path: root/.SRCINFO
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
3 daysSplit into bertini-{common,serial,parallel}Vitalii Kuzhdin
2024-08-10Rewrite as a single pkgbaseVitalii Kuzhdin
2024-08-09Disable MPI support, clean upVitalii Kuzhdin
2024-07-08Update http:// to https:// protocol and updpkgsumAlexander Kobel
2022-04-14Update to 1.6-2 (new sha256sum)Alexander Kobel
2019-03-20update to 1.6Alexander Kobel
2016-03-16update to 1.5-2Alexander Kobel
remove makedepends bison and flex because they are in base-devel
2016-02-12Initial importAlexander Kobel