.34)
+ elif layout == Layouts.CELL_33_LEFT_CENTER:
+ top = int(total_height * 0.33)
+ left = 0
+ width = int(total_width * 0.34)
+ height = int(total_height * 0.34)
+ elif layout == Layouts.CELL_33_LEFT_BOTTOM:
+ top = int(total_height * 0.66)
+ left = 0
+ width = int(total_width * 0.34)
+ height = int(total_height * 0.34)
+ elif layout == Layouts.CELL_33_CENTER_TOP:
+ top = 0
+ left = int(total_width * 0.33)
+ width = int(total_width * 0.34)
+ height = int(total_height * 0.34)
+ elif layout == Layouts.CELL_33_CENTER_CENTER:
+ top = int(total_height * 0.33)
+ left = int(total_width * 0.33)
+ width = int(total_width * 0.34)
+ height = int(total_height * 0.34)
+ elif layout == Layouts.CELL_33_CENTER_BOTTOM:
+ top = int(total_height * 0.66)
+ left = int(total_width * 0.33)
+ width = int(total_width * 0.34)
+ height = int(total_height * 0.34)
+ elif layout == Layouts.CELL_33_RIGHT_TOP:
+ top = 0
+ left = int(total_width * 0.67)
+ width = int(total_width * 0.33)
+ height = int(total_height * 0.34)
+ elif layout == Layouts.CELL_33_RIGHT_CENTER:
+ top = int(total_height * 0.33)
+ left = int(total_width * 0.67)
+ width = int(total_width * 0.33)
+ height = int(total_height * 0.34)
+ elif layout == Layouts.CELL_33_RIGHT_BOTTOM:
+ top = int(total_height * 0.66)
+ left = int(total_width * 0.67)
+ width = int(total_width * 0.33)
+ height = int(total_height * 0.34)
+ top = top + display_offset_top + Config.window_margin_top
+ left = left + display_offset_left + Config.window_margin_left
+ height = height - Config.window_margin_top
+ width = width - Config.window_margin_left
+ print('\t\t', 'window_state', window_state)
+ print('\t\t', 'display_offset_left, display_offset_top', display_offset_left, display_offset_top)
+ window_adjust(window_id=window_id,
+ top=top,
+ left=left,
+ width=width,
+ height=height)
+ # notify
+ if Config.notify_on_apply_layout:
+ Notify.notify(summary=layout)
+def prev_layout():
+ print('\nprev_layout')
+ active_window = get_active_window_id()
+ if active_window not in window_state:
+ window_state[active_window] = 1
+ else:
+ if window_state[active_window] == 0:
+ window_state[active_window] = len(layout_sequence) - 1
+ else:
+ window_state[active_window] = window_state[active_window] - 1
+ new_layout = layout_sequence[window_state[active_window]]
+ apply_layout(layout=new_layout, window_id=active_window)
+def next_layout():
+ print('\nnext_layout')
+ active_window = get_active_window_id()
+ if active_window not in window_state:
+ window_state[active_window] = 0
+ else:
+ if window_state[active_window] == len(layout_sequence) - 1:
+ window_state[active_window] = 0
+ else:
+ window_state[active_window] = window_state[active_window] + 1
+ new_layout = layout_sequence[window_state[active_window]]
+ apply_layout(layout=new_layout, window_id=active_window)
+# ------------
+# ------------ Hotkeys
+def hotkeys():
+ with keyboard.GlobalHotKeys({'<cmd>+<alt>+<left>': prev_layout,
+ '<cmd>+<alt>+<right>': next_layout, }) as h:
+ h.join()
+# ------------
+# ------------ Indicator
+menu_labels = [
