path: root/.SRCINFO
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2021-09-25Updated to release 1.0.5Ashley Roll
2021-07-21Updated to release 0.90.2Ashley Roll
2021-05-10Updated to release 0.88.2Ashley Roll
2021-03-20Updated to new release 0.86.3Ashley Roll
With thanks to @Tomxey for providing the needed changes.
2020-10-18Updated to version 0.78.5Ashley Roll
2020-09-05Updated to version 0.78.3Ashley Roll
2020-04-30Initial version.Ashley Roll
Installed as per instructions from the manual instal package from the source web site. Couldn't just add path to bin folder as the application appears to need to be launched from the `/usr/local/AstroDMx_Capture/bin` so I created and alias `astrodmx` that changes to that folder, runs and then returns to starting folder.