path: root/.SRCINFO
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2016-06-21upgpkg: nodejs-brunch 2.8.2-1Micha Alt
upstream release and license update No changelog since 2.8.0
2016-05-24upgpkg: nodejs-brunch 2.8.0-1Micha Alt
upstream release Brunch 2.8 (May 21, 2016) * Added plugin API for asset compilation e.g. jade to html. * Watcher improvements: * Brunch will not try to npm install if only the config was changed. * NPM: improved handling of added & removed files during watch. Adding a new file will now try to re-check files that previously failed due to module resolution errors. Removing a file will now cause the files that depended on it to be re-checked. * Fixed a memory leak issue after watcher reload (due to config change or update in package.json). * Small API improvements: * Changed back to destinationPath (intsead of destPath since 2.6) in Asset that is received in onCompile * Moved config.plugins.npm to config.npm.compilers * Print a warning if a plugin from devDependencies fails to load. * NPM: require.alias will now be inserted only in the bundles which contain the aliased file. Previous behavior was that all output file contained all possible aliases.
2016-05-08upgpkg: nodejs-brunch 2.7.7-1Micha Alt
upstream release Still no changelog from upstream.
2016-04-29upgpkg: nodejs-brunch 2.7.4-1Micha Alt
upstream release No changelog by now.
2016-04-17upgpkg: nodejs-brunch 2.6.6-1Micha Alt
upstream release Complete changelog since 2.6.0 Brunch 2.6.6 (Apr 14, 2016) * Fix a type error when checkin if a file was written. * Don't categorize node_modules as 'assets' even if they match the regexp * Fixed brokenness of some plugins like static-jade-brunch. * Fixes parent recompilation when a dependency changes. * Improved npm install behavior while Brunch is watching: * Make sure Brunch waits for it before proceeding. * Make it aware of production env flag for Heroku. * Small bugfix for dependency parser.
2016-04-08upgpkg: nodejs-brunch 2.6.5-1Micha Alt
upstream release Complete changelog since 2.6.0 * Fixed brokenness of some plugins like static-jade-brunch. * Fixes parent recompilation when a dependency changes. * Improved npm install behavior while Brunch is watching: * Make sure Brunch waits for it before proceeding. * Make it aware of production env flag for Heroku. * Small bugfix for dependency parser. Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
2016-04-08upgpkg: nodejs-brunch 2.6.4-1Micha Alt
upstream release Brunch 2.6.3 (Apr 6, 2016) * Fixes parent recompilation when a dependency changes. Brunch 2.6.2 (Apr 5, 2016) * Improved npm install behavior while Brunch is watching: * Make sure Brunch waits for it before proceeding. * Make it aware of production env flag for Heroku.
2016-04-04upgpkg: nodejs-brunch 2.6.1-1Micha Alt
upstream release Brunch 2.6.1 (Apr 2, 2016) * Non-JS files can now output JS modules. - You are now able to import stylesheets from Sass, Less, CSS in JS. - For this to work, don't forget to enable proper config option for each plugin. * Added experimental support for entryPoints, a smarter alternative to joinTo: - joinTo concatenates all files that match the pattern into one - entryPoints allow you to specify first input file. Then Brunch automatically calculates which modules and dependencies will be used in the output. This way, unused files would not get compiled. * Add support for BRUNCH_JOBS environment variable to be able to specify number of jobs to process your build. * Fixed an issue when Brunch was forking processes even if -j flag was not passed which caused some extreme CPU and memory issues. * Deprecated onCompile config option in favor of new hooks.onCompile.
2016-03-24upgpkg: nodejs-brunch 2.5.3-1Micha Alt
upstream release No changelog for 2.5.3 Brunch 2.5.2 (Mar 22, 2016) * Fixed double inclusion of some files on Windows. * Fixed an issue when joinTo production override did not have any effect. Brunch 2.5.1 (Mar 18, 2016) * Fixed loading of JSON files.