+ {'label': 'Shuffle', 'type': 'MenuItem', 'disabled': True, },
+ {'label': 'Next layout (Super + Alt + →️)', 'type': 'MenuItem', },
+ {'label': 'Previous layout (Super + Alt + ←️)', 'type': 'MenuItem', },
+ {'label': 'SEPARATOR', 'type': 'separator', },
+ {'label': 'Single Window', 'type': 'MenuItem', 'disabled': True, },
+ {'label': Layouts.FULL_SCREEN, 'type': 'RadioMenuItem', },
+ {'label': Layouts.MAXIMIZED, 'type': 'RadioMenuItem', },
+ {'label': Layouts.ALMOST_MAXIMIZED, 'type': 'RadioMenuItem', },
+ {'label': 'SEPARATOR', 'type': 'separator', },
+ {'label': 'Columns', 'type': 'MenuItem', 'disabled': True, },
+ {'label': Layouts.COL_50_LEFT, 'type': 'RadioMenuItem', },
+ {'label': Layouts.COL_50_RIGHT, 'type': 'RadioMenuItem', },
+ {'label': 'More', 'sub_menu': [
+ {'label': Layouts.COL_66_LEFT, 'type': 'RadioMenuItem', },
+ {'label': Layouts.COL_66_RIGHT, 'type': 'RadioMenuItem', },
+ {'label': 'SEPARATOR', 'type': 'separator', },
+ {'label': Layouts.COL_33_LEFT, 'type': 'RadioMenuItem', },
+ {'label': Layouts.COL_33_CENTER, 'type': 'RadioMenuItem', },
+ {'label': Layouts.COL_33_RIGHT, 'type': 'RadioMenuItem', },
+ ]},
+ {'label': 'SEPARATOR', 'type': 'separator', },
+ {'label': 'Rows', 'type': 'MenuItem', 'disabled': True, },
+ {'label': Layouts.ROW_50_TOP, 'type': 'RadioMenuItem', },
+ {'label': Layouts.ROW_50_BOTTOM, 'type': 'RadioMenuItem', },
+ {'label': 'More', 'sub_menu': [
+ {'label': Layouts.ROW_66_TOP, 'type': 'RadioMenuItem', },
+ {'label': Layouts.ROW_66_BOTTOM, 'type': 'RadioMenuItem', },
+ {'label': 'SEPARATOR', 'type': 'separator', },
+ {'label': Layouts.ROW_33_TOP, 'type': 'RadioMenuItem', },
+ {'label': Layouts.ROW_33_CENTER, 'type': 'RadioMenuItem', },
+ {'label': Layouts.ROW_33_BOTTOM, 'type': 'RadioMenuItem', },
+ ]},
+ {'label': 'SEPARATOR', 'type': 'separator', },
+ {'label': 'Cells', 'type': 'MenuItem', 'disabled': True, },
+ {'label': '2x2', 'sub_menu': [
+ {'label': Layouts.CELL_50_LEFT_TOP, 'type': 'RadioMenuItem', },
+ {'label': Layouts.CELL_50_LEFT_BOTTOM, 'type': 'RadioMenuItem', },
+ {'label': 'SEPARATOR', 'type': 'separator', },
+ {'label': Layouts.CELL_50_RIGHT_TOP, 'type': 'RadioMenuItem', },
+ {'label': Layouts.CELL_50_RIGHT_BOTTOM, 'type': 'RadioMenuItem', },
+ ]},
+ {'label': '3x3', 'sub_menu': [
+ {'label': Layouts.CELL_33_LEFT_TOP, 'type': 'RadioMenuItem', },
+ {'label': Layouts.CELL_33_LEFT_CENTER, 'type': 'RadioMenuItem', },
+ {'label': Layouts.CELL_33_LEFT_BOTTOM, 'type': 'RadioMenuItem', },
+ {'label': 'SEPARATOR', 'type': 'separator', },
+ {'label': Layouts.CELL_33_CENTER_TOP, 'type': 'RadioMenuItem', },
+ {'label': Layouts.CELL_33_CENTER_CENTER, 'type': 'RadioMenuItem', },
+ {'label': Layouts.CELL_33_CENTER_BOTTOM, 'type': 'RadioMenuItem', },
+ {'label': 'SEPARATOR', 'type': 'separator', },
+ {'label': Layouts.CELL_33_RIGHT_TOP, 'type': 'RadioMenuItem', },
+ {'label': Layouts.CELL_33_RIGHT_CENTER, 'type': 'RadioMenuItem', },
+ {'label': Layouts.CELL_33_RIGHT_BOTTOM, 'type': 'RadioMenuItem', }, ]},
+ {'label': 'SEPARATOR', 'type': 'separator', },
