path: root/.SRCINFO
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-01-30v3.0.0-2Ranieri Althoff
2020-01-23v3.0.0Ranieri Althoff
2019-12-11v2.10.0-2Ranieri Althoff
2019-11-26v2.10.0Ranieri Althoff
2019-07-09Update to v2.6.0Ulysses Rangel Ribeiro
2019-06-26Update to ROCm 2.5.0Ulysses Rangel Ribeiro
2019-05-11Update to ROCm 2.4.0Ulysses Rangel Ribeiro
2019-04-23Update to ROCm 2.3.0Ulysses Rangel Ribeiro
2019-03-17Fix patch file pathUlysses Rangel Ribeiro
2019-03-17Forgot update .SRCINFOUlysses Rangel Ribeiro
2019-03-17Add fix_rocm_opencl_build_order.patch to source and sha256sumsUlysses Rangel Ribeiro
2019-03-17Initial importUlysses Rangel Ribeiro