2016-03-16upgpkg: nodejs-brunch 2.5.0-1Micha Alt
upstream release Brunch 2.5.0 (Mar 16, 2016) * Improved NPM support: * Added support for scoped npm packages, like @cycle/dom. * Brunch will now try to npm install if you try to require a package that is present in package.json but was not installed. * optionalDependencies are now correctly ignored when not present. * peerDepdenencides are treated as required ones. * Improperly-cased requires (like React instead of react) will now throw compile errors. * Fixed npm mail file resolving which was not working before in some cases (rx). * Support for file extensions: * Brunch will now register CommonJS modules using full names of the files, and create aliases without extensions to allow you to use both styles of requires. * Basically these cases are possible & different now: require('file.json') and require('file.js') * Parallel builds: Bringing up to 50% performance improvement with just one simple flag. * You can use the -j 2 / 4 flag with build / watch to parallelize CPU-bould tasks in your build. See docs/ for more details. * React hot load support: * Bumped commonjs-require-definition to allow resetting modules, which can be used for live JS reloading with the updated auto-reload-brunch * Improved output for JavaScript files. * Allow to specify again conventions.vendor as an anymatch set.
2016-02-25upgpkg: nodejs-brunch 2.4.2-1Micha Alt
upstream release Brunch 2.4.2 (Feb 23, 2016) * You can now simply set config.modules = false to disable module wrapping. Brunch 2.4.0 (Feb 22, 2016) * Brunch would now correctly include file-based aliases for NPM packages. For example, this means you would be able to load require('moment/locales/en') even though the file is not declared in moment's package.json. * Fixed auto-expanding of GH URLs in skeletons: brunch new --skeleton paulmillr/brunch-with-chaplin * Removed component.js support, which was barely supported since v2.0. * Added warning for versions of NPM <3, because Brunch does not work on those. * Improved error handling.
2016-02-22upgpkg: nodejs-brunch 2.4.0-1Micha Alt
upstream release Brunch 2.4.0 (Feb 22, 2016) * Brunch would now correctly include file-based aliases for NPM packages. For example, this means you would be able to load require('moment/locales/en') even though the file is not declared in moment's package.json. * You can now simply set config.modules = false to disable module wrapping. * Removed component.js support, which was barely supported since v2.0. * Added warning for versions of NPM <3, because Brunch does not work on those. * Improved error handling.
2016-02-19upgpkg: nodejs-brunch 2.3.2-1Micha Alt
upstream release Brunch 2.3.2 (Feb 17, 2016) * Small fix for xBrowserResolve is not a function error. Brunch 2.3.1 (Feb 17, 2016) * Fixed handling of custom web-servers for brunch watch -s. * Improved exposure of process.env.NODE_ENV when used in Brunch apps. * NPM: Fixed support for different versions of the same package.
2016-02-15upgpkg: nodejs-brunch 2.3.0-1Micha Alt
upstream release Brunch 2.3.0 (Feb 12, 2016) * Enabled NPM support by default * NPM: Added aliases support * NPM: Added support for including static files. * NPM: Added support for different versions of the same package. * NPM: Watcher would detect removed packages from users source code and then do a corresponding recompilation. * NPM: Added support for json files. * onCompile config option now receives modified assets as a second argument. * server config option now allows to specify custom hostnames * New warning: When brunch w -s -p 3334 is used (instead of -P) * New warning: When defaultExtension option is used. It has been removed in Brunch 1.1, but many configs still have it.
2016-02-03upgpkg: nodejs-brunch 2.2.3-1Micha Alt
upstream release Brunch 2.2.3 (Feb 2, 2016) * Windows-related fixed to NPM * Don't include some NPM packages twice (process etc).
2016-01-28upgpkg: nodejs-brunch 2.2.2-1Micha Alt
upstream release Brunch 2.2.2 (Jan 28, 2016) * Built-in node.js modules can now be loaded in your client-side apps. * Improve compatibility with Brunch 1.x.
