path: root/.SRCINFO
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2024-04-04Update to v0.8.5loh.tar
- Switch Qt5 => Qt6 The last time mentioned error message seems to be gone and to avoid the exra debug package you need to config Arch, already forgot where exact, ask the Wiki
2024-03-15Update to v0.8.4loh.tar
- Add/Fix liccense setting Hm, there is an error massage about missig stuff, no mood now to look at it. It still seems to work anyway /usr/share/makepkg/tidy/ Zeile 48: debugedit: Kommando nicht gefunden. And I now notice that there will be also a debug pakage created, Oops? A quick search got this
2022-07-20Update to v0.8.3loh.tar
2022-06-29Update to v0.8.2loh.tar
2019-01-12Update to v0.8.1 PkgRel 3loh.tar
Add qt5-svg as dependency to avoid unexpected missing status icon See
2018-12-12Update to v0.8.1 PkgRel 2loh.tar
Add post install hint to look at the README
2018-11-15Update to v0.8.1loh.tar
2018-09-28Update to v0.8loh.tar
2018-07-13Update to v0.7.1loh.tar
2018-07-12Hello Arch-World!loh.tar