path: root/.SRCINFO
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2021-05-03updateNicola Murino
2021-05-03updateNicola Murino
2021-05-01updateNicola Murino
2021-04-30updateNicola Murino
2021-04-22updateNicola Murino
2021-04-08update to branch compatible with gnome 40Nicola Murino
2020-10-05update to v69Nicola Murino
2020-06-04update to include latest localization fixesNicola Murino
2020-05-18update to 68+5+g6fba295Nicola Murino
2020-04-20Update to v68Nicola Murino
2020-04-19fix icon sizeNicola Murino
2020-04-19Update to 67+81+g3e1d49aNicola Murino
2020-03-19Update to 67+72+gc580048Nicola Murino
2020-03-18Update to 67+71+g811c2a2Nicola Murino
2020-03-17Update to the latest 3-36 branchNicola Murino
2020-03-14Update to the latest 3-36 branchNicola Murino
2020-03-13fix some visual issuesNicola Murino
2020-03-08switch to gnome-3-36 branchNicola Murino
2019-11-08update to current masterNicola Murino
it contains several translations update and fixes
2019-10-06Update to v67Nicola Murino
2019-09-22v66+141-g908a050-1Nicola Murino
2019-09-20switch to ubuntu dock branchNicola Murino
This is needed to make the extension work with gnome 3.34
2019-03-17update to 66-1Nicola Murino
2019-02-22Updated to v65Nicola Murino
2018-08-28Update to 64-1Nicola Murino
2018-04-03Update to 63-1Nicola Murino
2017-12-24Update to version 62Nicola Murino
2017-09-24updated to v61Nicola Murino
simplified PKGBUILD
2017-07-28propagate upstream updateXZS
Multi-monitor-support further improved and the window previews are now assorted into a separate menu, bindable to any click option. The usual bug fixes and translation updates accompany these new features.
2017-07-28propagate upstream updateXZS
Besides the usual bug fixes and translation updates, docks can now be placed on multiple monitors. A new click option was also added. Version 58 introduced a regression and was thus skipped.
2017-04-04propagate upstream updateXZS
Apart from minor bugfixes and translation updates, the hotkey numbers of the panel icons can now be displayed. Compatibility to the upcoming gnome shell version 3.24 is also already included.
2017-03-07propagate upstream updateXZS
This version improved Wayland compatibility and added new features: The windows can now be previewed from the dock icons which can also be scrolled through with the mouse wheel, keyboard shortcuts can be defined, and the border of the dock gained more customizability.
2016-11-02choose newest extension sourceXZS
Some extensions authors introduce build steps required before installing. Their execution normally produces a completed variant of the extension code in a subdirectory, difficult to tell apart from the original source. The find condition introduced herein proves the process against such cases to come. It always chooses the files created last, ensuring that a build which occurred after mere unpacking will always take precedence.
2016-11-02propagate upstream updateXZS
This release only fixes a few bugs.
2016-09-22propagate upstream updateXZS
Apart from translation updates and improvements in configuration options, the upcoming gnome-shell version 3.22 is already supported.
2016-07-20break long linesXZS
According to the Arch Packaging Standards [1], lines in a PKGBUILD should be no longer than 100 characters and package descriptions should cap at 80. This does not change the contents of the built package, so the pkgver stays unchanged. [1]:
2016-03-23propagate upstream updateXZS
Apart from translation updates, the intellihide machinery has been optimized. The extension can now also be active with full screen windows and supports the upcoming gnome-shell version 3.20. Fortunately, the same dash-to-dock release applies to gnome-shell 3.18 and 3.20 as well. This saves the hassle of rewriting the code that extracts the download link from the webpage and provides the hopeful perspective that transition will be effortless when the next stable shell version hits the Arch Linux repositories.
2016-03-23remove mksrcinfo headerXZS
This reverts "add mksrcinfo header". The .SRCINFO is now generated by "makepkg --printsrcinfo" which does no longer include any header since commit f63854f [1], released with pacman version 5.0.1. [1]:
2016-02-19adopt package to collectionXZS
This package is now again maintained as part of the collection of gnome-shell-extensions and related templates on GitHub. <>
2016-02-19use original imageXZS
Meanwhile, the bug in librsvg was fixed upstream. [1] The maintainer of the extension cared for the issue as well [2] and was so kind to rework the image not to trigger it to begin with [3]. So there is no need to patch the image any longer and the respective last two commits since "patch up unreadable image" can be reverted, bringing this package as close to upstream as it has been. This change does not increase the pkgrel as there is no functional change to be shipped out. Already installed packages will continue to work without the need of an update. [1]: [2]: [3]:
2015-12-08add dependency needed for patching upXZS
The imagemagick package contains the convert program needed for the interim fix.
* revert update to v48, because that version is only for gnome 3.14
* switch to sha256sums
2015-07-10initial import from legacy