+ {'label': 'Xlap', 'type': 'MenuItem', 'disabled': True, },
+ {'label': 'About', 'type': 'MenuItem', },
+ {'label': 'Settings', 'type': 'MenuItem', },
+ {'label': 'SEPARATOR', 'type': 'separator', },
+ {'label': 'Exit', 'type': 'MenuItem', },
+ ]
+def on_menu_item_activate(menu_item):
+ label = menu_item.get_label()
+ not_layouts = ['Next layout (Super + Alt + →️)',
+ 'Previous layout (Super + Alt + ←️)',
+ 'More',
+ '2x2',
+ '3x3',
+ 'About',
+ 'Settings',
+ 'Exit']
+ if label in not_layouts:
+ if label == 'Next layout (Super + Alt + →️)':
+ next_layout()
+ elif label == 'Previous layout (Super + Alt + ←️)':
+ prev_layout()
+ elif label == 'About':
+ subprocess.getoutput('xdg-open')
+ elif label == 'Settings':
+ subprocess.getoutput('xdg-open {conf_path}'.format(conf_path=Config.path()))
+ elif label == 'Exit':
+ os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGTERM)
+ else:
+ layout = label
+ window_id = get_active_window_id()
+ apply_layout(layout=layout, window_id=window_id)
+def generate_menu_item(list):
+ menu_items = []
+ for item in list:
+ label = item['label']
+ if 'sub_menu' in item:
+ menu_item = Gtk.MenuItem(label=label)
+ menu_item.set_reserve_indicator(True)
+ sub_menu = Gtk.Menu()
+ sub_menu_items = generate_menu_item(item['sub_menu'])
+ for sub_menu_item in sub_menu_items:
+ sub_menu.append(sub_menu_item)
+ menu_item.set_submenu(sub_menu)
+ elif item['type'] == 'separator':
+ menu_item = Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem()
+ elif item['type'] == 'RadioMenuItem':
+ # menu_item = Gtk.RadioMenuItem(label=item['label'])
+ menu_item = Gtk.MenuItem(label=label)
+ else:
+ menu_item = Gtk.MenuItem(label=label)
+ if 'disabled' in item and item['disabled']:
+ Gtk.Widget.set_sensitive(menu_item, False)
+ menu_item.connect('activate', on_menu_item_activate)
+ menu_items.append(menu_item)
+ return menu_items
+def generate_menu():
+ menu = Gtk.Menu()
+ menu_items = generate_menu_item(menu_labels)
+ for menu_item in menu_items:
+ menu.append(menu_item)
+ menu.show_all()
+ return menu
+def indicator():
+ icon = 'face-monkey'
+ indicator ='xlap', icon, AppIndicator3.IndicatorCategory.SYSTEM_SERVICES)
+ indicator.set_icon_full(icon, 'Window snap assistant for Xfce and the X Window System')
+ indicator.set_title('Xlap')
+ indicator.set_menu(generate_menu())
+ indicator.set_status(AppIndicator3.IndicatorStatus.ACTIVE)
+ Gtk.main()
+# ------------
+# ------------ Notify
+class Notify:
+ @staticmethod
+ def notify(summary, description='', icon='face-monkey', app_name='Xlap', expire_time=1500):
+ subprocess.getstatusoutput('notify-send '
+ '--icon={icon} '
+ '--app-name={app_name} '
+ '--expire-time {expire_time} '
+ '"{summary}" '
+ '"{description}"'.format(description=description,
+ summary=summary,
+ icon=icon,
+ app_name=app_name,
+ expire_time=expire_time))
+# ------------
+# ------------ Main
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ Thread(target=hotkeys).start()
+ Thread(target=indicator).start()
+ Config.apply()
+ if Config.notify_on_launch:
+ Notify.notify('Xlap launched', expire_time=2500)