2016-01-27upgpkg: nodejs-brunch 2.2.1-1Micha Alt
upstream release Brunch 2.2.1 (Jan 26, 2016) * Some fixes for the NPM to work better on Windows systems.
2016-01-23upgpkg: nodejs-brunch 2.2.0-1Micha Alt
upstream releasen 22, 2016) * Massively improved NPM integration: - Brunch would now automatically detect and extract all npm packages. - Because of this, whitelist property is now not needed. - Windows implementation should now work correctly. * brunch new launched with old syntax would now throw a descriptive error. * Improved progress indicator. It would not allow plugins to write output on top of it.
2016-01-10upgpkg: nodejs-brunch 2.1.3-1Micha Alt
upstream release Brunch 2.1.3 (Jan 9, 2016) * Fixes an issue when NPM packages were included incorrectly on Windows. * brunch build -d is now able to receive an optional filterer argument
2016-01-08upgpkg: nodejs-brunch 2.1.2-1Micha Alt
upstream release Brunch 2.1.2 (Jan 7, 2016) * brunch new and brunch build hangup fixes. * NPM integration fixes
2016-01-03upgpkg: nodejs-brunch 2.1.1-1Micha Alt
upstream release Brunch 2.1.1 (Jan 2, 2016) * Fixes an issue when sass-brunch or similar plugins weren't compiling files correctly. Brunch 2.1.0 (Jan 1, 2016) * Brunch would now indicate progress for long builds, like that: (4s) Compiling => Compiling. => Compiling.. * Massively improved debug output (-d) readability. * Now throwing correct import errors (gh-1053, gh-1041). * NPM integration was hugely reworked. Disabled by default for now. 1. With config.npm.enabled = true, all non-brunch NPM packages would be loaded automatically. 2. To exclude packages, specify the blacklist: config.npm = {blacklist: ['express']} 3. To include packages manually, specify the whitelist: config.npm = {whitelist: ['react', 'react-dom', 'pikaday']}
2015-12-23upgpkg: nodejs-brunch 2.0.4-2Micha Alt
Removed empty folder /usr/etc
2015-12-17upgpkg: nodejs-brunch 2.0.4-1Micha Alt
upstream release Brunch 2.0.4 (Dec 10, 2015) * Fixes using production flag (-p) with multiple optimizers (gh-1056). Brunch 2.0.3 (Dec 9, 2015) * Brunch would now auto-expand the following syntax to a full GitHub user / repo URL: * brunch new --skeleton paulmillr/brunch-with-chaplin Brunch 2.0.2 (Dec 5, 2015) * Fix: Post onCompile string replaces not working. * Fix: Linters now get the correct linter context.
2015-11-30upgpkg: nodejs-brunch 2.0.1-1Micha Alt
upstream release Version bump.
2015-11-21upgpkg: nodejs-brunch 2.0.0-1Micha Alt
upstream release Changelog: - brunch new reworked and simplified: - brunch new . to create a new project in current directory from dead-simple skeleton - brunch new path to create the project in path - brunch new . --skeleton react to create the project from React skeleton - Now allowing to clone skeletons to dirs with .git directory. - General speed & stability improvements. - Rewritten in JavaScript. Now requires node 4.0 or higher. - Switched -p and -P. -p now specifies --production build and -P now specifies watch server port. - modules.autoRequire should now work correctly on Windows.
2015-08-07Version bump: 1.8.4 -> 1.8.5Micha Alt
Upstream changes: * Only listen to stdin (and exit when stdin is closed) when the --stdin CLI switch is passed
2015-08-04Version bump: 1.8.3 -> 1.8.4Micha Alt
Changes from upstream: * Add modules.autoRequire option that would automatically append require('module') to your javascript outputs. Local change: * .gitignore added.
2015-06-08Initial commit: nodejs-brunch 1.8.3-1Micha Alt