path: root/.SRCINFO
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-06-21upgpkg: regolith-full 1.6-19Matt
pkgrel bump
2023-06-20upgpkg: regolith-full 1.6-18Matt
fix forgetting to modify meta deps
2023-06-20upgpkg: regolith-full 1.6-18Matt
Consolodate all the i3xrocks blocks/scripts into one package instead of like 15
2023-06-20upgpkg: regolith-full 1.6-17Matt
Fix loop in PKGBUILD
2023-06-20upgpkg: regolith-full 1.6-17Matt
fix weird new behavior in regolith-full
2023-02-09upgpkg: regolith-full 1.6-15Matt
update regolith-i3xrocks-config tag
2023-01-10upgpkg: regolith-full 1.6-14gardotd426
pkrel bump now that i3-gaps is dead and i3-wm has added i3-gaps functionality
2022-07-24upgpkg: regolith-full 1.6-13gardotd426
Update pkgrel for dependency fix
2022-06-20upgpkg: regolith-full 1.6-12gardotd426
Force v1.6 for i3xrocks config until I finish the move to v2.0
2022-01-24upgpkg: regolith-full 1.6-11gardotd426
pkgrel bump
2021-11-22upgpkg: regolith-full 1.6-10gardotd426
Add ayu-theme to the provides and conflicts, so ArcoLinux users can use this
2021-11-15upgpkg: regolith-full 1.6-9gardotd426
Bump pkgrel
2021-11-10upgpkg: regolith-full 1.6-8gardotd426
Fix rofication.patch
2021-11-04upgpkg: regolith-full 1.6-7gardotd426
1.6-7, refactor i3xrocks modules, fix rofication theming, other stuff
2021-10-29upgpkg: regolith-full 1.6-6gardotd426
1.6-6, take 3 (lol accidentally deleted the Maintainer: line comment. Lawd.
2021-10-29upgpkg: regolith-full 1.6-5gardotd426
2021-10-20upgpkg: regolith-full 1.6-4gardotd426
2021-10-18upgpkg: regolith-full 1.6-3gardotd426
Split i3xrocks blocklets into individual packgaes
2021-09-30upgpkg: regolith-full 1.6-2gardotd426
Add remontoire to PKGBUILD as remontoire-git seems to be unmaintained
2021-09-30upgpkg: regolith-full 1.6-1gardotd426
upstream release Add picom to meta-package to give full DE experience
2021-09-29Create repositorygardotd426