path: root/.SRCINFO
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2016-09-22support arbitrary integrity checksXZS
The git-makepkg-templates switched to dynamic adaptation to integrity checks chosen in makepkg.conf. [1] The default checksums chosen reflect recommendations from the Arch Linux Wiki and manual pages. [2] [1]: [2]:
2016-06-13source from upstreamXZS
This does not switch the source back to the original upstream, which did not merge the pull request mentioned in the last commit "source from fork" modifying this package, which caused the digression. Instead, another fork was chosen, because it seems to be the most active, already having pulled together multiple other forks, one of them the aforementioned. Its maintainer also took over the closely related window buttons extension.
2016-03-23remove mksrcinfo headerXZS
This reverts "add mksrcinfo header". The .SRCINFO is now generated by "makepkg --printsrcinfo" which does no longer include any header since commit f63854f [1], released with pacman version 5.0.1. [1]:
2016-02-07version provided non-git variantXZS
Other packages usually depend on the package without any -git suffix. This makes it possible to als satisfy these dependency requirements when they target specific versions or version ranges.
2015-12-06add mksrcinfo headerXZS
The new version of mksrcinfo released with the recent update to pkgbuild-introspection adds a header to all .SRCINFO files.
2015-10-28source from forkXZS
This introduces shell version 3.18 compatibility. A pull request [1] is already filed, but not merged a few weeks since, so compatibility is shipped out via the fork until upstream merges. [1]:
2015-08-06sort package functionsXZS
Sorting the template inclusion by the order of their package functions being called showed a bug swallowing dependencies. Misusing the indexed array of dependencies placed the element assigned by a key in first position always overwriting an already present element. Using a symbolic number makes it work fine as long as it is ensured that this number is greater than the number of dependencies, which should be fairly probable with 125.
2015-08-06switch back to original sourceXZS
The original maintainer greatly updated the code, fixed many bugs and made it officially compatible with the latest shell version. So the package can use this source instead of a fork again.
2015-07-28intital import from old AUR version 3XZS