path: root/.SRCINFO
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-10-25Bump to 3.1.22Alex Xu (Hello71)
2016-07-14Fix pkgrel.Alex Xu (Hello71)
2016-07-14Bump to 3.1.21.Alex Xu (Hello71)
2016-03-22Actually update to Qt 5.Alex Xu (Hello71)
2016-02-16Bump to 3.1.20.g7f116e7, fixes WrongToken on relogAlex Xu (Hello71)
2016-02-12Update .SRCINFOAlex Xu (Hello71)
2015-10-26Rollback to qt4, need to get qt5 working with cmakeSamuel Damashek
2015-10-26Bump to 3.1.18, use qt5Samuel Damashek
2015-06-12Initial import from AUR packageSamuel Damashek